Homeschool Maths Curriculum

Teaching your Child the Wonders of Maths

Ever since home schooling became a phenomenon there has been a surprisingly large number of organizations which have jumped into that niche with their own homeschooling program. At first, the addition of new programs to choose from was quite welcome, but unfortunately the number of interested parties got far too big and caused the market to become over-saturated with homeschool programs.

 One of the biggest complaints many parents have these days about these programs is that their homeschool math curriculum is either too easy, too hard, or too incomplete to even be seriously considered. While there really is no one math curriculum which is going to be perfect for every single child out there, there are some popular programs which have been known to have very good math programs, and here is a brief examination of what they have to offer.

Saxon’s Complete Math Program

Among all the companies out there very few put as much effort as Saxon Publishing has into their math program as they actually have five different books dedicated to the matter: There are two algebra books dedicated to teaching everything from core concepts to advanced theorems, complete with a large number of practice exercises.There is a calculus book, but it should be mentioned that a few people have described it as being a bit too slow and heavy on the exercises without placing enough emphasis on understanding the concepts themselvesUp next is the Saxon geometry book which pretty much teaches every important concept from A to Z.

 In addition to that, each lesson in the book contains an algebra review to go along with it, providing you with everything you need to understand the concepts and do the exercises.In addition, there is the Saxon math book for grades K-8 dedicated to teaching younger children all the basics they will need to understand more complicated mathematical concepts.Finally, there is the book on advanced mathematics which goes somewhat beyond the regular curriculum in order to teach even more advanced concepts for math enthusiasts.

Great Deals on School & Homeschool Math Curriculum

All things considered, if what you are worried about is finding a good homeschool math curriculum then starting your search with Saxon wouldn’t be a bad idea seeing as how most of their materials are dedicated to it.

Bob Jones University and the Christian Math Program   If you are looking to have a homeschool math curriculum with a bit more of a Christian touch to it then it you may want to look into the Bob Jones University homeschool program. They take somewhat of a biblical approach in teaching their lessons which are provided in the following books:

They have Math Student Workbooks for levels 1 through 8, each one revolving around a certain theme in an attempt to make the lessons funner, and in some cases more informative about life in general. In addition, there is a Fundamentals of Math Student Text which is dedicated to explaining various concepts through a large number of comprehensive step-by-step examples. Finally, there are also two Algebra Student Texts where concepts are presented in the form of scriptures and explained through a multitude of different examples.

If you are looking for a good homeschool math curriculum which is themed around Christianity and includes various teachings from the Bible, then you may want to give Bob Jones University’s program a look; they haven’t achieved their level of popularity for no reason.

Great deals on School & Homeschool Curriculum Books and Software

Is your HomeSchool legitimate?

Is your Homeschool Program Legitimate?

How to Avoid Nasty Surprises!

Whenever a type of product becomes popular within a certain niche there are always many who immediately try to replicate that product’s success by creating their own version of it.

 While there are indeed some parties who really put out quality products on the market, there are those who are simply in it for short-term gains, prompting them to skip over many steps and offer a product of very low quality.

 Sadly, such is the case for homeschooling programs; as it turns out, some people out there put out incomplete programs which in most cases aren’t even adapted to children. In any case, to make sure your child is following a reliable curriculum you should look for one among accredited homeschool programs.

The Importance of a Homeschool Program being Accredited

What precisely does it mean to look among accredited homeschool programs? Well, as it turns out this can be regarded as a sort of official stamp of approval which guarantees the following: Your child is going to learn at the very minimum the same things which he would have been taught in school, meaning all the regular topics are thoroughly covered within the program.

Upon completing the program your child will be able to obtain a certificate of completion which is basically the equivalent of a diploma.You will receive written transcripts of your child’s grades, generally through quarterly reports.The homeschool program is going to keep your child’s records for you.

If you choose to go for a homeschool program which has not been accredited, you basically risk having your child miss out on some important academic knowledge, not to mention that the education he or she will receive may not even end up being officially recognized.

To make a long story short, going for an accredited program really is the best way to go.

Your Choices for Accredited Homeschool programs

Thankfully, there is quite an extensive number of these programs that are available for grabs, so here is a very basic overview of the most popular options which are available to you.

1.) As it happens, most of the popular accredited homeschool programs happen to be Christian-oriented, with one of the most popular ones being Abeka’s homeschool program. Abeka’s program is heavily themed after the Bible, incorporating teachings, scriptures and various quotes into their lessons.

2.) Another great options comes from the Bob Jones University program which has been reviewed many times as a very reliable provider covering all the necessary topics in a very smooth and comprehensible way, all while keeping the works bible-themed.

There are more accredited homeschool programs out there for you to choose from, including ones made by Saxon Publishing, Vegsource, Sonlight, and more. However, you must bear in mind that programs which have been accredited do come at a slightly more expensive price, but then again if you take into account all the advantages and assurances they bring you, I believe that additional fees can be overlooked.

 In any event, remember that the best program will not turn out to be the one with the best reviews… it will be the one best adapted to your child’s aptitudes and personality
