Weakness and thyroid question?

Well, I’ve been to the doctors and still have to see a neurologist in a couple of weeks for my medical problems. I won’t mention them except one, but if your curious you can browse through my health questions(ignore any weird questions as I was drunk when I asked one lol)

Anyway, I know it should be obvious, but I don’t really know.Twice my doctor asked if I’ve been experiencing muscle weakness, but I don’t know.

A few times my legs have become heavy to the point I need to sit down and thats with little walking.

Another thing is last thanks giving I was holding a paper plate of food(obviously not heavy)with my right hand and I felt fine, then suddenly that arm went numb and went limp for a few seconds and I had to set the plate down before I dropped it….Are any of these signs of weakness or what?

Also, my doctor said it sounds like I at least have a thyroid problem, but he said they tested me for it before and I wasn’t so I have my doubts….Can you please name any conditions that have symptoms similar to thyroid problems? Preferably common, treatable conditions, because I know I don’t have anything chronic/

I’ll just add that currently my legs are heavy and aching right now.
Sorry forgot to add I am 21 years old and I am average weight.

Underactive Thyroid & Raynauds Disease please help!!?

Hi Everyone,

I really need somebodys help please! I have all the symptoms of an underactive thyroid:

Extreme being sensitive to cold,
extreme constipation,
slowness in body and mind,
muscle aches and weakness,
muscle cramps,
dry and scaly skin,
brittle hair and nails,
heavy or irregular periods
Extreme weight gain.

I have had tests in the past and been told I have a slight small goiter in my neck but my tests show as "normal" and I do have a risk of having underactive thyroid in the future but not now!

I have recently been diagnosed with Reynauds Disease as I am extremely sensitive to the cold and get very purple hands and feet that turn white and blue and red!

I have looked online and it says that a likely cause for Raynauds disease is an Underactive Thyroid!!

I have gained so much weight over the years, for example I have gained a stone since July with no change in my diet at all and I walk alot everyday because I can’t drive and I do eat a healthy diet

I am adamant I have an underactive thyroid as i have every symptom! even Raynauds disease! and I need to know how am I going to prove to the Doctor I do or to run more thorough tests! I have been told I have antibodies positive in my thyroid just normal in my thyroid apparently.

My test results were on: ,
24.11.09 – TSH 2.34miU/L & Free T4 14.1pmol/L
08.10.2009 – TSH 1.76miU/L with Free T4 13.1pmol/L

I don’t know what these mean! but can please somebody give any advice I can’t take gaining weight anymore and suffering all these symptoms all the time and no one listening!

Sorry for ranting and rambling on!

Thank you! xx

Question about thyroids ?

i just recently got a blood test taken to see if i had Amenorrhea.
the blood test came back that my hormonal balance was good but my thyroid level was a little low but not to bad and they told me it’s nothing to worry about. what does that mean? & would will the dr do when i go see him in a few weeks, im just curious to see if anyone has gone through this, so i’m a little more prepared.
i would like to start ttc soon, but i’m very confused on whats going on.
& yes i’ve had my period before, it just all of a sudden stopped comming.
haha i know seriously, thanks =)

Thyroid & weight problem..HELP!?

HI I was diagnosed with a under active thyroid condition last year. I have had it for 2 years. In these 2 years i have gained 80 pounds. I feel so depressed b/c this just isn’t me. I was always so skinny. I used to wear a size 5 and now i’m in a size 18. Any tricks for losing weight. I have tried alli & it just isn’t working. I always feel hungry & tired. Any help?
I am on medicine, but its just getting my tyroid under control and "back to normal" & i’m not totally depressed just down. I’m not eating b/c of that tho.

can't lose weight…not thyroid issue- what can I do.?

I need help…I can not seem to lose any lbs. I have had my thyroid checked 2x and its NORMAL. However I am doing everything (at least I feel like I am) to lose some weight. I work out 5-6x a week. This consists of 30-45 minutes of cardio and weight lifting (so 1.5-2 hrs of gym time). I eat as CLEAN as I can. Sure I have cheat days (1-2x a month) and its SUSHI. Everyone in my family has lost weight my spouse, and kids are dropping lbs and I am stuck since Nov,. I have tried to switch things up less than 1200 calories, more calories, more water, more cardio, less cardio…and nothing stupid scale stays the same. i see muscle in my legs and have managed to grow a butt HOWEVER I would like to lose fat just seem to stay chubby. I don’t want to take diet pills. I want to do it right. Any tips?

Can thyroid genetics cure starvation in Africa?

So many morbidly obese people claim to eat very little yet gain weight from a thyroid condition. If this is true, couldn’t their genetic coding be implanted in starving children in Africa and result in thousands of plump yet destitute babies able to survive on a few grains of rice?

thyroid disease in dogs.

my dog has been diagnosed with Thyroid disease and the vet said something about a skin Fungus. he gave us a pill and some kinda Shampoo. we’ve been treating her for about a Year now maybe a little over and shes not geting any better. the only thing that it does effect is she stops flaking but her skin is still oily an she smells almost as soon as she drys after a bath. (its not because i dont wash her right.)

what im asking is does anyone else have the same problem and what do they do to help their dog.or if any one could give me any tips on helping would really be nice im on my last leg here.. oh and is it curable( i really dont think their is im just asking)

Anyone gone through thyroid surgery lately?

I was diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid about 18 months ago. Because I felt fine for many months and was going through other things at the time, I just blew it off. Big mistake. My thyroid gland grew so large that I ended up with a racing heartrate, extremely dry, flaky skin that itched so bad I thought about killing myself over it, extreme fatigue and problems with concentration.

After not having a good night’s sleep for almost eight months, I drug myself to an endocrinologist. When medication didn’t work, I ended up in a surgeons office, who advised me that untreated thyroid conditions can tax the heart so much, it can make you go into heart failure! I’m now one week post-op, and even though I’m still building up my stamina, I can’t begin to tell you how much better I feel! It will take months for my skin to recover, but my concentration is back on track, my heartrate has returned to normal and I sleep like a dream! Please don’t ever ignore a diagnosis like I did.

baby with high thyroid results?

My daughter is 6 months old she has had her thyroid tested 4 times since she has been born it has been too high………the doctor said she should be ok but yesterday I took her to a different doctor because she had a cold and she told me that one of her eyes sticks out more than the other and asked me if I have had her thyroid tested………should I be worried …..has anyone ever had this happen to their baby?
her doctor talked to an Endocrinologist from the University of Iowa and said that the results were high but not high enough to worry about.

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