Do You Have The January Blues?

Just this morning on the Radio the add said

Do You have the January Blues?

If not the get the latest blues record here……

I thought the add was clever as it tapped into something that happens many of us ……me included.

In fact although I teach about Personal Development in College and can analyze my emotions and the reason why I still have to stop myself falling into that trap of thinking that if so and so or this thing or that thing then I would feel better .

If presently you feel I am talking double Dutch then hear me out. ……..


How many of us have worked really hard to get what we want, but then we do not enjoy it. In fact we keep thinking that if we go for the next thing then that will make us happy.


Whatever we get It is never enough; We always feel as if we are missing something.

In all reality the problem lies in the fact that we are not happy with ourselves, our relationships, our health, or our work. There is always one more thing to strive for and then everything will fall into place. How many times do we feel that the answer will be money.
You see this all the time.

Watch the pop idol shows on TV in both the UK and USA. The contestants tell us how this will change their life. They have to be picked, this is what they have wanted their whole lives, if they do not get picked then they do not know what to do . Fame and celebrity status are our idols. Many of us believe that having either will make us successful and happy.
At the other end of the scale, there are people who are very content with who they are and what they do. They do not know how to get more of the things they want. Their hearts are open to life, yet they are still not living their dreams and they just sit with what they have.
When I lived in Africa for 22 years and then returned to the UK I went through a period of envy at people who were content as I found it really hard to settle and kept thinking of things that would make life better. I just could not understand how they could be so content with living in the same Town and the same country all their lives.
Neither side of the scale is right.
I believe that Personal success is somewhere in the middle where you strive to get what you actually want and then when you have it continue to want it. The mistake we make in today’s society is that people get mixed up with how personal success is measured .It is not by who you are or have become or what you have or how much you possess.

Flashing your money means nothing.

Instead, personal success is measured by how good you feel about who you are, what you have done, and what you have.
Personal success is within our grasp, but we must clearly know what it is and set our intention to have it.


Secrets of Counting Calories Weight Loss and Your Health

Achieving reasonable weight loss usually requires a number of lifestyle changes in order to have long term and lasting success. Many people mistakenly attempt to focus on only one aspect of their lifestyle when planning to drop unwanted pounds. Often they feel that simply reducing their daily food intake is all that should be required to slim down and eliminate that extra weight they’ve carried around for far too long. But the plain truth of the matter is that this strategy is unlikely to produce the desired results, because when you only count calories weight loss is more difficult to achieve. In fact, simply reducing your caloric intake can actually slow your metabolism and restrict overall weight loss.

If we accept the premise that we must do more than count calories weight loss — real long term and significant weight loss — will be something that we can look forward to and, in fact, actually achieve. So what other aspects of our personal lifestyles must we address in order to drop unnecessary pounds? No doubt you’ve probably heard this many, many times before, but an appropriate amount of exercise is also critical to lasting weight reduction. Changes in diet alone typically won’t be enough for most of us to get the weight loss results we’re hoping for. Instead, we’ve got to safely increase our physical activity. We’ve got to get off our rear ends and get our bodies moving in order to reach our weight loss goals.

Activity is essential to our overall well being. When we rely solely on reducing calories weight loss is more than likely going to be much more difficult for us to achieve, because we need to raise our energy levels and boost our metabolism when we reduce the amount of food in our diets. While it may be appropriate to cut back on our daily food intake because we’re exceeding the amount of calories our body needs to function properly, cutting back too harshly or too quickly will likely have very adverse affects on our ability to lose weight. The bottom line is that we’ve simply got ensure that we’re getting the right amount of exercise, otherwise by simply cutting down on calories weight loss will not come as expected.

Remember, these are just general weight loss principles and each person is different. Before you embark on a weight loss regimen, you should first consult with your doctor or health care professional. This advice is essential to ensure that you approach your weight loss program in a safe and healthy manner. Changes in our diet and our exercise plans could have significant effect on our overall well being, both positive or negative. While we may want to jump right in and start exercising and counting calories weight loss will be much more risky without the guidance of a qualified health care professional. When it comes to losing weight, be smart and stay healthy.

Are You Trying To Slim Down? Give These A Try!

Losing weight is a challenge for most, but it doesn’t have to an insurmountable one. There are many ways to make your weight loss goal more obtainable. If one method doesn’t work for you, you can always try something else. The important thing is to keep at it. Read through this article to learn lots of great ideas and suggestions to help you lose weight.

Eating protein with each meal will definitely, bring about weight loss. Filling up on lean protein will be more satisfying to you then carbs or fats will. It will fill you up faster and keep you full for longer periods of time. If you fill up on carbs, you will find that about an hour or two later, you will be hungry again.

Make sure to get the proper amount of water every day. When your body is dehydrated, it tends to hold on to fat stores because water is necessary to flush out your system. Drinking enough water every day, especially if you haven’t been, helps to flush your system and make you leaner.

Enlist a friend to be your weight-loss workout buddy. Not only will having a friend hold you accountable so you won’t bypass your workout for a night on the couch, but it will also inspire you to work harder. The friendly competition will spur you to push yourself a little more during each workout.

If you want to lose more weight, consider simply turning off the television. Studies have shown that people consume significantly more calories when they combine eating with watching their favorite shows. Instead, sit down together as a family and focus on talking to one another and enjoying your meal.

When you are watching what you eat, don’t forget to also watch what you drink. Research the calories of your favorite beverages so that you can fit them into your diet comfortably. Also, switch to “light” versions of your drinks of choice to ‘shave excess calories off’ your daily intake.

Eating breakfast is one of the most important parts of losing weight. When you eat breakfast, you have a much better chance at losing and maintaining any weight loss. Starting your day off right sets up a positive attitude and helps you make helpful choices for the rest of the day.

One easy way to trick yourself into eating less is to use a smaller plate. When you use a large plate, you have tendency to want to fill it. You can fill a small plate like a dessert plate to the edges without feeling guilty about eating everything on it.

To seriously contribute to your weight loss efforts, drink 16 ounces of water right before a meal. Not only is it just plain healthy to begin with, those two glasses of water will fill you up and no matter how good the meal is you will eat less! It may be easier said than done, especially when you are hungry but it is a great way to really lose weight!

If you are attempting to lose weight during the holiday season, it can be difficult with so many parties and gatherings where there are high fat, high calorie, foods and snacks served. To keep yourself on track, eat a healthy and filling meal ahead of time. You can still indulge while you are there, but you will eat less than if you had shown up hungry.

You should not compare yourself to other people when trying to lose weight because what works for one person, may not work for another. People don’t lose weight at the same rate and the trick is to figure out what works best for you and then, stick with it. Keep in mind, the basic formula of expending more calories than you take in, drink plenty of water, and eat healthy, for your plan to work.

Find a non-food way to reward your efforts. Instead of treating yourself to a hot fudge sundae for reaching a weight-loss or fitness goal, treat yourself to a new workout outfit, a round of mini-golf or a spa treatment. This will train your brain to associate success with these kinds of activities, rather than food.

Hopefully, some of these tips will assist you in reaching your goal. Experimentation and education to see what will work in your situation will be vital in reaching your goals. Whether you can get there in a month or even six you can achieve your weight loss goals if you stick to it.

Why New years Resolutions are a Waste of Time

So over the last few days we are all geared up with our new years resolutions.
All the things we are going to do or achieve that we never did in 2014.

We dream up lists of the so called things that we need or think we need.
In reality unless we have gone through a “Self Discovery” where we have identified ourselves and our needs, no matter what we achieve we will never be happy anyway.
Sounds simple enough but in reality, it has a huge meaning and a huge role in people’s life.

You may dream of leading a certain kind of life, but when you enter that kind of life, you do not seem to be happy.
We all have ideas in our heads of what is going to make us happy and then end up totally disappointed when we feel we have arrived there and we are still not happy
This is what makes self-discovery very important.
If you do not discover yourself, and know exactly what you want form life, you always tend to be unhappy. This is the major reasons why counselors go for self-discovery sessions. However, even without the help of counselors, you can discover yourself if are a little aware of your needs and feelings.


The first step to self-discovery is identification of your needs.

Most of the people do not know what they want. They keep on searching for one thing and when they achieve that thing, they still are unhappy. To identify your needs, you first need to sit in a quiet place and relax yourself.
Then, when you are in a relaxed state of mind, meditate and focus on your thoughts. Ask yourself questions like what makes you happy, what makes you sad and so on. Along with the question of what, also ask why it makes you happy or sad.
Seek a deep and strong reason behind it, not any fragile reason. After you have the answer to all your questions, write them down in a piece of paper in a tabular form so that whenever you see it, you can understand it.
This finishes the identification session. This is the most important part of the session of self-discovery.
Next, you have to prioritize your needs that you have identified from the first step. You may have several reasons that make you happy, but it is not possible to implement them altogether. Therefore, you have to prioritize them into first, second, third and so on.
This will make everything systematic and you can get all the happy things done one by one. Since you have also noted the things that make you sad, therefore, you can stay away from those things. There will be no confusions anymore if they are well written in paper as well as well engraved in your mind. When we write these needs and what makes us happy and it becomes visual then it also becomes more real and tangible.

Next is executing these happy moments into actions.

Easier said than done. Realize that happiness is often in the journey rather than the destination.
If, you discover yourself and what is really important in your life then you will lead a happier life if you are well-disciplined.
Stick to what is right for you… not what you think should be right but what you know is right.

 Be true to yourself, to your needs, to your values and also your beliefs.



Like Magic Discover A Weight Wathcers Alternative

If you’re looking for a weight wathcers alternative, there may be more choices that you have available to you than you realize. No matter what your weight loss goals may be, you can search for a weight wathcers alternative that suits your lifestyle and budget. And the good news is that the alternative you select can work to help you lose the weight safely and in a manner that will help you to maintain your ideal weight in the future.

There are so many dieting alternatives on the market today it is no wonder that some people find it very confusing and difficult to choose a program that will work in helping them to lose weight. If you have been searching for an alternative dieting program that will help you lose weight but haven’t found the right program for you, rest assured that your search is not in vain and that there are programs that you can use to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

If you are searching for a weight wathcers alternative, the first step is to recognize the difference between the successful alternatives and those that are just designed as a competitive money-making alternative that may not work for you. The next step in choosing a weight wathcers alternative is to make sure that it is designed to work with your body type and eating lifestyle. Even the best weight wathcers alternative won’t work if you can’t maintain the diet’s requirements.

Understand that the dieting industry has many weight loss alternatives that are currently on the market and that many of these alternatives are not approved nor endorsed by the FDA and other authorities that test such programs to ensure their safety and success rates. This means that whatever weight wathcers alternative you select, you want to be sure that it is a tested program that has produced successful results. You can search for blind and double blind results that let you know you aren’t the first person to try your particular alternative and to see some of the different body types that have been helped by following the alternative.

Starting a new dieting program of any type is a life change. Don’t feel like it has to be done overnight or that there won’t be challenges to face. Do believe in yourself and your ability to find the right program for you and to stick to that program for your health and to keep you healthy for those you love and care for.

Schedule milestones along the way and reward yourself as you reach each of those points. When you reach your ideal weight, plan a party or vacation to show off your new body to the world around you. Know that there is a weight wathcers alternative that’s just right for you and it is available for your use and ready when you are so if you’ve been waiting for the right time, that time is here!

Are You Trying To Lose Those Last Few Pounds?

There is nothing better than being in shape to keep you happy and healthy. If you have a few pounds you would like to lose, then spend a few minutes with these helpful tips that will guide you on your way. Whether you know a lot or a little, a little push never hurts.

Avoid putting too much emphasis on the weight loss. Although this is your #1 goal, if you are putting too much emphasis on this stage of your life, it can become too overwhelming to proceed healthily. You want to make sure you understand that you are still beautiful and that weight loss is for health.

Consider joining a local sports club or class if you’re having problems with losing weight. Zumba classes are very popular right now, and you shouldn’t have a hard time convincing a friend or family member to join you. This makes working out fun and will make you more likely to turn exercising into a habit!

Avoid eating when you are bored when trying to lose weight. When you eat to relieve boredom, you are more likely to eat high fat or sugary snack foods like chips or candy instead of healthy foods. You are also more likely to eat more food than if you plan your snacks.

Buy portion controlled healthy snacks to help you limit how much you consume at snack time. If you are careful not to consume too many snacks, while still being satisfied, you will lose weight. If you eat a good snack between meals you will not overeat at your next meal.

When on a weight-loss regimen, it is very important to stay hydrated. By drinking six to eight glasses of water a day, you will discover that you are less hungry and smaller portions will satisfy your hunger. Whenever you get the desire to snack, simply drink a glass of water first and wait ten minutes. On many occasions, this will either remove your desire for a snack or it will lower the amount of food needed to make you feel full.

If you are working at weight loss but still want to enjoy the occasional treat, try this clever trade-off. Each time you decide you are going to allow yourself some higher-calorie goodies, make yourself do 30 pushups or sit-ups first. Or, go for a 15 minute walk. The added calories you burn will help to offset the extra food you are about to eat. If its too much work, just leave the junk food where it is!

If you are getting bored with that plate of salad sitting in front of you at nearly every meal, throw it in a pocket! Any good weight loss plan includes plenty of healthy salad but since that can get old quick, toss your salad in a pita and splash some lemon juice on it for a tasty yet still weight loss conscious treat!

When eating out, split your meal with a friend. Most restaurants serve portions that are much too large for one person to eat alone. Ask for two plates and split your meal with a friend or family member instead. Not only will you be consuming less calories, you will also end up saving more money.

Let yourself be fidgety! Being a restless person can actually be a good thing when it comes to losing weight. Studies have shown that people who fidget while they sit are burning more calories than those who do not. Try moving around a little even when you are sitting down.

If you are going to eat out at a restaurant then you should probably skip the prix-fixe menu even though it is probably the most economical way to eat. This way you can have more control over the food choices you make and you will not feel tempted to eat something that you shouldn’t.

Hopefully these ideas have given you either new found knowledge or an affirmation of things you already knew. Both are important in getting going when it comes to weight loss. Remember to use these ideas, not only for losing, but also for moderating when you reach your goal. Keeping yourself fit and vibrant is a great way to enjoy your life.

How to Lose Weight Quick

When you want to lose weight, knowing how to lose weight quick is one of the keys to your success. Whether you decide on a diet that has major changes or to incorporate serious exercise workouts into your daily routines, you want to see the weight come off quickly. Sometimes there’s an event or outfit that you want to wear for a specific date or time and knowing how to lose the weight quick is paramount.

It doesn’t matter if you are starting a diet or exercise plan for the first or 100th time. The point is that you want to know how to lose weight quick so that you can get rid of the unwanted fat and pounds that you’ve gained. The good news is that there are many ways that you can learn how to lose weight quick. The key is to find the right program for your lifestyle, body type and metabolism. Once you find that key, knowing how to lose weight quick is in the bag.

Believe it or not, your primary care physician may be one of the best places to start in your search for how to lose weight quick. Your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist who can take into consideration how much weight you have to lose and what eating program that you can start right away to lose the most weight possible in both a quick and safe manner.

The good thing about consulting with your doctor is that he or she will help you to avoid those unsafe quick weight loss gimmicks. You know the ones that pull water from your body but don’t teach you how to lose the fat or how to keep the weight off that you do lose.

It is important for you to understand that while there are lots of programs that teach you how to lose weight quick without exercise, however the real good ones will tell you include exercise along with your lose weight fast plan. Why is it so important?

When you include exercise in your weight loss goals it will help you to kick your metabolism into a higher gear. This in turn means you will burn fat faster and more regularly. It also means when you reach your ideal weight goal, you will keep the weight off and have a much healthier body all the way around.

Sometimes the pressure of trying to lose weight quickly can be traumatic. Try to avoid the pressure of short term weight loss ordeals. You can do this by practicing good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle on a regular basis. Then when those special occasions come around, you’ll be in your best shape for them.

Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t maintain optimum weight at all times because there are ways available that can help you to lose weight quickly when you need to. The most important aspect is that you treat your body with respect. It’s important for you to understand that you only get one body, which you need to care for as best you can.

Learning how to lose weight quick correctly is a lesson that provides benefits and rewards that can last a lifetime.

Get Rid of Unwanted Holiday Weight Gain (New Years Gift)


If you’re like most people, you may have packed on a few pounds of unwanted weight over the holidays.

Eat, drink, be merry. It’s all good.

But it can also be dangerous to your waistline when this is a yearly occurrence.

Research shows that this weight gain is uneven throughout the year and spikes
dramatically during the holidays, a time when we tend to binge on all sorts of delicious holiday foods and eat much more than our bodies need.

In fact, a large percentage of people’s lifetime weight gain can be explained just by the 6 week holiday period.

Did this happen to you?

If yes, you’ve got to check out this remarkable approach to fast and permanent weight loss – that is 100% safe and doesn’t involve any wacky pills or potions.

It’s called the Total Wellness Cleanse and it was developed by our good friend,
Yuri Elkaim, who’s a Registered Holisic Nutritionist and New York Times best
selling author.

He’s a true authority in the nutrition and health industry. So much so that he’s a regular guest on shows like Dr. Oz and The Doctors.

>> Click here to see for yourself

Over the past 6 years, his cleanse has helped 21,679 people (and counting)
lose weight effortlessly, have more energy, and get overcome their debilitating
food cravings.


To celebrate the start of the New Year, Yuri’s got two more special things lined up for you:

1. He’s giving you a MASSIVE (never before seen) DISCOUNT on the program

2. He’s giving you his “Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide” to help double your weight loss. This 20-day plan is specifically designed to normalize your hormones, reset your metabolism, and accelerate your fat loss.

This $47 value “add on” is yours absolutely FREE when you grab the Total Wellness Cleanse TODAY.


So, please…

If you’re struggling with too much weight and want to avoid the vicious downward spiral of continued weight gain, then take action today.

>> Get the Total Wellness Cleanse and “Accelerated Weight Loss Strategy Guide” (FREE Bonus)

Easy Diets for the Busy Woman

Easy diets are important because women today are busy. They don’t have time to develop recipes around specific fat to carbohydrate ratios, cook elaborate dinners, or make separate meals for themselves while still providing nutritious food for their families. Fortuanately there are easy diets out there that solve this problem.

Weight Watchers, for instance, is perfect for the busy woman. There are no “forbidden foods,” elaborate recipes, or fancy food combinations. Instead, each food is given a points value based on its calorie, fat, and fiber quotient. Then, the dieter is given a maximum number of points to be used each day. There are also floating points for the week that can either be divided up equally over the days or used for a once a week splurge.

There ware weekly meetings on the Weight Watchers program. At these meetings, dieters weigh in and have their weight recorded and attend a 30 minute pep rally. Seasonal issues like dealing with eating during the holidays are always addressed. There are no special foods to buy. There is an initiation fee and a $10/week meeting fee that is charged whether you attend your meeting or not. Over all, this is one of the most easy diets that you will find.

You should be able to make the same kinds of foods for your family that you make for yourself. While you might choose to eat less than you normally would or skip the potato or desert course to stay under your point limit, you will find that you can eat with your family at all times.

Another of my recommended easy diets is Jenny Craig. With Jenny Craig, you are given a pre-set menu and most of your meals are provided for you. You simply buy the produce for salads, fruit snacks, etc. You meet with a weight counselor once a week to monitor your progress and buy your next week’s worth of meals. Some of the meals are shelf stable, but the tastier ones tend to be frozen.

Jenny Craig is expensive. In addition to an initiation fee, the meals you buy will cost you more than comparable groceries will. Additionally, you will have to go to the grocery store to buy your produce.

You will not be able to eat the same foods as your family when you follow Jenny Craig’s easy diets. You will need to prepare normal foods for the non-dieters at your table and bring your frozen food to dinner. If you are single, however, the portion controlled foods make Jenny Craig one of the easy diets to follow.

Nutrisystem is a cheaper version of Jenny Craig and an equally easy diets to follow. While you won’t visit your counselor in person, you will have access to him or her over the phone. The food is much less expensive, but it is all shelf stable. It is mailed in 4 week boxes. As such, it doesn’t taste very good, in my opinion. You still have to go to the grocery store to buy produce, but most of the food is shipped to you in the box. Again, you won’t be able to sit down to dinner with the family, but cooking the Nutrisystem food is no problem.

So, there you have it, three easy diets that won’t complicate your life while you are loosing weight.

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