i think i have a thyroid condition please help?

these are all my symptons that match with the symptons of a thyroid condition:

bad headaches (i get these everyday and take 4 parcetomols everyday from awful headaches)
gain weight and extremley difficult to lose weight (so many diets i have tryed, this is so hard)
memory loss/forgetfulness
mood swings (i am a teenager)
exhaustion (all the time i had shingles last month because of tirednes i am tired all the time)
aches everywhere
depressed sometimes (feel low all the time and then suddenly change mood)
fuzzy thinking
sometimes constipation

i looked on websites and these were all symptons of Hypothyroidism Symptoms

what should i do?
do you think that these symptons is it?

lily xx

colon cleanse?

is it real? can a teen use it? im wondering because I don’t want that nasty stuff in me.
ok…. hmm
hopefully I will eat healthy and I wont have to worry =( damn american making their healthy food so hard to reach
IS spring water any good?

(like poland spring or ozarka)

Cholesterol vs Saturated Fat?

Mostly saturated fat contains cholesterol but isnt it the amount of saturated fat that is going to determine the rise in ldl? Not the dietary cholesterol?
Yeah so the excess saturated fat which messes with insulin sensitivity and the insulin resistance from saturated fat indirectly can contribute to the body’s liver making more cholesterol vldl, because insulin is require for natural cholesterol biosynthesis? Seems to make sense.
I am wondering if the limiting of dietary saturated fat is good but one may not have to worry about dietary cholesterol so much. Take a food like egg yolks, which are low in saturated fat but high in cholesterol and vitamins. Should it be a concern. Esp if one is prone to diabetes, heart disease and a carrier for hypercholesterolemia.
I am wondering if the limiting of dietary saturated fat is good but one may not have to worry about dietary cholesterol so much. Take a food like egg yolks, which are low in saturated fat but high in cholesterol and vitamins. Should it be a concern. Esp if one is prone to diabetes, heart disease and a carrier for hypercholesterolemia.

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