should i do a colon cleanse?

im trying to lose weight but when i start to workout i get sluggish and bloated, and not from fatigue because it happens within 5 minutes of starting to do any form of cardio workout. and my bloatedness doesn’t go away fro a few hours after i stop working out. so i was wondering if doing a colon cleanse would fix this problem? its not much of a problem its just uncomfortable. im looking into home ones that you can do with pills, like the slim quick one. any advise on ones you have tried would be nice thanks

wht kind of natural remedies are great for children?

What kind of herbal remedies do you feel really work for your child?
Whether it’s resuce remedy, or a great herbal blend for tea..I would like to know what you use for your children, (or plan to use for your future children!)

My two year old son love love LOVES to drink herbal teas (no caffeine,just things like catnip, peppermint,chamomile and lavender etc.)
The best is the chamomile and lavender blend, which chills him right out~

Best answer gets 10 points..but I’ll give a bonus 10 imaginary points!!

Could I have a thyroid condition?


I think I might have a slow or malfunctioning thyroid. I am tired often, and sleep very late and still feel tired. I can sleep 10 hours and still need caffeine to get going. Losing weight is next to impossible. One time I ate 1000 calories a day for two months and lost almost no weight. My mind feels fuzzy, often, and I am getting forgetful. My eyes are light-sensitive, I have tinnitus, and I seem to lose more hair than most people.

In fact, I have a whole lot of symptoms of hypothyroidism – except for one – I’m not cold all the time. In summer I am usually hot and dislike temperatures above 70. But then, in winter, my feet get really cold even at normal room temp.

Any thoughts? (Yes, I know I need to talk to my doctor, and I will. I’m just curious what others might think too.)

Click here to visit Thyroid Diet Coach.

Plleeaasse help me! I nneeeeeddd a natural remedy!?

Hi! So, I have been having a bladder infection, I found out today when I went to the doc’s. They prescribed me an anti biotic. But, I just can’t bring myself to take such an unatural pill that weakens the immune system and causes such bad side effects. PLEASE help me! I am big on natural remedies and have been taking d manoss. Right now I’m sipping cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar, staring at the bottle of pills I was prescribed. I CAN’T DO IT! If I take these remedies, how will I know if the infection is gone, or if it is spreading to my kidneys. I’m scared (because my symtoms are so mild) that I won’t know weather I have it or not and it will become serious! What to do? Thanks!

Thyroid condition/cancer?

In April I had a general viral infection that attacked my thyroid and made it go crazy. Supposedly, by my blood-work, my thyroid is better. There was a chance that I could lean towards hypothyroidism, but the test was negative for it. However, I still show some symptoms of a thyroid problem. Fatigue, neck pain, insomnia, dry skin, irregular period etc. Could I still have a problem that didn’t show up on the blood work? Or rather, if I had thyroid cancer, would my blood work show it?

Also, I have just started college, so I am under stress, but I have been more directly stressed out many times in my life and never had this many problems.

Click here to visit Thyroid Diet Coach.

Will I End Up With A Thyroid Condition?


I am 15 and a girl and I am african american.Thyroid conditions run on my dad’s side of the family and some of them have wound up with goiters and everything.I am super scared.All my life,I have always had a weight problem.I weigh about 170 lbs and am 5″7.However,everyone says I look about 140 lbs.I have lost 10 lbs from not really doing anything,I just suddenly lost it and I haven’t gained it back.(I was 180 lbs and now I am 170 lbs.)I have nice shoulder(okay,it’s past my shoulder) length hair and it is permed and I have not noticed any significant hair loss.But I am scared that I will end up losing all of my hair to a thyroid condition in the future.I show a lot of symptoms of it.I know all of you are going to say,just go get tested for it.Is there anything I can do to prevent this?What can I do?If I discover it early,will I not lose my hair?

I am terrified of losing my hair.It took years for it to reach this length.I already have naturally fine hair and I can’t afford to lose any.I have cried thinking about a possible thyroid condition taking this from me.I am almost to break back down in tears just thinking about it.What should I do?Is there a great chance that I will get it?

Click here to visit Thyroid Diet Coach.

is it adam's apple or is it a thyroid condition ?

I am taking gym proteins which contain high amounts of whey and soy, i have started to take this protein around 5 days ago, i am 21 and i have started to go to the gym at the same period, my neck had no signs of Adam’s apple, i woke up this morning with what looks like an Adam’s apple, so what should i do exactly, is this condition related to my protein intake ? should i stop taking these protiens ? and if i do will my throat go back to its normal appearance or should i go to a doctor ?

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