The Truth About The Subway Diet

So you want to get rid of a few unsightly pounds. Maybe you’ve even tried some of the traditional diets out there and they just don’t work. Maybe it’s because you don’t have the time to cook your own healthy meals, let alone time to weigh and measure ingredients and count calories.

Maybe your weight gain is due to the fact that you eat most of your meals either at work or on the go. If this describes you, then you may want to consider a diet that is considered non-traditional but certainly has worked for many people, including the man who invented it. Maybe the Subway diet would be right for you.

Before getting into what the Subway diet is, it is best to understand more about the creator of this diet, Jared Fogle. Jared Fogle around 1997 decided that he needed to lose weight. He weighed approximately 430 pounds, and was consuming approximately 10,000 calories per day.

It was when his roommate in college a pre-med student correctly diagnosed Jared with sleep apnea and edema. Jared went to the hospital for some tests. His father, a physician, told Jared the sobering news that if he continued on like this, he would most probably not live past 35.

Jared decided he was going to go on the Subway diet. Subway was his favorite place to eat, so he figured he wouldn’t really be sacrificing a lot. Every day for lunch he would have a 6 inch turkey sandwich and every night he would eat a 12 inch veggie sub. Within the span of 3 months, Jared lost 100 pounds.

Spurred by this success, he then started to walk everywhere. Instead of taking an elevator he would take stairs. The exercise, combined with eating the low fat low calorie Subway sandwiches, helped Jared to eventually lose 240 pounds. Jared now weighs 190 pounds. Eventually, Subway found out about him, and paid him to be their spokesperson.

So why exactly does the Subway diet work?

The subway diet worked for Jared and anyone else who goes on it, because of two factors: Portion control and caloric intake. If you stick with the subs that are low fat and are low calorie and avoid mayo, cheese, and oils, you are limiting the amount of fats and calories that you consume.

By sticking with a 6 inch and a 12 inch sandwich you are controlling how much you eat. Jared also walked a lot. Therefore, he was not only limiting how much he ate, his fat and caloric intake, but was exercising on top of it.

Was it strictly the Subway food?

Yes and no. Subway offers many healthier types of foods than most other fast food restaurants. It wasn’t specifically the Subway food; it was as mentioned above, the fact that Jared was not consuming high calorie, high fat foods. He was exercising regularly.

You could do what Jared did with just about any fast food restaurant. You just have to pick foods that are low fat and low calorie. Most fast food restaurants have their nutrition information available upon request.

Is the Subway diet right for me?

You should always consult a doctor before you begin any type of weight loss or exercise plan. It is suggested that if you decide to do the Subway diet that you include more vegetables and fruits into your diet. Jared skipped breakfast. This was a mistake. He could have easily prepared a low fat, low calorie, breakfast which included fruits. For example, a low fat fruit smoothie is a good option.

If you do eat on the go or a lot of fast food and you talk about it with your doctor then the Subway diet may be right for you. Though Subway offers more healthy choices, you don’t have to stick strictly with Subway. You just have to find the low fat, low calorie foods in other fast food restaurants. Be sure to get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables too.

Simple Tips On How To Battle Depression

Nobody really wants to think about treating their depression that they know they have or that they deny having, since it involves seeking help. And of course, it also involves thinking about losing mental capacity. Still, it’s important to know that help is there for you if you need it. The tips below are for those suffering from depression to be aware of this.

Being more of a social person can easily help you deal with depression. You can take things slowly at first, to make sure that you’re not rushing in to new territory. Using the internet and communicating with people via social networking sites is a great way to meet up with new people.

Make sure you are getting enough sunlight daily. Not getting enough sun can cause depression or make it worse. You can have coffee outside, eat lunch or sit on your porch to expose yourself to sunlight daily. This is important to make sure your depression doesn’t get any worse.

Simple changes in lifestyle can help with depression. One way to make a dent in your depression is to exercise each day. Depression can cause you to not have much energy, but just a short walk down the block and back can help you start becoming more energized. The road to recovering from depression requires taking pro-active measures.

If you have found yourself feeling depressed and can not figure out why, it is a good idea to get your thyroid checked by your doctor. It has been found that thyroid dysfunction is the cause of many peoples depressions so it is extremely important to rule out any thyroid disorder.

To beat depression, stay busy. The more you have to do (without overwhelming yourself, which can trigger anxiety), the less time you allow yourself to ruminate over thoughts that make you feel depressed. Integrate productive activities with recreational activities to balance out your day and to provide the best mood-lifting benefits.

When it comes to depression, be sure that you immediately consult professional help if you consider suicide. This is important because that can be a common feeling to have an if it is bad enough you may act upon it. This is never the best option for dealing with your temporary problem.

See, it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it would be; thinking about treating your depression in regards to your future. Life is tough enough without having a mental illness that can make living it nearly unbearable. Do yourself a favor, and follow these tips toward getting the treatment you need.

4 Benefits of Losing Weight

There are many benefits to losing weight. If you have been considering this idea, or your doctor has mentioned losing weight to you, you know it will be a lot of hard work. However, the benefits of losing weight are definitely worth the effort.

As you consider your decision to lose weight, take a look at the list of benefits below.

1. A Positive Body Image: Many overweight people struggle with their body image on a daily basis. If you are unhappy with your figure, and want to end those negative mirror sessions, losing weight may be a good option for you. Imagine feeling positive each and every time you see a photo of yourself! That’s definite motivation to lose the weight and keep it off.

2. Increased Self Confidence: If you struggle with self confidence issues due to your appearance, weight loss can be a good way to come to terms with your body. As you become strong and healthy, you’ll become confident in your abilities and strength. This is a great feeling!

3. Increased Health and Strength: As you lose weight, your body will become stronger. Exercise and weight training will help your body grow stronger – you may be able to do activities you never had the strength or stamina to before. You’ll breathe easier, and be able to run and walk for longer periods of time without discomfort. You’ll be able to play actively with your children or grandchildren without having to take breaks to catch your breath. Losing weight can truly be a life altering experience!

4. Decreased Health Problems: Many health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and diabetes are all triggered or irritated by obesity. This means that if you experience or have a family history of any of these diseases, losing weight can help you to feel better. Diet and exercise can improve your health be decreasing your risk of heart disease, as well. By altering your fitness habits and your eating habits, you just may be lengthening your life!

The benefits of weight loss definitely outweigh the risks. After all, what do you have to lose? Sleepless nights, lack of energy, shortness of breath, fatigue – you’ll be able to kick all these symptoms to the curb by investing time and energy into your fitness regime. Take the time to develop a healthy diet and exercise program today – your body will thank you for years to come.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.

Psoriasis is a skin condition which creates a thick build up of extra skin on the surface of the body.

These thick skin patches are referred to as psoriasis plaques, and they often develop on the scalp, knees and elbows. Some psoriasis sufferers however, get the scaley psoriasis skin plaques on other places of their body too. In some cases the skin patches can build up on the face, hands, ankles, and feet. In rare cases psoriasis plaques will develop over most of the body too.


Since psoriasis creates very thick patches of skin which is dry, red, itchy and flaky, many people not familiar with the condition will automatically try using extra creams and lotions to treat the skin areas. Unfortunately most of these don’t work very well though, because they’re too thick to penetrate the thick skin plaques psoriasis creates.

There are some creams and lotions however, which can help soften the dry skin area, and some can help reduce redness and itching too. The most effective creams and lotions to use for psoriasis though, contain herbal or vitamin additives which are better able to penetrate the thick skin layers, plus these ingredients tend to work best at helping thin the psoriasis skin plaques out a bit too.

There are also medicated prescription creams and lotions used for psoriasis as well. These can only be prescribed by a doctor or dermatologist though, and they often contain various ingredients which may help thin the psoriasis skin patches, reduce itchiness, or help suppress the new skin growth which causes the problems. Prescription psoriasis creams and lotions may have ingredients such as coal tar or a Vitamin D derrivative. Some also have steriods which help supress the immune system, and this is what helps slow down the growth of new skin.

The reason prescription psoriasis creams and lotions are made to slow down skin growth is because psoriasis is caused by an over reaction of the body’s immune system. Instead of creating new skin about once a month like healthy immune systems do, a psoriasis affected immune system will generate new skin every three to five days. This is too fast for the existing skin to die off and be shed from the surface of the body, so the skin piles up in the form of the thick skin plaques mentioned previously.

Herbal creams and lotions used to treat psoriasis usually contain aloe vera. Using pure aloe vera juice however, tends to work better than using a cream or lotion which simply contains a little aloe vera. Often creams and lotions don’t have enough aloe vera in them to do much good. Aloe vera will help soften psoriasis plaques, plus it can help thin the skin patches out too because it helps remove dead skin. Aloe vera also promotes healing, so it can sometimes help reduce the severity of the psoriasis plaques too.

Creams and lotions which contain oatmeal can also be quite helpful, and plain old fashioned oatmeal by itself is the best for the reasons already stated. Psoriasis creams and lotions which contain oatmeal will help clear off dead skin faster though, because oatmeal is a natural exfoliant. Oatmeal also does a wonderful job of softening skin too, and it can help relieve the itching caused by psoriasis as well.

The Foods to Avoid that Causes Acid Reflux

Problems in the digestive system should not be neglected. There are different possible digestive system disorders or diseases that are most often neglected by many people. The most common digestive problem is the acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, mostly known as heartburn. Acid reflux affects different ages from infants to young children and adults as well. This disorder should be given special attention because it can lead to a more serious problem that could affect the respiratory system.

Acid reflux is determined through the symptoms associated with it. Symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest or throat, wheezing, hoarseness or other symptoms associated to it should never be neglected because these symptoms of acid reflux also are similar to heart attack.

An individual with these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor to determine if they have acid reflux disease or symptoms of a heart attack. Once the doctor has diagnosed the individual with acid reflux, they should take proper medications to aid in this condition to prevent further problems.

Fortunately, advancements in medical treatment have been introduced lately, making it possible for individuals with acid reflux to undergo medical surgery, as such, providing a permanent remedy for acid reflux in a fast surgical procedure. On the other hand, acid reflux surgery can be quite expensive; therefore, natural remedies to rid of the problem are an option for those individuals unable to have surgery.

As most people know, acid reflux or heartburn can occur at anytime but are likely to occur after having a heavy meal with high acidic foods. As such, individuals should avoid foods that are highly acidic to prevent this condition to occur. Even fried and fatty foods should be avoided. These sorts of foods can lead to more severe symptoms that could affect the respiratory system. Even chocolates are considered a no-no for individuals with acid reflux because chocolates are highly acidic too.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, try changing your diet by choosing the right foods and eating healthy. Exclude foods with tomatoes and citrus fruits because tomatoes and citrus fruits are very acidic as well. Also, food with spices such as garlic, onions, red or black pepper and chili powder can cause the condition to flare. Ginger, however, is a natural remedy used to relieve heartburn.

Here are some foods that should be avoided by individuals with acid reflux. Fatty foods like hamburgers and hotdogs is one of the risks in triggering this painful condition. Certain vegetables like cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli causes acid reflux also. Most of all, avoid caffeine found in teas, coffee and sodas. Caffeine causes acid gastric secretion that can lead to the problem.

There are other ways to aid the elimination of acid reflux that does not involve eating, this is done by limiting your food intake. Usually, heavy meals in one time can cause acid reflux than eating small portions of foods in every meal. Eating heavy meals can result in stomach problems due to foods unable to breakdown properly for stomach consumption, therefore causing acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition that needs attention. It can lead to worse conditions if unattended. Individuals should take preventive measures to avoid possible occurrences of acid reflux, whereas, avoiding also the foods that causes acid reflux in an individual to happen. Learn to diagnose the problem caused by acid reflux and take preventive measures in avoiding possible occurrences of this disorder by avoiding possible foods that can cause acid reflux.

Oxygen Can Reverse Your Disease or illness


There Is A Simple And Natural Nutrient That Has Been Proven
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Tinnitus: It’s not a Disease, it’s a Symptom!

If you have Tinnitus then you are most probably familiar with some of the most common causes.
There is a whole list of them for you to choose from.

Only when you start to analyze the known facts and their probable consequences will the whole scope of Tinnitus start to unfold.

There can be a million reasons why you have Tinnitus. Let’s take a brief look at some of the most common symptoms for tinnitus.
How many of these symptoms can you apply to yourself? Add more if you have to.

Lack of concentration,
Social retreat,
Depressive moods,
Lack of patience,
Panic attacks,
Stress and tension,
Lack of self confidence,

Other than the hearing loss which is physical, all other symptoms listed here are of a subconscious nature.

Let’s get 3 important things into perspective here.

I will repeat these 3 sentences until they are tattooed into your soul.

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom!

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

As soon as you are ready to accept that the tinnitus is a part of you, the sooner you can expect to make progress.

The power of the mind is extraordinary. Think about this carefully. If tinnitus succeeded in turning your life upside down
then accept the fact that all it used to achieve misery was your own mind. That’s quite an achievement isn’t it ?
That’s how powerful your mind is. If it has the capability to make your life a complete misery then surely it can be re-programmed to do the opposite.

It’s entirely up to you. The solution lies within yourself and your ability to learn.

What do we know about the causes of tinnitus?.
Where does it have its roots?

Ever heard of social sickness? Me either. It’s a phrase that I like though.
Here in Germany it’s called “Volkskrankheit “ ( has nothing to do with cars ).

I once tried to compile a list of all elements which I suspected may have contributed to MY own tinnitus. Obviously, I listed the negative aspects of my life over a 10 year period.
Some of these things could have been avoided, most of them were linked to each other. Don’t forget, this is only a list of things that I think should be mentioned.
I’ve tried not to generalize and I’ve tried my best to stay honest, even if it means confessing to some bad sins.
To be perfectly honest it’s not as dramatic as it looks. It just looks outrageous when written down!

Marital Stress,
Heavy smoking,
Drug and medication abuse, (i.e. Valium, Marijuana, Cocaine)
Relationship crisis,
unhealthy eating habits,
Loud noises,
Lack of exercise,
High cholesterol,
High blood sugar rate,
Personal loss,
Caffeine addiction ( coffee and cola )
Lack of sleep,
Financial Problems,
Business pressures,
Inclination to worry about everything.

So……there we have it.

It looks terrible I know. The worst thing is that I am one of millions who used to live like this. If you can’t identify with anything written on this list then you shouldn’t have tinnitus. Any one of these elements on their own would be harmful enough for any person.

Combine them and you’re left with a time bomb waiting to explode.

So now we have two lists. The first one above describes the symptoms and the second one describes possible causes. If you look carefully at the causes it won’t take much imagination to conjure up a “symptom list” like the one above. What else do you expect?.

I dare you……Take a pen and paper…write down your own “bad list”. Be absolutely honest and write down all the things that you aren’t proud of or maybe would rather forget. Write down all the things you would like to change if you had a magic wand. ( My bad list is there for everyone to see. You can hide yours :o)

By the way, you don’t have to have tinnitus to create a list like mine. I would be willing to bet that EVERYONE can come up with a list similar to mine. I say only similar because I know that not everyone is overweight, or smokes or tried drugs.

Think carefully about what you are reading on your list. If you are very honest, you will find that you don’t need a magic wand to shorten this list. The only person on this planet that can change this list to something to be proud of is YOU!

I consider myself to be lucky.

Tinnitus gave me a chance to re-shuffle my life.

Once more…Don’t forget…

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom.

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

After an “auditory crash” two years ago which left me with a temporary loss of all hearing I had no other choice than to take action.

I’ve been looking for an English Term for the German word Hörsturz. In fact this term is made of 2 words.
Hör (to hear ) and Sturz ( to crash ). I find this a fitting term

Anyway this “Auditory Crash” of hearing lasted almost 2 days at the most and thanks to my doctor, I was up and about a week later.
After reading many books and collecting all the information I could find, I decided to take action. I didn’t know it then, but the decision to cut out everything that was harming me probably saved my life.

Did you already write down your own list ? If not…let’s imagine this is your list.

Where do you start?

There are some things you can change straight away and without hesitation. Other things will require great patience, lots of time and the will to change.

“Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place you start” ( Richard Rodgers 1902 – 1979 )

Once more…Don’t forget…

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom.
2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!
3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

If You have tinnitus you need to read this report

All The Information You Need To Start Losing Weight Now

When people set out to lose weight, they want to see results. Without results, it can be hard to stay motivated and keep trying to lose weight. Fortunately, there are many ways to monitor your weight and many techniques to try. Here are some tried and true ways to drop excess pounds.

If you want to lose weight you need to stop drinking soda pop. Colas, even diet colas, cause weight gain. If you currently drink many sodas each day, begin by cutting the amount you drink. Reduce the amount until you are only drinking one can per day. Then you can cut it down to one every other day, then eventually stop drinking pop completely.

Don’t skip meals. Although you may think skipping meals will help you lose weight, this is not true. Even if you are not hungry, make sure to eat something small and healthy at least three times each day.

Dieting is one of the hardest keys to weight loss, but, unfortunately, it is equally as necessary as exercise. You cannot lose weight by eating unhealthy. If you are trying to lose weight, it’s time to start thinking about vegetables and salads. Another wise decision is to avoid fried foods and, instead, eat the baked alternatives.

Reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you eat throughout the day. Also do not eat any carbohydrates late in the afternoon or in the evening. You can increase the amount of good fat and protein that you eat to compensate for your lost calories when you cut out the carbohydrates.

To increase your weight loss, be sure to include a colorful variety of vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients, fiber, and even water. You will fill your belly up fast and see the benefits that nutritionally dense foods have to offer when you enjoy them.

If you are aiming to lose weight, a great tip to follow is to take a brief walk before you eat lunch or dinner. This gives you some exercise that burns some calories and because you got in some exercise, you will not be as likely to choose an unhealthy option when you eat your meal.

You may not see results immediately when you try to lose weight, but follow these tips and you are sure to see results in a short period of time. Results will excite you and keep you moving to your ultimate weight loss goals. Use these tips and keep yourself motivated so that the weight continues to come off.

Tips on Losing Weight That Show Results

There are many gurus promising the latest tips on losing weight, but there really are no new secrets. The key to losing weight has always been to burn off more calories than you eat every day. When you don’t, your body will store the excess calories as fat. There is no great secret pill or diet that will change the body’s basic fat burning and storing processes, so you are better off trying to make the right adjustments for a healthy lifestyle than to chase the hottest diet fads. Here are two of the best tips on losing weight that can be counted on to make a difference in your results.

1. Don’t let your body get hungry. This may seem like one of the more bizarre tips on losing weight, but that hungry feeling makes it easy to slip and binge on unhealthy food. Try for a steady intake of nutritious, filling food throughout the day instead. This also keeps your body fueled and full of energy all day long, helping you follow-through with any new exercise program you may have started along with your diet.

There are a number of tasty and healthy foods that will give you a satisfied, full feeling. Look for food with a high fiber content, such as whole grains, legumes, beans, apples, potatoes, and certain breakfast cereals. Most of these foods are low in calories, so you can eat a large quantity, helping you feel full and satisfied throughout the day. If you find yourself becoming hungry in the middle of the day, choose a healthy, fiber-rich snack instead of reaching for a candy bar or bag of chips. Your body will actually feel better longer if you pick the healthy option over the junk food snacks.

2. Drink lots of water. You have probably seen this before on lists of tips on losing weight, but there is good reason for that…it works. The body stores water when it thinks the supply may become scarce. This causes you to retain water weight and feel bloated and heavy. It is estimated that most people are carrying an extra 5-10 pounds of water weight. Keeping a steady flow of water going into your body lets it know that the supply is plentiful and it can release some of these unecessary pounds.

The most common recommendation is to drink eight glasses of water each day. This is sufficient for most people, but those in extremely warm climates or who are physically active may need to drink more to offset any loss due to sweating. Water also flushes out the toxins in your system, giving you more energy, along with healthier skin and hair. Drinking a lot of water will increase your metabolism so you burn more calories even when your body is at rest. This means you can burn fat even while you are sleeping, just by making sure to drink enough water during the day. Tips on losing weight simply do not get any better than that.

Leave Depression Behind Today With These Tips

Feeling a little sad and down in the dumps can be quite a natural thing, but it can also be a sign that you’re suffering from depression. You should strive to find out the facts about depression, and this article will cover a few great tips you can use to combat the syndrome if you have it.

It is wise for those who suffer from depression to find a hobby. By getting involved in a sport or other activity, you will help to keep your mind off of the negative feelings you may have. Try to get a friend or family member to join you in this activity.

Consider home remedies for depression if your case is mild. Though you should seek medical advice immediately if your depression is severe, less serious cases can be easily treated at home. There are a wide range of natural products that do not have the potential for side effects that are in pharmaceutics.

If you are a parent, and you start to feel a bout of depression coming on try to find a way for your children to not be around you. If they are older, you can leave them home alone, but if they are younger children, you should have a close friend on standby to watch them.

If you find yourself struggling with depression, it is important to branch out of your normal routine and habits in order to develop new interests which will then provide you with the excitement of doing something new and being able to set new goals and then hit them over time. This will keep your mind and body active which is important to beat depression.

Becoming interested in a hobby is a great way to help you deal with your depression. Many people say that gardening is one of the best things to do but it can be whatever interests you. Just the act of having a hobby can often take your mind off of what is ailing you.

Talk to someone about how you’re feeling. You may feel that no one understands what you’re going through, but the truth is that many people suffer from depression at least once in their lives. Join a support group or talk to a loved one and you won’t feel so alone.

As long as you know you’re suffering from depression, you should also know that there are many things you can do to be labeled as a former sufferer. Use the tips you’ve just read to work toward the latter, and leave that depression behind you. Focus on getting well, and it will happen for you.

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