Self Discovery ….a key to a happy Life

The term “Self discovery” means identifying yourself and your needs. I often talk to students in health and social care in  college about identifying a person’s needs. .When we identify a person’s needs then we can apply a plan to help them with where they are right now.

It is however a different story when we try to identify our own needs. 

Sounds simple enough but in reality, it has a huge meaning and a huge role in people’s life. You may dream of leading a certain kind of life, but when you enter that kind of life, you do not seem to be happy.

We all have ideas in our heads of what is going to make us happy and then end up totally disappointed when we feel we have arrived there and we are still not happy

This is what makes self-discovery very important.

If you do not discover yourself, and know exactly what you want form life, you always tend to be unhappy. This is the major reasons why counselors go for self-discovery sessions. However, even without the help of counselors, you can discover yourself if are a little aware of your needs and feelings.

The first step to self-discovery is identification of your needs.

Most of the people do not know what they want. They keep on searching for one thing and when they achieve that thing, they still are unhappy. To identify your needs, you first need to sit in a quiet place and relax yourself.

Then, when you are in a relaxed state of mind, meditate and focus on your thoughts. Ask yourself questions like what makes you happy, what makes you sad and so on. Along with the question of what, also ask why it makes you happy or sad.

Seek a deep and strong reason behind it, not any fragile reason. After you have the answer to all your questions, write them down in a piece of paper in a tabular form so that whenever you see it, you can understand it.

This finishes the identification session. This is the most important part of the session of self-discovery.

Next, you have to prioritize your needs that you have identified from the first step. You may have several reasons that make you happy, but it is not possible to implement them altogether. Therefore, you have to prioritize them into first, second, third and so on.

This will make everything systematic and you can get all the happy things done one by one. Since you have also noted the things that make you sad, therefore, you can stay away from those things. There will be no confusions anymore if they are well written in paper as well as well engraved in your mind. When we write these needs and what makes us happy and it become visual then it also become more real and tangible.

Next is executing these happy moments into actions.

Easier said than done. Realize that happiness is often in the journey rather than the destination.

If, you discover yourself and what is really important in your life then you will lead a happier life if you are well-disciplined.

Stick to what is right for you… not what you think should be right but what you know is right.

Be true to yourself, to your needs, to your values and also your beliefs.

take care 


What is oral and Genital Herpes

There are two types of herpes infections, oral herpes and genital herpes; both are contagious. The most insidious fact about herpes is that it can be an “invisible virus;” it is possible for a person to have and to spread either type of herpes virus and not even know that he or she has herpes.

The virus that infects a person with oral herpes is named “herpes simplex type 1.” The virus that infects a person with genital herpes is named “herpes simplex type 2.” Both types of herpes are spread by direct contact with an infected area or by contact with a body fluid from that area.

There is no known cure for either type of herpes; it is permanent, but not always active. A person with oral herpes or genital herpes may have one or several outbreaks in his or her life.

Oral Herpes and It’s Symptoms

Oral herpes symptoms include blisters or cold sores on the lips and in the mouth that can develop into painful ulcers. If the gums are infected they will become red and puffy. Oral herpes may also cause a fever, aching muscles and swollen glands in the neck. An initial outbreak may last from two to three weeks.

Oral herpes is very common among children. Children share each other’s straws and eating utensils and generally have a lot of physical contact with one another playing sports and just generally roughhousing. Children are also subject to being kissed by visiting close friends and relatives who are completely unaware that they have oral herpes.

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Genital Herpes and It’s Symptoms

Genital herpes symptoms include blisters and pain in the genital areas. Blisters may appear on the penis, scrotum, vagina, in the cervix or on the thighs and buttocks. Initial symptoms include an itch or pain in an infected area, fever, headache, swollen glands in the groin, a painful or burning sensation during urination and possibly a thick, clear fluid discharge from the penis or vagina. The blisters may become painful sores. An initial episode of genital herpes may last from one to three weeks.

Preventing Herpes

It is possible to prevent a herpes infection by avoiding direct contact with blisters, sores or ulcers that appear on someone’s mouth or genitals. Keeping in mind that herpes can be an “invisible virus,” it is a good idea to avoid physical or intimate contact with anyone you suspect may carry either virus.

Teach your children that putting something in their mouth that has been in someone else’s mouth is never a good idea. They should also be warned that when someone has a cut or sore they should be very careful to avoid touching it because of the “germs” that they might catch.

Adults and teenagers who are sexually active should never have unprotected sex with someone who they even suspect may be infected by genital herpes. The use of a condom will provide some measure of protection but not complete protection. The only complete protection is abstinence.

A pregnant women who has ever had an outbreak of genital herpes should inform her obstetrician well before her due date, so the obstetrician can, if necessary, discuss and plan for a non-vaginal delivery.

Treating Herpes

It is worth mentioning again that all a doctor or a medication can do is treat symptoms of an outbreak of herpes with an antiviral medicine — there is no cure.

If your child has cold sores that do not disappear within ten days, or has a history of frequent cold sores, take him or her to a doctor.

Insomnia and Nutrition

The food we eat has a very important impact on all the body structures, influencing nervous and physical activities alike; therefore, don’t be surprised to discover that insomnia and nutrition are interrelated. Food digestion requires a certain amount of effort from the muscles around the stomach, and this very area is rich in nervous ramifications; hence, heavy meals in the evening are not recommended since they can easily trigger sleep disorders. The last meal of the day should be taken at least two hours before going to bed, to allow enough time to the stomach to process food. Insomnia and nutrition affect people of all ages alike, not to mention that there is also a psychological dimension of the problem as well.

Food difficult to process lies behind insomnia and nutrition problems; this is why nutritionists recommend only light meals after six o’clock in the evening. Fruit and salads, dairy products, cereals, soup or broth are easier to digest in the evening, whereas meat, sweets and fat dishes are the require the most intense of efforts on the part of the digestive system. Therapists advise people who suffer from both insomnia and nutrition problems to try to drink a glass of warm milk sweetened with honey before going to bed; it is said to have a soothing effect and to induce natural sleep without the slightest of efforts on your part.

Insomnia and nutrition problems are common among overweight people who experience the syndrome of “emotional hunger”. Due to depression, or emotional instability, one could get up in the middle of the night with food cravings, and she or he may not be able to sleep until the craving is satisfied. Such disorders involve both sleep and eating habits, being deeply rooted in psychological issues that demand a quick solution. The measure to be taken seems simple: therapy and professional help should be undergone by anyone with insomnia and nutrition problems.

Some food items are more likely to cause insomnia and nutrition problems than others. A good example here is chocolate; due to the large amount of cocoa it contains – particularly in dark varieties – chocolate can cause agitation and sleeplessness in children and sensitive adults alike. The explanation behind such insomnia and nutrition imbalances triggered by chocolate consists in the amount of lecithin that it contains. Lecithin is a brain stimulator, activating the nervous impulses at the level of the central nervous system; this is why it is advisable not to allow children to eat chocolate in excess.

How to recognize Chronic Insomnia

Many factors contribute to the installation of a serious sleep disorder such as chronic insomnia, there are physical as well as psychological issues that need to be taken into consideration for the proper treatment of this health problem. Chronic insomnia affects people of all ages, and research indicated alarmingly high numbers of people who suffer from it because of daily stress and depression. Among the physical triggers behind the affection we could count asthma, heart failure, Parkinson’s disease or the restless legs syndrome, to mention just a few. Moreover, most people who suffer from painful health problems like arthritis are more prone to developing chronic insomnia.

Despite the physical element behind the affection, stress, improper sleep-wake cycles, caffeine abuse and depression are among the most common elements that need to be tackled with in order to treat chronic insomnia. Once the underlying factor has been identified, a proper treatment or therapeutic scheme can be created to help people resume a good night’s rest. Though the first and probably most easy to use type of treatment involves the administration of sleeping pills. What most people fail to take into consideration here is the fact that such chemical substances that induce sleep cannot be taken indefinitely, and without a real solution to the problem, chronic insomnia will keep bothering them after treatment cessation.

If stress is the main element that prevents you from having some quality sleep over night, you need to find ways of limiting the anxiety caused by daily work duties. Presently there are actually hundreds of available solutions to help one eliminate chronic insomnia by means of relaxation techniques. It is ideal to actually achieve a good state of mind during the day, which means the elimination of stress as it tries to take control over you. Though it may seem difficult at the beginning, stress management can be achieved by an increased self-awareness; the moment you feel very tense, try to empty your mind of all thoughts and breathe deeply several times.

Relaxation is the great enemy of chronic insomnia; the moment you come in control of your thoughts, and you make silence inside of your mind, you’ll be able to sleep like a baby. Once you get home from work, stop thinking about all the problems you had during the day; focus on family, friends and personal well being. Sport can be a great help in the attempt to stop chronic insomnia, physical exercises actually free both the mind and the body from the toxins resulting from stress or negative thinking. Relaxation music, breathing techniques, sport, aromatherapy are all great ways of fighting chronic insomnia regardless of its generating factors.

Nail Fungus this can even kill your nails

A fungus or a type of yeast causes nails fungal infection. This infection makes the nail thick and crumbly. Nail fungus normally affects the toenails. It can even disfigure the nails and discolor them. If left uncontrolled nail fungus can make the nail die. Let us see what it is and how to stop it.

Nail Fungus- What causes it and how it spreads?

Nail fungus is caused by a fungus that is found in common places such as locker rooms, pool side etc. If you walk barefoot in such places you can contact the infection.

Any place that is frequented by many people and where many people walk barefoot is the place from where you can get nail fungal infection. Cleanliness has no role in causing nail fungus.

Nail Fungus- Symptoms

In fungal infection of the nail, nail gets discolored. Debris begins forming below the nail and nail becomes thick. This is the sign that your nail is affected.

Nail Fungus- Prevention

Prevent nail fungus by wearing footwear in common places. If you frequently catch fungal infections, you should apply anti fungal powder after you visit any common place to prevent the infection. Keep your toes dry and wash them regularly.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

How to find the Best Insomnia Cure

With so many factors that trigger sleeping problems, it is difficult to find a proper insomnia cure from the first trial; there are all sorts of patterns that need to be dealt with before finding out what lies behind inefficient or insufficient night rest. Probably the easiest to diagnose are the elements that trigger chronic insomnia, such as various ailments or health problems; this also makes it possible to immediately establish an insomnia cure, by a simple meeting with the doctor. However, the most difficult to treat are the sleeping disorders that lack an obvious or apparent cause, or which rely on a complex combination of factors.

One very good insomnia cure comes from alternative therapies and includes breathing control. There are simple exercises that don’t require special instruction or conditions; thus, when you go to bed, try to relax all the muscles in the body. As you feel the tension leaving the muscles, start focusing on the breath rhythm; make long inspirations followed by a pause and then a long expiration. Though it may take a few minutes to find it comfortable or resume it normally, controlled breathing takes one’s mind away from daily problems and enable the brain to enter the alpha state – the fist phase before sleep induction. This is presently considered a top insomnia cure for acute sleeping problems.

The same type of exercise works well as you focus on music rather than breath; this could be considered a lot more easier in case you have troubles setting the air flow rhythm. Such an insomnia cure requires that the musical pattern be soft and soothing: no drums, alert beats or guitar sounds. The best way to find some tunes that induce a sleepy state is by searching the Internet for alternative therapy sites; there are very good music collections to download, since relaxation music is used in almost all complementary medicine to create a bridge between body and mind.

You don’t necessarily have to look too far for an insomnia cure, sometimes help is very much within reach without your even knowing it: so, don’t ignore the surprises mother Nature has in store for us. There is a whole array of herbs and spices that induce a peaceful state of mind, due to the non-toxic soothing effect at the level of the central nervous system. Jasmin for instance is a very pleasant to use insomnia cure; this herb of Asian origin has gained world-wide popularity for its special flavor and relaxation properties. It can be used either to prepare an incredibly tasty tea or for aromatherapy in a hot bath or as essential oil.

Nail Fungus Symptoms and treatments

Having a nail fungal infection is really annoying. Where did it come from? Well, you probably wear your shoes too much or you were walking barefoot in a public swimming pool or are being negligent in using communal comfort rooms. Maybe you haven’t heard of nail fungi and didn’t care until you found them occupying 10 per cent of your feet. It nailed it! Now read this for your awareness:

Nail fungi, onychomycosis (on-i-ko-mi-ko-sis) or tinea unguium in scientific terms, commonly infects the feet because these minuscule fiends love dark and humid spots of the human body. Since our feet spend most of their waking time enfolded in leathers or rubbers and inefficient socks, the fungi often breed in the toenails where there is enough warmth and moisture.

If you have tried to get rid of this embarrassing fungus in your toe nails to no avail …then its time to check this out!

Beware! This kind of fungus is naturally anaerobic. It means that they indulge in environment with less supply of oxygen. It belongs to the dermatophytes family, which also causes athlete’s foot, ringworm, psoriasis, and jock itch among others. Some of the sources of these fungi are yeasts and molds. They thrive in soggy areas and can penetrate our nails through contact with an infected nail or improper hygiene.

At first, the fungus is just a white or yellowish spot under the nail. It then chomps through the keratin compound of the nails and spreads. Soon, you will feel pain while your nail gets brittle and thick with the ugly discoloration. In some cases, the infected area bleeds and develops a gooey discharge.

If you are not diabetic, you’re lucky. People with diabetes could hardly treat nail fungi when infected due to weak immune system and blood circulation conditions. A mild infection leads to greater damage on the course. This is the case also for persons with leukemia.

Normally, nail fungal infection is cured by proper hygiene and medication. Topical and oral treatments are taken in or applied as prescribed by doctors. Antifungal brands can be had over-the-counter such as Lamisil, Tinactin, Penlac, and the like. The medication may take three months or more until a new nail sprouts. However, this does not guarantee your nails to be fungi-free forever. They sometimes recur if triggered.

To prevent nail fungus, you must follow the basic rules in hand and foot hygiene. Keeping your nails dry and clean saves you in the long run. And choose the right socks to wear! Synthetic socks perform better in terms of dryness than cotton-made. Plus, don’t stock your feet too long inside your shoes. Give them short breaks during daytime to keep it ventilated. Foot powder is highly recommended, too. The fingernails rarely acquire nail fungi but to be sure, avoid overexposing it to water or chemicals. If you have to, always dry them thoroughly.

How to Develop Healthy Sleep Patterns

Sleep disorders are probably among the most common affections we suffer from in our modern world, and the causes and medical explanations for the matter are manifold. However, little do we understand from the mechanism that lie behind the health-sleep cycle: why do we need quality sleep? We actually spend almost half of our lives sleeping; at first glance this may look like a great waste of time, as we could work or do something useful with that much time. Well, without sleep, life is not possible: our body is a complex mechanism that periodically needs “repairs”, “reconditioning” or “recharging”.

A correct health sleep relationship means that the body gets to recover all the energetic imbalances created during the day through physical and intellectual activities and under the impact of external factors, aggressive or not. All the physical functions are slowed down: heart beat, breathing rate, body temperature and so on, the only one that stays permanently “on” is the brain, which is actually in charge of the health-sleep pattern. It is during sleep that all of the health problems should be solved: to give you just a very simple example – think how sleepy one feels when he or she gets a cold. This is the body’s natural reaction to an infection: sleep is the best state to heal or recover.

People who don’t respect such a health sleep routine are more exposed to infections, since their immune system is a lot weaker due to the inefficient night’s rest. In order to induce sleep, the brain triggers the secretion of some chemicals that allow the body to slowly pass into a trance; this is the actually explanation of the way sleeping pills act at the level of the central nervous system. Therefore, if you want to develop a good health-sleep pattern, it is advisable that you create some routine: going to bed and getting up at approximately the same hours should ensure the programming of both body and mind.

Other useful tips for the development of a good health sleep pattern include an active life. You should by no means ignore the importance of outdoor activities or sport in general for the way you spend your nights; a healthy body eliminates lots of tension, stress and negative energy during intense physical activity. This allows you to go to bed relieved from all the anxiety and the burden accumulated during the day from various sources. Nevertheless, we have to mention the fact that exercising before going to bed is detrimental to your health and actually triggers insomnia. The explanation is very simple: during physical activity certain hormones are released in the body and all the system is in a “hyper-state”, which means that only after complete relaxation is sleep possible.

Alternative Therapies For Depression and Insomnia Treatment

Probably the most common psychological problem associated with insomnia is depression; there is a fundamental link between the two that goes beyond the chemical factors secreted by the brain in various nervous central system disorders. Depression and insomnia are actually connected by the presence of bad thoughts directed towards oneself and the rest of the world. Personal dissatisfaction, emotional problems, over-stressing working conditions, various traumas are usually behind any depression and insomnia. The most significant disadvantage in the use of classical medication prescribed for the treatment of depression is that it doesn’t actually solve the issues that trigger the condition in the first place, and further recurrence remains possible.

People who suffer from depression and insomnia are encouraged to develop as many rewarding activities as possible; boosts of confidence, small successes, communication and openness, as well as emotional stability are among the best cures for such disorders. Most nervous system problems are associated with insomnia, from the very simple to the most complex of cases, and fortunately depression is considered a mild affection that can be helped by various means which are complementary with classical therapy. Acupuncture and acupressure, for instance, have been successfully used in the treatment of both depression and insomnia, with positive results obvious immediately after the sessions.

By the stimulation of special points on the body, the therapist actually opens the natural body circuit that is responsible for the elimination of the negative energies accumulated in the physical structures. The treatment of depression and insomnia by means of acupuncture is tributary to the Asian healing techniques that consider each health affection as having a manifold structure: spiritual, energetic and physical. Every time you are unhappy, a physical reaction takes place in the body by the secretion of some chemicals which can be more or less harmful, depending on the amount. This is why people who suffer from depression find it so difficult to sleep well; tension accumulates in the tissues and prevents the normal functioning of the system.

The use of acupressure and acupuncture reinstates the natural energetic flow in the body favoring relaxation and freedom feelings to take the place of the negative burden that didn’t let you sleep. 90% of the patients who have used acupressure or acupuncture, have reported significant improvement for both depression and insomnia. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that in order to preserve a proper health state, one needs to stick to a balanced way of life, trying to keep emotions under control and avoiding excesses of all kinds.

Nail Fungus prevent and treat in Time

A healthy and good-looking nail is a sign of health and personality. Imagine having tow nails that look thick, discolored and disfigured? Will you like them? But when we don’t take care in time that results. After permanent disfigurement, not much can be done. Let us learn about how to prevent and cure the nail fungus.

Nail fungus- how does it spread?

nail fungus is caused by a fungal infection. Sometimes yeast also causes similar problem. If you can stop this fungus reaching the insides of your nails, you have won the war against the nail fungus.

If you have tried to get rid of this embarrassing fungus in your toe nails to no avail …then its time to check this out!

How to do that? The fungus is mostly found in places, which are frequented by people mostly in barefoot. Locker rooms, poolsides etc. are such places. If you want to protect yourself fully, apply an OTC antifungal medication on your toes and then walk out in a footwear. Or apply the medication immediately after returning from such places.

Nail Fungus- athlete’s feet

When you develop athlete’s feet, you have got infection very near your nails. If you don’t treat the athlete’s feet immediately, the fungus will find way to enter your nails. Once the fungus enters the nail, it will spread fast.

Nail fungus- treatment-

Treating nail fungus is always a long drawn process. Nail being thick, application of any medicine on it, does not ensure that the medicine will reach the insides of the nails. Oral anti fungals also have difficulty treating nail fungus. Be patient and apply your medication regularly.

Avoid using the clipper on healthy nails after clipping the infected nail. Avoid getting pedicures done at salons. Otherwise inquire if they keep their clippers sterilized. Think and implement basic precautions and keep your nail healthy and good looking.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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