Why You Should Throw Away that Gluten-Free Bread (and what to eat instead)


Why You Should Throw Away that Gluten-Free Bread
(and what to eat instead)

Let’s face it: bread is the ultimate comfort food…

But there are a lot of questions as to where bread fits in
a healthy diet.

Most health experts despise bread because it’s usually full of gluten
and processed ingredients. And some of them even argue that
gluten-free breads are not any healthier…

So, what is the truth?

Well, you’re about to find out…

In today’s brand new special article, our friend and colleague
Kelley Herring blows the lid on five lies you’ve been told about
bread (#5 will definitely surprise you).

Kelley has a background in nutritional biochemistry. But she is also an
expert chef and recipe creator. We promise that you have never heard a perspective on bread quite like hers before.

If you want to enjoy this ultimate comfort food but don’t want to destroy
your health in the process, then you do NOT want to miss what she has
to say:

==> Click here to learn the TRUTH about bread

At the link above, Kelley will not only show you how to prepare the
healthiest low-carb breads on the planet, but also how to easily make
crackers, dinner rolls, pizza crust, pancakes – that are actually good
for you. Seriously.

Definitely a must read!

==> Click here to learn the TRUTH about bread


If you are interested you can grab a free ebook here     http://freebookoftheday.com/1e.php?p=162&b=eatrightfeelgreat

Your Grandparents Were Right


Our generation lives in a world where the children may die before the parents. This is because of the obesity crisis that is affecting the younger generation.

It is the first time ever in our history and it asks the question as to why our generation is suffering more than our grandparents.

All of us are now aware of how diet affects our health but not many of us have a good idea of a long term eating plan that will lead to optimum health with weight loss.

If you really want to have good health and lose weight then you need a long term eating program and you really need to think seriously about Clean Eating.

Clean Eating?… what is that?

Well to put it simply it is eating food in its most natural form just like nature intended.

Food in its natural form means food that has –

Not been manufactured

Is not packaged in a factory

Has not been designed by food scientists

Does not rely on clever marketing tricks to move it off the shelf.

Let’s think back… is that not what our grandparents used to eat?

That is what they called food

Our grandparents grew their own food and they bought it from other people who caught and killed it.

Clean Eating is about eating what grows in the ground, what can be picked from a bush or plucked of a tree.
It is the animals that fly, the animals that swim in our rivers and seas and the animals that eat the grass on our land.

OK so this sounds boring beyond belief but that is how homo-sapiens evolved to digest and absorb those types of food. These foods are the ones that make us feel full, they satisfy us and they give us the nutrients we need to repair our bodies

These foods

have no chemicals.

Were not designed in a laboratory.

They are just food.

Clean eating is eating real food with the emphasis on real.

So how does Clean Eating compare to dieting?

Lets look at a diet… what is it?

A diet is a short term fix to lose the extra weight you have accumulated. The problem here is that diets are usually gimmicks and temporary fixes.

The latest fad in diets is produced with one priority and that is to make money

In fact what a lot of diets do is just reduce the calorie intake without taking into account the nutrient requirements of your body. lets just say that diets are created with the market and profit in mind.

It is no coincidence that the foods that are the best for us provide the fuel our bodies need. These are the foods that our grandparents used to eat.

Eat those foods add a little exercise and your body will transform.

Once you understand what clean eating is all about you will change the way you think and feel about food

Download this free ebook herehttp://freebookoftheday.com/1e.php?p=162&b=healthyeating

The absolute Truth about Eating…and a free ebook


Firstly I want to warn you that with over 30 years’ experience in the medical and health industry I want to tell you the absolute truth about most of the health issues we see today.
I am not out to sell you any new diet or health gimmick but I want to let you know that for over 30 years I have seen the evidence in front of my eyes of the link between bad diet and health.

We live in a world where — for the first time — parents may outlive their children because of the obesity epidemic affecting our young children.

I see this every day.
So if you want to lose weight, be healthy and have a long-term sustainable eating program…
If you want to look better, perform better and feel better…
And if you want to opt-out of the obesity crisis…

Then Clean Eating is the solution.

Let me repeat that …. Clean Eating is the solution and clean eating is the ONLY solution!

I rest my life on that statement and I have seen the evidence over and over again.

Because I feel very strongly about this issue and lecture on this topic to my students I have decided to write a series of articles on

These articles will be in this category of the blog


I will email the next one in a few days.
In the meantime here is a Free Ebook – HEALTHY EATING



Free ebook..36 fat Burning Foods

If you’re overweight, you are not a bad person…….. You’re simply overweight.

But it’s important to lose the extra pounds so you’ll look good, feel healthier and develop a sense of pride and self-esteem.
Once you’ve lost the fat, you’ll need to maintain your weight.
In this free ebook , you’ll discover how to lose 10 pounds a month – a nice, safe loss of about two or
two-and-a-half pounds a week – painlessly.

You’ll feel satisfied and more energetic than in the past without feeling deprived.
Most Americans pack on those extra pounds by eating the wrong things.

Changing these poor eating habits is the key to long-term success.

Knowledge – along with the right food – is the key.

Download this Free ebook….36 Fat Burning Foods

The Truth About Bread ( will surprise You)

For many of us, bread is the ultimate comfort food…

Few culinary pleasures are quite as enjoyable as a flaky croissant with melted butter… fluffy biscuits and sausage in the morning… or fresh garlic bread dipped in a warm tomato sauce.

But there are a lot questions as to where bread fits in a healthy diet.

On one hand we’ve been told that it is the very “staff of life.” On the other, we’ve been told that it is a major contributor to disease and obesity.

So, what is the truth?

Well, you’re about to find out…

In today’s brand new special article, our friend and colleague Kelley Herring blows the lid on five lies you’ve been told about bread (#5 will definitely surprise you).

Kelley has a background in nutritional biochemistry. But she is also an expert chef and recipe creator. I promise that you have never heard a perspective on bread quite like hers before.  

If you enjoy this ultimate comfort food (but don’t want to destroy your health) you do NOT want to miss what she has to say.  The great thing is that she also shows you the healthiest SOLUTION on that page too!

Click here to learn the TRUTH about bread

By the way, if you believe you’re making a healthier choice by choosing “gluten-free” bread or other gluten-free products, you will definitely want to see this shocking information
    PS. you can download this free ebook –Fat Burning Baking here  http://order0105.gfdesserts.hop.clickbank.net?rd=bread

Eat Stop Eat Review


Product Description:

The name of this product is pretty interesting… Eat Stop Eat. But, it describes the program perfectly. Eat Stop Eat is a guide on intermittent fasting. This method of weight loss has taken the fitness industry by storm and is one of the most effective ways of losing weight.

The popularity of the paleo diet has also caused a rise in the popularity of intermittent fasting. When combined, the weight loss is staggering. The method itself is unique because you are consuming the same amount of calories as you would on a normal day but the time frame you will eat it in is different.

Brad Pilon sums up the intermittent fasting strategy in 91 pages flat. You are told everything you need to know to perfect this method of weight loss. In fact, you could adopt it as your lifestyle and you’ll notice that you do not gain weight easily anymore.

The Good Points:

1) The guide is written in a simple, easy to follow style. You do not need to understand complex biology to know how intermittent fasting will work for you. You just need to do what Brad says. That’s easy to do. It’s also a fun read

2) The program is not created upon BS theory. There are currently many fitness products on the market with hyped up sales pages, muscular models in videos and snazzy graphics all designed to hook the naïve consumer in. The products themselves are untested theory that do not work.

Thankfully, Eat Stop Eat, is not one of them. The official website is not hyped up. It gels with Brad’s easy going style. The guide also makes several references to scientific studies so you know that this is not untested rubbish.

3) This product is good for both men and women. Unlike some diet methods that are really harsh and cavemen like, this way of eating will appeal to women. You have much more flexibility and the sheer effectiveness of the method lends a certain laxity to eat. You will actually be able to eat a muffin or cookie here and there without adding 20 pounds to your waist.
4) You will be taught when to recognize if your body is truly hungry. We live in a world where people eat when they are happy, sad, bored, angry, etc. They eat for every other reason and very rarely because they are hungry.
5) It’s an online download so you get immediate access to the product. No shipping to worry about.

The Bad Points:

1) You will have to put in effort. This style of eating requires you to change your habits a little. It will take about 2 weeks for your body to adjust but once you’ve done it, you will love intermittent fasting..

2) It’s an online product. You will need a computer and internet connection.

Should You Get It?

Two big thumbs up. This is an excellent product and probably the best guide on intermittent fasting out there.

The fact that you can eat whatever you want as long as you follow the method is truly mind blowing. Of course, you will have to eat in moderation but unlike other diets which are restrictive and don’t allow you to eat carbs, sugar, etc… you have a lot of flexibility with intermittent fasting.

You just need to do it right. In order to do it right, you need correct, easy to follow info. Eat Stop Eat…has your name all over it.

>>> Check out ‘Eat Stop Eat’ Here <<<

101 Toxic Food Ingredients Review


Product Description:

We live in a day and age where more and more people are obese, unhealthy and sickly. Most of these ills are the result of a poor diet that is high in processed food, junk food, additives, preservatives, genetically modified food, etc.

There has been more change in our diet over the last 50 years than over the past century. The reason for this is that big companies are all out to get the dollar and can’t give 2 hoots about the health of their consumers.

Studies have shown that the majority of food items sold in supermarkets contain toxic ingredients. This is highly disturbing and that’s putting it mildly.

Thankfully, bestselling author, Anthony Alayon, has exposed the dark side of the food industry and written a book on exactly what foods are toxic, what foods you should avoid like the plague and reveals the truth about all the most common foods we consume.

It’s definitely about time someone spoke the truth.


The Good Points:

1) This report is extremely detailed and nothing is swept under the carpet. It’s very refreshing to see a book that is so brutally honest it actually shocks and scares. We should be scared after seeing how much toxic stuff we are consuming daily. Being aware is half the battle won.

2) There are many testimonials on the official website that lend credibility to this report. There is also a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied. Since there is zero risk, this is definite worth trying out.

3) Not only are you told what to avoid, you’re also given alternatives and helpful suggestions regarding diet choices and decisions. So, it’s not just about highlighting the problem but you’re also taught how to overcome them. All you need to do is follow.
4) It’s an online download so you get immediate access to the product. No shipping to worry about.
5) The information is mind-blowing and this is a very unique report. The attention to detail is unparalleled and that makes this a guide that you can trust.


The Bad Points:

1) The info is so harsh that it can create phobias in people. Definitely the hard truth here. This may make some people just ignore everything and prefer to bury their head in the sand and act like it’s all hype.

2) This is only available online. You’ll need a computer and internet connection to download it

3) This is a highly informative product. You will have to spend time reading it, taking notes, etc. It’s not bedtime reading material. If you are willing to put in the effort and read it carefully, you will benefit from it.

Should You Get It?

Definitely. You can’t afford not to get it. It’s that important.

No amount of exercise, calorie counting, etc. will help if you are eating toxic foods. You can only know what these foods are if you get the guide. This crucial information is not easily available and is drowned out by false info that abounds in the media and online. This is intentional.

Learn the truth.
>>> Check out the ‘101 Toxic Ingredients Report’ Here <<<

101 Super Foods Review

Product Description:

In the US, Australia and other countries, obesity is fast becoming an epidemic. Besides obesity, another problem that millions of people face is body aches and pains that seem to appear for no reason at all.

People just feel tired, stiff, painful, swollen and they have no idea why. They attribute it to getting old, pollution, genetics, bad luck and tons of other things. What most people do not know is that the cause to most of the inflammation they are suffering is caused by poor food choices.

This lack of knowledge is hurting them literally. In fact, the Time magazine has devoted an entire issue to covering inflammation which it terms as the “Secret Killer”… and it is. Inflammation is a precursor to a whole lot of other major problems such as cancer, asthma, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, tumors, allergies, heart disease and much more. This information is enough to scare most people.

Yet, it’s true.

Mike Kesterdal and Rick Kaselj have written a book on the foods that cause inflammation and more importantly, they have given you 101 superfoods to fight the inflammation and pain you may be experiencing.

These 2 guys are ordinary people just like us. They are not celebrities on talk shows. They do have the necessary credentials that are required to give information that is credible and useful. That’s what makes this product so believable. It’s not hyped up and the focus is on solving people’s problems not on making a buck.

The Good Points:

1) On the official website you are given 3 super foods you can consume to fight inflammation. Kiwis, green tea and pistachios. These are just 3 of the foods in the book and there are 101 such foods! You’re spoilt for choice. The foods are also delicious so you will not have to force yourself to eat stuff that you don’t want to.

2) The program is comprehensive. You are also taught about the different vitamins and minerals required for good health. A deficiency in these vitamins may cause health issues such as joint pain and diabetes. Prevention is better than cure. Eating the super foods will be highly beneficial down the road by keeping you healthy.

3) 100 per cent money back guarantee. Awesome! Whenever a product offers a full refund should you find it unsatisfactory, in most cases it’s a really good product and not some shoddy product created by fly-by-night operators. You can trust this program.

4) The author and his programs have been featured on several sites such as livestrong.com and the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Bad Points:

1) You will need to buy healthy foods to consume. Some people may say that it’s too expensive to eat healthy. This is not true since most of the foods can be obtained at much cheaper prices from farmers markets. Also, you will save yourself on thousands of dollars in health costs down the road.

2) The product is only available online and you will have to download it. That can be a problem to people who do not have an internet connection.
Should You Get It?

You should. This is one of those products that you should share with your friends and family. The information is important and will bring ease to many people’s suffering. Waking up daily to a body that aches and is pain is no fun and extremely demoralizing.

With just a few small changes in our eating habits and replacing bad foods for superfoods, we can be a picture of health and lead a pain free life. This product is a must-get. Period.
>>> Check out ‘101 Super Foods’ Here <<<

Why canola oil HARMS your cells (Plus the 6 healthiest alternatives)

Why canola oil HARMS your cells (Plus the 6 healthiest alternatives)

Most people think that canola oil is “heart healthy”. In fact, the massive marketing campaign for canola oil has been successful in even getting many health professionals to falsely believe this is true.

But there is something very sinister about the way canola oil is grown and processed that you NEED to know. And it’s NOT good for your health. In fact, it can DAMAGE your cell membranes in your body, causing some scary degenerative diseases.

One of our favorite Nutrition Specialists explains why to AVOID canola oil in today’s article, PLUS gives you the top 6 smartest alternatives…


Please fwd this email to your friends and family to help protect their health too!

Should Women Diet Differently than Men?

Fitness Expert and Research Formulator John Barban has unlocked the key to why women cannot lose weight as easily as men

Should Women Diet Differently than Men?      

Because men and women are hormonally very different
Should they diet the same way?

Recent research suggests NOT.

Women have a much more difficult
time losing weight and keeping it off than Men.

ESPECIALLY when they reach age 45 and older.

If you have ever wondered WHY or felt that it is NOT FAIR
this video is for you

This video shows you exactly what’s happening in a
woman’s body that makes it harder to lose weight…And more
importantly, you’ll see a REAL breakthrough, science proven tip
to boost the female metabolism that makes fat burning a whole
lot easier!

Breakthrough Metabolism Boosting Tip For Women Only [Video]

In fact, research shows when Women use this tip to boost their
metabolism they actually burn fat faster than men instead of
the other way around!

Breakthrough Metabolism Boosting Tip For Women Only [Video]

If you enjoy this information, pass it on to a female friend!

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