Can You Really Lose Weight Fasting?

Let’s face it, if you’re on a mission to lose weight then you’ve probably tried a number of methods to get rid of those ugly and unwanted extra pounds. But since we’re all human, we often find that the traditional ways of approaching a weight loss regimen may not work for us.

For the most part, trying to lose weight by reducing our daily intake of calories and increasing our physical output by increasing our amount of exercise just isn’t a “sexy” way to lose weight. Every time you turn on the television you’re likely to be bombarded with diet commercials touting the next big thing in weight loss.

All of those images make it even more difficult for us to avoid the “miracle” shortcuts and turn to something much more traditional for getting our weight under control. With that understood, we need to look beyond the glitzy presentations and consider that we might be better served by something that is very traditional for weight control.

Instead of trying to “melt away the pounds” with the latest diet supplement, why not attempt to lose weight fasting?

According to a study presented at an American Heart Association conference by researchers in Utah, fasting could possibly even reduce the risk of heart disease. While there more information may be needed to validate the beneficial effects of fasting on heart health, it should come as no surprise that a proper plan of meal control could mean that the average person can lose weight fasting.

Fasting has been around for a long, long time.

As I said, it isn’t exactly a sexy way to lose weight, but it certainly might prove to be very effective for many people. The fact is, no amazing supplement or miracle pill alone I know of is going to be as effective at helping us reduce our intake of calories than simply taking control of our own diets and meal planning and simply cutting back on the amount of food we eat. For some, it is difficult to cut back significantly on an individual meal basis, but they can have success when they lose weight fasting by skipping meals on a pre-planned schedule. For instance, some choose to skip a meal every other day rather than to reduce their overall caloric intake at all meals. Clearly it is possible to lose weight fasting in this way, because for some dieters it may give them a psychological advantage over simply eating smaller meals at every meal time.

If you want to lose weight fasting, you’ll first want to consult with a medical professional to ensure that your basic dietary needs are met and that you’re losing weight in a safe and healthy manner. By choosing to take advantage of an experienced medical opinion to help you plan your progress, you’re going to make certain that your weight loss program will be as effective as it can be while protecting your overall fitness and health.

Remember that proper nutrition is essential to a healthy life, and making major changes to your eating habits shouldn’t be done without professional advice.


Eat Stop Eat Review

Product Description:

The name of this product is pretty interesting… Eat Stop Eat. But, it describes the program perfectly. Eat Stop Eat is a guide on intermittent fasting. This method of weight loss has taken the fitness industry by storm and is one of the most effective ways of losing weight.

The popularity of the paleo diet has also caused a rise in the popularity of intermittent fasting. When combined, the weight loss is staggering. The method itself is unique because you are consuming the same amount of calories as you would on a normal day but the time frame you will eat it in is different.

Brad Pilon sums up the intermittent fasting strategy in 91 pages flat. You are told everything you need to know to perfect this method of weight loss. In fact, you could adopt it as your lifestyle and you’ll notice that you do not gain weight easily anymore.

The Good Points:

1) The guide is written in a simple, easy to follow style. You do not need to understand complex biology to know how intermittent fasting will work for you. You just need to do what Brad says. That’s easy to do. It’s also a fun read

2) The program is not created upon BS theory. There are currently many fitness products on the market with hyped up sales pages, muscular models in videos and snazzy graphics all designed to hook the naïve consumer in. The products themselves are untested theory that do not work.

Thankfully, Eat Stop Eat, is not one of them. The official website is not hyped up. It gels with Brad’s easy going style. The guide also makes several references to scientific studies so you know that this is not untested rubbish.

3) This product is good for both men and women. Unlike some diet methods that are really harsh and cavemen like, this way of eating will appeal to women. You have much more flexibility and the sheer effectiveness of the method lends a certain laxity to eat. You will actually be able to eat a muffin or cookie here and there without adding 20 pounds to your waist.
4) You will be taught when to recognize if your body is truly hungry. We live in a world where people eat when they are happy, sad, bored, angry, etc. They eat for every other reason and very rarely because they are hungry.
5) It’s an online download so you get immediate access to the product. No shipping to worry about.

The Bad Points:

1) You will have to put in effort. This style of eating requires you to change your habits a little. It will take about 2 weeks for your body to adjust but once you’ve done it, you will love intermittent fasting..

2) It’s an online product. You will need a computer and internet connection.

Should You Get It?

Two big thumbs up. This is an excellent product and probably the best guide on intermittent fasting out there.

The fact that you can eat whatever you want as long as you follow the method is truly mind blowing. Of course, you will have to eat in moderation but unlike other diets which are restrictive and don’t allow you to eat carbs, sugar, etc… you have a lot of flexibility with intermittent fasting.

You just need to do it right. In order to do it right, you need correct, easy to follow info. Eat Stop Eat…has your name all over it.

>>> Check out ‘Eat Stop Eat’ Here <<<