Your Ears Ringing?……..cancel the Doctor

As we get older we notice changes about our bodies that we just accept.

Those Wrinkles around the eyes, not being able to walk or stand and balance as long as we used to. Sleeping less soundly is also a symptom of aging and then of course getting sick more often. Its just a part of getting older.

The things we expect like wrinkles are the changes we can live with as we get older, others we cannot. Hearing loss and ringing in the ears is one of those things and believe me I know. My father suffered with Tinnitus for a few years. It nearly drove him crazy and having this constant buzzing, hearing loss, headaches and consequent anxiety, lead to him falling into a deep depression. I’ve even heard of mental breakdowns as a result of the constant pain and suffering that comes from this condition.

If you go to a doctor or audio specialist you’ll most likely be prescribed drugs that carry a list of side-effects that are worse than the condition you have. Or you’ll be told you need risky, invasive surgery that doesn’t have a very high success rate.

Do not go down any of these routes as my research for natural remedies has alerted me to a letter by Thomas Coleman who himself suffered from tinnitus. I use the past tense because he no longer has any problems with his hearing. He found a way to cure himself naturally of the condition in less than 3 months.

Thomas  figured out a way to cure his tinnitus holistically, without taking any harmful drugs or therapies. If you are interested in learning more about how to stop your hearing loss and the ringing in your ears and restore your life to its former glory then I encourage you to read what Thomas has to say here

Tinnitus: Therapy? You are the Cure!

How much screaming will you tolerate before taking decisive action.

I have learnt to preach to the choir in my ears. I did so because there came a time a when I realized that no one and nothing was going to rid me of my tinnitus.

Just a small reminder of some of the therapies I have tried in order to find some peace and quite in my life: Acupuncture, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, infusions, Valium, Anti-depressants, orthodontic treatment, hearing aids, masking aids, “Tinnitus Re-Training” program, etc. I was asked to wear a specially designed corset to strengthen my back. I was asked to wear a brace by an orthodontic specialist. I have been advised to take Botox® and now I am being advised to try a new “Herbal Tinnitus Formula” which may or may not help relieve Tinnitus. To add to all this, I spent at least 6 weeks in a Tinnitus clinic for rehabilitation measures. I have been off work for almost 1 year and finally lost my job due to my absence.

Written down it all looks very dramatic and all in all, a pretty long story to tell.

These are the negative aspects I had to learn to accept and forget. These elements are history and must stay that way.

The most common thing that most Tinnitus victims share is the fact we will do practically anything to get rid of the screaming in our ears. We will believe anything we are told and follow all instructions. We believe because we trust what we are hearing and we all look forward to the day when our Tinnitus is gone.

Unfortunately we are often left in despair and frustration when we realize that the above therapies don’t work and in 90 % of all cases, have to admit that our Tinnitus is going to be a part of our every day lives. This is hard to accept for anyone.

If you can established and accept this fact then you will become aware that the only way out of Tinnitus oblivion you’re your own will. The cure lies within yourself.

Without stepping on too many toes, I must admit that the medical field did absolutely nothing to ease my Tinnitus. There are of course many theories as to why we get tinnitus and how to treat it but at the end of the day there isn’t much that common medicine can do for us.

There is away out of this hell and the only person that will make it happen is you. Ask yourself what you would do to get rid of your own Tinnitus. We have already established that we would do anything to rid ourselves of this torture.

Tinnitus can be ignored. It’s a simple trick. Like most tricks it has to be learnt and practiced.

One of my biggest dreams was learning to play the Didgeridoo. I went out and brought one and tried to teach myself to play it. After much frustration and days of trying to get a sound out of it, I finally succeeded. I got a looooong good sound out of it. It sounded really good. The only problem was that the sound diminished after 10 seconds because I had to breath IN The only sound that comes from a didgeridoo is when you breath OUT. The trick is something known as “circular breathing”. In other words, breathing in and out at the same time. Believe it or not, it’s possible to breathe In and OUT at the same time and still live to tell the story. However, after weeks and weeks of practice, I learnt how to master “circular breathing”.

I hope you can see the point I am trying to make. Learning to ignore Tinnitus is like learning to play the didgeridoo. It needs practice and willpower in able to succeed.

Please let me repeat this phrase once more because it is very important you understand this.

You can learn to ignore Tinnitus if you know how. Anyone can learn to ignore Tinnitus.

Your mind has been finely tuned to ignore things its doesn’t want to accept. This capability is evident in everyone alive. Think carefully, how many things do you forget or ignore because you don’t like them.

Everyday we are confronted with elements we would rather forget.

Tinnitus is another one of them. Learn to reduce its importancy and concentrate more on enjoying quality time.

Its absolutely vital you start realizing that Tinnitus is NOT a disease. You are not sick and you are not suffering from a mental disorder! You must get your life back on track again and start enjoying your life.

Tinnitus is a power that can be manipulated. Haven’t you been manipulated enough already? Isn’t it time you got yourself back into the driving seat and stated taking control again.

You can’t let something so unimportant as Tinnitus control your life. This defies all logic!

I did the same and managed to change my lifestyle completely. I stopped smoking I lost 50 pounds in weight. I started to do work outs and go jogging I stopped worrying about Tinnitus In fact…I stopped worrying about things I couldn’t change I wrote an e book and created a website devoted to living with Tinnitus.

All these things I did myself. No help from anyone .I used Tinnitus as a base of energy and manipulated it to meet my own needs.

You know what? I still have the choir in my ears and it is still loud at time, but here again so is life. The only difference now is that I am the preacher and I am in control.

Happy preaching!

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

tiniitus online support

Tinnitus: A persistant high pitched screaming only you can hear. You can hear it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Sometimes the noise is enough to make you feel you are loosing your sanity. In fact, on a lighter note one could call it “a big fat pain in the ear !”

It may be of little comfort to Tinnitus victims, but experts estimate that approximately 17 % of the world´s population are currantly suffering from Tinnitus. If that isnt enough to worry about, almost 60 percent of those who have chronic tinnitus are dissatisfied with their current therapy.

Learning to accept help from the right people is elementary in your crusade to escape the claws of tinnitus.

It is essential that you find someone you trust and are not afraid of. It’s hard to find someone that will listen to your troubles and problems, especially when dealing with something as complex as Tinnitus.

Most people will listen to you and feel sorry for you. This is only because they can’t begin to comprehend what you are going through. These people aren’t ignorant…they are just human beings, to them you are a probably an image of good health. This is because tinnitus can’t be seen from the outside, to the world you look perfectly healthy.
I am sure that these people have their own worries too. Some people may appear to not be interested in your problems or they can’t grasp the severity of your situation.

Please don’t forget, most people can’t even start to get a handle on what you are going through

Fighting Tinnitus often ends up in complete frustration. Tinnitus can only exist if it is fed appropriately and given enough room to breath. Stress and anxiety just adds more fuel to the fire.

Fighting tinnitus can be futile procedure that will deplete your most of your energy.

There is an alternative solution.

This is the point I hope to make with my e-book “My Best Friend Tinnitus”.
If you are suffering from chronic tinnitus (with or without hearing loss) you have probably been down every one way road there is in your quest for a cure. That’s it though. There is no patent cure. It’s that simple and that complicated. YOU are the cure.

This concept sounds too easy to be true. Not only can you learn to accept tinnitus as a part of your life but YOU can teach IT to be a part of YOUR life. You can take control by reducing its importancy.

On this note there are a few sayings that spring to mind. “Don’t feed the trolls” or “tame the beast”. There is a lot of truth in these words.

Tinnitus can be tamed and manipulated. Tinnitus has incredible power, if you give it authority. Think about what it has achieved by taking over your life. Why not turn the tables and learn from it. Get yourself in the driver’s seat and take it for a ride.

My theory isn’t based on medical facts. My theory is based on 18 months of misery and depression. At it’s peak I was suicidal.

Maybe one of the most important steps I took in learning to come to terms with tinnitus was using its power to help me instead of destroying me. Tinnitus is not physical. It can’t be seen under a microscope and it can’t be measured accurately.

This may seem like simplified thinking, but tinnitus is a power and it can be used.

I used its power to create a new person in myself.
I am using its power to create this very article I am writing.
I used it to loose weight, to stop smoking, to stop worrying, to run a small marathon and last but not least…to help others overcome this dilema

Nothing has ever compelled me to sit down for hundreds of hours and write a book. Nothing has ever been worth the effort.

Yes, there is an easier way out if you are willing to try. The best thing is that you have nothing to loose.

I am not a doctor. I am not a therapist. I am Mr Average and a darn good coach !

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Tinnitus Nearing Epidemic Status

Every year, millions of ordinary people with diverse lifestyles, develop a ringing in their ears. The condition is called tinnitus. According to the American Tinnitus Association, as many as 50 million Americans may be suffering with tinnitus.

So many people are afflicted with tinnitus, that it is reasonable to assume it has become a top priority of the medical community. It may surprise you, that the condition is not well understood and is currently not curable. Tinnitus is a non-life threatening condition. There is no urgency to cure it. However, anyone who has it, knows it has a profound effect on quality of life.

One of the problems with finding a cure, is that there are many forms and variations of tinnitus. To make matters worse, there are 17 known causes and that list is growing. How can one find a cure when the cause and symptoms can’t even be pinpointed?

The benefit of tinnitus

I may be stretching it a bit, to suggest there is any benefit to having your ears ring. One common factor that most sufferers report is stress, which is often linked to high blood pressure. Volume varies as blood pressure rises and falls. Tinnitus in this case, could serve as a warning of a more serious problem.


The four most common treatments are the following:

** If the condition seems severe, the best course of action is to see a doctor. There may be physical damage to the inner ear or ear drum, in which case surgery may be necessary.
** If no physical damage is found, the doctor will prescribe various drugs. Unfortunately, drugs thus far have had a low success rate.
** Auditory therapy works in some cases, but can be cost prohibitive.
** Herbal and supplemental formulas are the easiest form of treatment.

The exact number of people who suffer from tinnitus is impossible to determine. Minor cases go unreported. In any estimation, it is significant. As the condition becomes more prevalent, more research should develop. Just don’t expect a targeted cure anytime soon.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Tinnitus – The 3 Emotional Stages

It is a vicious cycle because tinnitus causes stress and anxiety and is also worsened by stress and anxiety. Worrying over the tinnitus can cause it to become worse. Lack of sleep due to ringing in the ears leads to fatigue which makes the ear ringing worse. These are just some of the mental and emotional side effects of tinnitus.
Expel tinnitus and the roller coaster of emotions:

At times it may be more annoying for people who do not know what is wrong with them or who have non-supportive doctors that tell them to “get over it” or to find a way to live with tinnitus.

It is a vicious cycle because tinnitus causes stress and anxiety and is also worsened by stress and anxiety. Worrying over the tinnitus can cause it to become worse. Lack of sleep due to ringing in the ears leads to fatigue which makes the ear ringing worse. These are just some of the mental and emotional side effects of tinnitus.

Many people with a hissing in the ears, like me, will discover that it completely interferes with natural essential functions of their lives. You may have a hard time concentrating, remembering things, listening to others and focusing on tasks. This makes it nearly impossible to function properly on a job or in society.

Many people with tinnitus go through the same process as people with other medical conditions and disorders. At first you may feel denial, then anger and frustration (especially if you are being told there is no cure and nothing will help) and then you may feel hopeless and depressed. You will think why this had to happen to you and harp on the fact that your life will never be the same. Next comes fear.

You may worry that you will never live a normal life again, fear that this ringing in the ears will cause havoc with your job and your family, fear that you will never be able to enjoy the same things and fear that you are going crazy or that there is something mentally “wrong” with you. At some point along the way if you hope to find relief, you will need to find acceptance.

Acceptance- With acceptance comes the realization that while you do have this condition and there is no cure for ear ringing, that doesn’t mean you have to be a victim for the rest of your life.

You will soon come to the realization that there is hope for your tinnitus and that you have stopped focusing on the ear ringing all the time you can allow your body to start the recovery. Also one should also take note of the fact that this roller coaster of emotions does not only effect the tinnitus sufferer but their families as well.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Tinnitus: Preaching to the Choir in your Ears

How much screaming will you tolerate before taking decisive action. I have learnt to preach to the choir in my ears. I did so because there came a time a when I realized that no one and nothing was going to rid me of my tinnitus.

Just a small reminder of some of the therapies I have tried in order to find some peace and quite in my life: Acupuncture, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, infusions, Valium, Anti-depressants, orthodontic treatment, hearing aids, masking aids, “Tinnitus Re-Training” program, etc. I was asked to wear a specially designed corset to strengthen my back. I was asked to wear a brace by an orthodontic specialist. I have been advised to take Botox® and now I am being advised to try a new “Herbal Tinnitus Formula” which may or may not help relieve Tinnitus. To add to all this, I spent at least 6 weeks in a Tinnitus clinic for rehabilitation measures. I have been off work for almost 1 year and finally lost my job due to my absence.

Written down it all looks very dramatic and all in all, a pretty long story to tell.

These are the negative aspects I had to learn to accept and forget. These elements are history and must stay that way.

The most common thing that most Tinnitus victims share is the fact we will do practically anything to get rid of the screaming in our ears. We will believe anything we are told and follow all instructions. We believe because we trust what we are hearing and we all look forward to the day when our Tinnitus is gone.

Unfortunately we are often left in despair and frustration when we realize that the above therapies don’t work and in 90 % of all cases, have to admit that our Tinnitus is going to be a part of our every day lives. This is hard to accept for anyone.

If you can established and accept this fact then you will become aware that the only way out of Tinnitus oblivion you’re your own will. The cure lies within yourself.

Without stepping on too many toes, I must admit that the medical field did absolutely nothing to ease my Tinnitus. There are of course many theories as to why we get tinnitus and how to treat it but at the end of the day there isn’t much that common medicine can do for us.

There is away out of this hell and the only person that will make it happen is you. Ask yourself what you would do to get rid of your own Tinnitus. We have already established that we would do anything to rid ourselves of this torture.

Tinnitus can be ignored. It’s a simple trick. Like most tricks it has to be learnt and practiced.

One of my biggest dreams was learning to play the Didgeridoo. I went out and brought one and tried to teach myself to play it. After much frustration and days of trying to get a sound out of it, I finally succeeded. I got a looooong good sound out of it. It sounded really good. The only problem was that the sound diminished after 10 seconds because I had to breath IN The only sound that comes from a didgeridoo is when you breath OUT. The trick is something known as “circular breathing”. In other words, breathing in and out at the same time. Believe it or not, it’s possible to breathe In and OUT at the same time and still live to tell the story. However, after weeks and weeks of practice, I learnt how to master “circular breathing”.

I hope you can see the point I am trying to make. Learning to ignore Tinnitus is like learning to play the didgeridoo. It needs practice and willpower in able to succeed.

Please let me repeat this phrase once more because it is very important you understand this.

You can learn to ignore Tinnitus if you know how. Anyone can learn to ignore Tinnitus.

Your mind has been finely tuned to ignore things its doesn’t want to accept. This capability is evident in everyone alive. Think carefully, how many things do you forget or ignore because you don’t like them.

Everyday we are confronted with elements we would rather forget.

Tinnitus is another one of them. Learn to reduce its importancy and concentrate more on enjoying quality time.

Its absolutely vital you start realizing that Tinnitus is NOT a disease. You are not sick and you are not suffering from a mental disorder! You must get your life back on track again and start enjoying your life.

Tinnitus is a power that can be manipulated.

Haven’t you been manipulated enough already? Isn’t it time you got yourself back into the driving seat and stated taking control again.

You can’t let something so unimportant as Tinnitus control your life. This defies all logic!

I did the same and managed to change my lifestyle completely.

I stopped smoking I lost 50 pounds in weight. I started to do work outs and go jogging I stopped worrying about Tinnitus In fact…I stopped worrying about things I couldn’t change I wrote an e book and created a website devoted to living with Tinnitus.

All these things I did myself. No help from anyone .I used Tinnitus as a base of energy and manipulated it to meet my own needs.

You know what?…I still have the choir in my ears and it is still loud at time, but here again so is life. The only difference now is that I am the preacher and I am in control.

Happy preaching!

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Tinnitus: It’s not a Disease, it’s a Symptom!

If you have Tinnitus then you are most probably familiar with some of the most common causes.
There is a whole list of them for you to choose from.

Only when you start to analyze the known facts and their probable consequences will the whole scope of Tinnitus start to unfold.

There can be a million reasons why you have Tinnitus. Let’s take a brief look at some of the most common symptoms for tinnitus.
How many of these symptoms can you apply to yourself? Add more if you have to.

Lack of concentration,
Social retreat,
Depressive moods,
Lack of patience,
Panic attacks,
Stress and tension,
Lack of self confidence,

Other than the hearing loss which is physical, all other symptoms listed here are of a subconscious nature.

Let’s get 3 important things into perspective here.

I will repeat these 3 sentences until they are tattooed into your soul.

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom!

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

As soon as you are ready to accept that the tinnitus is a part of you, the sooner you can expect to make progress.

The power of the mind is extraordinary. Think about this carefully. If tinnitus succeeded in turning your life upside down
then accept the fact that all it used to achieve misery was your own mind. That’s quite an achievement isn’t it ?
That’s how powerful your mind is. If it has the capability to make your life a complete misery then surely it can be re-programmed to do the opposite.

It’s entirely up to you. The solution lies within yourself and your ability to learn.

What do we know about the causes of tinnitus?.
Where does it have its roots?

Ever heard of social sickness? Me either. It’s a phrase that I like though.
Here in Germany it’s called “Volkskrankheit “ ( has nothing to do with cars ).

I once tried to compile a list of all elements which I suspected may have contributed to MY own tinnitus. Obviously, I listed the negative aspects of my life over a 10 year period.
Some of these things could have been avoided, most of them were linked to each other. Don’t forget, this is only a list of things that I think should be mentioned.
I’ve tried not to generalize and I’ve tried my best to stay honest, even if it means confessing to some bad sins.
To be perfectly honest it’s not as dramatic as it looks. It just looks outrageous when written down!

Marital Stress,
Heavy smoking,
Drug and medication abuse, (i.e. Valium, Marijuana, Cocaine)
Relationship crisis,
unhealthy eating habits,
Loud noises,
Lack of exercise,
High cholesterol,
High blood sugar rate,
Personal loss,
Caffeine addiction ( coffee and cola )
Lack of sleep,
Financial Problems,
Business pressures,
Inclination to worry about everything.

So……there we have it.

It looks terrible I know. The worst thing is that I am one of millions who used to live like this. If you can’t identify with anything written on this list then you shouldn’t have tinnitus. Any one of these elements on their own would be harmful enough for any person.

Combine them and you’re left with a time bomb waiting to explode.

So now we have two lists. The first one above describes the symptoms and the second one describes possible causes. If you look carefully at the causes it won’t take much imagination to conjure up a “symptom list” like the one above. What else do you expect?.

I dare you……Take a pen and paper…write down your own “bad list”. Be absolutely honest and write down all the things that you aren’t proud of or maybe would rather forget. Write down all the things you would like to change if you had a magic wand. ( My bad list is there for everyone to see. You can hide yours :o)

By the way, you don’t have to have tinnitus to create a list like mine. I would be willing to bet that EVERYONE can come up with a list similar to mine. I say only similar because I know that not everyone is overweight, or smokes or tried drugs.

Think carefully about what you are reading on your list. If you are very honest, you will find that you don’t need a magic wand to shorten this list. The only person on this planet that can change this list to something to be proud of is YOU!

I consider myself to be lucky.

Tinnitus gave me a chance to re-shuffle my life.

Once more…Don’t forget…

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom.

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

After an “auditory crash” two years ago which left me with a temporary loss of all hearing I had no other choice than to take action.

I’ve been looking for an English Term for the German word Hörsturz. In fact this term is made of 2 words.
Hör (to hear ) and Sturz ( to crash ). I find this a fitting term

Anyway this “Auditory Crash” of hearing lasted almost 2 days at the most and thanks to my doctor, I was up and about a week later.
After reading many books and collecting all the information I could find, I decided to take action. I didn’t know it then, but the decision to cut out everything that was harming me probably saved my life.

Did you already write down your own list ? If not…let’s imagine this is your list.

Where do you start?

There are some things you can change straight away and without hesitation. Other things will require great patience, lots of time and the will to change.

“Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place you start” ( Richard Rodgers 1902 – 1979 )

Once more…Don’t forget…

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom.
2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!
3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Tinnitus: Don´t Feed the Trolls

Is worrying a possible cause for Tinnitus?

“Don’t feed the trolls” is a common synonym for someone who likes to create havoc on the internet. Trolls normally use chat rooms, posting boards or Forums to provoke and intimidate people by sending confrontational messages. People who feel harrassed and provoked and find the time to argue with these people are “Feeding the Trolls”.

It’s just a theory, but it can be said that once the mind is infected by worry, you are opening the doors for the trolls.
Learning how to come to terms with worry is like having to learn to fly a jet. You have to be a pilot to fly it. To be a pilot you have to learn. Sounds kind of immature to comment that anyone can learn to fly a jet if they are really set on doing so. It’s just a matter of being educated.

You may disagree with me on this matter but I am certain you could learn to fly a jet if you really had to. It may take hundreds of hours of instruction and countless tests and exams but theoretically, you could fly a jumbo jet if someone taught you how to.

Using the information above it can be said that everyone can learn to cope with worry. Like learning to fly, you have to be taught how.
Worry can have great power and influence if it finds a suitable candidate to feed from. Worry is an emotion which means it can be manipulated.

Being worried is normal. It’s a way of protecting ourselves. People who do nothing BUT worry are feeding the trolls! I still catch myself feeding my own trolls but I’ve learned to keep it to a minimum. The worse thing about worry is that you can’t change the outcome of a certain situation by simply worrying about it.
What are you worrying about at the moment? Maybe your company isn’t doing too well and the sales figures are down and people are being told to find new jobs. That’s something to worry about though isn’t it? In fact it’s not. It’s perfectly normal to be concerned about something ( or someone ), but that is as far as it should go.

Deep rooted worrying can and will ruin your life. It will control you.

Okay, let’s imagine for a minute you’re worried sick about losing your job. There are good reasons to worry about losing a job. No one likes to be unemployed. The reasons are obvious and don’t have to be repeated. In fact, you can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you are nervous, aggressive…in fact you become physically sick.

If you look at this from the outside, there are only two things that will happen:

A: you lose your job.

B: you keep your job.

Let’s say you do lose your job. Ask yourself if your pain, anguish and apprehension could have possibly altered the outcome of the situation I will answer this for you’.NO. No worrying in the world could have influenced the outcome of you keeping your job or not. All you did was feed the trolls. Be honest, would it have really been worth worrying yourself sick about something you couldn’t change anyway? Let’s say you didn’t lose your job. Did your worrying have any effect on the outcome ? Let me answer this too’, NO.
In other words, you can’t trade your worries for a change in destiny. No one is going to re-write the books just because you like to worry. I found the best way to deal with worry is to obtain the basic facts and determine what the core of my worry is.
If you are worrying about losing your job, what is it exactly you are worrying about? If worst comes to worst, what is the nastiest thing that is going to happen to you ? The answer is: You will be without a job and have less money. There is nothing ecstatic about loosing your job, but it NOT the end of the world.

Please don’t get me wrong and please don’t think I am ignorant ( I am facing the same dilemma ), I don’t know anyone on the Earth who dreams about being unemployed.

But if I can accept that it’s not the end of the world then I can learn to come to terms with this situation when it arises. If I can learn in advance to prepare myself for the worst, then it will be easier for me to accept the worst when and if the time ever comes.

I use to worry myself sick about my loss of hearing and tinnitus until it dawned on me that worrying is part of the cause.

In fact, I fed THOUSENDS of trolls until I realized what I was doing wrong.

It took me 18 months of suffering to finally wake up and realize that it was I that was causing the stress.

I allowed tinnitus to rob me of my identity and place a firm grip on my life. Had I only known! Everyone knows that you just can’t stop worrying at the drop of a hat or because people advise you to. You may require hours and hours of therapy.

But you can learn to come to grips with a “chronic worrying syndrome.” I can only speak for myself here and I know that medical world won’t agree with me on this one but I want to recap on the title of this book. I called it “Tinnitus my best friend.” “How can tinnitus be my best friend” you say.

I used its power to create a new person in myself. I am using its power to create this very Article I am writing. Nothing has ever compelled me to sit down for hundreds of hours and write a book. Nothing has ever been worth the effort.
I learned how to register a domain, set up my own homepage and promote an e-book with the sole purpose of trying to help other people overcome their fear of having to live with tinnitus for the rest of their lives.
Where else did I use it?. I managed to stop smoking, I lost weight, and I taught myself to start caring for myself.

I know how to keep myself fit. I know what to eat ad what not to eat. I used its energy and made something of it.

You can do the same.

Looking back, it took me a long time to accept that tinnitus actually helped me change my life. Once I realized that tinnitus was nothing but a warning signal, I found ways of coming to terms with it and used its energy to help me out of this pitfall. Tinnitus helped me get my life back on track and for that I’m thankful. In fact I would probably feel lonely without it ( just kidding ).

But I am still aware of it because I have accepted that the noise won’t disappear. I just learned to take no notice of it. That’s the key to success. Learning to ignore. It’s a learning process that needs time and patience.
Maybe it’s hard to explain how to ignore sounds you think you can’t escape but the trick is retraining your brain to distract your attention away from the tinnitus thus making the sounds obsolete. This mechanism is still present regardless of how long you have been suffering from tinnitus. It’s kind of hard to explain how it works but it really is very easy to demonstrate.

You will be bluffed how easy it is to ignore Tinnitus. I will explain this in my next article.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Tinnitus – Causes and Treatment

What is Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a symptom and not a condition in itself. Tinnitus describes the symptom of being able to hear things which nobody else can, although in a rare number of cases, this isn’t true. Tinnitus is a very common condition with approximately 10% of the population suffering from Tinnitus to one degree or another. It is most commonly found in elderly people although it is becoming much more widespread in the younger population. Also, Tinnitus can be found in one or both ears or sometimes it feels like it is coming from the middle of your head.

The Symptoms of Tinnitus
Tinnitus is most commonly found in elderly people although possibly due to the different lifestyles it is becoming much more common in younger people now. Maybe this is due to the fact that people are living in noisier environments today.

The sounds which are heard vary from patient to patient. Some patients hear a musical tone, although most patients hear something which sounds more like a hissing or whistling or a buzzing or a ringing noise. For a lot of patients, it is more of an inconvenience and doesn’t affect their daily lives although for a number of patients, it is so bad that they need some kind of treatment to relieve the symptoms


The Causes of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is caused by damage to the nerves in the inner ear (cochlea). These nerves transmit electrical impulses to the brain which the brain then interprets as sounds. When these nerves are damaged, the signal becomes distorted. When this distorted signal gets to the brain, the brain interprets it as a noise which is Tinnitus.

In elderly people, it is seen as part of growing older and is called presbyacusis. However, in younger people medical professionals believe it is due to be exposed to loud noises.

There are other causes of Tinnitus as well which include Anemia – where the thin blood rushes around the body so quickly that it can cause a sound. Excessive wax in the ear can also cause tinnitus. Menieres Disease which is a condition affecting balance can also have a side effect of Tinnitus. Some drugs both legal and illegal can cause Tinnitus as the body reacts to them.

The Treatment of Tinnitus

For most patients, there is no cure for Tinnitus. Most treatments simply relieve the symptoms by masking the cause of Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is sometimes strongly related to the patients level of stress. By managing this level of stress via the use of sedatives, tranquilizers or anti-depressants, the symptoms of tinnitus can be relieved.

Some drugs which affect the conduction of electrical impulses in the affected nerves have been found to relieve the symptoms of stress.

There are a number of self help measures which patients can employ either on their own or in tandem with any assistance that a doctor can prescribe. These include listening to soothing music on a personal stereo before the patient goes to sleep. There are white noise generators which can mask the noise inside your head. This means that you can’t hear the noise generated by tinnitus.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

Stop Tinnitus Symptoms & Reclaim Silence!

Tinnitus may affect more than half of the American population. A curable ailment within the inner ear canal, tinnitus is noticed by continual ringing, hissing & swishing noises in ears that will not subside. When you suffer from tinnitus, you will feel like you’re insane and no one else can hear the noises.

But you don’t have to suffer – tinnitis symptoms are curable.
5 Small Steps To Silence Tinnitus Symptoms:

Tinnitus symptoms may be common amongst more than twenty five percent of the American population. A curable ailment originating from problems in the inner ear canal, tinnitus is inherent with endless buzzing, ringing or swishing noises that never subside. When the levels of ear ringing are high, it can constitute feelings of insanity and leave you feeling all alone. But you don’t have to feel isolated – noises in ears can be treated and homeopathic treatments have helped many sufferers ease the pain.

tinnitis symptoms can come in a single episode, temporarily for a few days or weeks, or for good. The noises in ears can interfere with an individual’s ability to concentrate and may also cause sleep disturbance with the noises in ears.

General tinnitis symptoms and Causes

* Immense ear wax. When excess wax builds up in the ear canal, it can weaken the ability to hear outside noises and may worsen noises in ears.

* Otis media is the medical term for a middle ear infection or inflammation of the middle ear. If left undiagnosed or untreated, Otis media can lead to infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear, a ruptured ear drum, and hearing loss. Sometimes, tinnitus symptoms begin again following a middle ear infection.

* Brain or head injury. General symptoms of a brain or head injury include loss of consciousness, confusion, drowsiness, personality change, seizures, nausea, headache and vomiting. Roughly 25% of individuals who sustain a brain or head trauma, experience tinnitis symptoms following the injury.

* Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that affects balance and hearing. The tinnitus experienced by Meniere’s patients is continual and does not subside with time, although its levels may vary.

* Otosclerosis is an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear that causes noises in ears. About 75% of people with otosclerosis also experience tinnitis symptoms.

* Weak Circulation may be an indication of a serious heart disorder. Common symptoms of poor circulation include cold hands and feet, white fingers, dizziness when standing quickly, numbness, varicose veins, migraine headaches, tinnitus and noises in ears.

* High Blood Cholesterol: High blood cholesterol clogs arteries that supply oxygen to the nerves of the inner ear. Lowering blood cholesterol levels may reduce tinnitis symptoms.

A helpful tinnitus fact:

Ginkgo biloba has been known to help symptoms of tinnitus as well as depression and your memory.

5 Steps To Silence – Ease Common Tinnitus Symptoms

* Avoid all loud sounds and noisy places.
* Avoid total silence try and mask the tinnitus with white noise.
* Avoid exorbitant use of alcohol, caffeine, or aspirin.
* Wear ear protection when using chain saws, guns, lawn mowers, loud music or power tools. Exposure to loud noises can make tinnitus worse and can also cause additional hearing loss.
* Control stress levels and learn how to relax in stressful situations.

Most people with tinnitus also suffer from anxiety and lack of sleep. At night when all is quiet, the ringing in your ears may sound louder, making it harder to sleep. The lack of sleep, in turn makes you more tired during the day which increases your anxiety and stress. Poor sleep induces depression, negative thoughts and a resultant higher level of anxiety and tinnitus symptoms.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

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