What is oral and Genital Herpes

There are two types of herpes infections, oral herpes and genital herpes; both are contagious. The most insidious fact about herpes is that it can be an “invisible virus;” it is possible for a person to have and to spread either type of herpes virus and not even know that he or she has herpes.

The virus that infects a person with oral herpes is named “herpes simplex type 1.” The virus that infects a person with genital herpes is named “herpes simplex type 2.” Both types of herpes are spread by direct contact with an infected area or by contact with a body fluid from that area.

There is no known cure for either type of herpes; it is permanent, but not always active. A person with oral herpes or genital herpes may have one or several outbreaks in his or her life.

Oral Herpes and It’s Symptoms

Oral herpes symptoms include blisters or cold sores on the lips and in the mouth that can develop into painful ulcers. If the gums are infected they will become red and puffy. Oral herpes may also cause a fever, aching muscles and swollen glands in the neck. An initial outbreak may last from two to three weeks.

Oral herpes is very common among children. Children share each other’s straws and eating utensils and generally have a lot of physical contact with one another playing sports and just generally roughhousing. Children are also subject to being kissed by visiting close friends and relatives who are completely unaware that they have oral herpes.

The best Natural Genital Warts Cure      click Here  

Genital Herpes and It’s Symptoms

Genital herpes symptoms include blisters and pain in the genital areas. Blisters may appear on the penis, scrotum, vagina, in the cervix or on the thighs and buttocks. Initial symptoms include an itch or pain in an infected area, fever, headache, swollen glands in the groin, a painful or burning sensation during urination and possibly a thick, clear fluid discharge from the penis or vagina. The blisters may become painful sores. An initial episode of genital herpes may last from one to three weeks.

Preventing Herpes

It is possible to prevent a herpes infection by avoiding direct contact with blisters, sores or ulcers that appear on someone’s mouth or genitals. Keeping in mind that herpes can be an “invisible virus,” it is a good idea to avoid physical or intimate contact with anyone you suspect may carry either virus.

Teach your children that putting something in their mouth that has been in someone else’s mouth is never a good idea. They should also be warned that when someone has a cut or sore they should be very careful to avoid touching it because of the “germs” that they might catch.

Adults and teenagers who are sexually active should never have unprotected sex with someone who they even suspect may be infected by genital herpes. The use of a condom will provide some measure of protection but not complete protection. The only complete protection is abstinence.

A pregnant women who has ever had an outbreak of genital herpes should inform her obstetrician well before her due date, so the obstetrician can, if necessary, discuss and plan for a non-vaginal delivery.

Treating Herpes

It is worth mentioning again that all a doctor or a medication can do is treat symptoms of an outbreak of herpes with an antiviral medicine — there is no cure.

If your child has cold sores that do not disappear within ten days, or has a history of frequent cold sores, take him or her to a doctor.

Are you infected with this nail parasite?

Dermatologists all over the U.S. warn there’s a hidden epidemic
That could leave millions of Americans walking in crutches this summer.
>> Find out more
73% of all Americans have this parasite on their nails and toes…

Believe me  I had this fungus and it is nearly impossible to get rid of.

It nearly drove me mad trying all these different potions that just did not work

When I went to  Thailand last summer I always had my toenails painted to try and hide it. It is embarrassing to say the least!

Have not got a clue where I got it from  but according to scientists you can get it from any swimming pool or public shower  and it can cause a dangerous fungal infection that spreads to your whole body
Click here now to check if you have this nail-eating parasite
……and discover the simple and natural steps you can take right now
To safely erase it from your body forever.

If you are reading this I would guess that you have tried a few creams or lotions and none of them have worked.

It is time to get your hands on something that does!



Is your lower back pain affecting your life?

The low back pain is the second most common ailment affecting 80% of the general United States population at some point in life. The pain may either be acute or chronic and is usually caused by a variety of diseases and disorders of the lumbar spine.

Is it possible to cure sciatica in 7 days?

Low Back pain is usually accompanied by sciatica. Sciatica is a pain that involves the sciatic nerve and affects the lower back, the back of the thighs and buttocks.

Causes and Symptoms of Low back pain

The patient of low back pain may experience two types of pain, primarily – acute and chronic.

The pain is symptomatic and can be caused by the following reasons:

Acute Pain:

A sprain or a muscle tear, which can be aggravated by heavy lifting or extended use of back muscles within 24 hours of the injury, leading to muscle spasms or soreness. Usually improves when you provide rest to the affected area.

Chronic Pain:

This pain may have several causes like –

1.Mechanical Obesity, pregnancy, bad postures while bending, or stooping causes strain on the lower back muscles.

2.Malignancy Low back pain that is not relieved even after a night’s rest, maybe caused by a tumor in the cauda equine (the roots of the spinal nerves controlling sensation in and movement of the legs), or cancer of the prostate, breasts or lungs, maybe caused because of a history of smoking, sudden weight loss or old age.

3.Herniated Spinal Disk When the spinal disk begins to bulge outward between the vertebrae. This is a common cause of chronic back pain in adults.

4.Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain caused while lying down or sitting; improves when the patient starts moving, is commonly seen in males between the age group of 16-35 years.

5.Psychogenic Back pain which may be induced due to an exaggerated minor injury or that may be usually prolonged leading to somatoform disorder or other psychiatric disturbances.

6.Lower Back Pain with Leg Involvement When the back pain radiates down the leg, the sciatic nerve is usually irritated by herniated disks, tumors of the cauda equina, abscesses in the space between the spinal cord and its covering, spinal stenosis, and compression fractures. Some patients may also experience weakness or lack of feeling, along with pain in the leg.

Over 35 And Still Struggling To Lose Belly Fat?

If you are in the same age group as me…..wrong side of 50.. then you will know how difficult it is to lose weight.

It is frustrating to say the least!

That is why I was interested to read about a new method that  talks about the “Menopause Molecules”

They describe a method that gives results in 21 days without starving or suffering through long boring workouts

Now that was enough to get me interested! http://order0105.bellyskkp.hop.clickbank.net

It is just sole destroying when you eat like a bird and exercise regularly with no results.

It Used to be that all the experts  did not believe in targeted fat loss.

These guys are proving them wrong!

take care





The myth about saturated fat that you have been lied to


Have you ever heard the diet advice that says saturated fat is bad for you?

If you’re like me before, you would want to stay away from high saturated fat food because it will make you fat right?

But what I just discovered blew my mind!

Not all fats are created equal!http://order0105.cocooil101.hop.clickbank.net

This special fat is the one and only saturated fat that will help you burn belly fat fast.

=>Click here to discover for yourself>>

1000s of scientific studies have proven this to be true.

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Panic attacks…..do you know how to control them?


Are you struggling to get rid of your panic attacks or general anxiety?

Are you frustrated, in pain, or feeling constant worry and stress for not being able to properly deal with your anxiety despite all your efforts ?

Are you tired of the way your panic attacks and anxiety make you feel?

Maybe you are  avoiding situations, or things that you wish to do or participate in because of your fear and anxiety. You might feel  that life is passing you by.

What about  leaving the house, making holiday plans or business travel? Then there is the  fear  you feel in situations where you are asked to speak in front of people. All of these scenarios make  you feel like a prisoner to your panic attacks and anxiety to the extent that you have forgotten what it was like to be normal?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you need  to read this story of Chris Bayliss.

Chris spent 14 years  searching for a solution to end  his panic attacks. Today he has developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 75,000+ hours of expertise for eliminating panic attacks and anxiety for good.

read his story here

Why walking does NOT burn fat (do THIS instead)…

Seems every doctor and wristband gadget-maker is trying to get us all to walk more.

But there’s a dirty little secret those expensive gadget-makers DON’T want you to know:

Walking IS great for health and reducing stress… but it’s terrible for fat loss as the study below shows. And it’s especially ineffective at eliminating that stubborn flab that clings to our worst trouble spots.

It just doesn’t deliver enough of a metabolic stimulus to get your fat burning hormones working!

PS { I have been walking for years and it was only when I went back to gym 2 months ago that I lost fat. …….6 inches in first month to be precise}

Yes, when you walk a large % of calories burned is fat. But because walking is so low intensity, the OVERALL amount of calories burned is low, so the total amount of fat burned barely registers.

Plus, the moment you stop walking, your metabolism goes back to sleep and you stop burning calories. So unless you have 3-5 hours a day to walk 10,000 – 20,000 steps or more, that’s not gonna cut it!

Wouldn’t it be better if your metabolism kept burning fat for 24 – 48 hours after your workout?

And instead of 3-5 hours of monotonous walking, wouldn’t it be better if you could generate this extended fat burning effect after just 15 minutes of activity?

I’ll show you precisely how in just a second, but first…

Why Walking Stinks for Fat Loss (and What Can Get You DOUBLE the Fat Loss Results)…

A recent study published in BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation compared walking to a somewhat unusual metabolism-stimulating activity. Check out these amazing results:

The metabolism group lost 95% MORE body fat (11.9% vs. 6.1%) AND shrunk their waist 10 times more (6% vs. .6%) compared to walkers. So not only did they lose more fat, but their body shape improved.

But it gets better. The metabolism group also increased their V02max by 2,000% more (16.8% vs. .6%).

V02max indirectly measures your overall ability to burn fat. The higher the number, the more fat you burn at rest. So those in the metabolic group became better at burning fat all day, every day!

There’s Just One MAJOR Problem…

Here’s my problem with this study: the group doing the metabolism-stimulating exercise was doing BOXING-related activities — like footwork drills, punching bags, jumping rope and so on.

I don’t know about you, but all that punching, jumping and complicated, pounding footwork isn’t something my body can do week-in-and-week out.

Plus, these folks were doing this for 50 minutes 4 times a week. Sure, that’s A LOT better than 3-5 hours of walking every day, but still a HUGE time commitment.

Fortunately, there’s a new protocol that gets you all the fat burning benefits of this “metabolic boxing” routine, but in just 15 minutes, 3 times a week.

Unlike walking, it keeps your fat burning hormones fired up and burning fat for up to 24-48 hours after. And it’s been shown to be particularly effective at removing unwanted fat from trouble spots.

It’s something that anybody can do, at any age, doesn’t require you go to the gym, punch any bags, push heavy tires or get your feet tangled while jumping rope. In fact, no equipment is needed at all.

==> Stimulate Your Fat Burning Hormones in 15 Minutes with THIS

By all means, keep on walking and enjoy the relaxing, life-extending benefits. But if your goal is to lose fat and re-shape your body shape, the smart choice is to do this for 15 minutes, 3 times a week:


Do I have Nasal Polyps?

Do you suffer from recurrent colds and flu?


If yes, you may have nasal polyps.

Nasal Polyps, also known as Sinus Polyps, are non-cancerous growths in the nose or in the sinuses (the canal behind your cheekbone).

The cause and symptoms are similar to those of cold and flu; however, the symptoms caused by nasal polyps will never get better. You may therefore have a persistently blocked or stuffy nose, and you may experience mucus running down the back of your throat.

In addition, large polyps interfere with breathing and this can cause chronic headaches due to lack of oxygen. You may also find yourself yawning a lot, and experience daytime fatigue, even after a proper night’s sleep. You will notice that you don’t smell or taste as good as you used to.

If what I have written above rings a few bells with you then you will be interested to read a series of articles I will be uploading to http://www.myhealthbusiness.info over the next week .

These articles will cover all the information you need on Nasal Polyps and most importantly how to get rid of them!

The easiest way to get these articles is to subscribe to the category feed here


new article coming tomorrow.



What are Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are one of the few nose issues that cause serious inflammation, problems with breathing and block the passages and airways in the nostrils. They are essentially fleshy swellings, and can develop in the lining of the sinuses or the nose.
Nasal polyps may vary in size.

They can be small and unnoticeable, and cause no problems, but they can also be large and block the airways in the nose. They also vary in color, from yellowish brown to pink. Their shape is usually in the form of a teardrop. Once they start growing, nasal polyps take the form of a grape.

Diagnose nasal polyps
Once you start noticing symptoms (rummy nose, swelling around the eyes, inflammation in the nostrils, trouble breathing and similar), you should visit a doctor for a proper diagnose. There are few ways doctors can diagnose your nasal polyps. Those include:
– Endoscopy, or inserting an endoscope in the nostrils. Endoscope is a tube with a small camera at the end, and can record everything in the nose, including nasal polyps.
– Computer tomography scan is used as a last resort, since it emits radiation
– Skin prick allergy test is performed when small drops of agents are pricked into the skin. The agents that usually cause allergies are pricked into the upper back or on the forearm. If there are signs and symptoms of allergy after 15 minutes, the test is positive and you are diagnosed with nasal polyps.
– Cystic fibrosis is a test performed for young children. The test measures the amount of chloride and sodium in the sweat of the child.

Prevention and precaution
The best way to avoid getting nasal polyps is to do as much as possible to prevent them. There are many things you can do to prevent nasal polyps.
First of all, improve your immune system, as polyps usually develop due to chronic infections such as flu, cold and other sinus infections and respiratory illnesses.
Another way to prevent nasal polyps is to get plenty of sleep, and allow the body to rest so it can fight illnesses and infections. Seven or eight hours of sleep per day is recommended, and sometimes even naps help.
Balanced diet is the key to keeping the immune system healthy and providing enough nutrients to fight the illness. Try to intake more lean protein, wheat carbs, non fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables and unsaturated fats.
Exercise is another way to improve the immune system. The more you exercise, the healthier you are. As a general rule of thumb, try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, five days a week. Exercising speeds up the metabolism and boosts the immune system. You need both cardio and strength exercises.
Last but not least, increase you vitamin C consumption. You need around 500 or 1000 mg per day to keep your immune system strong. Lack of vitamin C results in weaker immune system one that is vulnerable to illnesses.


Back Acne…do you have it?


If you have back acne then you are very aware of the embarrassment you feel when your back is exposed in a public place. In fact people with back acne if they are female will never wear low back dresses and when summer comes along it is annoying when it persists and just will not go away. In addition to the annoyance and embarrassment back acne can be a painful experience. Sometimes it bleeds and sticks to your clothing and cannot allow you to lean comfortably. People think  that back acne effects only teenagers but that is not true, it effects adults as well

The good news is that there are natural remedies that will cure this acne and these are remedies that work well. Forget all the creams, drugs or over the counter medication.

Over this next week  I am uploading some articles on  Back Acne. I will also email people who are are my Acne mailing list each time I upload a new article.

You can subscribe to the acne mailing list here

or go to the main website http://www.myhealthbusiness.info and click on manage subscriptions on the top address bar.

I have some ebooks on Acne that I will be sending to this list. …Free of course!


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