Tips That Will Help You Manage the Diabetes Better

Diabetes is a disease where cure is not yet available. It is a very serious disease that has a lot of complications which can be potentially life threatening. This is why you need to know how you can start living with diabetes in order for you to live a more normal life with the disease. By knowing how to live with diabetes, you can be sure that you will be able to minimize the complications and also have a life that is normal regardless of having the disease.

First of all, you need to understand that diabetes affects a lot of people. In fact, 5 percent of the world’s population has diabetes. With no cure for this disease, all you can really do is effectively manage it.

In order to effectively manage diabetes, you need to be able to keep your blood glucose levels normal. You have to understand that diabetes is a condition where the body is no longer able to control the amount of sugar in your blood. This condition can lead to hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Just because you are diabetic, it doesn’t mean that you have to keep your blood sugar levels low. You don’t want your blood sugar levels to drop and you also don’t want it to spike up.

You have to remember that you need to keep your blood sugar levels at a stable level. If it constantly spikes up or drops down, you will be more at risk of developing serious complications, such as heart disease, gum disease, blindness, and even kidney failure.

In order for you to manage diabetes effectively, you need to go through a lifestyle change. It may not be easy at first but it will help you minimize the complications brought by diabetes.

The first important factor in order for you to manage diabetes is your diet. A diabetic diet should be low carbohydrates, low sugar, low salt, and high fiber. Also, it is important that diabetics should not skip meals. As a diabetic, what you eat is just as important as when you eat. There’s an eating pattern that you need to follow in order for you to avoid experiencing hypoglycemia, which is a potentially life threatening condition.

Exercise is also very important to stabilize your blood sugar levels. You need to at least exercise 30 minutes a day in order for you to keep your blood sugar levels at a consistent level. You can go jogging, walking, or play physical sports, such as tennis, or badminton.

Diabetes is a very serious disease that has a lot of complications which can potentially threaten your life. However, there are ways on how you will be able to manage the disease easily. All it takes is a little self discipline. With this, you can be sure that you will still be able to live a normal life despite the fact that you are living with diabetes.

Living with diabetes shouldn’t be a burden. You can still do the things you want to do in order for you to be happy with your life. However, you still need to have self-discipline and learn to adjust to a new lifestyle. Managing diabetes is about living a healthy life. By living healthy, you can be sure that diabetes will not affect your life in a negative way.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day makes you FAT?

That’s what scientists are saying, and you’ll
never guess the reason why. (Hint: It’s NOT water weight they’re talking about)

Don’t pour yourself another glass of water until
you’ve watched this alarming video.

A man almost lost his life because he committed this mistake.

In it, you’ll get a full list of other “hidden”
weight gainers which are adding several inches to
your belly
right now.

Plus, you’ll find out how many glasses of water you really SHOULD
be drinking if you want to rapidly slim down.


Things That You Should Know About Stress and Living with Diabetes

When people are first diagnosed that they have diabetes, they often get overwhelmed and some even gets depressed. This is a very emotionally stressful moment for them. Besides, you too would be stressed upon knowing that you have this very serious disease where cure is yet to be found and a disease that will require you to change your lifestyle.

Living with diabetes is not easy. However, you have to remember that you will still be able to live a normal life if you only manage the disease effectively. One way to manage the disease is by living a healthy lifestyle. What this means is that you need to eat the right kinds of food, exercise, and take your medications as the doctor prescribed.

However, have you ever considered the fact that stress is also a major factor contributing to diabetes management? Stress can significantly increase the blood sugar levels in the body. As a diabetic, this is not a good thing. You need to keep your blood sugar levels regulated as your body does not produce enough insulin to use the glucose or that the body is not using the insulin provided by the pancreas correctly.

Stress is basically a reaction that the body goes through in certain situations. If you are physically or emotionally stressed, hormones in the body are produced. Also, glucose levels in the blood are increased. This is called the fight or flight reaction.

Not only does stress increase the blood sugar levels in the body, but it will also lead someone to abandon their exercise program. Some people who are stressed react by eating too much as well as drinking too much alcoholic beverages. These things are known to provide comfort to the stressed person and are important that you should know about it especially if you are diabetic.

Reducing stress or stress management is the key. One great stress relief is exercising. You will see that exercising will be able to significantly reduce the amount of stress you feel. And, it is also healthy for your body especially if you are diabetic as exercise can help regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

Going to stress therapy sessions or classes is also very important. This way, you will be able to learn the different techniques that will allow you to control your stress levels. By controlling or effectively managing your stress, you will be able to reduce the chances of raising your blood sugar levels.

Sleeping is also known as a stress reducer. Also, sleeping is known to improve the ability of the body to use glucose, which will eventually lower the blood sugar levels in the body, which means that you will be less likely at risk of experiencing hyperglycemia. Poor sleep can impair the ability of the body to use glucose, which is a bad thing if you are a diabetic.

As you can see, diabetes is not only about exercise, diet and medicine. But, diabetes is also about knowing how to manage stress. By effectively managing stress, you will be able to effectively manage diabetes. As mentioned before, diabetes is a lifestyle disease. If you live a healthy lifestyle, then you will be able to effectively manage diabetes.

In fact, people who follow a strict healthy lifestyle don’t even need medications at all. Some diabetics can regulate their blood glucose levels with diet and exercise alone.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

Finding out more about animal assisted therapy

When you want, to learn more about the benefits and the great way that animal assisted therapy works, you should take the time to look online and off to find what you need. Many sites offer help in getting involved with this type of idea. You will be able to get the low down on what is going on and how it all works for people around the area.

Most of the time there are animal assisted therapy programs in any area. This is unless you are in a very rural area and there may not be enough resources for the idea. If this is the case, you should think about it and maybe you can consider coming up with your own animal assisted therapy program. It is a wonderful idea and one that can benefit so many people.

Think about what you want to do in life. Do you want to help people? Are you looking for something that will fulfill your needs to do some good in the world and help people that have disabilities and problems around them? If you are looking to help someone get through the tough times and get back on track, animal assisted therapy maybe the answer for you.

Sometimes people just need to get a little help in recovery when they are hurt or having to deal with a new disease that is debilitating to them. When this is the problem, using the animal assisted therapy to help is a great option and one that is making a difference to many people around the world. Sometimes it is the best option for people that are looking to gain back their confidence and get on with a stronger and healthier lifestyle.

Get some reading material if you can on the topic. When you are looking for the right information to help you discover all that you need, you will find it online or in your local library. You want to make sure that you are using your knowledge on the subject and getting the right help that will create the best work ahead for you.

If you are serious about starting an animal assisted therapy program, you will want to look up as much on the subject as you can. You want to be informed so that you can make the difference and get started on your way to being a great success. You need to locate some great animals that are going to match the requirements for the job. Once you do this you are going to be well on your way to creating a great atmosphere for someone that needs to have the help that they are looking for.

Animal Assisted Therapy Free Ebook to download here (scroll to bottom of page)

Check out the Dog Book of the Month Club

The Psychological Aspect of Diabetes

When people are diagnosed with diabetes, most of them are overwhelmed by the fact that they have this very serious disease. Some of them get frustrated or depressed, while others avoid a final diagnosis because they are in denial and don’t want to know that they are already diabetic.

You have to remember that living with diabetes is hard. This is why you need to understand people who have diabetes go through the denial phase. This disease can take a toll in a person’s psychological health. Some get really depressed and stressed that it will aggravate the condition more.

Lifestyle changes should be made if you are suffering from diabetes. And, this can take quite a long time for the person suffering to get used to. Changing one’s lifestyle is something that cannot be achieved overnight. Some may require dramatic intervention in order to get them to follow a diabetic lifestyle.

When people get depressed, most of them resort to overeating, drinking and even smoking. This is definitely something that diabetics should avoid. It may provide comfort at first but if you are a diabetic, then it can take a serious blow to your overall well-being.

If someone gets diagnosed with diabetes, they tend to go through the three emotions before they get to accept the disease as part of their life. They go through denial, anger, guilt. In the denial phase, people tend to use this emotion in order to avoid the changes they would have to make in their already comfortable life. Anger is also felt by people who get diagnosed by this disease. In most cases, they blame everyone. They blame their family, friends and they even blame their doctor for the disease. They also ask the question why they have to suffer from the disease.

Guilt is also another psychological phase that people who are diagnosed with diabetes go through. They tend to blame themselves for getting the disease and this can often lead to depression. Some even set out subconsciously to punish themselves for it.

Support from family and friends are important in order to minimize the depression they feel. By doing this, it will help in accepting the disease and that they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. The key here is to help the person suffering from diabetes to accept that they have the disease.

Another way to get the person diagnosed with diabetes to readily accept the disease as already part of their life is to educate them about diabetes. You have to remember that although diabetes is a very serious condition, there are ways to manage it effectively to the point that they will be able to live a normal life.

Once the person suffering from diabetes accepts that he or she has the disease, the easier it will be for them to live life. All it takes is a little support and education. Through these things, you can be sure that you will be able to help someone cope with diabetes.

Always keep in mind that diabetes can easily be managed if the person suffering from the disease accepts it and try to live with it as best he or she could. Through acceptance, life with diabetes will be easier for them to live.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

Finding help with animal assisted therapy

Some types of therapy claim to work, but in reality they do not do anything for a person. This is going to be true for many people and it can be hard on their emotional and mental capabilities. Sometimes finding the right help is necessary so that a person can be motivated and feeling ready to take on any new challenges. Finding help with animal assisted therapy is a great way to open up new ideas and get ready for a fresh new start ahead of them.

There are different programs that are out there and ready to help a person get started with the healing process. It is amazing what a person can do and how easy it is to get on the right path to success when you have a little friend there to get you through. Many different animals can be used for this type of treatment. Getting to be part of an animal’s life is an amazing experience and one that many people take pride in.

When you are taking part in the animal assisted therapy program, you will be able to have your choice of animals. You will be able to decide what you want to go with. Do you want to have a dog, cat, bird, rabbit, pig or even any other type of farm animal on your side? There are so many choices and more and more people are taking the opportunity to go with something different. Finding a new friend in an animal is a great discovery and one that will brighten the day of any person that is faced with a disability or any other type of problem that may come up for them.

Getting to know an animal that is used for the animal assisted therapy program is going to be an experience that is well-loved and very thought out. You will find it to be something that you can really help a person with their problems whether it is emotional or physical.

There is going to be so much relief that comes with the help of an animal assisted therapy pet. It is going to be so much more than just sitting with an animal for a few hours a day. These dogs are ready and able to make you feel good and to give you the motivation that you are looking for with the pets. You will be able to spend time with the animal just sitting and relaxing, walking, grooming the animal or even playing a game with them. Having an animal to share time with and to give your attention to is an amazing experience that a person will love and want to do each time. It will get to the point where the person looks forward to the time that they share with the animal.

Animal Assisted Therapy Free Ebook to download here (scroll to bottom of page)

Check out the Dog Book of the Month Club

Osteoporosis…can I reverse it?

If you take a look online and start to do your own research you will see that there is a lot of information on what osteoporosis is but not very much on how to stop it happening or why it happens in the first place.

The information you will find will be pretty basic and loads of information on  low Bone Density. There is however no or little information on the cause of Osteoporosis.

As they say …when we know the cause then we can fix it!

If you suffer from Osteoporosis then you will identify with this lady Jane Marshall. After falling and lying on the floor for hours with no help she swore that she would find a way to reverse her Osteoporosis.

Her solution? …the Osteoporosis protocol here

The Keys to Managing Your Glucose Levels Effectively

Diabetes is one of the most serious diseases plaguing society today. It is a disease where it is associated with serious complications, and it is also a lifestyle disease. Living with diabetes is hard. However, you will see that there are ways on how you can effectively manage diabetes in order for you to live a life that is as normal as possible.

First of all, you need to remember that the key to managing diabetes is by knowing how to regulate or efficiently manage the body’s blood glucose levels. By maintaining the blood glucose levels in acceptable levels, you will be able to prevent or at least minimize the complications brought upon by diabetes.

The key to regulating blood sugar levels is through proper diet and exercise. You also need to religiously follow doctor’s orders when it comes to taking your medications. It’s not easy at first but in time, you will get used to the idea of carefully planning your meals, exercising, and taking your medications exactly as how the doctor instructed.

If you are finding it hard to plan your meals, consult a dietician who is experienced working with diabetics. This way, you will be able to have an idea on how to prepare your meals. After a few weeks, you will be able to plan and make your own meals with ease.

The general rule for diabetic diet is that you should have low fat, low salt, low sugar, and low carbohydrate diet. It should be rich in vegetables and whole grains. This is not only recommended for diabetics, but it is also considered as a healthy diet for everyone.

When it comes to exercise, go for cardiovascular exercise. This will strengthen your heart and significantly reduce the risk of heart related diseases. And, it will also help the body control the blood sugar level more efficiently. Just keep in mind that your exercises should be low impact exercises. This means that the exercise you choose shouldn’t be too hard on your feet. Swimming, cycling and walking are examples of low impact exercises. You can also purchase an elliptical trainer as this too will be able to give you a great workout with less stress on your feet and knees. This is very important especially if you are suffering from sensory neuropathy where you may not feel blisters developing on your feet which can cause feel ulcers, infection and eventually amputation.

In addition to that, you have to wear special shoes designed for diabetics. These shoes have soft soles which helps prevent injuries on the feet and also reduce the stress.

For following your medications, you should always have the instructions written down and placed somewhere where you will be able to read it, such as on your fridge. This will help remind you when to take your medicine and lessen the risk of forgetting to take your medications, which can result in your blood sugar levels spiking or dropping.

Lastly, you have to remember that stress can make your blood sugar levels spike up. So, you can manage diabetes by managing stress. Take stress management classes and therapy. Here, you will be able to learn how to reduce stress, which will contribute to regulating your blood sugar levels

These are the keys to managing your glucose levels effectively. As a diabetic, you will still be able to live a normal life. The key here is to properly manage the disease through managing the blood sugar levels in your body.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

Farm animals and animal assisted therapy

A person can do something when they are looking for mental and health benefits from. This would be the animal assisted therapy program and it is a very useful way to help people feel better about them and get the help that they are looking for no matter what. Companionship is a great example of how you can overcome problems in your mind or body.

Having animals is one way to make a person feel good about them and give them the security that they need. Making sure that a person is physically able to feel good and do the things that they need to be important. However sometimes this is a very hard goal to achieve. This is why the animal assisted therapy programs are out there and are designed to help people feel better.

There are more and more farms that are being introduced to the animal assisted therapy program. There are many different things that you can do to find these places. If you are feeling low or you know a child or handicap individual that needs to have some assistance, pointing them in the direction of one of these great farms is a good idea. These great farms are made especially for the people that need to have some emotional support in their life.

With the farms that have the animal assisted therapy programs, people can spend time there and play with all the animals. This is a place that you can spend time and does the things that you would do on a farm. You can feed the animals, pet them, maybe even ride the horses if you so desire. There are so many great things that you can do on one of these special farms.

So many special birds are also great for this plan. These birds are a great way to allow people to see the different beauty of wildlife and all that is out there. Many times people will look at these great beauties and see the way that wild life can help them feel good about who they are and what they are doing in life. It is amazing at the amount of fun and entertainment that one of these great farms can have for them.

Farm animals and the assisted animal therapy program have been working together for many years. There are many special needs children that have gone to these farms and been able to spend time there and have a great and very enjoyable experience. They have made memories and created friends from all over and in the farm animals that they are caring for. It really is an amazing opportunity for anyone to participate in.

Animal Assisted Therapy Free Ebook to download here (scroll to bottom of page)

Check out the Dog Book of the Month Club

Top 5 Regrets of the Dying


If you are reading this email then you are like me and that heading really got your attention!

I consider myself lucky …yes lucky in that I have had a fear of dying happen to me in my life some 15 years ago. This was in the 45 minutes that I sat outside the surgeon’s office waiting to hear if my tumor was malignant or benign. As I sat there with my husband waiting to walk in I was faced with the fear that I might die. The thoughts that went through my head were all about my family.

I never once thought of work or anything else for that matter. All I thought about was my husband and my kids. When I received the good news in the surgeons office…it was benign and operable then what I had gone through in my mind while waiting outside his office was a revelation. It was a revelation that nothing else is really important except for those you love.

Those 45 minutes changed my whole perspective in life and made me realize that my life could come to an end at any time.  It totally changed my attitude to life and made me determined that when I get to that stage when my time is up then I will have no regrets.

We do not know when our final moments will be and yet most of us travel through life thinking that time is endless. We assume that we will be around for a long time and that we can put off the things we really want to do because we have so much time and we can do it at a later stage.

In effect we are drifting through life we are not living it.

If this is you ……then read these regrets below. They will surely get you thinking

Top five regrets of the dying


Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded their dying epiphanies in a book.

Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. “When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently,” she says, “common themes surfaced again and again.”

Here are the top five regrets of the dying, as witnessed by Ware:

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This was the number one  regret. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

Health brings a freedom very few realize, until they no longer have it.

I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. All of the men  deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.


I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

 I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Often they would not truly realize the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

 I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This is a  common one. Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content, when deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.

If this article has hit home with you and you feel its time to change the direction of your life then listening to The Millionaires Brain will make you think!

 what will you set out to achieve or change before you die?

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