What is Nasal Polyps Surgery

Nasal polyps surgery is the procedure during which nasal polyps (which can occur in the nasal passages or in the sinuses) are removed. Generally, surgery will be recommended if steroid therapy is not successfully or cannot be sustained in the long term, often due to safety concerns of using too much steroids. There are two main types of nasal polyps surgery – nasal polypectomy and functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Persons with poorly managed asthma, as well as those with coronary disease or having irregular bleeding are not eligible for nasal polyps surgery.

Prior to surgery, the patient will be required to undergo tests such as nasal endoscopies, CT scans or X-ray scans. If the patient has any underlying conditions, further tests will be required, as some conditions can complicate the procedure. In addition, the patient is made aware that surgery may not meet expectations, especially with regards to the fact that 75% of patients undergoing surgery will experience re-growth of nasal polyps. Even with the removal of some nasal bone, polyps re-occurrence is still likely. As such, ongoing treatment may be required following surgery. In addition, surgery may not restore the sense of smell, which may be lost completely in patients with very large or very numerous polyps. Furthermore, there are risks involved according to the placement of the polyps. For example, for nasal polyps high up in the sinuses, surgery may damage the optic nerve, leading to vision loss. Surgery can also cause scar tissue to form, which can be very uncomfortable in the nasal region.

Nasal Polypectomy is the most common type of nasal polyps surgery and it can be done using just a local aesthetic. This procedure is the one of choice for small nasal polyps that are close to the nostril entrance. The surgeon will hold the nose open with an instrument called a nasal speculum and then cut the polyps out using a special type of forceps. A suction device may be used to extract the polyp.

On the other hand, functional endoscopic sinus surgery is used for polyps that are not easily reached, such as those growing deep in the sinuses. A local or general anaesthetic will be used. In this procedure, an endoscope (a tube with a camera) is used to provide the surgeon better view of the area around the polyps. Then, small cuts in the face will be done and the surgeon cuts out the polyps through these incisions.

Early Signs of Nasal Polyps

Early detection of nasal polyps can speed up diagnosis and help treat the condition as soon as possible. Nasal polyps are small nodules found in the interior of the nose or nasal passage and as soon as you notice or feel anything out of the ordinary, particularly if it hinders breathing, then you should seek medical advice.

Some of the signs and symptoms nasal polyps cause can in fact mimic other health complaints and as a result people who have them may be completely unaware of their presence. It is only when the nasal passage is examined properly by a health professional that nasal polyps can be diagnosed and consequently treated.

One of the first signs of nasal polyps is when it becomes difficult to breathe and the nasal passages are constructed causing the person to breathe through the month. This is often mistaken for congestion during a cold but persistent restricted breathing can be a warning of nasal polyps.

Constant stuffiness and a runny nose are also early warning signs of nasal polyps but again thee two symptoms can be mistaken for a common cold. Sinus infections are also a result of the presence of nasal polyps and generally follow on from a cold. Loss or reduced sense of smell is another sign of nasal polyps given that they often block the membranes that help with our sense of smell.

Frequent headaches and chronic snoring are also related to nasal polyps and once detected and conformed by a doctor can be treated. Treatment is either in the form of a nasal spray, which helps keep the polyps small, or in the case where they are large surgery is often the alternative solution.

Do I have Nasal Polyps

Do you suffer from recurrent colds and flu? If yes, you may have nasal polyps.

Nasal Polyps, also known as Sinus Polyps, are non-cancerous growths in the nose or in the sinuses (the canal behiand your cheekbone). The cause symptoms similar to those of cold and flu; however, the symptoms caused by nasal polyps will never get better. You may therefore have a persistently blocked or stuffy nose, and you may experience mucus running down the back of your throat. In addition, large polyps interfere with breathing and this can cause chronic headaches due to lack of oxygen. You may also find yourself yawning a lot, and experience daytime fatigue, even after a proper night’s sleep. You will notice that you don’t smell or taste as good as you used to.

Nasal polyps in the nasal passage can be visible to others and be very embarrassing, especially if you get asked what’s wrong in your nose! They have a teardrop shape, and may be pink, yellowish or grey in colour. They are soft to touch and have a jelly-like texture. Polyps can occur singly, or more often in clusters, a condition called polyposis. Often if you have polyps on one side, you will most likely also get them on the other side.

Nasal polyps should not be left untreated. They increase your risk of nasal infections, which can be fairly serious. In addition, they tend to grow in size, and can cause pain, discomfort and swelling. Very large polyps can alter the shape of your face and be very embarrasing.

The exact cause of nasal polyps is not always known; however, what is known is that ultimately they occur as a result of an irritation and subsequent inflammation of nasal linings. This may be due to a chronic allergy, such asthma or hay fever. They may also be due to frequent nasal and sinus infections, an adverse reaction to aspirin, or living in heavily polluted areas. Injuries to the nose, mainly those which alter the shape of the nose, also increase the risk of getting nasal polyps. All these factors will cause the cells in the nasal linings to get inflamed, causing fluids to build up in them. Eventually, gravity pulls these fluid-laden cells down, resulting in the characteristic tear-drop growth of nasal polyps.

If you suspect you have nasal polyps, you should get them checked by a doctor. A doctor will take a history and carry out a physical examination, sometimes with the use of a nasal speculum. In some cases, a CT scan or X-ray will be needed to confirm the diagnosis. You will then be advised either to start steroid therapy or to undertake surgery. However, both of these approaches are only a short-term solution and are associated with a number of side effects and complications.

Curing Nasal Polyps Permanently

The problem with using medications for nasal polyps is that they keep the polyps down only for as long as the medication is administered. In addition, the body tends to develop a tolerance for drugs, and as a result your polyps growths will eventually become immune to drugs and will grow even larger than their initial size.

On the other hand, when you use natural remedies, you run no such risk. There are a number of herbal preparations which can shrink the polyps in as quickly as days, especially if these are combined with the appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes.

However, the most important part of nasal polyps treatment protocols is making sure that the polyps never crop up again. The secret is adopting certain measures that will make your body virtually incapable at growing polyps. For example, most types of polyps require a degree of inflammation in the body to grow. Your diet has a huge weighing on this – some foods produce inflammatory substances while other produce anti-inflammatory substances. So, by making sure that the intake of some foods are limited, and others are included regularly, you can keep your body in an anti-inflammatory state. Note that this is beneficial to your overall health as well, as inflammation is the cause of many conditions, including joint pain, heart disease and cancer. Some vitamins and minerals are also crucial to keep your body in an anti-polyps state, for example by taking regularly the vitamin that is crucial for the health of the epithelial tissues in the nose and sinuses.

In addition, if you have some conditions, you need to be careful about specific things. For example, if you are asthmatic you should avoid aspirin and medicines containing aspirin, as a proportion of people with asthma will be sensitive to aspirin and it will make their symptoms worse and increase the likelihood of nasal polyps.

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