Is blood the secret to life?

It’s funny how when new scientific breakthroughs happen, we find out we sort of knew all along…

In this video John O’Dowd explains how every power and vulnerability we have in our lives is encoded in our blood… including whether we are about to be crippled by a stroke… and how to prevent it.

Watch the Video here

And should we be surprised?

Since the dawn of time, we always sort of knew there was something special… almost magical… about the nature of our blood.

In the Jewish bible, old temple sacrifices were only valid if the blood of the animal was poured on the altar.

In the Christian bible, Jesus talks of his blood being salvation for mankind…

In family conversations (and disputes!), people say “You’re my blood,” to declare unity or to demand obligation…

So why should we be surprised at John O’Dowd’s discovery that the secret to changing your life lies in simply adjusting your blood’s chemistry… with a few fairly easy steps?

It really is that simple.

check out the Video
