The Demonization of Genital Herpes

Below is an Article written by Ross Matthews the owner of Here

This is a great article that gets to the core of how difficult it is emotionally to live with genital herpes. In his video he tells his story of how he dumped the medical profession and cured his herpes himself. If you are suffering from Genital Herpes you will really identify with this hard hitting article and love his “say it as it is ” video on his site.



Those of us who have so-called “genital herpes” are caught between a rock and a hard place.

On one hand we are ostracized by the minority of the population (about 40%) who don’t presently have herpes simplex in their body, which is bad sufficient, but more cruelly we are often isolated by our fellow members of the herpes community who have so-called cold sores (herpes simplex 1 of the mouth and face).

Frankly the lack of support from the majority of population who has cold sores bothers me far more than the stigma placed on me by unsympathetic members of the uninfected population.

After-all they don’t know what it is like to have herpes so I can cut them a couple of slack.

But for those of you who have cold sores and start pretending that you don’t have herpes and then distance yourselves from those who have their outbreaks genitally in place of facially- shame on you. If it wasn’t for your unwillingness to come to terms with the reality of your herpes infection, the herpes community would be a more united majority of the population far more empowered to boldly go out into the community and reject the unjust and irrational stigma placed on people with herpes.

Sixty percent of the population has herpes………read that again!

We are living in a herpes nation. There is no factor for us to be a despised minority. If we were more united and more out of the closet we would be in a so much better position to inspire understanding and support from those who don’t have herpes.

We would be better able to educate youthful people on herpes prevention and herpes awareness.

We would be better able to reach out to the people with herpes who have had their self-esteem devastated.

So-called cold sores are herpes. I have had too numerous people in my clinic and by means of the Internet mention to me, “I don’t have herpes, I’ve never had an STD, but I do get these cold sores on my lips”.

Herpes is herpes whether you get your outbreaks above the waist or below the waist. It’s true that people with type 1 herpes of the mouth and face often have fewer outbreaks than people with herpes type 2 of the genitals, but it is additionally true that herpes of the mouth and face is just as contagious if not more so than genital herpes.

It is additionally true that numerous people with type 1 herpes of the mouth and face shed virus without manifestations and are giving numerous people type 1 herpes on their genitals from oral sex. It is additionally true that herpes of the mouth and face can spread to parts of the body that genital herpes rarely ever spreads to this includes the nostrils and into the brain, the hands and fingers, down the oesophagus and into the abdomen, into the eyes, and somewhere else.

For those who don’t have herpes and give people with herpes a rough time, I surely have no words for you.

If you believe that having genital herpes is an indication of promiscuity or moral deficiency then you are possibly too far-gone for whatever I mention here to reach you. And for the record I don’t think there’s whatever inherently wrong with promiscuity.

I got my herpes in the framework of a monogamous relationship but I wouldn’t feel bad about myself if I had been contaminated by herpes by means of promiscuity. How you got herpes is irrelevant.

Herpes is a scourge. Viruses have different tactics for earning access to our bodies. a scourge that chooses sex as its preferred technique of infection is less scary to me than an airborne virus that indiscriminately devastates tremendous populations in a matter of days…..Just now think of Ebola!

Jesus told “let he is who is without sin cast the first stone”. I mention let he or she who is without a scourge cast the first stone. among the Chicken-Pox virus (a member of the herpes family), the Epstein-Barr virus (another member of the herpes family), the HPV virus (genital warts and cervical dysplasia) and Herpes Simplex there is virtually no adult reading this article who doesn’t presently have a scourge in their body and aside from for the HPV virus, these viruses are lifelong infections and that’s without even discussing bacteria, fungi, yeast, and protozoa.

Herpes has been around since the time of the dinosaurs and impacts almost every animal with a backbone this includes cats and elephants and numerous animals without a spine. if truth be told cats and elephants are dying of herpes. I know that cats could be randy but I have never heard of any individual accusing elephants of being promiscuous.

When somebody has the integrity and courage to clarify you that they have herpes they are making themselves vulnerable to you.

How you react can often either crush them or help set them free from a prison of shame.

I think that most people are clever and compassionate. Please treat people with herpes with the compassion and understanding we deserve. We are the same people we were before we got herpes. We are no less moral, no less interesting, just as good in bed, just as good of a friend or son or daughter or brother or sister as we were before we got herpes.

When someone indicates you they have herpes if you treat them unsympathetically it only discourages them for telling others about their herpes sooner or later, which isn’t a good circumstance for any individual. When someone indicates to you they have herpes it’s an possibility and challenge to you to show that you aren’t prejudiced and mean-spirited. It is a possibility for us all to originate more love and understanding.

For those of us who have genital herpes – don’t purchase into the lies and myths that make you ashamed and marginalized. You can select not to permit herpes define you and conquer your life.

No one can take away your power and dignity aside from for yourself….remember that

For a constant solution to your herpes outbreaks, just click Here