Some tips that will help you gain control over arthritis.
If you suffer from arthritis, you may not only experience joint pain and swelling, but difficulty functioning from day-to-day. Whether you are prone to occasional pain or experience it all the time, going about a normal day may seem like an impossible task, but it doesn’t have to be.
Here are some thing you can do to make life a little easier:
First, make it easy to get around your home. If you suffer from arthritis of the toes, feet, hips, or knees, it’s difficult to move. Walking from one room in your home to the next, may trigger pain so it’s important to make it as easy as possible to navigate. If you have limited mobility, enlist the help of a trusted friend, family member, or neighbor to rearrange your furniture and create a straight path to the most used areas of your home. The less steps and turns you have to make, the better.
Regardless of which joints hurt, it can be difficult to reach and grip so make sure all the items you use the most are within easy reach. For instance if you find it too difficult to reach to the top shelf in your kitchen cupboard place all foods and dishes on lower shelves and if you have to utilize your countertops for convenience. By making your life at home easier, you will be able to manage and even prevent the discomfort and painful flare-ups associated with arthritis.
Keep pain relievers handy. As we discussed in the last issue they typically provide relief in as little as 15 minutes. Some over-the-counter arthritis creams provide pain relief as soon as it meets the skin. Since they do work, keep them on hand. Keep some pills and creams in your home, car, and purse. There are many ways to reduce the risk of arthritis pain, but there are no guarantees. Anything can trigger a flair-up, so always be prepared.
If you suffer from arthritis of the toes, feet, hips, or knees, walking can be difficult and painful. With each step you take, pressure is applied to your already painful joints. You can lessen the pressure with walking aids. These may include knee braces, crutches, or canes. Remember, the less pressure you apply to your joints, the less pain you should feel.
Arthritis patients often experience times when they feel helpless. This is occurs over some of the simplest tasks that many people take for granted like not being able to open a jar of spaghetti sauce or walk to the mailbox without experiencing pain. It’s very frustrating to be unable to handle daily tasks without pain. Although it can be hard, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask your neighbor to deliver your mail to your home and save a heavy box until a family member can help you.
One of the many problems arthritis patients face is difficulty managing their pain. Talking about those difficulties can help. For most, the worst thing to do is to keep these emotions bottled up in side. It is best to talk to someone at home or join an arthritis support group. If you opt not to, keep a journal instead. Write down or record all feelings, including the good and the bad.
In short, there are many ways to treat and manage arthritis pain. Over-the-counter products are a lifesaver for many arthritis patients, but they are not you only option. The first step should be focusing on day-to-day tasks. When these seem easier and less painful, the rest will simply just fall into place.