I'm sick. Could this be a thyroid condition?
These are my symptoms
• Joint/muscle aches
• Always tired, even after just waking up
• Aches every morning
• Sluggish feeling, lack of motivation
• Difficulty concentrating and remembering things
• Swollen hands and feet
• weight gain without change of dietery habits
• craving sweets and carbs more than usual
• getting sick more often/ recurrent sinus infection
• takes longer to get better after being sick
• swollen stomach, even without eating
• dry brittle hair; falls out easy
• Difficult/impossible to lose weight
• Mood changes: depression, anxiety
• Sensitive to weather; always cold
• Inconsistent digestion; diarrhea & constipation
• full or sensitive feeling in the neck
• irritable
• Dry Skin
• eyes give me headaches
• vertical ridges on nails
My blood tests for thyroid came back as TSH= 2.22 and T4= 0.9
My doctor said that that was normal.
What’s wrong with me?
Additional Details
I’m 20 years old.
I gained about 40 lbs in the last year.
I was 175, now I’m about 215.
Over the summer I went on a b12 diet and went from 205 until I plateau’d at 190.
I’m a college student in FL.
My sink water often has a high concentration of chlorine, and my allergies have been acting up more since early october.
For years I’ve been having this tired feeling but over the past few months its been getting worse. Every afternoon I crash and cannot stay awake; sometimes, my 5-minute drive home from school seems almost impossible. The vertical ridges in my nails have been present for years, but the hair issues have been gradually developing over the past 6-8months. THe depression has kicked in a lot over the past month, probably due to the weight gain. I’ve had cold hands and feet as long as I can remember, but recently I’ve been getting really cold, especially when I sleep, and often have to use extra covers.