What Causes Dementia?

When people get older, they start to experience problems with their body like joint issues, digestive problems, and even problems with their memory. However, not all older people start to have issues with their memory, and it could actually be problems with dementia. For family members that are concerned about whether or not someone they love is susceptible to dementia, here is more information on the causes of dementia that people need to be aware of so they can look for the signs of it in their relatives.
Dementia Can Be Caused By Nerve Conditions of the Brain

Dementia is caused by the brain cells being degenerated, and there are a lot of different conditions that can cause it such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s. With any of these conditions, the brain cells are starting to waste away, and people are going to have issues with things like their memories, and other basic functions.

Dementia Can Be Caused By Conditions That Affect the Blood Vessels In the Brain

Another condition that can affect whether a person develops Dementia or not are the blood vessels that are located in the brain. If a person had a stroke, the blood supply to the brain may be compromised, and the lack of blood in the brain is going to affect the cells. Without blood, the cells in the brain are not getting the proper nutrition that they need from blood to function the way they should.

Dementia Can Be Caused By Substance Abuse

Sometimes people do terrible things to their bodies, such as drink too much alcohol or abuse drugs. However, once people clean up their acts, and stop drinking and doing drugs, the effect can last a lifetime. The high that people get from both drugs and alcohol can be permanently alter the body such as affecting the blood flow to the brain as much as to the heart.
Dementia Can Be Caused By a Lack of Certain Nutrients

People need to remember that without a proper diet, they can be setting themselves up for conditions that will affect them later in life. In order to make sure people are getting the right vitamins and nutrients, people need to add a multivitamin to their diet. If people are lacking in vitamin B12 and folate, then that is going to have an effect on their mental facilities. Brain cells do need blood, and vitamins and nutrients that it contains as well in order to fire off synapses properly, and other mental functions such as memory. Also, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can also affect the body in other ways, and people need to make sure they are getting the recommended daily allowance of all the important vitamins and minerals in order to be as healthy as possible.

Dementia can happen to men and women when they get older, but there are ways that the condition can be prevented especially if they understand the causes. Dementia can be caused by things like drug abuse, a lack of the right vitamins and nutrients, and suffering from an event such as a stroke. However, if people do take care of themselves, and stay away from substances like drugs and alcohol, then they can prevent ending up with a Demenita, and grow old gracefully and in good health.

What Are The Symptoms Of Dementia?

People who are growing older may not realize that they are exhibiting the signs of Dementia. Though people think that memory loss is the one sign of dementia, it is not the only one. With Dementia, the symptoms of the condition can come on gradually over time, and they can be so gradual that people may not notice that something is happening to them. Here is a list of the most common symptoms associated with Dementia.

Impaired Judgment

A sign that someone may be developing Dementia is the fact that they are doing things that they would not normally do. A lapse in judgment may mean something like a person who has always gone to work on time, may suddenly decide to not go to work at all. If the friends and family members of a relative suddenly notice that person acting strange, and doing things they know are risky or dangerous, then this is a sign that something may be going on at a mental level.

Problems with Balance and Mobility

Another sign of Dementia may be the fact that people are having issues with how they are walking around. However, other than Dementia, there are other medical conditions that can impair the way that someone is moving around. Issues with vertigo, which is a problem with the three bones of the ear, can also give people an appearance of almost drunk-like movement where they do not have good balance. However, if the inner ear is just fine, then problems with balance and mobility can be diagnosed as Dementia.
Loss of Time

There can be many reasons why someone may lose a day or two, or even several hours in a single day. Sometimes people who work nights may lose track of time because they are wide awake during the night when their body clock is used to being asleep during this time. Another reason for people to lose time is being sick, and sometimes with a fever, people can suddenly not know what day it is. However, for people with Dementia, the loss of time is from a problem with their brain cells that are literally having them lose hours at a time.

Lack of Personal Hygiene

Another sign that something is going on with a loved one is the fact that they are forgetting to take a shower and keep clean. While sometimes people get busy and forget to tend to their hygiene, but a habit of forgetting to shower, or even change clothes, on a regular basis is definitely a red flag that this may be more than just being too busy to keep clean.
As people get older, it is normal for them to change, but if more is going on with them then grey hair and wrinkles, then that is a sign that something may be going on like a diagnosis of Dementia. People may not realize that something is going on with them, but there are signs of the condition such as lost time, forgetting to take a shower and change clothes, and a serious lapse of judgment. If friends and relatives are in trouble, then the signs of Dementia are bound to be noticed by someone, and an appointment can be made with a physician for an examination to find out the truth.

Are There Any Treatments Of Dementia?

When people are diagnosed with Dementia, they have to have a long discussion with their doctors about what their treatment options are. Typically, when people are diagnosed with Dementia, there are two kinds of treatments that exist, ones that can reverse the condition, and some that cannot reverse the condition. Here is more information on both kinds of treatments that are available to people who have been diagnosed with this life-altering condition.

Treatments That Reverse Dementia

For people who are diagnosed with Dementia that is reversible, the first thing that people need to do is to have their vitamin B12 levels check. One cause of Dementia is lacking in vitamin B12, and without proper levels of this vitamin, the cells in the brain are not going to work properly. Supplements are available of this particular vitamin, and people who start taking it are going to notice that their memory issues have improved. Another treatment to reverse Dementia involves taking medicine that can help for people who have been diagnosed with depression because the condition can have an effect on the brain. If people have been diagnosed with another medical condition, they need to talk to their doctor about their Dementia diagnosis because they need to make sure they are not put on medicines that can have side effects including memory loss and confusion.

Treatments That Cannot Reverse Dementia

For some people that have diagnosed with Dementia, the condition cannot be reversed. There are medications that people can take that are going to help them improve with their memory, and other mental functions. Another treatment for irreversible Dementia is to get counseling. It can be tough for people who are having memory issues to come to terms with the fact they have to rely on others in order to live their lives. Sometimes people can get very depressed with the fact their lives are going to change, and that can be hard to deal with. Counseling can be one way to help people cope with all the changes they have to go through. Also, there are support groups that families people can join, and they can share their feelings with other people that are going through the same kind of ordeal with their family members. Also, the support groups can offer advice for people on how to become more independent, which will mean that people with Dementia can still be able to do some things on their own.

There are many treatment options available for people who are diagnosed with Dementia. However, there are two kinds of treatments for people who have Dementia that is reversible, and treatment for when it is not. With people who have reversible Dementia, they have to do things like make sure they have the right amount of vitamin B12 in their bodies, and also have to make sure they are not taking any medications that can cause confusion and memory issues. For people who have to live with the condition, that is not reversible, the best things they can do is take medicine to help with their mental functions, and also seek out a support group so they can talk about what they are feeling as they go through such a live altering condition.

How Can I Help To Prevent The Onset Of Dementia?

No one said getting older was easy, and as people start noticing how fast time is flying on the calendar, they may wake up one day to realize they are now 50 years old or even older. They may notice that their body is changing, and suddenly, they are developing aches and pains they never did before. Another sign that they are getting older may be the fact that they are not remembering things like they once were, and may even get confused about something they have done on a daily basis. However, here is more information on how to prevent the onset of dementia.

Do Things To Keep the Brain Active

There are many things that people can do to prevent dementia, and one of the first thing that people want to do to prevent it is to start playing games. Though it may sound strange for people to start doing things like crossword puzzles, word searches, Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, and other games, they are actually stimulating certain parts of the brain that are typically targeted for Dementia. The more active the brain is, the less likely it is to develop dementia, and they will keep their mental facilities nice and sharp.

Have an Active Social Life

Sometimes when people get older, they do not want to deal with the outside world too much. Though some people can be a little on the grouchy side, and may not want to deal with the world, the fact is that being socially active is another way to prevent dementia. When people are being social, they talk to others, and just the exposure to others, and any conversations that follow, can really be beneficial on a mental level.

People Who Smoke Should Quit

Studies have shown that people who smoke have greater risk of having a heart attack, a stroke, and problems with dementia. The reasons why cigarettes are so dangerous is the fact that the nicotine, and other ingredients, in the cigarettes can cause all the blood vessels of the body to shrink.

Make Sure the Blood Pressure Is Normal

High blood pressure can be dangerous too because it can cause dementia. However, if people do what they are supposed to do, and go to see their doctor, they can get their high blood pressure under control. There are all kinds of medication that can ensure people will have their pressure to a normal level, and then they will have one less thing to worry about when it comes to preventing dementia.
People may start to notice they are not as sharp as they once were, and the simple fact is that they are getting older. One thing that people may notice is their memory may not be what it used to be and that can be because of dementia. However, there are things that people can do to ensure that they do not end up with dementia. If people can do things like do crossword puzzles, stay active, and make sure their blood pressure is normal, then they are reducing their chances significantly of not ending up with dementia.

Can Your Diet Have An Effect On Dementia?

Every year, millions of people get diagnosed with Dementia. Though the diagnosis might be shocking, there are things that people can do to change how they live, and one of those changes is the foods that they eat. People may want to know if their diet can have an effect on Dementia, and the answer is yes, because there are foods that people eat that can actually help their situation. Here are some foods that can actually help with Dementia.

Leafy Green Vegetables Can Help with Dementia

One vegetable that can help with Dementia is anything that is leafy and green. Kale, spinach collard, and mustard greens, are the best vegetables that help with Dementia because they can help with mental functions, and also, there are comp

ounds in these vegetables that can treat depression, which is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Cruciferous Vegetables

There are some vegetables that are naturally crunchy, and those are broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. When eaten, these vegetables work on the brain because of a compound called carotenoids. In the brain there is something called homo-cysteine, and if this amino acid is too high, then people can have issues with mental functions. Cruciferous vegetables can actually lower down homo-cysteine, which can help improve the cognitive functions of the brain.

Fruits that Can Prevent Dementia


In addition to vegetables, there are fruits that can also help with Dementia. For people who love to eat berries, there are plenty that can help with this condition such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. All of these berries contain anthocyanin, which is known as brain food because they help protect the brain cells from toxic substances in the body.

Pumpkins, Squash, and Carrots


Every time the fall comes, there is a flood of pumpkin and squash that hit every grocery store super market. While pumpkin is typically made into pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are plenty of other reasons why people need to eat it that have everything to do with preventing Dementia. All of these vegetables, especially the ones that are orange, contain vitamin A, which can help with mental function. Also, these vegetables contain a lot of iron, which can ensure that the blood being produced by bone marrow is strong and healthy.

Turmeric Spice


Turmeric spice is bright yellow, and is typically used for dyeing a fabric yellow. However, turmeric is also used in many Indian dishes, but the spice is also very beneficial to the body. For people who are at risk for Dementia, eating turmeric can mean helping keep the blood vessels in the brain nice and clean, and also improve the brain in terms of the memory.

For people who ask the question about whether or not the diet can affect Dementia, the answer is yes. There are many foods that people can eat that can help keep the brain functions strong such as turmeric spice, berries, cruciferous vegetables, and pumpkin. Eating these special foods can keep not only the brain cells functioning, but can also keep the blood vessels healthy, which is going to keep the mind sharp and the memory good.

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