NATURAL remedies for toothache?

I HAVE been to the dentist, and he could not find out why my tooth would be hurting, so I guess I’ve just got to find a way to put up with the pain. Does anyone have any natural remedies? Thanks in advance!
I don’t eat sugar, so "laying off the sweets" isn’t the problem. Just to let anyone interested know before they answer.

Natural Menustration Remedies?

I am in so much pain today. I am a 16 year old woman and I refuse to have any Western medication for the severe cramps and loss of blood I have during menustration. I don’t have any medicine in the house to help cure it anyway and I always find at this time of the month I just end up vomiting it up.

I tried walking. I walked a mile but the pain was just so excrutiating I had to rush home as to not make a fuss in public. Now i’m home, i’ve put three nettle tea bags in a cup of boiling water and have a hot pad on my abdomen.

I was just wondering if there were any other things I could try? I’ve tried to hydrate myself but the problem with drinking right now is everything seems to come back up and cause me bad digestion.

I have friends over tonight so any suggestions (hopefully with things lying around the house because I really can’t move right now) would be great!
‘try Western medication……….its not gonna kill u……’

With all of the chemicals in them I wouldn’t be suprised if they did eventually.

natural remedies for health?

i’ve been taking ACV and coconut oil for a while now, but after doing some research on taking ACV internally and the long-term side effects it could cause, I’m a little scared now. what are some tried and true natural remedies I can take internally to help my health without all the nasty long term side effects?
i got the information from
thank you all for your answers. i think i’m going to do what everyone is saying here, and try to eat a more nutritious diet and just take a multivitamin daily. i’ve already been trying to avoid foods with bad ingredients/preservatives, but it’s kind of hard being 17 with no job to buy the foods i want to eat.

Natural health??

Does anyone know of some natural/handy health remedies to improve both your physical appearance and mental wellbeing?
I’m looking for answers such as… 8 hours sleep a night will make you look and feel fresh and reviatlised.

Holistic Health courses?

Hi, I’m interested in taking some courses in holistic health, preferably those targeted in alternative medicine. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to help me find some great courses with possible financial aid options and dorming? Any help would be good help. Thank you

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