Is instant relief from Arthritis pain and Inflammation possible?
As we well know, there are over one hundred different types of arthritis. Despite the different causes and symptoms they all have, one thing is common and that is pain. All arthritis patients suffer pain in varying degrees. For some, it comes and goes. For others it’s constant. You want relief and you want it now, but is instant arthritis pain relief possible? The answer is, yes and no.
Before focusing on a few ways that you can get quick arthritis pain relief, it is important to note variances. It all depends on your definition of instant. For most, instant means right away and immediately, because when you are in pain, 15 minutes can literally feel like a lifetime. For others, 10 to 15 minutes is soon enough.
As we discussed in a previous issue, in terms of over-the-counter arthritis relief, you have two main options. Those are over-the-counter pain pills and over-the-counter topical arthritis creams. So, which provides you with the fastest relief? It all depends on your body.
Most pain relief capsules or tablets have to dissolve in your body to start working. It can take time for the entire pill to dissolve, which means they take a little longer to be effective. On the other hand, Advil has a Liquid-Gel capsules where just the outer layer needs to dissolve, so relief is typically faster. Tylenol has a special arthritis formula that has two dissolving layers; one is fast for quick relief and the second is slower for long-lasting relief.
When it topical creams, most see relief right away. In fact, you may experience relief as soon as the cream makes contact with the skin. Even if you have never used these creams before, you may have used Bengay or a similar cream to treat achy pains.
Another way to get almost instant pain relief is through heat. Your options include soaking in a warm bath, wrapping the joint in a warm washcloth, using on-the-go heating patches or a reusable heating pouch. Many experience pain relief until the heat stops. It is best to use heat as a source of relief until your over-the-counter pain pills are able to kick in.
Many natural supplements also claim to add in the relief of arthritis pain and swelling. These supplements are nice, as most are natural and safe. However, they do have their pros and cons. The biggest downside is that most aren’t designed for immediate relief. They require, continued use to provide long-lasting relief.
The same is true for exercise. It may be difficult to move your achy joints at first, but continued low-impact exercise can reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling overtime. Remember that preventing or lessening the risk of pain, discomfort, and swelling is just as important as treating it.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about some ways you can manage and prevent arthritis pain and inflammation.