What your Acne is Telling You

Hey guys, It’s been a while. I have been catching up with my friends & family back home in Northern Ireland. I hope you guys understand. Oh, don’t mind the flat hair! XD I didn’t do my hair today. Got a sore head and just didn’t want to put products in my head. Ps. I am still jet lagged lol… As promised, here is a video explaining Face Mapping using both Western & Eastern diagnosis. Ancient chinese believe that Your skin is like a blue print that indicates the health of your body. Your face is split into zones that each represent a certain organ. By knowing the causes/influence of your acne, you can understand your body more and improve its general health to improve the conditions of your skin. Remember, there are many factors that influence the well being of our skin. Health, diet, hygiene, products and many more. I always kinda knew about face mapping when I was younger but I got to learn more from my beauty clinic in Hong Kong and wanted to share the uberness =D I’m off to Los Angeles for VidCon tomorrow. I’m so excited to meet you guys. I will film the journey so you guys can come with me hehe… Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Bubzbeauty Official Website: www.bubzbeauty.com Bubbi Clothing Line bubbi.bubzbeauty.com Connect with me at the Bubzbeauty Fanpage where I chill n catch up with you guys ^^ http Much love, Bubbi

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