Are my cholesterol numbers unsafe?

I just got my cholesterol results in. I’m 29 years old, 5’10" 200 lbs, very fit. I have a very low body fat percentage even though my BMI is high. I strength train as a novice. My total cholesterol is 160 with ldl at 95 and hdl at 32. My triglycerides came in at 167 however I did not fast and had had 2 meals prior to my test. Please advise.

Natural remedies for a headache?

I’ve had this awful headache since the beginning of my pregnancy, I can’t take pills so I was wondering of any natural remedies for headaches. It’s killing me, and really keeping me away from enjoying my along time with my son before the baby gets here in August.

Help? Colon, Digestive health?

I’ve been having very unsatsfying bowel movements for some time. Gas, lower abdom uncomfortabilitys and other such issues. Now I’m wondering I do, take Acidophilus and probotics and such tablets I was wondering what else I could do to promote digestive and colon health to produce the best bowel movements my body can produce. I just don’t wanna have digestive issues anymore and stuff. Please help

Cholesterol in Foods?

There are two different types of cholesterol in your body; LDL (Bad) and HDL (Good). HDL reduces LDL. When we eat, Saturated and Trans Fats reduce HDL and increase LDL. Meanwhile, Unsaturated Fats; Poly and Mono increase HDL. What about cholesterol in foods though. There is good and bad cholesterol in your body, there must be good and bad cholesterol in foods too, right? Nutrition labels don’t list any of this. What foods have good cholesterol and what has bad? Or is it all bad?

PS. Correct me oif I have any of my facts wrong.

anyone have vertigo remedies?

has anyone ever has vertigo and know any home remedies? its my 3rd day with it my stomach is finally better but the spinning and tilting when you walk is still driving me crazy im on meds but its not really working and im super sick of sitting still in my living room all day…help please thanks!

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