Toe Nail Fungus

Toe nail fungus and finger nail fungus is a condition in which fungi get under the nail of the toe or finger and cause an infection in the area. The infection can be of the nail itself or for the underlying skin in the area known as the nail bed. The condition is one in which you will want to have treated, especially if you find that it is painful or embarrassing to have. If you suffer for other conditions, such as diabetes, your doctor may want to take care of the problem as soon as possible so that it does not cause further damage to your skin.

While you can have finger nail fungus, it is most commonly a toe nail fungus that will be present. In fact, at any given time, up to 18% of the population will have nail fungus infections.

Nail fungus does not necessary have to be treated. If it is not causing you any pain and you do not have a problem with the way it looks, then you may choose to not treat it at all. But, if you do this, you are increasing the chances for it to spread and worsen which may result in pain. It is also likely that it will take longer to treat at that point.


The good news is, though, that you do not need to live with this condition. Nail fungus cures are available to help you.

There are several over the counter medications that can help in this condition. There is not a 100% nail fungus cure, but many people do find relief from these topical treatments. If you do not see any relief from them, you can and should contact your family doctor. He can prescribe medications that are stronger to help.

Some of these medications do have side effects though. Toe nail fungus and finger nail fungus is something that many people have, yet you do not need to suffer from it when you seek out the help of fungal treatments such as these.

Are you infected with this nail parasite?

Dermatologists all over the U.S. warn there’s a hidden epidemic
That could leave millions of Americans walking in crutches this summer.
>> Find out more
73% of all Americans have this parasite on their nails and toes…

Believe me  I had this fungus and it is nearly impossible to get rid of.

It nearly drove me mad trying all these different potions that just did not work

When I went to  Thailand last summer I always had my toenails painted to try and hide it. It is embarrassing to say the least!

Have not got a clue where I got it from  but according to scientists you can get it from any swimming pool or public shower  and it can cause a dangerous fungal infection that spreads to your whole body
Click here now to check if you have this nail-eating parasite
……and discover the simple and natural steps you can take right now
To safely erase it from your body forever.

If you are reading this I would guess that you have tried a few creams or lotions and none of them have worked.

It is time to get your hands on something that does!




Sciatica refers to the pain caused by the compression or irritation in the nerves at the lower end of the spine. Sciatica is also known as radiculopathy, which refers to the extension of the spinal disc beyond the normal position, resulting in the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Such a condition can often result in pain in the back and legs. The best remedy for the treatment of this kind of pain is sciatica exercises. It is often believed that bed rest helps in such a condition. However, inactivity usually worsens the pain in sciatica patients.

Lack of movement weakens the back muscles and the spinal structures, thus resulting in increased pressure on the back and consequently more pain. Sciatica exercises are very important for health and fitness of the human back and spine.

Sciatica exercises focus on strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. These exercises include stretching, which helps in improving the flexibility of the back muscles, resulting in reduced pain. Doctors recommend different exercises for sciatica patients, depending on the cause of sciatica, which can also occur due to serious medical conditions such as an infection or tumor.

One has to do these exercises regularly and in a proper manner in order to derive maximum benefit.

Exercising regularly not only helps in the treatment of sciatica-related pain, but also helps in the prevention of any such problems in the future. The most common sciatica exercises that are recommended for the treatment of sciatica-related pain are the Hamstring stretching exercises. The hamstrings are the muscles located in the back of the thigh and help in bending the knee. You must also perform exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles in order to get relief from the sciatica pain.


In the United States alone, a huge eighty percent of the population suffers from back pain at some point of theirs lives. It may manifest itself in different forms. It may come up as lower back pain, neck pain, or sciatica for some people. Back pain may last for a short while or it may persist for a longer time depending on different people. Back pain may range from a mild, persistent pain to an unbearable back ache than worsens with the slightest of movements. Back pain, also called dorsalgia by people in the medical profession, may originate from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine.

A recent study shows that there has been a steady rise in back pain consultation over the past ten years. The same study also reported a higher percentage of male patients seeking medical consult for back pain than women, and this percentage increases to seventy percent by age sixty. Surveys show that around forty percent of the population experience back pain which lasts for more than a day in the past year. Its persistence increases as we age: one out of three men and one out of four women aged sixty-five and above have been reported to suffer back pain for the whole year as compared to one out of twelve men and women between the ages of twenty-five and fortyfour.

Fortunately, a variety of treatment are available to alleviate the pain caused by lumbago. Choosing the most fitting treatment will be determined by the patient’s physician or therapist as the results may vary for every person. Below is a list of different treatment used for different levels of back pain.

* Heat therapy is used to alleviate back pain caused by back muscle spasms.
* Medications, be it over the counter or prescription, such as muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and paracetamol have been proven effective in providing back pain relief.
* Exercise while being supervised by a licensed physical therapist, may prove beneficial for short-term and chronic back pain. This includes stretching and strengthening muscles surrounding the spine.
* Massage therapy performed by a licensed therapist may also help.
* Acupuncture is an alternative treatment being used to give back pain relief.
* Back manipulation therapies like chiropracty may help lessen back pain as well.
* Surgery is most appropriate for worst cases like: lumbar disc herniation or degenerative disc disease; spinal stenosis from lumbar disc herniation; scoliosis; and compression fracture.

There have been instances where the cause of the back pain is non-physical. These factors include: on-the-job stress, repressed anger, anxiety, or depression. For these causes, treating the psychological cause or resolving existing issues may help get rid of the dorsalgia. Engaging in stress relieving activities may also help provide back pain relief.

For most people, postural factors have been the reported root cause of their dorsalgia. This may be due to improper lifting technique, poor posture, or poor support from sleeping mattresses or office chairs. Most sufferers experience a great of comfort from having such ergonomic or postural factors corrected.

Our backs support our entire body. It helps us stand tall, sit straight, and walk upright without any problem. So it is just fitting that we give it the care it is due. Preventing dorsalgia is easier than treating it. So as early as now, relieve yourself of unnecessary stress, engage in an adequate amount of physical activity, maintain proper posture, and you’re on your way to a healthy, pain-free back.

Sciaticia SOS -how to get rid of the pain in 7 days


If you’ve ever been diagnosed with sciatica, you know how essential it is to be able to relieve sciatic nerve pain when it flares up. For some sufferers, this is the worst pain they’ve felt in their lives and it requires immediate medical attention. For others, it’s time to try some home remedies.

Note that nothing said here is intended to replace medical advice. If you’re suffering from any sort of pain, let alone that from your sciatic nerve, talk to a medical professional about your treatment options. They will be able to give you the best help, and will diagnose any more serious underlying condition.

Medical Remedies for Sciatica

Depending on the cause of your sciatica, your doctor may want to try one of several different remedies. The first is to put you on an anti-inflammatory medication. These will reduce any swelling in your spine that may be contributing to or causing the pain you’re experiencing.

If the anti-inflammatory medication does not work to relieve sciatic nerve pain, most doctors will try injected anti-inflammatory medication next. This is usually in the form of a corticosteroid that is put directly into the tissue that’s putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. It should reduce swelling and therefore reduce your pain.

More intense medical interventions for sciatica include an epidural injection, similar to what many pregnant women receive while giving birth. A final option would be surgery, in which a doctor would physically move or remove anything putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Home Remedies for Sciatica

If your sciatica is not bad enough for your doctor to intervene in one of the above ways or if you’re trying to keep your pain under control, there are ways to relieve sciatic nerve pain that you can do in the comfort of your own home. These are simple and straightforward things that, over time, should help your discomfort.

When your pain first strikes, try applying alternating heat and cold to the affected area. Use an ice pack for 15-20 minutes, then apply a heating pad. Do this for a couple of hours and see if it makes a difference. Make sure that neither the ice nor the heat are too intense, because you can damage more tissue than you help.

While a day or two of bedrest may be necessary to relieve sciatic nerve pain, it will not do much to help the overall situation if you stay in bed for days on end. Thus, you should be sure to get up and move around, even if it is painful. This will help your spinal tissue stretch and relax, which should relieve some of your pain.

Exercise is a great way to give yourself long-term relief from sciatica pain. While you won’t want to do anything too intense, your doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist can help you find exercises that keep your back loose and, therefore, your pain away.

Becoming Pain Free

While it may seem like a far-off dream when you’re in the middle of an attack, it is possible to use a combination of medical and home treatments to relieve sciatic nerve pain. Follow your doctor’s advice carefully. Add in some of the home treatments mentioned here, and you should find your pain dissipating.

Is your lower back pain affecting your life?

The low back pain is the second most common ailment affecting 80% of the general United States population at some point in life. The pain may either be acute or chronic and is usually caused by a variety of diseases and disorders of the lumbar spine.

Is it possible to cure sciatica in 7 days?

Low Back pain is usually accompanied by sciatica. Sciatica is a pain that involves the sciatic nerve and affects the lower back, the back of the thighs and buttocks.

Causes and Symptoms of Low back pain

The patient of low back pain may experience two types of pain, primarily – acute and chronic.

The pain is symptomatic and can be caused by the following reasons:

Acute Pain:

A sprain or a muscle tear, which can be aggravated by heavy lifting or extended use of back muscles within 24 hours of the injury, leading to muscle spasms or soreness. Usually improves when you provide rest to the affected area.

Chronic Pain:

This pain may have several causes like –

1.Mechanical Obesity, pregnancy, bad postures while bending, or stooping causes strain on the lower back muscles.

2.Malignancy Low back pain that is not relieved even after a night’s rest, maybe caused by a tumor in the cauda equine (the roots of the spinal nerves controlling sensation in and movement of the legs), or cancer of the prostate, breasts or lungs, maybe caused because of a history of smoking, sudden weight loss or old age.

3.Herniated Spinal Disk When the spinal disk begins to bulge outward between the vertebrae. This is a common cause of chronic back pain in adults.

4.Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain caused while lying down or sitting; improves when the patient starts moving, is commonly seen in males between the age group of 16-35 years.

5.Psychogenic Back pain which may be induced due to an exaggerated minor injury or that may be usually prolonged leading to somatoform disorder or other psychiatric disturbances.

6.Lower Back Pain with Leg Involvement When the back pain radiates down the leg, the sciatic nerve is usually irritated by herniated disks, tumors of the cauda equina, abscesses in the space between the spinal cord and its covering, spinal stenosis, and compression fractures. Some patients may also experience weakness or lack of feeling, along with pain in the leg.


The low back pain is the second most common ailment affecting 80% of the general United States population at some point in life. The pain may either be acute or chronic and is usually caused by a variety of diseases and disorders of the lumbar spine. Low Back pain is usually accompanied by sciatica. Sciatica is a pain that involves the sciatic nerve and affects the lower back, the back of the thighs and buttocks.

Causes and Symptoms of Low back pain

The patient of low back pain may experience two types of pain, primarily – acute and chronic.

The pain is symptomatic and can be caused by the following reasons:

Acute Pain:

A sprain or a muscle tear, which can be aggravated by heavy lifting or extended use of back muscles within 24 hours of the injury, leading to muscle spasms or soreness. Usually improves when you provide rest to the affected area.

Chronic Pain:

This pain may have several causes like –

1.Mechanical Obesity, pregnancy, bad postures while bending, or stooping causes strain on the lower back muscles.

2.Malignancy Low back pain that is not relieved even after a night’s rest, maybe caused by a tumor in the cauda equine (the roots of the spinal nerves controlling sensation in and movement of the legs), or cancer of the prostate, breasts or lungs, maybe caused because of a history of smoking, sudden weight loss or old age.

3.Herniated Spinal Disk When the spinal disk begins to bulge outward between the vertebrae. This is a common cause of chronic back pain in adults.

4.Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain caused while lying down or sitting; improves when the patient starts moving, is commonly seen in males between the age group of 16-35 years.

5.Psychogenic Back pain which may be induced due to an exaggerated minor injury or that may be usually prolonged leading to somatoform disorder or other psychiatric disturbances.

6.Lower Back Pain with Leg Involvement When the back pain radiates down the leg, the sciatic nerve is usually irritated by herniated disks, tumors of the cauda equina, abscesses in the space between the spinal cord and its covering, spinal stenosis, and compression fractures. Some patients may also experience weakness or lack of feeling, along with pain in the leg.


Have you ever experienced such excruciating pain that standing up becomes a great difficulty? Sometimes, sitting down makes the pain even worse. A lot of people may be doing something so simple and yet a certain body movement would cause them unbearable pain. You may be experiencing sciatica.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, is a condition in which the sciatic nerves in the body become inflamed. Sciatic nerves are found beginning at the lower spine and continue down the buttocks area, back of the legs, and into the feet. Symptoms of sciatica is characterized by a light tingling feeling or burning sensation to a full blown shooting pain that travels from the lower back, buttocks area, back of legs, and/or feet. More often than not, sciatic nerve pain affects only one side, although it could also be possible to run down both legs.

Sciatica could be a frightening experience especially if you do not realize what is happening. One may begin to feel like he/she will become crippled. However, most of the time sciatica can be treated effectively.

Causes of Sciatica
Sciatica may occur when the nerve in the lower spine become pinched, or if there is a slipped disk. Arthritis or a sprained ligament will narrow the passageways of the nerves which may cause the nerve endings to become tender and inflamed. Other causes of sciatica include an abscess, growth, or blood clot. But these can be rare.

Treatment of Sciatica

Since sciatic nerve pain is caused by a combined pressure and inflammation on the nerve root, treatment is generally focused on relieving both of these factors through non-surgical treatments and/or surgical methods.

Non-surgical sciatic nerve pain treatment may include one or a combination of medical treatments and alternative (non-medical) treatments. Most of the time, it includes some form of exercise and stretching.

If you are experiencing sciatica, it is advised to stay off your feet for the first few days. One of the things you must avoid is to get up and down repeatedly as this will only cause the nerve to become more irritated. Though some quarters pose question on the benefits of bed rest, still it is advisable at least for the first few days.

It may feel soothing to soak in warm baths to ease the pain. However, do not use heating pads while the nerve is inflamed. Prolonged heat will draw the inflammation in and will keep the swelling high. Rather, most healthcare professionals would advise the application of ice packs directly on the lower back area for 20 minutes at a time, every couple of hours. This may feel a little uncomfortable, but the cold packs will greatly help in reducing the swelling. Using mineral ice is also a good alternative in soothing the pain and offers a temporary sciatic relief.

Though some doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants for temporary relief of pain, caution is advised as to the side effects of these types of prescription drugs. Some medications can be addictive, or may give a false sense of feeling better.

Massage therapy is considered to be a highly effective non-surgical treatment as it can keep your spine in better alignment for longer periods of time. As soon as your back begins to heal, your doctor may give you stretching and low impact exercises so that your muscles won’t stiffen too much. Be sure to engage in exercise only when your doctors approve it.

Alternative treatments that you might find available and helpful are accupressure, accupuncture, herbal therapies, homeopathy, biofeedback, and guided imagery to name just a few.

Surgical methods to remove the portion of the disc that is irritating the nerve root are micro discectomy or lumbar laminectomy, and discectomy. Surgery helps relieve both the pressure and the inflammation especially if the sciatic nerve pain is severe and has not been relieved through medical treatments.

Over 35 And Still Struggling To Lose Belly Fat?

If you are in the same age group as me…..wrong side of 50.. then you will know how difficult it is to lose weight.

It is frustrating to say the least!

That is why I was interested to read about a new method that  talks about the “Menopause Molecules”

They describe a method that gives results in 21 days without starving or suffering through long boring workouts

Now that was enough to get me interested!

It is just sole destroying when you eat like a bird and exercise regularly with no results.

It Used to be that all the experts  did not believe in targeted fat loss.

These guys are proving them wrong!

take care





Is It Possible to Prevent Diabetes When Genetics Play a Role?

There are many different diseases that people get that because the genetic material for those diseases are passed down from generation to generation. Alzheimer’s is one such disease.

If you had a mother or father diagnosed with the disease, then your odds of getting it would be increased. However, some diseases will not automatically develop in the next family member – even if there is a history of the condition.

The reason for this is because at the root of some diseases is the ability to stop the condition from occurring. Diabetes is one of these conditions. It doesn’t matter if you had grandparents, parents or siblings diagnosed with diabetes.

You’re not doomed to get the condition if you’re proactive about it. That’s the key to preventing getting diabetes. Being proactive with your health. That means that you must take steps to do what you can so that the risk factors that go hand in hand with the disease don’t take control in your life.

The biggest risk factor for getting the disease is how much weight that you carry. For each pound that you are overweight, it impacts your risk level for developing diabetes. The reason that this happens is because of how the body’s cells are impacted by the fat.

People who are overweight struggle to be able to properly use the insulin their body produces. The cells become resistant toward insulin rather than having the sensitivity that you would normally have.

When your cells become insulin resistant, the glucose can build up in your bloodstream and lead to high sugar readings. This leads to organ damage, a higher risk of heart attacks, blindness, amputation and even premature death.

So if you are carrying extra weight and you have a family history of diabetes, lose weight so that you’re in the healthy zone for your height and frame. The second biggest risk to developing diabetes is the kind of foods that you eat.

If you eat a diet that’s high in calories and loaded with sugar, then your odds of getting the disease will increase. One thing about eating sugar is that it triggers a feel good hormone in the body, which can lead to craving even more sugar.

To keep diabetes at bay, it’s best to have a low carb, healthy meal plan. The third biggest risk to getting diabetes if you have a family history of the disease is being inactive.

If you spend more time sitting around watching television than you do being active, your chances of getting diabetes will increase. Exercise allows the body to be able to use the glucose properly and it keeps the cells from becoming insulin resistant. It also helps keep the extra weight off.

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