The Ugly Truth about sleeping tablets

We’ve all been there at one time or another…

Struggling getting to sleep… Tossing and turning… waking up the next morning groggy, feeling like you didn’t get one ounce of sleep the night before.

And while we’re at the doctor’s office the next day, we implore…

“Doctor, Is there something I can take?”

The doctor says “Sure, let me help you with that.” And he quickly scribbles a prescription for sleep pills.

And that is when the downward cycle begins…

The most popular prescription sleeping pills contain the pharmaceutical drug, Zolpidem. While it’s extremely effective, be on the alert for potential side effects, including…

● Unwelcome hallucinations…

● Major problems with memory…

● Mental confusion…

● Excessive daytime tiredness (Just because you wake up doesn’t mean the drugs have left your system)…

● Dangerous sleepwalking…

And this is just the start!

According to “The Dark Side of Sleeping Pills” by Dr. Daniel F. Kripke:

“We have now published a new study of over 10,000 patients who took sleeping pills and over 20,000 matched patients who did not take sleeping pills.

The patients who took sleeping pills DIED 4.6 times faster. Patients who took higher doses (averaging over 132 pills per year) died 5.3 times faster.

Dr. Kripke continues: “In addition, those who averaged over 132 sleeping pills per year, were 35% more likely to develop a new CANCER.”

And if premature death and cancer aren’t enough to put you on high alert…

The new study, published in the British Medical Journal and which involved nearly 9,000 people aged 66 and older found that patients prescribed the drugs for any length of time — even just a few weeks — were 51 per cent more likely to get Alzheimer’s, compared with someone who’d never taken them.

It gets worse…

Coming OFF the pills is a major challenge because your insomnia kicks
in x10! Why do you think sufferers often continue popping the pills even when they’re no longer working?

Over time, sleeping pills cause you to lose trust in your own ability
to sleep naturally. Let me ask you…

Are sleeping pills really worth it?

The sad fact is sleeping pills do NOT give you the restful sleep you
need to function during the day. In the end, the costs far outweigh
the benefits.

There’s a better way–actually MULTIPLE better ways…

The good news is our primal ancestors never needed to take sleeping pills.

One reason is they aligned their body’s natural circadian rhythm with
the rising and setting of the sun.

Read on to discover other ways you can get the deep, restful, rejuvenating sleep that leaves you energized, refreshed, awake…

Is This Normal or Do I Really Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Unfortunately, there are probably millions of people who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and do not know it or will not admit it. It could go either way because there is no medical test that can lead to a diagnosis of IBS, like tests for diabetes or high cholesterol. In addition, everyone experiences digestion problems at times or episodes of diarrhea or constipation. It is the day you realize that these episodes are happening with regularity or that the quality of your life is declining because of digestive issues that it is time to ask:…..

Is it possible I have IBS?  manquestion

One of the symptoms differentiating IBS from average and random digestion problems is stomach pain. When your gut hurts or experiences noticeable discomfort, it may be IBS. Usually there are multiple symptoms and not just one, making it more likely you will notice the digestive problems are occurring too frequently to be “normal.” The delay in dealing with the condition can lead to anxiety because eventually you will wonder if there is something seriously wrong with your intestines. The anxiety can exacerbate the symptoms, producing more diarrhea, constipation, gas and a host of other symptoms.

Recognizing Symptoms

Unfortunately, many people do not tell a health professional about the symptoms due to embarrassment. No one really likes talking about their bowels. However, it is important to first rule out other, more serious, diseases or illnesses before starting an IBS diet. A physician will want to know if you have been running a fever or have blood in your stool because these are not IBS symptoms, but they are symptoms of serious diseases like colon cancer.

For IBS to be medically diagnosed, you should have experienced gut pain for at least 12 weeks out of 24 weeks. Any pain experienced should be associated with frequency of the bowel movement, changes in stool appearance or experiencing relief from pain after a bowel movement. Other symptoms include bloating, mucus that accompanies the stool, urgent need to go to the bathroom, difficulty passing stool, bouts of diarrhea and/or too frequent bowel movements, or long periods with no bowel movement.

In a lot of cases, people never get an official medical diagnosis. They are either too embarrassed to talk about their disorder with a doctor, or the symptoms are mild enough to be tolerated. In these cases, many begin to realize that the amount of abdominal pain felt is associated with bowel movements. Once stool is passed, the pain or discomfort eases. They may also begin to notice a pattern that includes a bloated stomach, occasional constipation or diarrhea or both, and a connection between eating and symptoms.

If you have been experiencing ongoing digestive problems that particularly include constipation or diarrhea, and excessive gas and bloating, you may have IBS. There are other symptoms also that include vomiting and nausea, sensations of abdominal fullness (without abdominal enlargement), and an uncontrollable urge to defecate.

Easing Symptoms

One way to begin dealing with suspected IBS is to begin changing the diet to see if the symptoms ease. The IBS Miracle™ – How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome provides a clear roadmap for dietary and other lifestyle changes that can improve your health by reducing or eliminating IBS symptoms. The message is clear: You do not have to endure IBS because Irritable Bowel Syndrome is treatable. That is good news for anyone suffering the day-to-day embarrassments and discomfort of IBS.

IBS Stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Not I’ve-Been-Sick


Most people enjoy a variety of foods and look forward to the next meal…unless they have IBS. It is tempting to think of IBS as the I’ve-Been-Sick syndrome rather than by its true name of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is a bit like an “open secret” because it is not a condition you generally talk about with others like you would if it were high cholesterol or migraine headaches. Yet millions of people suffer with IBS, and that is no exaggeration. Based on surveys and data extrapolation, the World Gastroenterology Organisation estimates that as many as 1 out of every 10 people in the world have IBS, and 1 out of every 5 people in developed countries. So you are not alone in keeping the “open secret.”

One of the interesting aspects of IBS is that people who have it know they have something wrong with their digestive systems but are not sure what. IBS is mostly defined by its symptoms because it is a diagnosis of exclusion. That merely means that it is not a disease that can be proven through medical tests. Yet a host of symptoms characterizing Irritable Bowel Syndrome are very real. IBS is a chronic illness that presents itself through gastrointestinal symptoms that include gas, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, abdominal cramping, sudden urges to pass stool, and mucous discharge from the rectum. There is typically inefficient or uncoordinated intestinal action, and that can cause stomach or gut pain.

No two people have identical symptoms. One person may alternate constipation and diarrhea and constipation, and experience painful gas and bloating. Another person may develop mostly severe constipation and difficulty controlling urges to go to the bathroom. There may also be a number of symptoms that are connected to poor digestive processes that affect other parts of the body. For example, you may experience bad breath despite good dental care, joint or muscle pain, headaches and persistent fatigue.

Keeping Food Moving at the Right Pace

IBS represents the end result of digestive difficulties that cannot be pinned down to a particular medical condition. When you eat, food moves through the esophagus, into the stomach and eventually enters the intestines. Along the way, the food is broken down through enzyme action and mixed with various digestive juices to keep it pliable. The proteins, carbohydrates and fats are processed in a way they can enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Food material not absorbed by the body is moved to the large intestine, which is composed of the cecum, colon, appendix and rectum. The food waste is processed further by the colon as it extracts fluid, leaving a mass of undigested food. Muscle contractions in the colon push the mass into the rectum to be expelled through the anus.

It is easy to see how so many things could go wrong. If food empties too quickly from the stomach, the rest of the digestive system will attempt to compensate by slowing down the digestive process. There might be an undiagnosed food sensitivity impacting the efficiency of the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract may not breakdown the food correctly due to disease or physical defects, making it difficult to move through the digestive system. Perhaps your body does not produce enough digestive juices containing the enzymes that play such an important role. Health professionals believe many people have digestive muscles that are not contracting as they should, leading to slow transport of food waste. It is also believed that IBS is frequently related to an overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines, causing severe gas as they do their job of helping to breakdown undigested food. Finally, IBS could be connected to faulty functioning of the gastrointestinal tract’s nervous system.

Responding the Right Way to Prevent Further Harm

Though medical professionals have yet to discover the specific medical reason IBS develops, the symptoms can be minimized. Fortunately, IBS does not cause permanent damage, but how people respond to the symptoms can cause great harm. For example, if you eliminate certain foods from your diet, a vitamin or mineral deficiency can develop. Eating provokes the symptoms, but to manage the syndrome it is necessary to know which specific foods to avoid, and how to supplement the vitamins and minerals lost. However, there must be other lifestyle changes and additions that help you manage stress and relax the muscles.

IBS is complicated because the causes and symptoms can vary so widely. To minimize or control symptoms, you have to know the specific dietary, behavioral and mental changes to make in your life. What you need to know to treat IBS naturally is found in The IBS Miracle™ – How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome by James Walden. This ebook contains the information you need to understand IBS, its symptoms, and most importantly, the dietary, supplementation and lifestyle changes needed to treat IBS naturally so you can get back to enjoying life once again.

80 Pounds Gone Drinking this Red Smoothie from Peru

Everyone knows green smoothies are healthy, right?
However…  Have you heard of a “red” smoothie?

Below you’ll discover how going from green to red helped this Alabama girl shed 80lbs. Because… There are dozens of reasons to go RED…

•    Apples: keep cholesterol levels low
•    Beets: contain lycopene (shown to reduce cancer)
•    Blood oranges: high vitamin C
•    Cherries: powerful anti-inflammatory
•    Cranberries: have been shown in studies to kill cancer cells
•    Red/purple grapes: are loaded with antioxidants
•    Pink grapefruit: high vitamin C & pectin to reduce cholesterol
•    Plums: neutralize free radicals, protection from arthritis & cancer
•    Pomegranates: lowers risk of cancer and removes plaque in arteries
•    Raspberries: reduces bad cholesterol
•    Red peppers: good for skin, bones and dental health
•    Strawberries: high vitamin C levels and contains folate
•    Tomatoes: high lycopene
•    Watermelon: lycopene and cuts risk of macular degeneration

Using a specific combination of these “red” foods is what helped Liz Swann Miller lose 80lbs.

It all started when Liz went on a college-sponsored trip to Peru when
she had no choice but to eat the local “red” foods…

Instead of all the processed junk foods that are found in the Western
world. She immediately noticed: … She never felt hungry … Her pants
were actually loose for the first time in years … Her breathing became
easier as she climbed mountains …

By the end of the month she had lost 20 pounds!

>> Discover her “red smoothie” fat loss secret at this link. 


Obviously this method has worked to help her KEEP the weight off. At the very least, make sure you’re not ignoring all the fat burning health benefits of these red foods.





Big Drug Companies and Acne

Discover what the big drug companies don’t want you to know about eliminating acne.

Stop getting ripped off by doctors, dermatologists and big pharma and get the facts on naturally curing acne.

This holistic system is the most comprehensive I have seen yet and it was put together by a handful of natural health and alternative medicine professionals.

I have to say the results I have seen from it are pretty astounding and I’m not alone.

Over the last three years 20,000 people have tried this system with a reported 87% success rate.

If it doesn’t work for you there is a 60 day, 100% money back guarantee. You really have nothing to lose, check it out here:




3 New Ebooks uploaded to Health ebook club


I have just uploaded three new ebooks to the health Ebooks section of the Blog.

A synopsis of each books is detailed below.

Childhood Wellness
There are a lot of corresponding factors that affect the general healthy conditions of a child and every parent should ideally take the time and effort to explore all the various elements that will help to ensure the healthy growth of the child. Get all the info you need here

Complete Concentration
We all have dreams and goals that we want to accomplish in our lives. But whilst you may start in sixth gear, you often find yourself slipping into first. Is it any surprise that most people never reach their dreams? Really? The truth is, almost everyone is capable of living the life they want. That’s a fact. The problem is, even if people ARE willing to put in the long hours and hard work, they find themselves not able to concentrate effectively

Cut out negativity
Is the fact that you would like to be more positive but just don’t know how making your life difficult… maybe even miserable? Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power to figure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with:

• Not knowing how to even get started

• Not understanding what brings you down

• Not knowing how to get the mindset of winning

If this describes you, then you are in luck today with this new ebook

The health ebook section of the blog is here

More books on the way !



Paleo Fat Loss Cookbook


Over the past year, my friend Dave over at PaleoHacks has been working on a super secret cookbook project with our good friend Peter Servold — a Le Cordon Bleu trained Chef and owner of Pete’s Paleo…

And today, this new incredible Paleo Cookbook is finally available to be shipped right to your door — for FREE!

That’s right — as a special launch promotion, we’re offering our brand new Paleo fat loss cookbook to you for free (Chef Pete lost 60 lbs using these recipes!) — All you have to do is just cover a small shipping cost (international shipping is a bit more).

The cookbook is called Paleo Eats, and it’s filled with over 80 chef-created, insanely tasty Paleo recipes — which means they are free from gluten, soy, dairy, and refined sugar.  But most importantly, they are EASY and FAST to make when you see how Pete simplifies gourmet cooking.

Pete has well over 10,000 hours of experience cooking these gourmet meals — refining his recipes over the past 10+ years for the absolute perfect taste.

Inside, you’ll find recipes like:

  • Pan-Roasted Pork Chops w/ Rutabaga Puree & Roasted Beets
  • Mongolian Red Pepper Beef w/ Roasted Spaghetti Squash & Chard
  • Pear & Proscuitto Salad
  • Braised Pulled Pork w/ Sauteed Kale & Roasted Baby Carrots
  • And a LOT more!  Over 80 amazingly delicious recipes that will help you lose body fat, improve your digestion, boost your energy & immunity, get clearer skin, control blood sugar and help to slow the aging process.  You’ll even see on this page how Chef Pete himself lost 60 lbs using these recipes!
  • And let me tell you from personal experience — Pete’s meals are out of this world amazing — you’ll get to experience some of the tastiest versions of Paleo favorites — and some new flavors and recipes that I can guarantee you’ve never tried.

Get your FREE copy of Paleo Eats Here. (Grab this today, because we only ordered a small batch of these cookbooks for this freebie promotion, and they will sell out fast!

11 Amazing benefits of Fasting {When done correctly}

Author and Fitness Trainer Shaun Hadsall shares with us how intermittent fasting can help you lose fat fast (and stay healthy)

11 AMAZING benefits of Intermittent Fasting (but only when it’s done RIGHT!)

I recently had my blood work completed and my good cholesterol (HDL) was over double what is considered healthy.

The exact words of my doctor were:

“Your cholesterol levels are incredible. People would pay thousands of dollars to have your cholesterol levels.”

But what he said next really hit home: 

“Keep using intermittent fasting… I guarantee this is a big reason why you’re so healthy.”

One the easiest strategies you can ever use to lose weight (and still get away with eating lots of your favorite foods) is intermittent fasting.

Simply abstaining from food for 16 to 24 hours a few days of the week will not only help you keep the pounds off…

It has AMAZING benefits for your overall health.

Many studies show that strategic fasting can:

1: Have powerful effects on your brain and fight against Alzheimer’s 

2: Help you live longer (study show rats live as much as 36-83% longer)

3: Increase Growth Hormone as much as 5-fold

4: Improve cellular health through a process called autophagy

5: Protect against disease

6: Increase insulin sensitivity

7: Boost metabolic rate, while helping you lower calorie intake

8: Burn more belly fat

9: Reduce Inflammation

10: Improve heart health and reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol

11: Reduce cancer risk

But the #1 reason I LOVE intermittent fasting is because it makes fat loss SIMPLE because you’re not consumed with eating food every 3-4 hours.

And when it’s done RIGHT, you can literally have a cheat day EVERY 5 days and lose up to 25 pounds in only 25 days.

This is the foundation of our newly updated:

>> 2016 Xtreme Fat Loss Diet (lose 25lbs in only 25 days!)

And it’s all based on real science… 

The XFLD is the first diet in history that let’s you:

– Lose weight incredibly fat WITHOUT frustrating plateaus…
– GAIN lean, calorie burning muscle at the same time…
– Finish with a metabolism that’s faster and healthier than when you started…

If you’re wondering whether or not this new program is for you, just ask yourself this simple question:

>> Do you want to lose up to 25 LEGIT pounds in just 25 days?

If so, you’re not going to find a more strategic, faster solution anywhere. Period.

It’s founded on SCIENCE.

It’s based on STRATEGY.

And until tonight, at midnight, you can get it for over 50% off the normal price + 3 Brand New Rapid Fat Loss bonuses FREE: 




Outsmart insomnia with this Free shake recipe

Do you long for Insomnia relief? Are you frustrated with your sleep
—or lack thereof? You’re not alone.
Most people experience insomnia at some point in their lives, and 10% have chronic problems with insomnia.
If you’re staring at the ceiling hour after hour, night after night, it’s hard to know what to do or how to fix it.

Below you’ll find a recipe for a powerful insomnia-busting shake.
It’s precisely designed with the exact combination of natural ingredients to tell your brain to produce the melatonin and other neurochemicals to help you peacefully drift to sleep.

It’s based on research from the University of Oxford, that reveals the true neurological cause of insomnia.

Enjoy this shake about an hour before bed, to tell your brain it’s time for a good night’s sleep:

1⁄2 of a banana
1⁄2 cup cherries (pitted)
1⁄2 cup warm milk (preferably skim)
1⁄4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp honey
1 tbsp flax seeds
Ice cubes

Put everything in a blender and ensure it mixes very well. You do not want any large pieces of ice in your completed shake. The flax seeds, banana, and milk contain tryptophan. The cherries and honey contain melatonin. The nutmeg helps to relax muscles.

But be forewarned… the University of Oxford research found that…
…this shake is only a temporary solution to insomnia. It’ll bring you desperate relief a few times… until your body adapts and your insomnia returns.

For a permanent solution, you need to calm down your brain’s “Wake Center.”

Click on the link below for a free presentation that reveals the secrets to…
• Calm down your brain’s Wake Center…
• Fall asleep in 15 minutes or less, every single night…
• And erase the anxiety you feel about going to bed.

It’s the secret to looking forward to bedtime!

==> Click here to discover the permanent cure to your insomnia


Reverse your teeth Cavities Naturally

Since we were young, we have been repeatedly bombarded by the misconception that sugar causes cavities. What most people don’t know is that’s only half the truth. Theoretically, it is possible to consume excess amounts of sugar without suffering from cavities as a consequence.

Now we need to understand how sugar causes cavities indirectly.

Cavity-causing bacteria (known as Streptococcus Mutans) utilizes sugar as an energy source, in order to multiply. Like atomic particles, its numbers grow exponentially and this can happen in a short period of time. What complicates matters is that these cavity-causing bacteria release acid as a byproduct.

So when there’s a huge colony of bacteria releasing excess acid; this causes demineralization of your teeth.

Demineralization is the process which weakens enamel, due to a loss of essential molecules in your enamel’s structure. When this occurs for an extended period of time, your teeth will start to suffer from decay as cavity-causing bacteria now starts colonizing in the affected area, releasing acid again and again.

If no countermeasures are taken, the cavity can deepen to the 2nd layer of the tooth called the dentine. Then, after some time, it will penetrate through it and infect the pulp of the tooth.

What happens?

You will need the dreaded root canal treatment which isn’t just painful, it will also cost you thousands of dollars.

The best way to counter it is through remineralization – the natural process by which the enamel strengthens and ‘repairs’ itself. Those who visit the dentist frequently might have heard of ‘remineralizing gel’, which is often upsold by dentists.

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, the ultimate goal is to let your teeth remineralize more than to be demineralized. It’s sort of like math, you need a ‘net remineralization’ at the end of the day. However, even if you purchase expensive remineralization gel products and take steps to remineralize your teeth, your teeth can still suffer at the end of the day, if you don’t possess the right knowledge.

Forget about those videos you find on Youtube. Forget about the tips you will find online. They are inadequate and most of them are false, or worse yet, harmful to your oral health.

Alice Barnes, author of the ‘Dentist Be Damned!’ program, shares with us that soft drinks are the number 1 enemy to our teeth. “Cavity-causing bacteria uses sugar as an energy source to multiply and release acid as a by-product, which causes demineralization.

Now soft drinks like Coca Cola are highly acidic due to their high content of phosphoric acid. These drinks may quench your thirst with satisfaction, as the bubbles run down your throat, but your teeth are suffering. That is the problem with kids in America today – soft-drinks are so easily available and served to them that their oral health suffers drastically.”

“Who suffers the most? The parents!

The parents end up paying for their kid’s cavities to be drilled and filled. But the family’s dentist doesn’t warn them against it. No sooner are they out of the dentist clinic, the kids are back drinking sodas and creating further damage to the teeth.

This cycle repeats itself until they reach adulthood, or in extreme cases, till they lose all their teeth and resort to dentures.”

Alice has created the “Dentist Be Damned!” program which teaches readers about how to properly remineralize their teeth (and reverse any possible cavities), eliminate cavity-causing bacteria, and educate readers on many topics which many dentists will never let the public know.

You can finally cut down unnecessary dental expenses and save thousands with this invaluable program. If you have a fear of the dentist, this program is your savior.

Check out her website to learn more about her program:
Dentist Be Damned

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