Why does the FDA seem so afraid of natural remedies?

They always seem to downplay anything natural. As if there is no way it could possibly work. They say there is no scientific evidence but yet they also say that certain products have not been evaluated by the FDA. So answer this: How do they know that there is no scientific evidence if the product has not been evaluated? And yet these harmful drugs are advertised on TV as if we have to take them or something! You cannot watch a football game without someone telling you how to enlarge you penis! "Take this for Herpies!" I don’t have herpies! Then they say it doesn’t cure herpies! well what does it do? "Side effects may include sudden death!"
Regina Wrong answer! The Japanese and Chinese live longer than we do and they base alot of their medications on herbs ect. We won’t even test to see if they work! Did you ever think about surgery? I mean it did not exist back then either! Thats hogwash I don’t think your answer explains Jack! FDA=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

skippy natural and heart/health?

I LOVE peanut butter and usually eat 2 peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread daily. The peanut butter I use is always Skippy Natural. Is this kind still bad for my arteries and waist line? I also like jiff reduced fat. Which is better and will peanut butter have any bad effects on me? And will it still make me gain a ton of weight even though I balance my calories out instead of letting pb add to them? Any other health facts about PB would be greatly appreciated 🙂

What are the best natural remedies for depression?

I have been suffering with depression for about 7 years, i finally got put on some medication, i am only 20 years old ..but i have lost my insurance and cant afford my antidepressants .. I would like to find a natural way to reduce my depression symptoms. I take digoxin (for my heart problems (sinus tachrycardia) ) and i take meds for my low thyroid and birth control) So i cant take any herbs that will interfere with these meds.. Any suggestions? I take a multivitamin, biotin, vitamin c, and a couple other vitamins (not everyday) .. I have read about St. John’s wort? can u buy that at any vitamin store? i also heard it can not be good combined with my digoxin or have side effects to my birth control.. so what u think?

Does anyone know of any natural remedies for allergies:?

mostly stuffy nose, and sneezing a lot. I’m allergic to ragweed. And nothing seems to help. I’ve tried Benderaly and flonase but neither have helped. I’m allergic to a lot of medcines so I don’t want any medicine if it’s not natural. thank you!
Thank you for all of the suggestions and I will look into each and then deciede what I want to do! Except the honey that actually makes me worse for some reason and to the other thank you for the information on the Bee pollen that may be why the honey makes me worse!

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