Unlock The True Value of Knowledge

Knowledge is great when we apply it to direct our behaviours and actions in our lives. If we do not apply the knowledge we gain then its there but has no real purpose. Applying the knowledge you gain is really your “power tool” for success in your life

Who you will be in the future and what you will become in the future will be determined by the knowledge you gain .This knowledge comes from the books and articles you read, the people who you associate with, the thoughts that filter through your mind and lastly the action you take based on the knowledge you have gained.[simpleazon-image align=”left” asin=”0521319269″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51b-CHS8%2BqL._SL160_.jpg” width=”106″]

When we make a decision to acquire knowledge that we  take action on then we shall consistently grow and expand. When you commit to acquire the right knowledge and convert this into daily action, you will have discovered how to consistently grow and expand, into the type of person you need to be to attract the type of success you desire.

Let me give you an example. When we moved to Spain in 2010 my husband and I did not speak Spanish. We thought it would be easy to pick up but at our age in our 50s it was not the easiest to learn. Of course we did pick up words here and there but it was more difficult than we thought.

When we returned in 2012 I made a vow that I would take up Spanish classes so that when the kids finished school and we returned to Spain I would have a better understanding of the language. This is an example of acquiring new knowledge that I would put into action to make my life easier on our return to Spain a year or so down the line. In essence acquiring this new knowledge was affecting my future.

How do we acquire new knowledge?

Read for at least one hour a day. Listen to audio recordings when in the car and go to training sessions that are in line with what you want to learn.[simpleazon-image align=”left” asin=”1412997976″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51JfvYRTPpL._SL160_.jpg” width=”124″]

If we want to earn more income then we need to learn more. There are no magic buttons and it has been shown  in many cases that your level of income correlates to your knowledge. Increasing our knowledge will also increase the quality of our lives. Becoming a continual learner will put a light into your life and have a positive effect on your life.

If we only learn something to increase our knowledge by only one percent a week then that is 67% in a year .

Small steps bring major changes and as your knowledge improves you will start to soar to new heights and move forward towards your dreams.

Never be afraid to identify the talents you lack. When I work with young adults and ask them to identify their talents and also areas where they need to work on most of them find this a very difficult task to do .

It is only when I highlight talents I have spotted in the group that the students start to learn how to identify their interpersonal skills they have at present and also the skills they need to acquire. When we can see the talents and skills in other people that are lacking in ourselves then aligning ourselves with those people will enable us to learn from them and increase our own skills

Make sure that you invest some of the time being mindlessly entertained into something of value. This gives you a huge advantage and will equip you for future success. Use your knowledge to equip you for the opportunities that will come your way.

Use your knowledge to direct your future and remember knowledge is never power unless you apply it to shape your life.

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