Treating my Eczema Scars Naturally

list of products: Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash Shea Butter Olive Oil Neutrogena Body Oil Lemon Dermarest Eczema Medicated Lotion (cvs) Just a little info on lemon and vitamans that help with skin Lemon juice has been employed for both acne and acne scar removal for a long time. Lemon juice can make the skin tone even by removing unwanted scars and hyperpigmentation. It can also make the skin soft and supple.Citric acid found in lemon juice belongs to the group of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). AHAs are known for their skin exfoliating properties Vitamans ABC and E all help with evening skin tone and protect it from damage

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Pompholyx Eczema Cure 1

Some Tips to help with Eczema

Don’t use the same towel for your face that you use for your hands…wouldn’t want to spread the eczema

For the potassium mangenate mix, use a THROW-AWAY container (in other words, one you don’t mind getting stained…for it will get stained!!)

Clean it every 2-3 days with a magic eraser sponge – better yet ask someone else to do it, in case you react to the chemicals in the sponge

The mix can be a BIT darker pink if you wish

Get BRAGG Apple Cider Vinegar if you can!!

Much better for you. STICK TO THE DIET!!

Healthy, healthy, HEALTHY!



Any tips for improving eczema? please?

Asked: Any tips for improving eczema? please?

I was born with eczema, and it has improved over the years.I'm coming 16 and I'm just so so so self-conscious about it.It's only on my hands but it bothers me a lot.The skin on my hands are really dry and scaly and thick.All the usual eczema symptoms; inflamed patches, scales, thick skin etc.I know eczema isn't curable but at the age I'm at, I just want it not to be noticeable as being so scaly and inflamed.I don't mind if I still have dry skin.My current regime is using prescription creams (diprobase, dermal…I have them all) At night, I use cotton gloves and put on lots of moisturizer.I also, weirdly tape the top of the gloves so I can't scratch.I haven't noticed much of a difference.But I really want to get rid of the scales and inflammation, and it's moisturizing but that's it.Do I need to improve my diet? Do I need to use natural products? I just don't know.Please tell me if you'd know any ways to get rid of the scales and the redness.I know it's something to do with getting rid of the dead cells.Please and Thank you.


The cause of eczema is overreaction of the immune system. Identifying certain foods, chemicals, etc can be very helpful in battling this disease. I try to avoid milk products which trigger my flare-ups.
After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments.
Now I use SerenaSkinherbalremedies.
After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my skin has been cleared up, and I continue with eczema extract, which controls the immune system. My skin has been clear for months.
It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed.

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Eczema question……………?

Asked: Eczema question……………?

I have eczema on my face, neck, back, arms and legs. I got allergy tested earlier this year and found out that I’m allergic to milk and msg so I cut them out of my diet and the eczema on my face has improved dramatically. However, it is still a problem for me on my back, arms and legs. I don’t know how to reduce it, I’ve tried several creams but they don’t work.

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Your Natural Eczema Solution

Eczema can be a real problem in your life, it can have profound effects and literally stop you living your life how you would like to.

Many people find that the solutions they receive from their Doctors is either unsatisfactory or plain old just doesn’t work. If this is at all familiar, try out some of the natural tips below- you’ll be surprised how effective they are.

Blueberry Leaf Extract-

Natural base ingredients in blueberry leaves have excellent effects on your Eczema. They use a kind of acid called chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is mother nature’s own natural anti inflammatory medicine. This means that basically wherever you are experiencing discomfort or swelling, apply the extract in cream or lotion form, and you should find the symptoms lessening. Your local health or wellness store should carry Blueberry extract in many forms.

Flaxseed Oil-                                                                                                                                                                         

The jury’s still out on the taste of this stuff, but there can be little arguing about the effects it has on your skin. Not only will it help reduce Eczema, it will also improve the health of your skin in general. It does take a while for the results to show up, but keep at it and be consistent with your dosage and you will get there! The dosage is different for everyone, so you may want to consult with your Doctor for some medical advice first.

Moisturization of the affected area-

To put it bluntly, the more moisture there is in your skin, the less it can split and crack and itch and flake. In an eczema sufferer, the further you can get from these things the better. As a general rule, the more you can moisturize the better, but as a minimum twice a day should give you some real gains. It’s best to moisturize immediately after bathing, dab yourself dry with a soft towel and apply the moisturizer directly to damp skin. This will help you lock the moisturizer into the skin, and give you even greater benefits.

As we mentioned before, Eczema is really no picnic-any sufferer will tell you-but hopefully if you put some of these tips into practice, you may be able to feel some relief and experience your own walk in the park.

How to Discuss Eczema with Other Parents

Are you the parent of a child or teenager  that  has eczema?  If so, get use to stares on the playground and whispering from other parents.  Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe eczema is a contagious skin condition, but it is not.  In fact, you may need to start a discussion with other parents to stop the worry.


It is your decision as to whether you want to wait until other parents ask you about your child’s rash or if you want to start the discussion yourself. Either way, continue reading on for a few helpful talking points.


A great way to discuss your child’s eczema with other parents is to share what you know.  Eczema is inflammation of the skin. Basically, your child’s skin is irritated.  Tell other parents that there are many reasons for eczema, including the weather, airborne allergens, and contact with certain chemicals.  Close contact with the skin results in itching, only your child can’t stop, so a rash develops.  As dangerous looking as that rash may look, it is harmless to others.  Eczema is not contagious.  In fact, your child is at the most risk.  If they have an open wound that is left uncovered, the risk of infection increases.


If you don’t want to go all medical on other parents, compare eczema to traditional allergies.  When most of us think of allergies, sneezing and stuffy noses come to mind.  These are a body’s reaction to something it doesn’t like.  With eczema, the skin does the same.  Your child’s skin comes into contact with something it doesn’t like, something that irritates the skin surface.  That is why your child feels the need to itch and scratch, resulting in a rash.


The biggest concern that other parents have about eczema is their children catching it.  Regardless of how you discuss eczema, ensure everyone knows it isn’t contagious.  In addition to comparing the skin condition to allergies, compare it to a small cut on the skin.  It is harmless to others.  There is no reason why your child can’t be a normal kid and play with others because they suffer from atopic dermatitis.


Taking to other parents about eczema will help in social situations, but it won’t cure your child’s eczema.  Do to that, always be on the lookout for trigger factors.  In the meantime, use all-natural relief methods, such as moisturizer and skin healthy foods, to help your child seek relief.



Kathy Davison


Finding a cure for your child’s eczema may seem like a winless battle, but there is good news.  Research has shown that all-natural treatment systems, such as Eczema Free Forever, are successful at stopping eczema outbreaks. 

You can learn more at


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