What is the natural remedy that can be used as an antibiotic ?

I tend to get sick a lot mostly from bacteria (infection), allergy, mold, etc. Of course I am careful and try to keep the place allergy / mold free home. Whenever I get sick (bacteria infection / sinus infection / upper respiratory infection ) Conventional doctor would give me an antibiotic and I am feeling better in about 10 days. Fine. But I also know the downside of using antibiotic. What are the healthier better alternate ?

Does sleeping less affects your health?

I m 19M and My sleep schedule is not proper more recently I woke for like 32 hours. More recently It has gone worse but My sleep schedule is distured for like 3 years. Sometimes I feel like concentrating less but its rare

Does sleeping less really affects ur health,Or is it okay for me to continue what I m doing. And IF it does affect ur health what are its consequence(like headache etcc)

What are some natural remedies for GERD?

My boss has it. Has an appt in a month, but since he’s a nice guy, I was thinking to help him out a bit until he goes to the doc.
He’s not fat by any means and he doesn’t smoke. He stresses out a lot. Again, he is going to see a gastro in a month, but I wanted to get him something in the meantime. I don’t know who Tony is…
Oh, and he’s been on Nexium for… ever…

What are some good natural health websites?

I have never paid much attention to health before. I’ve always been a really healthy person without even trying and I pretty much never get sick. But yesterday I went to the dentist, and he says I need a root canal. I guess my immune system isn’t as good as I thought it was. I have read that a tooth with a root canal will leach bacteria into my body which can cause a ton of different health problems and ruin my immune system. Now I feel I have to be extra careful about my health. But there are so many different opinions, its really confusing. So what are some good websites, books, magazines to help me start educating myself?

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