Animal assisted therapy and men

Even men need to have a helping hand from time to time. They are faced with problems that can make them feel sad and lonely. Sometimes a pet is the only way for them to find peach and happiness for themselves. Getting to know someone is going to be the very best way to get over an emotional or physical problem that is causing so much stress in his or her life. With the animal assisted therapy program, men can even find happiness and the strength that they are looking for.

Men can choose any type of animal that they want for their animal assisted therapy program. They will have the opportunity to figure out what is going to be better for them in the situation. There are different sizes, sexes and breeds of animals that will be best suited for a person that is in need of help. Finding out what you want for your new friend is going to be a very good way to meet your needs and get on the path to the help that you are looking for the most.

It is important to have someone to talk to and be friends with. Men need to have the relationships that are going to make them feel confident and good about who they are and what they are doing in their life. Sometimes a person is going to be depressed when they are alone or if they have been recently through a very traumatic experience. With the help of the animal assisted therapy pets, a man can get the support and help that he is looking for without having to worry.

Many times men will choose to have a dog as their animal assisted therapy pet. They will choose the dog because they are the most loyal animals to most people. Dogs are fun and very friendly. Usually you can do just about anything with a dog. You can sit and relax, watch television, play a great game of fetch, take them for walk or late night jog and just enjoy the time that is being spent together. It is a remarkable experience and something that a person should treasure for a lifetime.

Having the help of an animal is going to be a great way to get motivated and get ready for a lifetime of enjoyment. The animals are dedicated to the people that they are connected to. Dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, fish and just about any other type of animal that you can think of will give the help to many men when they are dealing with any particular issue that may be in their life at the time.Animal Assisted Therapy Free Ebook to download here (scroll to bottom of page)

Check out the Dog Book of the Month Club

Having the Proper Knowledge about Diabetes to Effectively Manage the Disease

Diabetes is a disease that the sufferer needs to deal with for the rest of their lives. You have to remember that diabetes still has no available cure and the only way to treat it is by properly managing the blood glucose levels. Being diabetic can be very hard as you will need to make certain changes in your life in order to properly manage the disease. So, if you think that living with diabetes is simple, you may want to think again. With proper knowledge, you will be able to prevent complications caused by diabetes and be able to live a near normal life.

First of all, diabetes is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin in order to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. In some cases, it is a condition where the body doesn’t properly use the insulin it provides. Because of this, diabetics suffer from a condition called hyperglycemia or high blood glucose level.

This condition is very serious and can really be life threatening if you don’t properly manage it.

This is basically what diabetes is all about.

Diabetes increases the risk of other diseases in affecting you. It can increase the risk of heart related diseases, kidney disorders, liver disorders, and it can even cause blindness. With proper management of diabetes, all of these complications can be prevented. So, how can you manage diabetes properly?

For starters, diet is the most important factor. There are certain rules that you need to follow when it comes to when and what to eat in order for you to properly manage the disease. Generally speaking, a diabetic diet consists of low salt, low sugar, low carbohydrates, low fat, and high in whole grains and vegetables. The eating pattern is also important as you need to regulate your blood glucose level through the food you eat. To prevent your blood sugar level to go below the normal level, you need to eat snacks in between meals. This means that you need to eat snacks after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Always keep in mind that what you eat is just as important as when to eat. This is basically the diabetes diet.

Exercise is also an important factor in properly managing diabetes. By exercising at least 30 minutes a day, you will be able to regulate your blood sugar level. You can try going for a jog, walk, or play sports, such as tennis, badminton, or basketball.

However, you also have to remember that diet and exercise alone are not enough to properly manage diabetes. You also need to constantly and regularly monitor your blood glucose level. You need to test your blood several times each day in order for you to carefully plan what you eat and also the activities you do for the day. You can do so with a device called glucose meter.

Also, some diabetics need insulin to regulate their blood glucose level. It is important that you should follow your schedule in taking medications or insulin, checking your blood glucose level, eating, and exercise strictly.

Living with diabetes is hard. That’s a fact that you need to live by. However, it can be easily managed and still live a near normal life. With the proper knowledge and self discipline, you can be sure that you will be able to conquer the disease and live a full and healthy life.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

Animal assisted therapy and helping people to read

More and more people are coming forward and admitting that they cannot read. This is something that is very serious and no one should be left behind when they cannot read. Having the ability to read is something that everyone should have and now there are ways to make this happen with the animal assisted therapy and literacy programs that are out there now.

It is true that many animals are helping people read increasingly. Many students are using the animal assisted therapy to help them get through the difficult process of reading and understanding what different words mean. It is important to make sure that you are thinking about what is going to be best for you and your situation and then go after the dreams that you have of reading and being good at it.

There are many programs that are becoming bigger and bigger for helping students of any age read. Anyone should think about this amazing and very encouraging program. If you or someone that you know cannot read well, getting involved in the animal assisted therapy and reading project is a great idea and one that will make improvements to so many lives.

Many animals are able to help a child through a particular time in their life. One of these times maybe reading. It can be hard for a child to learn how to read. Sometimes it can be a very long and drawn out process. It may take a long time for a child to learn the process of reading but with the help of a trained animal reading can be fun and more enjoyable to learn for any person.

If you are not sure about this idea and how it works, you should go online and do some research. You may even be able to speak to someone that has already been through the training process and see how it affected her life for the better. Most of the time, you will find that there is a strong and very reliable connection between the animal that is used and the person that is being taught to read.

Learning to read is so vital to any human getting to achieve goals and being very successful in life. If a person cannot read, it is going to be hard to do anything. This is the main reason why so many more programs are introducing the animal assisted therapy option and bringing to many areas around the world. It is helping and making a difference in so many ways. Reading is important and there is no better way to learn than with an animal by your side.

Animal Assisted Therapy Free Ebook to download here (scroll to bottom of page)

Check out the Dog Book of the Month Club

Handy Hints That Will Help You Manage the Disease

If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, then you know how overwhelming the news can be. You will feel frustrated and you will also feel as if you have completely lost control of your life. This is a natural reaction from people being diagnosed with diabetes.

Living with diabetes is hard. Because this disease has no cure available yet, you can effectively manage it in order for you to live a more normal and full life. The key to treating diabetes is by effectively managing the blood sugar level. Also, you have to follow certain tips in order for you to make your life as a diabetic easier.

The first thing that you need to do in order to manage diabetes is by being knowledgeable about the disease. You can’t fight what you don’t know. So, by knowing the disease, you will be able to know how you can manage it and treat it.

You also need to eat regularly. You have to have three meals a day and also a snack after each meal. This will help regulate your blood sugar level and prevent you from experiencing hypoglycemia or low blood sugar level. Skipping meals can lead to unpleasant symptoms associated with hypoglycemia where the worst thing that can happen to you is going on a diabetic coma.

If you go somewhere, always carry something sweet with you. This will allow you to correct low blood sugar levels. An example of snacks would be fruit juice, raisins, soda, and hard sweets. These foods will be able to correct low blood sugar but all these things should be taken in small amounts.

You know that you are a diabetic but do other people know this? If you go somewhere where no one knows that you are diabetic, you should have something to tell them that you are in case you get involved in an accident or you experience going on a diabetic coma. Wear a medic alert bracelet that states that you are diabetic. This will inform people and medical professionals about your condition, which can potentially save your life.

Regularly visiting your physician is also recommended. By doing so, your doctor will be able to regularly monitor your condition and help you manage diabetes. Always keep in mind that you shouldn’t take any chances when it comes to your health.

Exercise is also very important if you are diabetic. You need to do regular but fairly moderate exercise. Try walking for 30 minutes every day. This will help regulate your blood sugar levels and also keep your heart healthy. In addition to this, you need to choose an exercise that is not hard on your feet. Getting cuts, blisters and foot infection can spell trouble. Go for gentle walking, swimming, or cycling. The last thing you want as a diabetic is getting your feet injured. If you do, you may become a perfect candidate for amputation.

Lastly, know the symptoms of blood sugar fluctuations. Watch out for excessive thirst, extreme hunger, sudden weight loss, frequent urination, moodiness, and nausea, gum and bladder infections. Blurred vision and itching and tingling sensations on the hands and feet are also signs that you should watch out for.

These are some of the handy hints that you should remember if you or someone you know is diabetic. By following these tips, you can be sure that managing diabetes will be easy.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

Why Are Organic Foods More Expensive Than Non Organic?

It would seem that because there is less need for chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics that purchasing organic foods would be a great deal cheaper than non organic foods, however, that is not the case. In fact, organic foods are generally going to cost between 20-100% more than their conventional counterparts. Below are a few of the factors that contribute to these costs.
Less Chemicals Means More Work
Unlike organic farmers, conventional farmers utilize chemicals and synthetic pesticides as a means for reducing the cost of production. They are able to get their jobs done at a more efficient and quick pace. Without chemicals and pesticides, farmers are forced to hire more workers in order to get rid of weeds, maintain control of pests, and even to clean polluted water.
Higher Costs for Fertilizing
Conventional farmers have a cost advantage because they utilize chemically induced fertilizers for their crops. Not only are chemical fertilizers cheaper in cost but it is also much cheaper to transport. Organic foods can only be fertilized with natural resources which means that organic farmers tend to use animal manure or composts which can cost a great deal more money to transport.
Higher Costs After Harvest
Organic crops must be kept separate from conventional products in order to prevent the possibility of cross contamination. Since there are more conventional farms out there they can generally produce a lot more products than organic farmers can. Therefore, conventional crops can be shipped in larger quantities saving a lot more money.
Costs in Being Organic Certified
In order to obtain a USDA organic certification it is quite a process for farmers. There are certain standards that the farming operations must comply with and the facilities must be up to certain codes. Farmers of organic crops must have staff that can maintain a record on the daily basis that is always available for inspection. Not to mention organic farms are required to pay an annual certification fee which can be anywhere from $400 to $2,000 per year depending upon the size of the farm.
Slower Growing Times
Another problem that causes organic foods to be more expensive is the fact that they grow at a much slower rate than conventional produce. Not to mention most organic farms are smaller than conventional farms which means less crops growing at any given time. Because they do not use chemicals and growth hormones, the natural process can take some time.
The best way to try and cut down on some of the costs of organic foods your best bet is to try shopping at your local farmers market. Not only will you be supporting local farmers but you can generally get great produce at a reduced price since you’re not buying through a retailer which tacks on more expense. The other way to save on the cost is to remember that not everything has to be purchased organic. There are some produce that have a very low need for pesticides and chemicals that you can research. This could save you money so you can purchase the organic produce that is more beneficial.

Exercise Tips To Help You Properly and Effectively Manage Diabetes

Exercising is one of the keys to having a healthy body. It doesn’t only make you look better, but it will also help you feel a lot better. If you don’t exercise, then you will eventually risk getting diseases that can really affect your life. Inactivity can lead to heart related diseases and it can also lead to diabetes.

First of all, type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease of lifestyle that many people are experiencing today. This disease is affected by a lot of factors, such as your weight and your activity levels. These two things are in your complete control and you need to do the right thing in order for you to effectively manage the disease.

Exercise does help diabetes. It can reduce your body’s insulin requirements in many ways. The first is that exercise will be able to increase the body’s sensitive to insulin. What this means is that the cells in your body will be able to better absorb insulin. Exercising can also help enhance the use of blood glucose in your body.

What this means is that it will be able to lower the blood glucose levels in your body, which can possibly reduce the amount of medication you need in order to treat and manage the disease. If you have type 2 diabetes, exercising regularly can even eliminate the need for constant medication, especially if you accompany exercise with a healthy eating plan.

You also need to keep in mind that diabetics have higher risks of high blood pressure and acquiring heart related disease as well as stroke. This is why it is more important for you to exercise now in order for you to reduce the risk of heart related diseases.

Through exercise, you will also be able to improve circulation, especially in the legs and arms. This is where people suffering from diabetes usually have problems and with exercise, it will be able to help.

You also need to keep in mind that stress can raise blood glucose levels. And, everyone knows for a fact that exercising helps reduce stress levels. So, if you want to keep your blood glucose levels from spiking, you have to reduce stress through exercise.

Lastly, one great benefit of exercise for diabetics is that it will be able to significantly improve the quality of life.

The next step is by knowing the right exercises for diabetics. You need to remember that the best exercises for diabetics are cardiovascular and aerobic exercises. However, you need to choose an exercise that is not hard on the feet as injuring the feet may lead to more serious problems especially for diabetics.

So, go for gentle walking, swimming and cycling. These exercises will be able to work your heart and circulatory system. You can also try playing racket sports, such as tennis. Just make sure that you wear proper fitting shoes in order to prevent injuries on the feet.

Before you start exercising, it is wise to consult your doctor about it first. This way, you will be able to know what kind of exercise you should do and for how long each day.

These are the things that you need to remember about being diabetic and the importance of exercising. Through exercise, you will be able to manage the disease effectively and let you live a full and normal life.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

What Causes Insomnia?

Have you found that you’re having trouble getting to sleep no matter how tired your body actually feels? Or maybe you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep for hours? Insomnia is a very common and increasingly growing problem that can affect people of all ages. It can take a toll on your overall mood, health, and abilities to function throughout the day. In some chronic scenarios it becomes imperative to seek medical attention. Some of the factors that could attribute to this condition are listed below.
Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Of all the common factors that could contribute to insomnia at the top of the list is stress, anxiety, and depression. Stress is among the most common as dealing with events such as death, illness in the family, divorce, job loss, and other major life events could cause you to stress. Feeling anxious as a result of an upcoming event, or an event that has already passed (post traumatic stress) could also disrupt your sleeping patterns along with bouts of depression. If you are suffering from mental health issues it may be necessary to get a sleeping aide.
Medical Conditions
If you have preexisting medical conditions such as difficulty breathing, chronic pains, constant urination, and others you could develop insomnia over time. Some medical conditions that have insomnia as a potential side effect includes arthritis, cancer, heart failure, lung disease, and Parkinson’s disease to name a few.
Change in Environment Or Work Schedule
If you’re traveling to a country that is on a different time zone or you’ve switched from the morning shift to the graveyard shift at work it makes getting to sleep a lot more difficult. They throw off your body’s circadian rhythms that would typically act as your internal alarm clock.
Bad Sleeping Habits
If you’ve typically had a bad sleeping pattern this could eventually turn into insomnia. This might include irregular sleeping patterns where you don’t always get a full night’s rest, conducting stimulating activities right before bed, and/or sleeping on uncomfortable bedding.
Certain Medications
There are a lot of prescription medications that can interfere with your sleep including medications such as antidepressants, medications for heart and blood pressure, allergy medications, and corticosteroids. There are also some over the counter medications such as pain pills that have caffeine and stimulants in them that could keep you up.
Overuse of Caffeine Nicotine and Alcohol
Drinking things such as coffee, tea, and other caffeine drinks can really keep you up when you don’t want to be. Drinking these beverages later in the day can really keep you from getting to sleep at night. Another stimulant is found in tobacco products is nicotine which can also cause insomnia. Another known fact that many are unaware of is that alcohol is a sedative that helps you to fall asleep; however, it can prevent deep stages of sleep which of course could ruin your sleeping patterns.
Eating too Late
Last but certainly not least, another factor contributing to insomnia is eating way too much in the evening. While it is ok to have a light snack before bed eating too much at this time could cause you to feel really uncomfortable as you lay down which makes it much harder to sleep. Bouts of heartburn and backflow of acid from the food into the stomach keeps you awake for longer.

What is the treatment for fibromyalgia?

According to WebMD, “The first medication doctors will often try for people with fibromyalgia is an antidepressant, which helps relieve pain, fatigue, and sleep problems. In addition, antidepressants help depression, which is commonly seen in people with fibromyalgia. Older antidepressants, called tricyclics, have been used for many years to treat fibromyalgia.”
“The tricyclic antidepressants, including Elavil (amitriptyline) and Pamelor (nortriptyline), work by raising the levels of chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Tricyclic antidepressants increase levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. People with chronic pain often have decreased levels of these calming neurotransmitters. Tricyclics can relax painful muscles and heighten the effects of endorphins — the body’s natural painkillers. While these medications are often very effective, the side effects can sometimes make them difficult to take as they may cause drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, dry eyes, and constipation.”
“There are several different types of antidepressants and several of them have been shown to help relieve the pain, fatigue, and sleep problems in people with fibromyalgia. The most well-studied antidepressants for fibromyalgia include Cymbalta (duloxetine), Savella (milnacipran), and Effexor (venlafaxine). Cymbalta and Savella are specifically FDA-approved to treat fibromyalgia. There is less medical research to show that Effexor helps fibromyalgia. Other antidepressants that have also been studied for fibromyalgia and may help include Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine), and Celexa (citalopram).”
“Different antidepressants work differently in the body. In addition, what works for one person with fibromyalgia may not work for someone else. That’s why people with fibromyalgia may have to try more than antidepressant to find the one that best relieves the pain, fatigue, and sleep difficulties associated with the condition. Your doctor may even want you to try a combination of more than one antidepressant at a time.”

But it is not all antidepressants that doctors recommend to patients; they also recommend painkillers, “Different types of pain relievers are sometimes recommended to ease the deep muscle pain and trigger-point pain that comes with fibromyalgia. The problem is these pain relievers don’t work the same for everyone with fibromyalgia.”

“The over-the-counter pain reliever acetaminophen elevates the pain threshold so you perceive less pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), when taken alone, don’t typically work that well for fibromyalgia. However, when combined with other fibromyalgia medicines, NSAIDs often do help. NSAIDs are available over the counter and include drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.”
Beware the side effects, though, “Be careful taking aspirin or other NSAIDs if you have stomach problems. These medications can lead to heartburn, nausea or vomiting, stomach ulcers, and stomach bleeding. This risk of serious bleeding is even higher in people over the age of 60. Don’t take over-the-counter NSAIDs for more than 10 days without checking with your doctor. Taking them for a prolonged period increases the chance of serious side effects. Aspirin and other NSAIDs can cause or worsen stomach ulcers. If you’ve had ulcers or any kind of stomach or intestinal bleeding, talk to your doctor before taking NSAIDs.”

Where is the Best Place to Buy Organic Foods?

The demand for organic foods has certainly risen as the awareness of their environmental and health benefits are made know to the general public. If you’ve searched your local supermarket before, you’ve likely come across certain areas in the store that are designated just for organic food types from which you can purchase, however, there are other locations in which you can purchase fresh organic crops and even save a bit of money.

Purchase from the Farmers Market

One of the best locations you can purchase your organic foods from is your local farmer’s market. They are typically open year round during certain days of the week for your convenience. Purchasing from a farmer’s market is a great way to see fresh produce and save a great deal of money while shopping. Why is that? Well because if you purchase your organic foods from your local farmer’s market you are essentially cutting out the middle man (retailer) which can add on extra costs. Purchasing directly from the farmer allows you to save on overhead costs that might have been tacked on otherwise. Not to mention that they are locally grown which means they are going to be fresher than any produce you can find in your local supermarket.

It is important that you don’t assume that because crops are for sale at the farmer’s market that they are organic. Be sure to inquire about their organic crops and certifications to ensure that you’re getting high quality produce before making a purchase. You can typically find most in season produce at your local farmer’s market and may have to travel to the supermarket for things that are not necessarily in season.

Purchase Organic Foods Online

Purchasing organic foods online is probably not something that you’re fully aware of if you’re new to shopping for these products. However, there are major companies and farmers that sell their products right online for your convenience. The downside to shopping online is that you cannot visually “see” the freshness of the products you purchase. Therefore in the beginning stages it might be best to purchase in stores or the farmer’s market.

Should you decide to purchase your organic foods online be sure that you’ve done your research on the vendor before making an initial purchase. You want to check out review sites and find out how other customers felt about the products they received. Going with a less than reputable company could mean questionable products.

It doesn’t really matter where you purchase your organic foods from. Whether you walk into the grocery store or decide to sit and shop online you will find that there are great benefits in both options. Most who are serious about organically grown produce prefer to visit their local farmer’s market as they can observe the food, inquire about the maintenance of the crops, meet the farmers, and of course give back to their local community. As long as you’re receiving the health benefits that organic foods have to offer, where you get them from is strictly opinion.

Effectively Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels

Living with diabetes is not easy. You need to make certain changes on how you live your life. Managing diabetes is easy if you know how to effectively monitor your blood glucose level. This will be able to help you live a more normal life despite the fact that you are suffering from diabetes.

You have to remember that once you get diabetes, you have it for as long as you live. There is no cure for this disease but it can be managed. And, in order for you to effectively manage diabetes, you need to be able to monitor your blood glucose levels. By doing so, you will be able to live a more normal life.

To monitor your blood glucose levels, you need to have a glucometer or a glucose meter. This device can inform you how much glucose is in your blood. Using this device requires you to produce a relatively small amount of blood for the machine to read. In most cases, lancets are included in glucose meter kits as well as a lancing device.

The first step is to put a new lancet in the lancing device. Then, you need to take a test strip from the bottle and replace the cap after doing so. Then, you have to insert the test strip in to the glucose meter to get it ready for use. Make sure that you disinfect your hands first by washing it and applying disinfecting alcohol. Also, make sure that your hand is dry as water or liquid can produce varying result on the glucose reading.

Then, prick the tip of your finger with the lancing device and let blood flow out of it. Take the required amount of blood sample and place it on the test strip. Most devices will automatically read the blood glucose level from the sample you provided and will produce results in just a few seconds. Then, you need to take disinfected cotton and press it on the area where you drew blood from.

You then have to discard the test strip properly as well as the used lancet. You have to record the result in a log book in order for you to effectively monitor your blood glucose levels during the day effectively. This will help you in preparing meals as well as know what kind of activities that you should do or not do.

Diabetes is a very serious disease that has a lot of complications when managed improperly. If you are living with diabetes, make sure that you know how to manage it in order for you to live a normal life. Although there is no cure yet for diabetes, there are ways to treat it and manage it. It is also important to regularly visit your physician in order for you to know how you can effectively treat and manage the disease.

If you are suffering from diabetes, one way to manage it is to take a blood glucose reading several times a day. Lifestyle change is also important. By effectively monitoring your blood glucose levels, you can be sure that managing diabetes will be easier in your part and will allow you to live a more normal life.

Keep these things in mind and you will be able to conquer diabetes.

Reverse Your Diabetes…….

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