Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) remedy? HELP?!?

Ive been struggling with bacterial vaginosis for like a month now! I dont have any health insurance and yesterday I went to a free health clinic to see if I could get a prescription for metro gel! well after waiting for 2 hours the doctor came and saw me.. he asked me what the problem is I told him I believed I had BV and he prescribled me Metronindazole (without even checking me out)

Now Ive had BV before and I was told to either do a gel for 7 days or take a pill for 7 days.. The doctor told me to take the Metronidazole (500mg) ONCE..just ONE pill!

Well the prescription came with 4 and the one pill didnt do anything! so im going to take the rest (one every 12 hours)

If this doesnt work I cant go back to the clinic because each follow up visit is 100 bucks that I just dont have. Im hoping someone on here can give me some home remedies.. Ive heard of douching with hydrogen peroxide but I dont want to do that..but what about hydrogen peroxide in my bath water?? if so how much??

please help me!

treatment for Bacterial Vaginitis

Bacterial Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina which is caused by excessive growth of the bacteria called Gardnerella vaginitis, already present in the vagina. Gardnerella vaginitis is not solely responsible for this problem. When these different species of bacteria are imbalanced the vaginal discharge gives out a foul odor. Excess discharge and foul odor are the most common symptoms of this disease.

Even though the exact cause is unknown this disease mainly spreads through sexual intercourse, douching, use of intrauterine birth control device (IUD). It is one of the most common types of vaginal infection found in women. Even though there are quick remedies and medicines for this disease, if not treated on time it can be very dangerous. It may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometritis, cervcitis, pregnancy complication and post-operative infection.

Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginitis

* A good hygiene becomes very important if you want to stay away from bacterial vaginitis.

* Wear clean and properly washed underwear because the detergent residue may just cause an itching problem.

* Always wipe from front to back whenever you visit the toilet or otherwise to avoid the transfer of germs from rectal to genital area.

* If you have a bathtub see to it that it is properly cleansed as it is one of the favorite places for germs to reside.

* Have a warm bath, if possible without soap as it may cause irritation to the genital tissue. Soap removes natural oils from your body and also makes you defenseless against the germs. This aggravates your problem of vaginal infection.

* Drink at least four ounces of pure cranberry juice everyday to fight this bacterial disease.

* Having eight-ounces of yoghurt everyday keep women away from frequent problems of bacterial vaginitis or vaginosis. The acidophilus bacteria present in the yoghurt helps in creating a healthy bacterial environment.

* If the vagina is swollen you can use plain tea bag soaked in water, cooled in refrigerator to be applied externally to prevent itching. The tannin in tea gives a soothing touch.

* You can also use cold compress which alleviates the swelling and itching of the vagina. The cooling factor squeezes the blood vessels and prevents it from swelling and turning red.

* Avoid tight clothes and try to wear cotton panties which absorb moisture and provide good air circulation.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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What causes Bacterial Vaginosis

The condition bacterial vaginosis is defined by an imbalance of bacteria present in the vagina. On average around one in three women will experience a bout of BV in their life time. Because of the rather embarrassing characteristic of this condition some women find it too shameful to seek treatment. But as with any noticeable differences encountered from what is considered the norm, as far as health issues go, it is far better to see medical advice that allow things to the progress into something worse or cause unnecessary worry and stress.

Bacterial vaginosis is usually detected when a change in the usual vaginal discharge comes about. Often this change is described to be a greyish looking colour to the normal clearer vaginal discharge and have a somewhat fishy odour to it. However, it is also a known fact that many women can have bacterial vaginosis without any apparent symptoms.

In the case where any change is noted in either the smell or colour of vaginal discharge it is strongly recommended to get it checked out. This is particularly important for pregnant women as any infections of the vagina can provoke complications in pregnancy. Likewise, any woman should seek medical advice in order to rule out any other underlying problems that can be prevented from developing further of detected early.

So what exactly causes bacterial vaginosis? Although bacteria is present anyway in the vagina, given it’s warm and moist environment, this type of bacteria is known as good bacteria and is also accompanied by a small amount of bad bacteria. Although it may seem hard to believe, but this bacteria present in the vagina actually protects against infections. However, when the balance of bad bacteria begins to outweigh the good, the interior of the vagina can become inflamed and show signs of infection. The obvious symptom is the greyish tinge to any discharge and the rather unpleasant fishy smell.

Unfortunately it still remains unclear as to why this change in bacteria comes about but it is generally thought to be as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, the use of scented soaps and lotions, smoking, an intrauterine device and the use of vaginal deodorants.

Why you should get bacterial vaginosis checked out

The list of embarrassing illnesses can be quite a long one and for many women bacterial vaginosis can be one of those listed. But despite the unpleasantness of its symptoms, bacterial vaginosis can cause a lot of unnecessary discomfort if pride gets in the way of seeking out medical help.

Although it is easier said than done to go along to the doctors, when it comes to women and their private parts, it can be the hardest thing ever to reveal a rather shameful condition. But isn’t it better to be safe than sorry? And why worry when a solution can be found relatively quickly? The answer to these questions is pretty obvious; however it takes a certain amount of courage to admit you have a problem occurring in the vaginal area.

When something is not quite right it comes as a warning and with this comes a fine dose of worry too. Bacterial vaginosis is a fairly common condition suffered by women, which is characterised by a smelly discharge from the vagina. Generally considered to be a result of a higher level a harmful bacteria in the vagina, bacterial vaginosis really isn’t something to be embarrassed about.

More times than not, women who experience BV tend to be overly clean in their lower region. The frequent use of scented soaps, gels, bath foams and deodorants can trigger of an imbalance in the levels of bacteria already present in the vagina. Over time symptoms such as soreness, inflammation of the vaginal entrance, painful intercourse and a slightly more discoloured discharge that has an unpleasant odour are the tell tale signs that an infection is present.

But it is not always a bacterial imbalance than can cause obvious noticeable changes and for this very reason it is wise to err on the side of caution to eliminate any other possible condition that might be developing. If as a result of a check up bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed, then a course of antibiotics may be all you need to clear things up. However, until the opinion and advice of a medical profession can confirm what the problem is it is imperative that you make the correct steps towards obtaining treatment.

Why not to be embarrasswd about bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina caused by too many harmful bacteria. Given that the vaginal area is a breeding ground for bacteria die to its warm moist interior, it is not surprise that women are prone to bacterial infections.

If you notice any changes in the appearance of you lady parts, including any discharge and odour, it is important that you take it seriously. Due to the highly personal area that bacterial vaginosis affects, many women can be tempted to sit back and do nothing. But doing nothing is the wrong this to do. There is no need to be embarrassed as the longer you leave the condition untreated the worse it could be in the long run.

The sooner you are prepared to accept you have a vaginal infection then the quicker you will relieve yourself of any shame that may be building up. Women’s problems can be highly sensitive but it is far better to be safe than sorry and avoid any serious problems from occurring by burying your head in the sand.

Once diagnosed, bacterial vaginosis is relatively easy to cure and for most ladies treatment involves a simple course of antibiotics or medical gel. For those women who are unfortunate enough to get it time and time again, it is advisable to see a specialised gynaecologist as it may be that something else needs investigating and treating. Regular checks and screening can prevent a whole host of problems so rather than allow the feeling of embarrassment to take over, be brave and seek help. Bacterial vaginosis does not have to take over your life.

How to recognise Bacterial Vaginosis

Being a woman means looking good and taking care of our appearance. Each year women spend millions on beauty products in a bid to keep themselves not only looking and feeling good but also smelling good. So, when an unpleasant smell begins to make itself known and in the most private of lady parts, it is no wonder than many women are overwhelmed with embarrassment.

In many cases, when bacterial vaginosis rears its ugly head the symptoms can be rather alarming. No woman likes to have a lingering smell in her vagina, especially when it resembles that of fish. The obvious symptoms that indicate something is not quite right down below are those of a greyish looking discharge accompanied by a foul smell, generally referred to as that of a fish market. But bacterial vaginosis does not always have the obvious symptoms and in this instance the odds that it is a mild infection are high.

Therefore, knowing how to recognise bacterial vaginosis is important because once detected it can be swiftly treated and all feeling of shame can be wiped out. Caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina, BV can cause a certain amount of discomfort if left untreated. So if you notice a sudden increase in tenderness and a change in the appearance of colour of any discharge then do seek medical advice. This will not only help relieve any unpleasantness and embarrassment but also prevent any other problems from progressing any further.

For younger women, it is crucial that we do not try to live with the problem rather than deal with it. Bacterial vaginosis is fairly common and it is estimated that about a third of the female population may experience it at some point in their life.

Reoccurring Bacterial Vaginosis

Getting bacterial vaginosis is no pleasantry for any woman but to have it on a reoccurring basis can be soul destroying. The actual condition in and of itself targets the most private area of a woman and therefore when it comes to symptoms and treatment many women can be too ashamed to seek out help.

Known for its unpleasant odour, bacterial vaginosis basically consists of a smelly discharge that causes irritation of the vaginal area. It can be triggered through sexual intercourse with various partners if a sexually transmitted disease is passed on, or through the use of scented production used for hygiene. In short, bacterial vaginosis is a harmful bacteria, which overrides the good bacteria already present in the vaginal environment. Once detected the effects have more harm emotionally as the most obvious trait is that of a strong smelling discharge often described as fishy.

Bacterial vaginosis can generally be treated with a dose of antibiotics or a specific medicated gel that can be applied to the infected area. However, despite the use of medical treatment many women have little success and the condition can flair up after just a short time. In such cases, not only does the woman have to cope with the discomfort but also the daily embarrassment of her condition becoming noticeable, mainly due to the smell caused by the greyish discharge.

When medical treatment fails to keep bacterial vaginosis at bay and a clinical examination has been done to eliminate any other possible underlying problems, then the next course of action is to revise over ones diet and adopt a healthier dietary intake. Studies have proved that a high fatty intake can have a negative impact on our immune system and in this case the effect of bacterial vaginosis. By eliminating certain foods and replacing them with more compatible alternative, bacterial vaginosis can be brought under control.

Bacterial Vaginosis Home Treatment Program – BV Miracle: Official Site

If you feel like hopelessness has taken control of you because your recurring BV infections are ruining your sex life, I invite you to read this page and learn how a 6 year chronic BV sufferer managed to achieve what seemed to be impossible: permanent relief from bacterial vaginosis.

It’s terrible, isn’t it? Your man starts to get close, kissing and caressing you, and the first thing that pops into your head is…
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Dietary Tactics to Get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis

Changing ones diet can have dramatic results for those women who suffer from bacterial vaginosis, especially those unfortunate enough to experience reoccurring cases of the condition. Studies carried out have shown that there is in fact a strong link between the amount of dietary fat intake and the likelihood that a woman will get bacterial vaginosis. It has also been proved than the severity and frequency a woman suffers from the condition is also related to the fat intake in her diet.

Research has shown that saturated fats can reduce the immune response in the vagina and change the vaginal acidity so it favours the bad bacteria instead of the good, which is required to protect from certain infections. Such saturated fats can be found in foods like butter, full fat milk, red meat, cheese and pastries. So by cutting down on these food types can help the treatment of BV. These fatty foods can be replaced with monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil, canola and tea seed oil, as they are known to have a small effect on causing bacterial vaginosis. In addition, polyunsaturated fats, found in fish oils, sunflower seeds and bananas, have proved to have no effect whatsoever on producing the imbalance in vaginal bacteria.

Other dietary tactics that can be used to help ward off bacterial vaginosis include increasing the intake of vitamin E. Vitamin E is known for its antioxidising properties that fortify the immune system. Other vitamins than can help prevent infection are vitamins A and C along with iron and zinc. Vitamin E can be found in foods such as almonds, sunflower seeds, kiwi and in greens such as spinach and broccoli.

How can Bacterial Vaginosis be treated

There is perhaps nothing more embarrassing for a woman than to have problems in her lower half ie the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is a relatively common condition that manifests itself in the form of a smelly discharge. In general the condition is experienced among the younger and middle aged females other older women can also experience a case of BV at some stage in their life.

In brief, bacterial vaginosis is bacterial infection caused by certain unfriendly bacteria which provoke an imbalance in the vagina. The normal friendly bacteria is basically outnumbered by the more harmful bacteria and therefore causes symptoms such as soreness, itchiness, and grey looking discharge with the dreaded fish smelling odour.

Treating bacterial vaginosis can be relatively easy but it is recommended that any noticeable changes a woman experiences in her vaginal area be checked out from the offset. This can not only rule out more serious infections and conditions but also prevent ongoing suffering, embarrassment and worry.

The first step towards treating bacterial vaginosis is to pay a visit to a GP. From here either a swob will be taken or if the described symptoms match those of BV then a course of antibiotics or gel will be prescribed. Relief from the condition will be pretty much quick to come about and the vaginal environment should return to its more neutral balance within a couple of days.

Of course, it is also quite common for women to experience a reoccurrence of symptoms within a six month period. Continued use of various scented products will affect the bacterial balance of the vagina as will sexual habits such as changing partners frequently. In some cases where bacterial vaginosis reoccurs it is recommended that women are referred to a gynaecologist. This way, essential tests can be carried out to find the underlying cause to this condition.

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