Can You Really Lose Weight Fasting

Let’s face it, if you’re on a mission to lose weight then you’ve probably tried a number of methods to get rid of those ugly and unwanted extra pounds. But since we’re all human, we often find that the traditional ways of approaching a weight loss regimen may not work for us. For the most part, trying to lose weight by reducing our daily intake of calories and increasing our physical output by increasing our amount of exercise just isn’t a “sexy” way to lose weight.

Every time you turn on the television you’re likely to be bombarded with diet commercials touting the next big thing in weight loss. All of those images make it even more difficult for us to avoid the “miracle” shortcuts and turn to something much more traditional for getting our weight under control. With that understood, we need to look beyond the glitzy presentations and consider that we might be better served by something that is very traditional for weight control. Instead of trying to “melt away the pounds” with the latest diet supplement, why not attempt to lose weight fasting?

According to a study presented at an American Heart Association conference by researchers in Utah, fasting could possibly even reduce the risk of heart disease. While there more information may be needed to validate the beneficial effects of fasting on heart health, it should come as no surprise that a proper plan of meal control could mean that the average person can lose weight fasting.

Fasting has been around for a long, long time. As I said, it isn’t exactly a sexy way to lose weight, but it certainly might prove to be very effective for many people. The fact is, no amazing supplement or miracle pill alone I know of is going to be as effective at helping us reduce our intake of calories than simply taking control of our own diets and meal planning and simply cutting back on the amount of food we eat.

For some, it is difficult to cut back significantly on an individual meal basis, but they can have success when they lose weight fasting by skipping meals on a pre-planned schedule. For instance, some choose to skip a meal every other day rather than to reduce their overall caloric intake at all meals. Clearly it is possible to lose weight fasting in this way, because for some dieters it may give them a psychological advantage over simply eating smaller meals at every meal time.

If you want to lose weight fasting, you’ll first want to consult with a medical professional to ensure that your basic dietary needs are met and that you’re losing weight in a safe and healthy manner. By choosing to take advantage of an experienced medical opinion to help you plan your progress, you’re going to make certain that your weight loss program will be as effective as it can be while protecting your overall fitness and health. Remember that proper nutrition is essential to a healthy life, and making major changes to your eating habits shouldn’t be done without professional advice.

Addicted To Food – Yep You

Being addicted to alcohol, drugs or gambling is tough, but at least you don’t need those things to stay alive. But can you imagine being addicted to food? The very thing you are trying to stop being addicted to is the very thing you need to survive. Having such an addiction would have to be incredibly frustrating, not to mention hard to get over.

But is it really possible to have such an addiction? According to researchers it is. One they have tested this is by scanning the brains of people that were addicted to food. They then had them think about food. So, what did they find? They found that these thoughts activated the same parts of the brain as an alcoholic or drug addict when they thought about drinking and drugs.

Another finding was that people who were addicted to food share something else with other addicts. That was having fewer dopamine receptors (dopamine is familiarly known as the “feel good hormone”). Because they have fewer receptors, it is believed that addicts need to seek that good feeling from outside sources just to feel as good as “normal” people.

When people overeat, the brain makes food addicts experience a deeper pleasure from their eating by making them less aware of the other parts of their body. To make matters even worse, they can experience many of the same withdrawal symptoms as drug addicts. Symptoms like moodiness, irritability, depression and anger, to name a few.

But…again, we need food to stay alive, so can food addiction be controlled? It can, but it will take commitment. Here are a few things you can do if you’re addicted to food:

Think when you eat. Pay attention to the food as you eat it. This will keep you from eating mindlessly, and that will help you control the problem. Also, switching your focus from filling your stomach until you can’t eat anymore to focusing on the enjoyment of the food; savoring it. You will naturally slow down and be more aware of what you’re eating.

Write it down. Just keeping track of everything you eat will help to ease your addiction. You don’t have to share this journal with anybody, unless you choose to. That means you can feel safe writing everything down. You may be shocked at just what you’re eating and how much, but sometimes we need a jolt to get on the road to recovery.

Get help. You can get help from a counselor, your personal doctor, or a support group…or all three if you need to. Each one can help you in their own way. The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to struggle with being addicted to food alone.

Avoid your triggers. If there are certain foods that make you lose control, then avoiding them will help prevent the problem. In other words, it will be much easier to handle temptation if you are not tempted to begin with.

3 Proven Tips for Rapid Weight Gain

Looking for a healthy method of rapid weight gain for the next phase of your fitness plan? There are quite a few weight gainer supplements out there, but how do you know which ones are healthy? Many of those bodybuilding products include extra fat or unhealthy ingredients like ephedra. Fortunately, rapid weight gain is possible through only natural methods. This is not only healthier, but will save you a ton of money on supplements over the course of a year. These three tips will help you pack on the pounds naturally.

1. Eat more…a lot more. This may seem like an obvious tip, but trouble gaining weight usually means you are not eating anywhere near enough food. Even if you think you are eating enough to gain weight, you may not even be compensating for the extra calories burned by your workout. Most people underestimate the sheer amount of calories needed to gain even one pound. While most sedentary people will have trouble restricting their calorie intake to less than their expenditure, physically active people may burn up to five or six thousand calories per day.

2. Use online calorie counting tools and weight loss calculators to set goals and track your progress. In the past, keeping track of your calories was tedious and time-consuming. You had to look up every food in a calorie book and write down your calculations in a notebook. Now you can easily input the food you just ate into an online calorie counting site and it will look up the calories for you. Many sites allow you to set up a free account to record of your intake and print reports showing the breakdown by food type.

A weight loss (or gain, in this case) calculator will take your measurements, physical activity level, and desired weight to give you a required calorie intake per day. Combining this with your online tracking site lets you quickly and easily see if you are meeting your calorie goals for the day. It is helpful to see if you will fall short because then you can adjust and eat a larger dinner or add a snack before bed. The breakdown of fats, carbs, and proteins is also useful for changing up your intake as the day progresses. Review your reports at the end of the week to see if there are any empty calories that you can remove from your diet.

3. Change up your workout to focus on gaining muscle. There are adjustments you can make while you are in the gym to speed up your weight gain. Progressively overloading a specific muscle group with increasing amounts of weight will maximize your gains in size from one workout to the next. Be sure to keep pushing your body by periodically changing up the types of exercises you do in the weight room. Also, getting enough rest in between sessions is crucial to making the most of your workouts. Many people think they need to workout more in order to achieve rapid weight gain, but that only breaks down the muscles without giving the body a chance to rebuild itself.

Do You Want to Lose 6 Pounds Quickly

Do you want to lose 6 pounds quickly? While many diets are geared at people who want to lose 20 pounds or more, the plan I’m presenting here will help you lose 6 pounds quickly – perhaps in just one week.

The first thing you want to do is clear out your pantry of all the foods that make you fat. Clean out your refrigerator and throw things away. Donate the packaged food in your pantry to a local food bank.

Then, go to the grocery store and buy the following sixteen things only:

1. Whole wheat bread
2. Tuna
3. Any and all fruits
4. Any and all vegetables
5. 8 oz. steak
6. Two chicken breasts
7. Salad vegetables
8. Balsamic vinegar
9. Special K Cereal
10. Skim milk
11. Brown rice
12. Instant oatmeal (not the sweetened packaged kind though)
13. Sliced turkey breast
14. 3 servings of fish
15. Low fat yogurt
16. Eggs

Using these foods as the basis for your diet, write out a diet plan for the next seven days. After that, you will be fully committed to sticking to it. Part of the motivation for clearing out your kitchen ahead of time is that there will not be any food that you can “cheat” with.

Next, you want to get a pedometer and make sure that you walk at least 10,000 steps each day. That may seem like a lot, but here are some ways that you can get extra steps in.

1. Park far away from the front door of your work or a store. Not only will you get extra steps in, but you will have a much easier time parking.
2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you work above the fourth floor, get off of the elevator at least two floors early and walk the rest of the way.
3. When you have to contact a colleague at work, don’t phone or email them, walk over to their office or desk.
4. If you take the bus or other form of mass transportation, get off a stop or two early and walk.
5. Walk the dog. If you don’t have a dog, volunteer to walk the neighbor’s dog.
6. Take a walk before dinner. Not only will you increase the number of steps you take that day, but a walk before dinner will reduce your appetite.

Finally, try to drink at least eight, 8 ounce glasses of water each day when you are trying to lose weight. You can do this by drinking one liter of water at work and another liter at home. If you don’t like water plain, it is okay to substitute unsweetened iced tea or sugar free lemonade or punch.

It is possible to lose 6 pounds in a week. Try radically altering your diet, walking more, and drinking a substantial amount of water. It’s not a lifetime that you will be restricted to this plan, it’s just a week. And, you’ll be able to lose 6 pounds in that time.

Accomplish Your Weight Loss Goals With This Advice

Anything worth having is never easy, but when it comes to weight loss, having some good information really makes the journey a whole lot easier. Use the tips, tricks and advice offered in this article to help you avoid some of the stumbling blocks that dieters inevitably face along the way.

Enjoy the occasional serving of avocado. When dieting, most people tend to avoid avocados, due to their fat content, but feel free to enjoy an occasional serving. Avocados are a great source of beta-carotene, potassium, folacin and Vitamin C. Also, the primary fat in avocados is the good’ fat: monounsaturated. That being said, if you are watching your weight, don’t go overboard. Half an avocado contains up to 15 grams of fat.

The best time of day to exercise is in the morning, before breakfast. When you exercise before your breakfast meal, you are burning stored fat, instead of the energy from your breakfast. This helps you have energy throughout the day, so you do not feel depleted of energy before lunchtime.

Replace whole milk with nonfat or 1% milk. They both contain the same essential vitamins and minerals that you find in whole milk. The only thing missing is the fat. A cup of non-fat or 1% milk contains 5 to 7 grams less fat than a cup of whole milk. It also has 30 to 50 fewer calories. Over the space of a year, this can really add up. Which can lead to greater weight loss.

Counting calories to loss weight? Don’t replace sugar with honey when choosing a sweetener. Teaspoon for teaspoon, honey actually has more calories than sugar. A teaspoon of honey contains 21 calories, whereas a teaspoon of sugar contains 15. Honey has slightly more nutrients, but in the amounts that people use, it’s not significant enough to make it worth the extra calories.

Don’t be under the impression that margarine contains less fat than butter – they contain exactly the same amount: 11 grams per tablespoon. Although margarine has less saturated fat than butter and contains no cholesterol, it contains trans fatty acids that have been linked to heart disease. For fewer calories, choose a diet or reduced-fat margarine.

Designate a particular area of your house for eating. Whether it’s the dining or kitchen table, it should be used solely for eating. This way you will only associate a certain location in your house with food, and won’t be tempted to eat when you are in other areas of the home, such as in front of the television, or in bed.

Serve meals straight from the stove. If you put the food in serving dishes before placing it on the table, it can be way too tempting to reach for a second or third serving. Put the desired amount of food on your plate, and when you are done, remind yourself that you are going to avoid the temptation of going back for seconds.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and use the information you learned here to start your weight-loss journey armed and raring to go. Knowing is half the battle, and now that you know what you should and should not do, you are better equipped to get your weight under control once and for all.

You Should Develop A Healthy Eating Habit

Of all the habits we tend to get into, few of us suffer from a healthy eating habit. Most of us have bad habits we’d like to break. We smoke, or drink too much, or eat too much chocolate. We have good habits, too, we just think about them much less often. We might hang our keys in the same place every day so we never lose them, or walk a mile after dinner every day. Those are good habits that get much less attention from us as the bad ones we’d like to get rid of. Healthy eating can become one of those good habits. It just takes a little preparation.

How often have you gone to the grocery store with the plan of eating only healthy, nutritious foods and purchased things like celery, grapes, lettuce, carrots, bananas and a variety of other produce? It’s all too easy, then, a week or so later to be throwing away many of those foods purchased with the best intentions because they’ve started to go bad.

Maybe you bought chicken breasts and fish for those healthy dinners you planned to make, too. And instead you ended up eating out almost every night because by the time you got ready to make dinner you were already starving, and didn’t have a healthy eating habit in place. Cooking seemed like too much of a chore, or it seemed too time consuming, so you ate at a restaurant.
You just didn’t have a healthy eating habit yet. But you can change that. Next time you’re ready to go to the grocery store, stop. Decide on a few meals and snacks you’ll have over the next few days or week, depending on how far you like to plan ahead. Make a list of some things you’ll need to have those meals, and stick to the list.

If you need some chicken breasts for a dinner, get just enough for the dinner. Don’t buy three packages thinking you’ll use them if there’s a chance you won’t. You can do that once you have a healthy eating habit, but not yet. Don’t buy carrots and celery thinking that you’ll have them as snacks if you really don’t think you’ll use them. If you’ll be using them to cook with, then there’s a bigger likelihood that you’ll use them up.

When you do buy healthy snack foods like fruits and vegetables, make it easier for yourself to develop a healthy eating habit. When you get home from the grocery store (or you can pick a time soon after that, in the next day or so) immediately wash the grapes and put them in a bowl, wash and chop the celery and carrots, clean the melon and cut it into chunks and do other preparation. Then next time you want a snack, you won’t be discouraged by the idea of having to wash, peel and chop. It’s easier to have a healthy eating habit when all you have to do is grab and go.

How To Succeed With Your Healthy Eating Weight Loss Diets

If you need to lose weight, you’ve probably looked at some healthy eating weight loss diets and groaned in disappointment each time. You’ve looked at diets that are supposed to be good for you while letting you lose weight. Some claim you can eat things like fatty cheeseburgers and even fatty milkshakes (made with sugar substitutes). While other diets claim that you can eat whatever you want as long as you keep your fat intake low. But chances are that they all restrict or forbid something you really enjoy, and you’re not looking forward to going without that favorite food.

What some people overlook is that you don’t necessarily have to follow a healthy eating weight loss diet that someone else claims is the best. You can figure out how to eat on your own. The first step is to look at how you’ve been eating. Obviously, if you need to lose weight you’ve been following a diet that provides you with too many calories. If your diet is healthy overall but you’ve been eating too many calories, then you might not even need to change the way you eat much at all. Increasing your daily exercise could be enough to help you lose weight.

If your diet needs an adjustment to become a healthy eating weight loss plan, though, you should look at the parts of your diet that seem unhealthy and adjust them. If you make too big a change from the way you like to eat, you’re setting yourself up to be unhappy with your new diet plan. Instead, try to incorporate the things you enjoy into your new plan.

Your healthy eating weight loss plan might not be able to include doughnuts 3 or 4 times a week like you’ve been eating. But the occasional doughnut as a treat might be acceptable if it fits within your allotted calories for that day. You might be able to have a substitution for a doughnut a couple of times a week, though. A whole grain bagel with fruit-flavored low-fat cream cheese, for instance, is a sweet treat that you could enjoy instead of a doughnut. It might give you the same satisfaction while remaining healthier and truer to your healthy eating weight loss plan.

If you eat a lot of sweets like chocolate, you can still enjoy them in moderation. Dark chocolate can be part of a healthy eating weight loss plan. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants that many fruits and vegetables. So try dipping some of your favorite fruits like bananas, pineapple or strawberries in some high-quality melted dark chocolate for a powerful anti-oxidant punch that should satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you on your diet.

Almost any unhealthy treats you’re use to having can be substituted with a healthier food that gives you at least some of the satisfaction of the unhealthy treat. Mashed cauliflower instead of buttery mashed potatoes, thin-crust vegetable pizza instead of take-out and other tricks can make your healthy eating weight loss plan more enjoyable.

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