thyroid surgery??????

How was the thyroid surgery like? and how was the recovery. Im having the surgery soon, so i jus wanted to know how it was like. also, hows it like being hyperthyroid to hypothyroid. wat was the difference in how u felt. and how long did it feel to get back to normal. i know it takes a while to get the right dosage. and any effects that came from removing the thyroid. thanks for the answers. appreciate it.
moonlight raven, can u leave ur email address…this wont let me email u, thanks.
I also have graves disease with a goiter. i had a cold nodule and had a biopsy which couldnt rule out cancer. after being on different meds, the metemazole has finally gotten the thyroid to normal and the cold nodule disappear. but i still have a goiter on my neck. i considered the surgery because i have a 14 month old son which is very attached to me. i also live with family with no extra room. i dont think the hospital would leave me if i took the radioactive pill. i jus thought the faster the better cause i take so much meds for my high blood pressure and heart rate. im extremely tired.

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