health questions about colon cleansing and acai berry?

i am about 5 feet 2 inches and weight about 126 pounds
My weight is ditributed mostly in my hips and my breasts so i dont really look overweight i am just curvy and big breasted
i have a little stomach fat but not enough to bother me
i enjoy staying active i play sports and do things outside like ride a bike but only exercise to exercise sporadically or start and never continue for more than maybe 2 weeks
i am not a picky eater and eat what i want but its mostly healthy and blanaced i have tried losing weight and i have slimmed down a little but never gotten to a point that was really dramatic or stayed there for a while
my goal is to be about 110 and my doctor says that would be a nice weight for my height so i would love to lose about 15 pounds
i just read and watched news clips all about colon cleansing and acia berry and read this womans story about how she used both pills and lost 41 pounds in 2 months
aside from losign weight i thing detoxing our bodies is a helthy thing to do and the weight loss would be a plus but i know ppl use them who want to lose a ton of weight from a pregnancy or soemthing
i was wondering if i could do the same thing but in smaller doses and how i would calculate it please help
doctors reccomendations would be appreciated also
i have heard about this new free trial
but is it so new that i have to use this?
or can i still buy it otc

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