The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

There are various versions of the “Mayo Clinic Diet” floating around the internet. The Mayo Clinic, a respected hospital in Minnesota, has said that none of these diets originated at their clinic and that they do not recommend any of them. In this article, I’m going to discuss two of the more popular versions of “the Mayo Clinic Diet” and then discuss what the Mayo Clinic actually recommends for weight loss.

One of the false Mayo Clinic diets revolves around eating a lot of grapefruit. For instance, a typical day’s food would consist of:

Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs any style, 2 slices of bacon.

Lunch: ½ grapefruit, any style of meat (any amount), salad with any kind of dressing.

Dinner: ½ grapefruit, any style of meat or fish in any amount, any green, yellow, or red vegetables cooked in butter or any other kind of seasoning.

Snack: 1 cup of tomato juice or 1 cup of milk

Avoid: White onions, potatoes, celery

Eat until you are full and then stop. Eat everything on the menu including the morning’s bacon. Cut down on caffeine. Don’t eat between meals. Don’t eat any sugar or starch including deserts, bread, or potatoes.

The “key” to this “Mayo Clinic Diet” is the grapefruit. It supposedly acts as a catalyst that starts the fat burning process.

Another false “Mayo Clinic Diet” revolves around eating gallons and gallons of Cabbage Soup. You can eat as much of the soup as you want throughout the diet. You make the soup with the following ingredients:
· 6 large green onions
· 2 green peppers
· 1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole)
· 3 Carrots
· 1 Container (10 oz. or so) Mushrooms
· 1 bunch of celery
· half a head of cabbage
· 1 package Lipton soup mix
· 1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional)
· 1 48oz can V8 juice (optional) (reduce water by appropriate amount if used)
· Season to taste with salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, etc.
· 12 cups water

The Cabbage Soup version of the Mayo Clinic Diet follows a 7 day plan. On the first day, you can have all of the soup you want plus any amount of fruit except bananas. The second day, you can have the soup plus all of the vegetables you want including one big baked potato at dinner time. The third day, you get all the soup, fruit, and vegetables you want except for potatoes. Then on day four, you get the soup plus all the bananas and skim milk you want. On day 5, you get up to 20 ounces of beef plus 6 tomatoes along with the soup. On day 6, you can have up to 3 8 ounce steaks and all the vegetables you want (no potatoes). The last day calls for brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, and vegetables along with the soup.

The Mayo Clinic does not recommend that dieters follow either the grapefruit or the cabbage soup plans. Instead, the Official Mayo Clinic Diet is based on four principles that look more like what a dietitian would recommend:

1.) Eat well using the food pyramid as a guide.
2.) Increase your physical activity
3.) Set action goals to guide your diet.
4.) Get started and stay motivated.

So, if you are eating lots of grapefruit or drowning yourself in cabbage soup, you’re not following the official Mayo Clinic Diet.

I Need To Lose Weight Real World Solutions

You’ve been noticing in the mirror that your clothes just don’t fit the way you want them to. Maybe it’s been gradual over months or even years but now you’re realizing and saying to yourself I need to lose weight real world solutions where are you? If so, there’s no time like the present to find a program or regimen that fits your needs and helps you to lose weight.

Sometimes real world solutions are a part of the complexity that we encounter in our daily living and may not realize it. For example, some cities have enacted regulations that prevent restaurants from serving Trans fats. This is a solution that is working to help decrease the number of obese adults in those particular cities. So you should never feel that you are alone when searching for help. There are many people who are overweight and searching for those same solutions.

It’s important to understand that not every person wants to prepare a fresh from scratch meal every night of the week and these solutions take into account the busy lifestyles that some people are forced to live. That’s why some of the solutions include programs where your food is prepared for you and all you have to do is heat it up and eat. These are realistic and “I need to lose weight real world solutions” for those who find dieting a challenge but are determined to get their bodies in shape.

Many times the cost of fresh produce and other specific items, which certain fad diets require you to purchase is out of this world; not to mention almost impossible to find. I need to lose weight real world solutions take into consideration simplicity and getting you results that work in today’s real world. For example, you may live in a major city area where fresh produce is hard to find.

With a real world solution on hand, you can make your diet work for you. Not the other way around! This is important to your ability to stick with the diet you choose and the diet’s ability to help you shed those extra pounds. This in turn will get you back to the right body weight and shape; which is the healthiest for you.

When you are tired of carrying the excess pounds, your objective becomes to find a dieting plan or solution that will work and get you the results you seek. There is no reason to settle for a diet that does not help you lose the weight.

There is also no reason that you should have to starve yourself to get your ideal body size and shape back with some discipline. I need help real world solutions are not fads or fly by night diets that may work and you owe it to yourself to discover the difference if you haven’t already.

Being Obese – Health Problems It Can Cause

Being obese, health problems it can cause have probably already been flagged by your doctor. Carrying too many excess pounds puts a severe burden on your body which can result in painful limbs and joints. It also puts pressure on your internal organs preventing them from working efficiently. Your heart has to work harder to pump oxygen around your body and this can lead to heart disease. Your lungs struggle to cope and this can lead to breathing difficulties.

Your liver and your kidneys are the two most important organs in your body for dealing with toxins. These organs get rid of the poisons we all consume on a daily basis. But if they are not working at optimum levels these poisons can build up in our systems causing anything from dark patches under our eyes and elsewhere on our skin to cancer and other serious illnesses. Most obese people do not drink sufficient water which can lead their systems to dehydrate imposing yet more pressure on the liver and kidneys and eventually they will begin to fail. The fact that these internal organs are not working at optimum levels could be one reason why you struggle to lose weight. A detox diet to kick start them into working better often works very well so long as you are sensible, follow your doctors advice and don’t use it as a long term weight loss plan.

Other health issues being overweight can cause is fertility problems and hormone conditions such as thyroid issues. If you are trying for a baby and either you or your partner are overweight, this could be the cause of your failure to conceive.

If you are overweight, you should have a full medical check up to ensure that a medical condition is not the cause of the condition. Yes carrying too much weight can lead to medical problems but being ill can lead to the obesity issue in the first place. Only a full medical check up will rule this out.

Diabetes is another huge problem for overweight people and the sad fact is that it is largely preventable but once you have it, it cannot be cured only controlled. It is very important that your diabetes is managed correctly if you do have it. Never ignore any symptoms of this condition as it can cause all sorts of problems if it goes untreated.

The good news is that you can reduce your chances of getting any of the above illnesses by losing weight. Every pound you lose will reduce your risk so it is worth trying everything to get your body mass index down to below 25. You need to address your entire lifestyle not just your diet or your exercise program. You need to first adopt some patience.

It took a while to become this overweight so you are not going to wake up toned and slim one morning without first putting in a lot of hard work and effort. But the good news is the being obese and the health problems that go with it do not have to be your destiny. You have complete control over this issue and there are plenty of people who will help you overcome it if you let them.

Can You Possibly Lose 3 Pounds In Just a Few Days

My wife called me on my cell phone the other day, and she seemed in a panic. It isn’t like her to get freaked out too easily, so I was surprised to hear that she was in such a frantic state. Clearly she must be experiencing some tremendous tragedy, and I was almost afraid to ask her just what was going on. I braced myself for bad news, expecting her to tell me the worst, but once she calmed down she told me that the “big crisis” was that she needed to lose 3 pounds in 3 days.

For me, losing a few pounds isn’t anything to get all worried about. So to lose 3 pounds in 3 days didn’t really strike me as something that should be such cause for concern. But to be frank my wife is tremendously competitive, and she and her best friend have been dieting and exercising together, so they’ve been comparing their weight loss progress on a weekly basis. They both work out at the same gym and weigh in together every Friday evening. Well, to date they’d been keeping even pace with one another, but my wife heard from one of the trainers at the gym that her friend had managed to drop 5 pounds while my wife had only managed to lose two, and only 3 days remained until the next weigh in. Naturally that means my dear wife simply had to lose 3 pounds in 3 days in order to keep in step.

I told my wife that she shouldn’t try and push it. In my mind, it isn’t safe if you don’t have a plan. I was worried that she was simply so fixated on “I have to lose 3 pounds in 3 days” that she would throw all caution to the wind and proceed in an unsafe or unhealthy manner. I was happy to learn that she consulted with her trainer at the gym on safely increasing her exercise regimen in order to burn a few extra calories at each workout. She added a little more weight training and more cardiovascular and did so only under the strict guidance of her fitness professional. She also modified her diet slightly in order to help achieve her plan to lose 3 pounds rapidly, but again she did so only after speaking with the physician’s assistant at her doctor’s office.

I have to say, she met her goal. In the end, my wife did what she needed to do to lose 3 pounds in 3 days, but thankfully she did it in a way that ensured she did no damage to herself in the process. Oh, and her friend? She ended up losing a total of seven pounds for the week and my wife’s weight loss was five. So while she didn’t match her friend pound-for-pound, she did well enough to feel happy about her own progress. I guess, in the end, that’s all that really matters.

Weight Loss And Exercise For Diabetics

I’m sure you are quite aware of the fact that if your overweight your odds of developing Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes goes up dramatically. You also know that we aren’t talking about a few extra pounds; we are talking about 20 plus pounds. In other words we are talking about being obese. One of the best ways for you to have weight loss and lower the odds of being diagnosed with diabetes is exercise. Exercise for diabetics is critical.

Although Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented exercise is a phenomenal way to help control insulin sensitivity throughout the body. The exertion brought forth by the exercise causes the muscles to burn the glucose more efficiently. But a great side effect of the exercise will cause your metabolism to speed up, which in turn will burn calories thus helping your body to shed those extra pounds.

You should know that even though Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented, it is possible to prevent Type 2. One of the first steps you must take to prevent it is commence a weight loss program that combines exercise and healthy eating. You should then follow up step 1 with the proper vitamins and herbal supplements, which in turn reduce insulin sensitivity and help in maintaining a healthy weight.

Recent studies have determined that a 30 minute walk every day can dramatically decrease the possibility of an overweight person contracting Type 2 Diabetes. The natural swing of the arms and legs will increase the circulation to the heart and lungs. This in turn will reduce the chances for heart disease and help avoid the possibility of losing circulation in the lower extremities. This is a deadly side effect of diabetes.

Diabetics and overweight people often suffer from high blood pressure. This as you know causes a shrinking of the blood vessels and restricts blood flow to the extremities of the body, particularly the lower ones. Exercise of course lowers the blood pressure and in doing so opens the blood vessels. Thus increasing the blood flow to the lower extremities; which in turn prevents the terrible damage to the toes and feet of a diabetic or overweight person.

However, this does not happen overnight and it is imperative to your weight loss and control/prevention of diabetes. Because the exercise should be done every day there are some inherent dangers which can be induced by the exercise. The good thing is if you are aware of these dangers you can stay ahead of the game.

1. If you are diabetic or borderline diabetic exercise will lower the blood sugar levels and you may become hypoglycemic. If you exercise alone always have a candy bar or a natural juice (orange juice) or other fruit juices which can quickly restore your blood sugar level.

2. Closely monitor how you feel physically during and after exercise. If you notice that you are feeling weak and drained or experience a sudden onset of hunger it’s possible your blood sugar levels are dropping below the safe level. Again go for the candy or the juices.

Weight loss and exercise for diabetics go hand in hand. It is important you work with your doctor or other professional health provider to make sure you are doing things right. You can control both weight loss and diabetes, don’t let them control you.

Lowering Cholesterol does nothing to Prevent heart Attacks

My Doctor wanted me to go on statins because my cholesterol levels were high.

I refused and each time I go to the clinic and get a blood test I am told the Doctor needs to see me.

I have done my own research and I have made a decision on my own health. That decision is that i will not take Statins.

Lowering Cholesterol Does NOTHING to Prevent Heart Attacks

Medical researchers are astounded…They can’t believe that they’ve been getting it so wrong the entire time…

Latest research proves LOWERING your cholesterol is scientifically proven to CAUSE heart attacks……read that again!

If you’ve ever wondered why no one seems able to lower cholesterol on their own – without using statin drugs?

 Sit tight and read this report…. But I should warn you:You’re not going to like it. Not one bit.

The reason your cholesterol is so high


Discover What to Eat to Lose Weight

Knowing what to eat to lose weight is one of the keys to successful weight loss that lasts. A sensible diet that is both content rich with nutrients and has good taste is one that is easy to stick to and will create the weight loss results you desire. Sometimes choosing a diet with food selections that aren’t good may be a way to lose a little weight but it’s not one we will stick with because we don’t like what we’re eating and we tend to not be committed to the diet as a result.

Understanding what to eat to lose weight involves having access to good nutritional information such as a diet plan or diet program that spells out what you should and should not eat. Many foods that taste good are not good for you and in order to lose weight you have to eliminate those foods from your diet. Some foods that have a little taste but low calories and stimulate your metabolism can be cooked in a manner that makes them taste great and you can eat more of them so that you feel full and satisfied with your eating.

If you are unsure what to eat to lose weight and you need to start losing weight to get in shape, you should consider going on a diet that described the foods you need to eat. You can also consult with your physician who will tell you what to eat to lose weight or will refer you to a nutritionist who will take the time to explain not only what to eat to lose weight but the portions of those foods to eat, when to eat them and what type of weight loss you can expect.

When you begin to learn what to eat to lose weight, it can be a good feeling in more ways than one. Your body will start to release the unwanted fat stores, your metabolism will speed up and cause more fat to burn, you will notice your clothes start to fit better and will become too loose after awhile and equally important, you will start to feel good mentally. This last aspect of your mental state of mind can be the result of knowing what to eat to lose weight and eating those healthy and good tasting foods on a regular basis, which directly affects a natural good feeling.

The benefits of knowing what to eat to lose weight speak volumes for themselves. Getting in shape and losing unwanted fat from your body is the biggest benefit in the world. This lets the world know you value the appearance of your body and want to show off a nice shape. So when you know what to eat to lose weight and you take the time and care to eat those foods regularly you can expect your weight loss program to be a long lasting success that you can be proud at all times.

Be A Big Loser With These Weight Loss Tips

Your weight is an important factor in your social, romantic, and physical life on a day to day basis. Sooner or later, you will have to decide if you need to begin focusing on losing a few pounds and moving towards a healthier, more successful you. When you do, the information here will help guide you along the path and reach your destination a little bit quicker.

One way to make exercise fun and increase the speed of weight loss is by adopting a pet. If you’ve been wanting to take on the responsibility of a dog, during your diet is a great time to do it. Your dog will encourage you to get out for exercise, in the form of walks or play, and will eat those leftovers off your plate before you do.

In an effective weight-loss program, weight training should not be neglected. Cardio exercise is the real key to burning fat, but a certain amount of weight training remains vital. Weight training tones muscles and improves posture, keeping the body efficient and healthy as it slims down. It also improves the body’s appearance, so that the exercisers becomes not only slender but also attractive.

A great way to lose weight is to search online for health-food recipes. Eating healthy can become extremely bland and boring if you don’t get inventive in the kitchen. No one wants to eat the same food over and over again. There are thousands of healthy recipes readily available online.

As portion sizes have gotten larger, so have our waistlines. The next time you go out to eat, try sharing a single entree with someone instead of trying to eat the whole thing yourself. You can also split the dessert, or even a drink. This way you can still enjoy your meal without eating so much.

Get plenty of rest if you are trying to lose weight. Lack of sleep can affect the hormone’s responsible for regulating hunger. If you do not get at least 7 hours of sleep every night you run the risk of an increased appetite.

Don’t be in such a hurry to get the food down your throat. Pace yourself. If you eat slowly and savor your food, you will not only appreciate what you are eating, but also the chances of you overeating are less likely. Your brain will know that your stomach is full after having eaten only a single portion, rather than after consuming enough food for several people

Share a meal when you go out to eat. Today’s restaurant portions are often quite large and actually too much food for one person. Split a meal with a friend and ask the waitress for extra plates. Discuss this with your friend before you get to the restaurant. This will make it easier to decide on a meal that both of you will enjoy.

If your child is facing obesity, a healthy weight loss plan should include talking to them about healthy foods and portion control. You likely can’t be with your child twenty-four hours a day. Therefore, you can’t monitor everything they are putting into their bodies. If you educate them about healthy choices however, they are more likely to make them.

Excessive weight loss can be bad for your health. While it is great to be healthy and fit, it is not healthy to be under weight. This can cause an array of health conditions. Make sure that you are the proper weight for your height and age. It is more important to eat right and get exercise than anything else.

No two people can follow the exact same pattern, but these tips that are offered above, are great for nearly any size and lifestyle. You can find a way to adjust the routines and fit yourself into a schedule that results in looking and feeling better, than ever before. It is never too late to start dropping a pants’ size.

Poor Girl ….Eczema is Irritating

This morning as I filled out the electronic register for a second year Health studies class that I had just met I was informed of someone’s absence because of a hospital visit for Eczema.

I was assured by the students that it was not that bad really as it was just all over her arms and legs but not all her body!… poor girl.

One of my past colleagues in Spain also suffered from Eczema and there were many days that she was just in pain all over her body and struggled with getting through the day. Now I do not know about you but that is quite a thing to carry around on a daily basis.

Having Eczema was also one of the reasons why this friend of mine was living in Spain as she believed that exposure to sunlight helped to alleviate the condition.

So what exactly is Eczema? Well if you do a search on Google, many website will pop up that will tell you that Eczema symptoms include dry skin that may become itchy, red and inflamed. It’s most commonly found in children, although adults can get it.

There are different types of Eczema. The most common is called atopic eczema… or atopic dermatitis.

There also seems to be a relationship between stress and flareups of Eczema.

When I relayed this observation to the class it was greeted with much amusement and I was assured that the student concerned was the most laid back girl in the class.

Well I think maybe I will be the judge of that!

Eczema is often caused by an allergy, which occurs when your immune system overreacts to something that is normally harmless.

It is these allergic reactions, that make your skin itchy.

Conditions, like asthma, hay fever, and food intolerance, are also caused by allergies.

As I mentioned about my colleague in Spain who was living there because of her Eczema… there is a belief that low vitamin D may be linked with eczema and other allergies. Ultraviolet light causes the body to make vitamin D and so areas with high sunlight produce more Vitamin D and so the occurrence of Eczema should be lower.

If this is clinically true then it makes sense that exposure to more UV light might lower the risk of these conditions, I know that my friend definitely had an improvement in her Eczema while living in Spain but at the moment there is not really enough evidence to be sure

To investigate this further, research Studies have been done on 7,643 children aged 4 to 5 and 8 to 9 in different regions of Australia,where the amount of daylight sun varied greatly, They looked at how common food allergies, eczema, and asthma were in these areas, to see if there is a link between sunlight and these conditions.

The results showed that eczema, peanut allergies, and egg allergies were more common in those who lived furthest south, where there was the least sun

In fact the rates of occurrence of cases was twice as likely with peanut allergies or eczema, and three times as likely to have an allergy to eggs, compared with those who lived far north in the areas with more sun.

What was interesting was the figures showed no difference between regions in how likely children were to have asthma,or the other food allergies the researchers studied, which included allergies to cow’s milk, soy, sesame, and wheat.

The researchers felt that this could be because these allergies develop in a different way to eczema and other food allergies.

Ok… so can we say this is conclusive results?

The data comes from a large number of children, which usually makes results more reliable. The researchers also studied children who lived in different areas, but within the same country with the same health system and similar social background.

However they used used questionnaires to ask the parents of the children about the conditions and allergies, and we can’t be sure how accurate the information was. It may have been more reliable to collect information from the children´s medical records,where one could have looked only at allergies that had been diagnosed by a doctor.

Also, how can we be sure that the children in the high sun regions had a lower risk of these conditions because of their sun exposure. There could have been other variables involved such as diet and family history and also other factors in the environment

So yes it does suggest that high sunlight is good for keeping Eczema at bay.

Of course we must also remember that more exposure to sum increases the risk of skin cancer…

there we go again… can’t win can we?

Eczema Free Forever

Drop a POUND of PURE fat (not water) in one day (here’s how)

Shaun Hadsall founder of Get Lean in 12 and winner of Club Solution Magazine’s prestigious “Most-Fit Health Club Professional” has a message to share regarding losing fat, not water…


Drop a POUND of PURE fat (not water) in one day (here’s how)

{I lost 3 lbs last week when I was hit by the norovirus but I can assure you this is an easier way !}


How would like to start off your New Year with your FASTEST

fat loss week EVER?


Well, with the right strategy… you CAN.


All five principles are laid out for you step-by-step inside this

brand new article:


==> Drop a POUND of PURE fat (not water) in one day (here’s how)


Always remember this when you diet:


Weight loss and fat loss are two critically different things.


Want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time?


You certainly can, and here are the inevitable results:
1. A lot of water loss
2. Substantial muscle loss
3. A tad bit of fat loss


And oh yeah, a metabolism so beaten and battered that the

moment you decide to return to any sort of normal eating

regimen, bam, all your fast “weight loss” comes piling back

on even faster.


But right now ALL this can be avoided.


Just simply follow these 5 PROVEN principles:


==> Experience your FASEST fat loss week EVER

1 3 4 5 6 7