Colon Cleansing myself, Have questions.?
got a product and consulted with a health person that they work for cleansing purposes, but does cleaning out your colon work? And how long does it take with pills to do it? How can you tell if it is working? and does it make you smell, I mean it makes since if it is getting the toxins out of your body that it would make you smell more….But will it really help me loose weight? and will you continue to loose weight after you stop taking it with your body cleaner? just any knowledge on colon cleansing will help. I can’t afford the kind of colon cleanse from a doctor, so this is my only option by the way.
these are natural pills, not laxatives…And I work a lot and have a toddler so not eating isn’t an option because I need to be alert and I can’t be walking around spacey all day.