Calculating BMI, Made Easy

Before we start calculating BMI, let’s discuss what BMI is, and what it isn’t. BMI, or the body mass index, is a tool that’s used to determine whether or not a person is at a normal weight for his or her height. It was invented between 1830 and 1850 by mathematician and scientist Adolphe Quetelet. Though it’s been almost 200 years since he created the BMI, it’s used today almost exactly as he outlined.

While BMI isn’t the final word in whether or not someone is at a normal weight, it’s one of the first tools often used to determine if someone’s overweight. Because the BMI doesn’t distinguish between weight from fat and weight from muscle (other tools must be used to determine the actual amount of fat) it doesn’t work well for very muscular people like athletes. But for most of us, BMI is a pretty accurate measure of whether we’re underweight, a normal weight, overweight or obese.

Calculating BMI isn’t difficult once you understand the formula. The basic formula is weight divided by height squared, or kg/m2. You simply take your height in meters and square it which means you take the number of meters times itself. Then divide that number into your weight in kilograms. So a person who’s five-and-a-half-feet tall stands about 1.7 meters. To get 1.7 meters squared, you simply multiply 1.7 times 1.7, which equals 2.89. Now, convert weight to kilograms.

So if someone weigh 200 pounds, that’s about 91 kilograms. To determine the BMI of someone about five-and-a-half-feet tall who weights 200 pounds, or who stands 1.7 meters tall who weights 91 kilograms, we divide the weight by the height squared, or 91 divided by 2.89. That gives us the result of about 31. This individual is classified as obese. How do I know that?

A BMI of 18.5 or below indicates an underweight person. The normal weight range is from 18.5 to 24.9. Overweight people will have a BMI of 25 to 29.9. A BMI of 30 or greater indicates obesity. So a person with a BMI of 31 is in the obese range, but not by much. By calculating BMI again with different weights, you can see that the person would only need to lose 5 kilograms, or about 11 pounds, to no longer be obese, but merely overweight. And a loss of 19 kilograms, or about 42 pounds, will put this person within a normal weight range. Calculating BMI to determine how much weight one should lose can be a big help for someone who’s not sure.

Calculating BMI can be made even more simple if you’re not sure how to convert to kilograms or meters. Simply take your weight in pounds times 4.88. Then divide that number by your height in feet, squared. So a 200 pound person who is 6 feet tall: 976 divided by 36 = 27.1. After calculating BMI, it’s clear this person is within a normal and healthy weight range.

Abdominal Exercises for Obese People

You may find it difficult to get down on the floor to do abdominal exercises for obese people but there are plenty of other ways to defy gravity and get your ab workout in. If you are anything like me getting down is not the major problem, the problem comes when you try to get back up.

So, now that we have determined that floor crunches are out, how about a standing ab routine? Yup, I said a standing ab routine. All you have to do is, first and foremost, protect your knees. Help them hold you up by buying a couple of decent knee braces. Knee braces will give you the support you need to get through a work out routine. Now, if you have a good workout video, put it in the DVD player. Even if it doesn’t have a standing ab workout, specifically, you can adapt what they do on the floor to a standing position.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and soften your knees. Tuck your pelvis under to protect your lower back and with slow, controlled movements, start crunching. Squeeze your abs with each movement and remember to keep breathing. Breathe out with every crunch and in when you come up. Do this ten times, then relax for thirty seconds. Do ten more then relax again for thirty seconds. Do this a third time.

Now, if you can go on with your abdominal exercises for obese people, still slow and controlled, crunch to the side. This will work your oblique muscles. Your obliques are the muscles on your side that help with balance. You have heard people talk about having a six-pack? The obliques will make it more pronounced when you get one. I know right now you feel like you are working with a full case, but we can whittle that down to a twelve pack then to that six pack with these very simple moves.

Your abs are frequently referred to as your core. A good core routine will do several things for you like, improve your posture and balance, get rid of those love handles or spare tire and make you look like you always thought you should look.

Another way to get a good core work out without putting strain on your knees is with an exercise ball. Just learning to sit on one correctly will improve the strength of your core. If you have one,go get it and make sure it has enough air in it. If you don’t have one, go buy a decent one, bring it home and blow it up. Measure it around it’s widest point to make sure you have it inflated properly. Sit on it and try to keep your balance. Maybe not so easy to do right off the bat, is it? Just takes some practice, that’s all.

Now you have a couple of tips for abdominal exercises for obese people that won’t make you have to get down on the floor but will still give you a great abdominal work out. You will be sore tomorrow but stick with it, it’s worth it.

Burn Fat And Feel Great With These Weight Loss Ideas

If you are struggling with your weight, you’ve probably heard time and again that you need to lose the excess weight, in order to benefit your health. This doesn’t have to be impossible, however. Losing weight and becoming healthier, can be eased with the use of some of these helpful tips.

To help you lose weight be sure to always pay attention to not only what you are eating, but how much of it you are eating. The main culprit of this type of eating is doing so while watching television or reading. It is possible to lose track of how much you are eating and fill yourself up past what you would have normally eaten. Either decide your portion ahead of time, or do not let yourself get distracted while snacking.

If you’ve reached a plateau in your weight loss, try something new. Shake up your routine a little bit. Take on a new workout routine, or experiment with different sports and activities. Don’t take the lack of weight loss to heart; sometimes everyone gets stuck at a certain level. The important thing is to keep going.

Take a look at the food you are currently eating. Ask yourself if the food that you are eating is healthy. If the food that you are currently eating is unhealthy, and high in fat, sugar or calories, then you should start by changing what you eat. You should also take into account how much and often you eat

To keep yourself motivated on the path to meeting your weight loss goals, get in the proper mindset. Prepare your mind to accept the fact that you will need to make some changes to your eating habits. After all, you want to lose the weight initially, but you also want to keep it off.

If you are on a diet and want to save time and money, you should try buying chicken breasts in bulk at your local grocery store and cooking a week’s worth on Sunday night. This will help you make sure that you do not waste time every day cooking for lunch and dinner.

Bringing your weight down to a healthy range is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health and extend your lifespan. By following the advice given in this article, you’ll be ready to make the necessary changes and lose the extra weight that you’ve been carrying around.

Commit Before Taking Weight Loss Medicine

There are many different types of weight loss medicine available today. Some pills are hyped as medicine that’s “prescription strength” and as “effective as a prescription” but you can order them off the television, online or through the mail. Don’t. Unlike prescription medication, these pills aren’t regulated by the FDA. Over-the-counter or mail order diet pills don’t have claims that can be proven or backed up, because there’s no evidence that has to be presented anywhere for them to make that claim. They can claim to make your hair grow, make you lose weight, make you taller or anything else, and get away with it.

At worse, this kind of weight loss medicine is dangerous and even deadly. Pills that expand and fill you up so you’ll eat less as well as pills designed to rev up your metabolism or keep you from being hungry have all made people ill. Deaths have been reported that were linked to each of those kinds of easily purchased pills. Don’t risk your health on a bottle of snake oil that can potentially make you sick.

Any weight loss medicine you do decide to take should come directly from your doctor. And even then, you should ask lots of questions about the medication. Ask how you’ll feel on it, because sometimes there are side effects, especially in the beginning. Some medicines can make you feel slightly nauseous. You won’t want to eat because of that, but that’s no way to have to lose weight! Usually such side effects go away fairly quickly, but you should ask to make sure. You don’t want any surprises after you’re on the weight loss medicine.

An important factor in deciding to take medicine is to decide how committed you really are to losing weight. Since you’re even thinking about pills, you’ve probably already tried many times with little progress. But you should think back and try to figure out why you didn’t lose weight, or why you lost weight only to gain it back later. Be honest with yourself before you start taking the pills. It’s best to be completely honest with yourself even before your doctor writes the prescription.

If you still feel weight loss medicine is the best thing for you, then you need to make a commitment right now to the other aspects of your weight loss plan. You’ll want to commit to making cheating on your diet a very rare thing. Commit to not skipping that workout because you’ve had a long day.

Don’t make the mistake so many other people make in thinking that prescription diet pills will work some kind of magic on them. The pills won’t do all the work of losing weight for you. And they certainly can’t undo anything you d wrong. Some diabetics eat all the sweets they want, figuring that since they’re on insulin, it’ll be ok. Dieters do the same thing. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can eat what you want while on weight loss medicine.

Abdominal Exercises For Obese People And More

If you are overweight, people will tell you to do abdominal exercises for obese people. That is so easy to say but have they ever tried to exercise while being massively overweight. Putting the dangers to your health aside, lets consider the logistics.

Swimming is often recommended for obese people but who wants to go to a public pool wearing a bathing costume when they are so fat? Most of us want to cover ourselves up from head to toe, not show the world. Ok so for those that have a private pool in their home or garden, thats fine but for the rest of us Swimming isn’t something we exactly look forward to.

Next our slim friends will tell us to go to the gym. Right, as if being surrounded by mirrors would be our idea of a good time? Not to mention the fact that gyms are full of skinny people or bodybuilders, neither category is particularly sensitive towards those of us struggling with our weight.

But even if we are brave enough to go to the gym, we then have the problem with the machines. How many gym machines do you know fit fat people? It’s embarrassing enough to get stuck in an airplane seat but on a weight bench?

Ok so we can avoid the machines but still work out. But how? Getting down on the ground to do some of the floor exercises is a huge task. Trying to balance when your center of gravity is all over the place isn’t easy. Add to that the fact that most obese people suffer from knee and other joint pain and perhaps you can see why some exercises are just beyond us.

So what can someone who is morbidly obese do? One option is to hire a personal trainer to come to your home and develop a suitable workout for you. Then when you gain confidence and tone up a little, you can venture down to the gym.

Not everyone can afford a personal trainer though so for those that can’t, why not invest in an exercise ball. These simple products will help to develop your balance and build abdominal strength. You can even exercise while watching TV. Don’t believe me?

Try sitting on a ball for a while and you will feel your muscles working. Just make sure you buy the right ball for your weight and height. Abdominal exercises are difficult for lots of people not just those that are obese and these exercise balls help to build up strength as well as toning up these muscles. Everyone benefits from using them and they are quite fun.

Another option is to buy an exercise bike suitable for seriously overweight people. Take it slowly though and follow the advice of your doctors as you don’t want to strain your heart in your bid to get healthy. Try these tips and soon you could be doing abdominal exercise for obese people and more!

Break Your Bad Weight Loss Habits – Win The Weight Losing Battle

Allow me to be blunt. People, as a whole, are getting fatter. Obesity is already at epidemic levels in many countries around the world, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. If you are overweight, then you are clearly not alone. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight right now, but feel as though you aren’t getting anywhere. Losing weight can be a hard thing to do, but the final results are well worth the effort.

This isn’t some twelve-step program, but the first step is to admit you have a weight problem. Sure, you already know you weigh more than you like, but that’s not the same thing. You have to tell yourself it’s a real problem, one you’re taking seriously, and one that you may need help with. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it shows that you actually care enough about your health to take care of the problem once and for all.

All weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in. Chance are you have heard this already, but this time it’s going to be different. After all, if you knew this before, but still have to lose weight, then it must not have really sunk in, and that’s okay, too. So, you can either eat less, move more, or both. Doing both will give you the best results.

Now, it’s not going to be easy, but you will have to work on changing your weight loss habits. You may have some good ideas that you have tried before, and some them may have even worked…for a while. but what you’re looking for is permanent weight loss. That means lifestyle changes. Besides doesn’t that sound so much better than dieting?

Setting weight loss goals is a good start. They should be specific, and you have to believe you can reach them. If you have a big goal, such as losing one-hundred pounds, then it will help if you set smaller goals along the way; say twenty pounds at a time. You will still reach your target weight, but you will be doing it in more easily manageable stages. And the more convinced you are that you can lose a certain amount of weight, the more likely you are to actually lose it.

The next thing you need to change is how you eat. The good news is that you don’t have to give up any of your favorite foods. Depriving yourself is a sure ticket to going off of an eating plan. Instead, just try to decrease how much of the not-so-good foods you eat. Load up on fruits and veggies, whole grains, beans and lean meat. Avoid saturated and trans fats, salt and empty calories. Think about all the food you eat and buy the better choices at the grocery store so they will be on hand when you get hungry.

Exercise is one of the bad weight loss habits. What? Yep. I say exercise is bad. Not because it burns calories (which is good), but because it conjures up the wrong mental image. Just get moving. Do things you enjoy. If you enjoy working out at the gym, then go, but if you don’t…find something you’ll look forward to.

Do YOU suffer from Estrogen Dominance?

Ever notice over the years how certain parts of your body will lean out and develop incredibly fast, while other body parts NEVER seem to change no matter how hard you exercise or diet?

What if I told you it was because there is very high likelihood that it’s because you may be suffering from something called Estrogen Dominance.

Symptoms include decreased libido, sluggish metabolism, and insomnia.

But the most common side effect of Estrogen Dominance is excess fat storage in your most stubborn spots, like the abdominal / belly and lower body region (butt, hips and legs).

Here are 4 easy steps you can take, starting today, that will help you STOP estrogen related fat storage and lose more fat from your biggest problem areas:

==> STOP Estrogen Related Fat Storage (4 simple steps)

You’ll also discover a simple test you can take on yourself for Methylation, which helps your body process toxins and hormones, including the breakdown and removal of fat storing estrogen.

In order for optimal estrogen metabolism to occur, your body needs to efficiently methylate.

But for many individuals there is a genetic problem affecting this process called MTHFR.

How do you know if you have this problem?


Take the simple test found inside this brand new article on the next page:

=> Go To The Next Page


Exercise and Healthy Eating to Lose Weight

If you’re ready to try healthy eating to lose weight, don’t forget about the importance of exercise. It’s true that if you follow a healthy eating plan, you can lose weight with or without exercise. But exercise has many benefits that shouldn’t be ignored when you’re trying to lose weight and improve your health.

Healthy eating to lose weight is designed to provide you with the right balance of foods and fewer calories than you burn. So if you exercise, you’re burning more calories, and you can actually eat more food and still lose weight. A sedentary person needs fewer calories than an active person. So a sedentary person can gain weight eating fewer calories than an active person. You’ll be able to enjoy a wider variety of foods, and more frequent treats, if you’re getting some exercise.

Another big benefit of exercise that goes along with healthy eating to lose weight is how exercise boosts your metabolism. People with a higher metabolism burn more calories all the time than those with a slower metabolism. If you exercise for 30 minutes, you’ve burned more calories from the exercise. But the metabolism boost you get from that exercise lasts two to three hours after the exercise. If you like to have a snack now and then that might not be part of your plan for healthy eating to lose weight, this is the time to indulge—when your metabolism is cranked up from the exercise.

Some exercises are ideal for keeping your metabolism running high. Lifting weights and building some muscle, for instance, help your metabolism a great deal. When you build lean muscle tissue not only does it take up much less room than fat tissue, but it’s active tissue. It uses energy to exist and move. Fat tissue doesn’t. So your lean muscle tissue uses calories all the time. The more lean muscle you have, the hotter your metabolism burns. Combine weight training with healthy eating to lose weight and you’re attacking the problem from two different angles.

Aerobic exercises like walking, running, swimming, cycling and other activities boost your metabolism, too, while they burn fat. If you’re planning on healthy eating to lose weight, you should do one of these exercises at least 3 to 4 times a week. You don’t have to do the same exercise. You can do something different each time to keep it interesting. But do make aerobic exercise part of your fitness plan. Then you’ll be giving your heart and lungs healthy exercise while burning fat and boosting your metabolism.

Weight training should be done about 3 times a week, too. It’ll make you stronger and better able to do the aerobic exercises for longer periods of time. And you’ll be toning up the muscles you already have plus building new muscle tissue that actively burns calories all day long. Exercising regularly combined with healthy eating to lose weight is the best combination for losing weight and getting yourself in great physical condition.

A Healthy Diet Is Required For Proper Fitness

Keeping fit is something that many people overlook until they are out of shape and therefore must work harder to reach their physical goals. However, the work put into keeping your body healthy is worth it in both immediate results and long-term benefits. Here are some tips on fitness that can help keep you happy and healthy for years to come.

In order to truly commit to a fitness program, you need to change your attitudes and beliefs about fitness. You need to be willing to work hard, even when you’re feeling tired or lazy. Only if you are willing to make solid, lasting changes will you able to make fitness a part of your life.

In order to get the most out of your fitness routine when swimming, be sure to work on your ankle flexibility. This will help not only in preventing injury, but also will increase your performance in the water. This can be done simply by suspending your legs and pointing your toes away from you, then upward for a full minute.

One way to maximize your fitness routine is to keep track of your workouts and how well you did. This will result in positive thinking and will push you to compete against yourself. There are many online logs that you can keep, as well as devices that you can use to automatically track your workouts. This way you can see your progression and formulate your own challenges.

A great way to help you get fit is to start doing compound lifts. Compound lifts are lifts such as the bench press, squat, pull-up, and deadlift. These lifts are better than isolation lifts because they use more than once muscle group. Isolation lifts tend to only use one muscle group.

A good, and easy exercise to try when getting into better physical shape is walking. Walking at a fast pace for fifteen to twenty minutes a day can quickly impact your fitness goals. If you stroll for thirty minutes, you can have a similar impact to your body, it will just be more gradual.

The trapezius muscles are easily one of the most neglected body parts when it comes to exercise. To exercise them, simply hold a dumb bell in each hand, and lift your shoulders. Then lower them slowly. The trapezius muscles are an important part of upper body and back strength.

Are you looking to speed up your run? To increase the speed of your running time, make your actual running strides quicker instead of making your strides bigger. This will shave time off of your run. Push off with the toes of your trailing leg to get you going.

As stated earlier in the article, keeping fit can be hard work, but the rewards reaped from your efforts will be well worth the work. Maintaining proper fitness can help you lead a longer life, and help you enjoy the life you have now more fully. Follow the advice you learned from this article to get started on the road to better fitness.

McDonalds Calorie Counter Fast Food for Fast Weight Loss

If you get a McDonalds calorie counter, you won’t have to give up the taste and convenience of eating at America’s favorite fast food restaurant, even if you’re trying to lose weight. McDonalds and other fast food ventures get a bad rap, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

One of the biggest hits McDonalds has taken in the eyes of dieters was the movie Supersize Me, a documentary about eating nothing but McDonalds for thirty days. The movie’s director and nominal star ate nothing but McDonalds for the duration, without the benefit of a McDonalds calorie counter.

Eating McDonalds for three meals a day, he managed to gain better than twenty five pounds and pretty severely impacted his health. Needless to say, this didn’t do wonders for McDonald’s business, and it scared away even more dieter from eating at the fast food giant and led to the widespread availability of the McDonalds calorie counter.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. In the wake of Supersize Me, several people took up the challenge of eating nothing but McDonalds food for a month and not gain weight or even lose weight. Which, according to popular thinking, should be impossible.

But, as it turns out, it’s entirely possible to eat nothing but McDonalds or any other fast food and lose weight. What you need to know is what you’re eating and what you can eat, which is where the McDonalds calorie counter comes into play.

McDonalds, like most fast food restaurants, has made the McDonalds calorie counter freely available online and at most of their restaurants. Since the food is all standardized, you can pick one of them up and now that what you get is going to very close to what the guides say.

Since you can do that, you can use the McDonalds calorie counter to figure what foods you can eat, and in what amount. You can eat there and still lose weight; all it takes is proper planning and the right choice of foods.

This doesn’t just mean eating salads and diet soda. You can have chicken McNuggets and hamburgers and fries and even milkshakes. What you can’t do is have them all at once or all the time, or at least not as much as you want all the time.

With the help of a McDonalds calorie counter, you need to select foods that fit into your diet scheme. Which is basically saying that you need to make sure your daily calories fit within a range that is going to let you lose weight. As long as you’re inside that range, you can eat whatever you like.

This does mean that, unfortunately, if you eat at McDonalds three times a day, you can have two double quarter pounders with extra large fries and a milkshake at every meal. You can go all out as an occasional treat, if you really need to, but you need to keep your calories within a reasonable range. But usually, you just need to consult your McDonalds calorie counter and find foods that you can enjoy and lose weight with.

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