Abdominoplasty – Flat Belly Equals Weight Loss

There are many, many reasons someone would choose to have an abdominoplasty procedure done. After pregnancy is one good reason, especially if the baby was taken by Cesarean section. During a Cesarean section the abdominal muscles are cut by the doctor and because of this the muscles may have a difficult time recovering and lose their elasticity along with the skin of the abdomen.

During the procedure the doctor will use a technique called “baseball stitching” of the damaged abdominal muscles to strengthen them so they heal nicely then use liposuction to remove any fat remaining under the skin. The skin is then stretched, pulled taut and the excess is trimmed off. The belly button has to be relocated and the incision stitched closed. Next, drain tubes are put in place to keep fluid from building up under the skin. Keeping the fluid from building up will also help the healing process and decrease the possibility of infection.

After all of this is done the whole abdominal area is wrapped tightly with a compression dressing to help support the muscles and skin during the healing period. A narcotic analgesic will be prescribed to manage the pain. You can expect the recovery to take about six weeks to two months depending on the extent of the procedure you choose to have done.

If you are overweight and have tried everything you can think of to lose weight and have failed, first of all, know that you are not alone. This has happened to the best of us. So what do you do if you want to be healthy? One thing you can do is a procedure like abdominoplasty. You will still have to change the way you eat and think about food otherwise you will not keep the weight off and the procedure will be a waste of time and money.

You can have the flat belly you have always wanted and look toned and in shape with just one procedure. When the weight is gone then you will not only look and feel healthier you will be healthier. Joints and muscles will not hurt so much anymore. Once your body gets used to not having to carry around all that extra weight your joints and muscles may not hurt anymore at all.

Other benefits may include a decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol and even eliminating diabetes symptoms. Anything you can do to decrease signs and symptoms of any one of these disorders will help you save some money on prescriptions and visits to the doctor. You may even be able to save on medical and life insurance premiums if you become healthier by losing the weight.

Professionals will tell you to not use this procedure as an alternative for a good weight loss program but if you want to look and feel your best and get the added benefit of being healthier in so may ways then talk to a board certified plastic surgeon in you area to get the information you need to make an informed decision about abdominoplasty.

Flat Abs Diet When Exercise Alone Isn’t Working

The flat abs diet has six core principles that will help you to lose belly fat and have a sleeker body all around. Even if you can’t get rid of your gut through endless crunches, you should see success with this flat abs diet. That is because new research has show that what you eat may be just as important as how much you exercise.

The first important step is to eat more fiber. You should eat at least 25 grams of fiber a day. The reason is that bulk fiber is like a sponge which, when combined with water, moves the fat through your body more quickly.

The best high fiber foods are fruits and vegetables. In addition to having a lot of fiber naturally, fruits and vegetables are very low in calories. Whole grains are preferable to processed flours for the same reason.

Part of what makes natural food so good for you is the “chew” factor. It takes longer to eat these foods, so your brain has time to get the signals that your stomach is sending that it is full. Researchers have found that eating high fiber plant food with any meal reduces the average amount of calories by 100.

The next step is to opt for a sensible amount of high quality carbs. The flat abs diet does not require that you dramatically limit your carbohydrates the way the Adkins or South Beach plans do. However, if you want to lose your belly fat, you will have to control your carb intake.

Again, fruits and vegetables provide the highest quality carbs available. They are the foods least likely to promote bloat. Because they are composed of a lot of water, they have fewer calories and carbs for their volume.

You should have no more than 65 percent of your diet in carbs. That means that on an 1800 calorie diet, you will have between 200 and 300 grams of carbs. On the Adkins diet, you can have no more than 35 grams of carbs, so as you can see the flat abs diet is more generous.

Next, you want to drink lots of water – at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day.

Many people think that drinking water will make them bloat when the opposite is actually true. Water washes away the sodium in the body and thus reduces bloat.

If you are having trouble consuming that much water, try these variations:

· Drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water twice a day. It is easier to consume lots of water in a single setting if it is not ice cold.
· If you like cold water, freeze fruit or small pieces of fruit and float it in your water. It will keep the water cold and add a nice flavor to it.
· Use small amounts of fruit juice or other extracts such as mint to flavor the water.

Along those lines, tip number 4 on the flat abs diet is to avoid sodium wherever possible. A woman needs 500 mg. of sodium to keep her body functioning regularly but the average American woman gets between 3000 and 6000 mg. daily. If you eat a typical meal at a Chinese restaurant, you will get about 3000 mg. of sodium. The body responds to this sodium intake by retaining water. The next day, you will see the result on the scale and in the mirror. It’s not that the Chinese food added too many calories – it’s that it has so much sodium.

The next bit of advice is to not eat too much at night. When you put food in your body less than three hours before going to sleep, it causes you to bloat. Plan to shut down the kitchen after a light to moderate dinner. If you must eat, consider limiting it to a snack of 100 calories or less. A cup of tea can often satisfy your need for food after dinner.

Finally, the last bit of advice on our flat abs diet has nothing to do with food at all. Instead, you will want to work on reducing stress.

Stress triggers the hormone cortisol which turns up your appetite and directs your body to deposit fat around your abdomen. One way to eliminate stress (and lose weight) is to exercise. You should also practice ways of relaxing when you get into a stressful situation.

So, there you have it. When exercise alone isn’t working to remove your belly fat, try the flat abs diet.

Eat These Foods to Loss Weight Fast

Looking for a dependable way to loss weight fast? Stop wasting your time with the latest fad diets and miracle pills. The only proven method for weight loss is to eat better and exercise more. You will see better results by gradually making these adjustments as part of an overall healthier lifestyle instead of as a temporary crash diet. This article will suggest a few nutritious foods you can eat that will also fill you up.

Potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables out there, but they often get a bad reputation as a fatty food because of their high carb content. The truth is, carbohydrates are not bad themselves, the problem is when processed carbohydrates make up a large part of a person’s daily intake. Starchy carbohydrates such as the ones in potatoes are actually beneficial to the body and should be a part of your every day diet. An average sized potato by itself only has around 100 calories, yet will make you feel full if topped with the right low-fat condiments.

The mistake most people make when adding potatoes into their diet is to top them with all sorts of fatty foods. Butter, sour cream, bacon, and cheese may make for a great loaded baked potato, but they also add a ton of fat and calories to an otherwise healthy meal. Substitute low-fat cheese, nonfat yogurt, and lowfat margarine to keep that same delicious taste without sacrificing your diet. Leave the peel on the potato for extra fiber and nutrition.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. In addition to providing plenty of nutrients and fiber themselves, they are an easy way to prevent yourself from choosing an unhealthy alternative. Reaching for an apple instead of a bag of chips will remove a lot of calories, fat, and sodium from your daily intake. To loss weight fast, you should aim to get most of your calories from fruits and vegetables instead of fat and processed carbohydrates.

Whenever possible, eat your fruits and vegetables raw and unpeeled. In many cases, the peel contains the bulk of the vitamins and minerals. Be sure to scrub them thoroughly to remove any dirt and pesticide residue. If you must cook them, try to steam your vegetables instead of boiling or microwaving. Steaming leaves most of the nutrients in the food, where other cooking methods may not. Steamed vegetables will retain most of their natural flavor, reducing the need for artificial seasonings and fatty toppings like butter or sour cream.

Try to eat a significant amount of citrus fruit in your diet. Citric acid is known to assist the digestive system in breaking down fatty food, along with containing your daily requirement of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is crucial to a healthy immune system and to having enough energy to keep up with your exercise routine. Apples are another good choice for those looking to loss weight fast because they have a high fiber content and will fill you up quickly.