Sleep Apnea Symptom – Snoring – Snorting – Chocking


The first sleep apnea symptom you may become aware of is snoring. Snoring is not always indicative of sleep apnea but if the snoring is loud or is more of a snort or choking sound, the culprit may be sleep apnea. Mainly caused by a blockage of the airway, sleep apnea can be successfully treated with a number of options available.

Your body needs to sleep to rejuvenate itself to keep functioning day to day. If you have sleep apnea, your body cannot stay in REM sleep because of the decrease in oxygen signal your brain to wake you up. You eventually have what is referred to as a chronic sleep deficiency and this leads to another sleep apnea symptom of excessive day time sleepiness.

OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea, affects approximately 4% of men and 2% of women in the US although the figures may be much worse than previously though due to the increasing number of Americans becoming obese. Obesity is not a symptom, it is a cause. Of the 18 million people estimated to have sleep apnea it is further estimated that only 10% of them are receiving treatment for their problem.

Men over the age of 40 are more likely to have sleep apnea than women of the same age. After the age of 50 the risk evens out between men and women. Obesity makes sleep apnea worse. About 70% of obese people in the US have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is not discriminatory and affects men and women of all walks of life including people with heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, NFL Football players, Whites, African-Americans, Asian and people from India.

So what happens when one is diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea? Well, first, the airway becomes obstructed by the tongue and soft palate. Next, trying to take a breath is not successful even though the muscle motion is made. Then, the oxygen level drops signaling the brain to wake you up so you will continue breathing. This is when you will gasp for air, snort, or snore very loudly.

Other types of obstruction that can affect breathing when sleeping are a deviated septum that has narrowed the air passages, or the filters in the nose called turbinates that obstruct breathing if they become swollen and the side walls of the throat collapse to close the airway. Sometimes the airway is obstructed while attempting to breathe when the tissues of the airway get sucked together by the negative pressure.

If you have a deviated septum you can try using the strips on your nose made for holding the nasal passages open. This may be enough to alleviate your symptoms and let you get the sleep you so desperately need and deserve each night. Before you try anything though you need to discuss all of your options with your doctor to see which is the best for you.

In order for you to take a breath several things have to happen all at once. The muscles of the chest expand and lower the diaphragm and create a negative pressure allowing you to take in a breath. The negative pressure created is what sucks the air into the lungs. Sometimes the airway is just narrower than normal and plain and simple anatomy is the obstructive sleep apnea symptom responsible for your sleep disorder.

Free ebook:Quit snoring

Discover How to Stop Snoring Quickly & Easily … Without Undergoing Any Risky Surgery!

Here’s Your Chance to Learn Astonishing Non-Surgical Cures for Snoring That Will Have You Sleeping & Feeling Better … in No Time!

If you are unable to get a good night’s sleep due to your own or someone else’s snoring …

Or if you, or a loved one, often wake up gasping for breath or have to continually adjust your sleeping position …

… Then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!

Here’s why:

This book will reveal the secrets that will finally help you, or your loved one, stop snoring and get a good night’s sleep tonight … and tomorrow night … and the night after that … and the night after that … and so on!

But first, before we go any farther, let me ask you a quick question:


Did You Know That Snoring is Often Not Just a Minor Annoying Problem But a Symptom of a Much More Serious Health Condition?

 Well, it’s true.

You see snoring can also be a symptom of 9 major health conditions, including a potentially life-threatening condition called Sleep Apnea.

Sleep Apnea is when a person involuntarily stops breathing while asleep. It is Sleep Apnea that causes a snorer to breathe so heavily, not to mention loudly.

Sleep Apnea is also what causes a person to wake up gasping, or to continually adjust their sleeping position over and over throughout the night resulting in a lack of deep rest, which has a cumulative degenerative effect on a person, affecting their mood, temperament, and ability to focus, concentrate and be a productive individual.

And that’s why if you or a loved one currently snores, I urge you to continue reading this letter to discover the ebook that contains all the tips and information you need to know to stop snoringwithout undergoing any risky surgery!

Introducing “Quit Snoring Now: Take Back Your Nights!”

At last, there’s a well-researched, well-written ebook that is jam-packed with the techniques and secrets you need to know to stop snoring and begin enjoying restful sleep!

 So What Are You Waiting For?

Get Your Copy of “Quit Snoring Now”!


 Free ebook: Quit snoring