New Joint Pain Research Has Drug Companies Terrified?

A very important message from Health and Wellness Insider

New Joint Pain Research Has Drug Companies Terrified?

This research has set the medical world ablaze…

Apparently joint pain is not caused by your cartilages wearing
out (you’ll be surprised when you see the results)…

And its not just joint pain…

This scientist argues, virtually every chronic pain you
experience…whether its because of fibromyalgia, arthritis,
neuropathy, lower back pain, or even Irritable bowel syndrome…

Is NOT the result of damaged nerves, tissues, bones, joint or

It’s all because of this one thing you are doing…that’s triggering
the joint pain.

And by eliminating this trigger (doesn’t take you much time, once
you know how to do it) , you can instantly evaporate your pain away.

To a pain free life…


PS If you prefer to read the info, click to close video, then click “stay on page”
You will be taken to a text page to read

Reverse Your Memory Loss

When you know how to engage both sides of your brain.
Your whole world instantly changes.

You can do things you never thought possible.

Maybe  right now you might feel like your memory’s weak and your brain is getting worse.

But read or listen to this amazing true Story of John Wells

After being hit by a a car that broke a red light John Wells spent 9 months in a coma.

When he came out of the coma Doctors came to John with his MRI scan

He was told that the neural network in his brain had been damaged by excessive trauma to the temporal lobe, obstructing cognitive development and regular functions.

“In Plain English: His Brain And His Ability To Remember Things Was Gone”

Many of us  at that point would have accepted what the Doctors told us …

but not John’s father!

its an amazing story!



Neuropathy Miracle Review

Product Description:

Neuropathy is damage to nerves in the nervous system. Thousands of people around the world are suffering from neuropathy and they are constantly looking for ways to relieve the symptoms caused by this disease. Often sufferers experience a burning or tingling sensation in the affected parts.

Dr. Randall Labrum created the Neuropathy Miracle system specifically to address the problem and put an end to it once and for all. Unlike medication or other methods which are temporary solutions that just treat the symptoms, Dr. Randall’s system actually targets the cause of the problem. This is what I like about alternative medicine. They look for the cause and once the cause is known then the problem is solved.

The Neuropathy Miracle system is a step by step method that deals with diagnosing the problem and specifically treating it. You’ll need to follow 6 treatments to ease any uncomfortable symptoms you may have. Then through process of elimination, you’ll determine the cause of the problem.

The system comes with treatment seminars, checklists and other checklists that you will need to track your progress. You’ll also be taught how to deal with diabetes if you have it.
Neuropathy is a condition often experienced with Diabetes.That makes this guide extremely useful to people suffering from peripheral neuropathy.

The Good Points:

1) The system is highly effective and states that you can see results in only 7 days. This is excellent because most holistic treatment methods take much longer.

2) Thousands of people have purchased this affordable product and benefitted from it. The Neuropathy Miracle comes with a 100% money back guarantee. That takes away all risk. If you’re not satisfied, you can always get a full refund.

3) The method does not require medication, drugs or any other treatments. All you need to do is follow the advice in the guide to the letter and you will see positive results.

4) This is a detailed guide with pictures and clear explanations that even laymen will understand. You will truly understand what you’re suffering from and what you need to do to get control of the problem.

5) The results are permanent! It doesn’t get better than this.

The Bad Points:

1) This is an online product. The trend these days is to publish online. The drawback to this is that you will need to have a computer and an internet connection.

2) This is a holistic program and will require you to be consistent in your efforts. You will need to follow the advice in the guide closely for it to work. Some discipline and determination will be required on your part.

3) This is not a small guide that you can complete in a few minutes. It is comprehensive and detailed. Spend some time reading it thoroughly and get a good grasp of the fundamentals. In the long run it will pay off. You will have a more thorough understanding of the disease and what you need to do.
Should You Get It?

Yes yes yes. Neuropathy is a disease that comes with a constant nagging discomfort. Your whole life starts to revolve around this disease. The Neuropathy Miracle will help you achieve relief and with it will come happiness and peace of mind.

The product is inexpensive, risk-free and has been proven to work. The more you hesitate, the longer you will be in discomfort. All you need to do is get it and make it work for you.
>>> Check out ‘Neuropathy Miracle’ Here <<<

Also I have Posted Articles on Neuropathy Here

Ulnar Neuropathy Sane Treatment of a Crazy Bone

Do you remember what it felt like when you banged your elbow on a hard surface and it sent shocks through your forearm and into your little finger? Not too pleasant, to be sure. But on the plus side, the unpleasantness was merely temporary and, for the time being, you remembered not to do that again.


The part of the nervous system responsible for this annoying symptom is the ulnar nerve, a peripheral nerve-bundle whose individual nerve-fibers originate in the spinal cord where it passes through the neck. The nerve-fibers run most of the length of the arm, including through the “ulnar groove” which you may know as the “funny bone” or “crazy bone.”

Some people experience a more persisting impairment of the ulnar nerve called ulnar neuropathy. With “-pathy” as the medical suffix meaning illness or impairment, an “ulnar neuropathy” means an illness or impairment of the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve is vulnerable to injury or pinch in the ulnar groove for more than one reason.

First, instead of being surrounded by soft, cushioning muscles and tendons, it is sandwiched between a layer of skin on its exterior surface and nothing but hard bone on its interior surface.

Second, when the elbow bends, the ulnar nerve stretches because it has to take the long way around the elbow.

Like a telephone cable containing numerous wires, the ulnar nerve-bundle contains many individual nerve-fibers, some of which tell the muscles what to do and others of which carry messages back to the spinal cord and brain about sensations experienced by the skin and other tissues. So when the ulnar nerve is injured, both motor and sensory symptoms are possible. Most of the muscles of the hand receive their marching orders via the ulnar nerve, so when the ulnar nerve is out of whack, there can be weakness in hand muscles.

The muscles that spread the fingers and those that straighten the middle joints of the ring and little fingers are often affected. Damage to the ulnar nerve also causes changes in sensation. The ring and little fingers can become numb, and so can the heel of the hand.


The ulnar nerve can come to harm in more than one way. For some people the problem might result from leaning on their elbows too much. This can compress the ulnar nerve within the ulnar groove. Granted, many people lean on their elbows without damaging their ulnar nerves, but like most things in medicine, an ulnar neuropathy is usually caused by a combination of factors, and it is likely that some people are more vulnerable than others based on their particular anatomies. Of course, rearranging one’s anatomy, as for example from a preceding elbow fracture, may also put one at risk for an ulnar neuropathy.

Another way to injure the ulnar nerve is by over-stretching it.

In the author’s clinical practice a thin, young lady with loose elbow-joints who worked as an emergency medical technician injured her ulnar nerves repeatedly while lifting heavy patients. For her, it was a problem that wouldn’t go away, and she eventually changed professions.

Although, as discussed, the ulnar nerve at the elbow is especially vulnerable to injuries, it can also come to harm by getting compressed or pinched by nearby abnormal tissues. The usual culprits are tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, cysts and scars.

Sometimes, an ulnar neuropathy is the leading symptom of a “polyneuropathy,” meaning that all the peripheral nerves in the body are somewhat impaired, but the ulnar nerve is the first one to cause symptoms noticeable to the affected individual. Polyneuropathy is not the result of injury, but can be seen in a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, alcoholism and also on an inherited basis.


Diagnosing an ulnar neuropathy starts with the story of the symptoms and a physician’s examination.

The physician might subsequently order nerve conduction testing which looks at the nerve and muscle electricity, and can determine the degree of impairment. Moreover, nerve conduction studies can also evaluate other nerves to see if the ulnar nerve is the only one impaired, or merely one of many.

What if a simple injury to the ulnar nerve at the elbow is diagnosed? What can be expected? Fortunately, the peripheral nerves have some capacity to heal themselves. So if the degree of nerve impairment is not too severe, conservative treatment is called for.

Unfortunately, there are no conservative treatments that have been studied by good, randomized, controlled trials, a form of evaluation in which the outcome of a treated group of patients is compared to that of an untreated group. Randomized, controlled trials are the gold standard for deciding whether or not a treatment is effective, so in this case all we have to go on is “clinical judgment” and observation.

A typical conservative treatment consists of putting a sport-pad (not a medical brace) on the elbow with the foam covering the ulnar groove. This accomplishes two things. First, if the elbow gets leaned on, then the nerve is still protected. Second, a well-fitting pad also prevents excessive elbow-bending (including during sleep) that overstretches the nerve and re-injures it.

In addition, eating nutritious, well-rounded meals, together with vitamins, gives the ulnar nerve the building-blocks it needs in order to make the best possible recovery.

If the nerve injury is severe, or fails to respond to conservative treatment, then surgery might be beneficial. When the nerve is tied up in scar tissue or compressed by nearby abnormal tissues, a simple release operation might suffice in which the nerve is freed up. Otherwise, in a procedure called “anterior transposition” the nerve is transferred out of the ulnar groove so it is out of harm’s way from leaning on the elbow, and also gets to take to the short way around when the elbow is flexed.

Neurosurgical researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands conducted a randomized, controlled trial of patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow in which half the patients received simple release surgery and the other half received anterior transposition.

In this study there was no difference in outcomes between the two surgeries. About two-thirds of the patients in each group obtained an outcome that was considered either excellent or good. However, there were more complications in the patients receiving the anterior transposition procedure, so the results of this study favored the simple release approach.

Ways to Treat Neuropathy

Neuropathy is often a serious and usually debilitating disorder.

It can take away your joy of living, your capability to function independently, and your eagerness for all those activities you utilised to love doing. Too quite a few, neuropathy is more than just a disease, it truly is a cancer. It eats away at everything they hold dear- but it doesn’t have to. Neuropathy sufferers can reside full and active lives if their neuropathy pain is managed appropriately.

Neuropathy can be a illness that attacks the central nervous system. Diabetic Neuropathy is really a neuropathy brought on as a complication of diabetes. Peripheral neuropathy effects men and women in general. It has no recognized cure, and it affects diabetics and non-diabetics the world over. Neuropathy, once diagnosed, could be handled with success.

Here are 5 methods Neuropathy victims can manage their ache and dwell their lives.

1. Treating Neuropathy with Medication
Like most diseases, Neuropathy could be treated with prescription medications. In some cases, a prescription regimen is put in place since a single drug along can not correctly mitigate the problems associated with neuropathy.
A single over the counter medicine that could be utilized effectively as a neuropathy therapy is Capsaicin. Capsaicin is truly what makes scorching peppers scorching, but it is harvested from scorching peppers and made into creams that can effectively numb neuropathy discomfort. Unfortunately, not all topical drugs can get the job done.

2. Quite a few neuropathy victims prefer prescription medicines to treat their neuropathy ache. Medicines for example Cymbalta, target particular nerves to decrease and eradicate nerve anguish. Please be aware that neuropathy medicines come with side effects which include; constipation, dry mouth, diarrhea and nausea.

3. Treating Neuropathy with Injection Therapy
When prescription medicines aren’t enough, injecting nerve blockers like Lidocane into the effected area can temporarily minimize or get rid of neuropathy ache. This form of neuropathy therapy is normally applied in conjunction with other methods (physical therapy or support groups).!.!

4. Treating Neuropathy with Physical Treatment
Neuropathy isn’t just about the problems. Neuropathy causes nerve damage, and that may lead to numb feet, and tingling feet. These signs, along with problems, is often handled utilizing physical therapies for example acupuncture, targeted massage, heat treatment and even exercise.

Living with neuropathy discomfort and other signs doesn’t mean that your existence has to stop. You can have a full and happy life despite the neuropathy. All you’ve got to do to get your life back is to discover the right neuropathy therapy for you. Several troubles come down to correct supplementation. Three key vitamins to think about if you’ve neuropathy are B1, B12, and Alpha-lipoic acid.

What are the causes of Neuropathy

Neuropathy is nerve damage……. It creates nerve pain. 

Neuropathy is nerve damage.   It creates nerve pain.  When the nerve breaks down due to disease, chemical toxins, trauma, etc., the myelin sheath begins to break down.    This creates a short circuit similar to what happens when a wire loses its insulating cover.   The damage can continue and the symptoms of this damage will get worse.

What causes it?  Here is a list of causes………………

Alcoholism – Thiamine (B1) deficiency, in particular, is common among people with alcoholism because they often also have poor dietary habits. Thiamine deficiency can cause a painful neuropathy of the extremities. Some researchers believe that excessive alcohol consumption may, in itself, contribute directly to nerve damage, a condition referred to as alcoholic neuropathy.

Amyloidosis (metabolic disorder) an disorder where a protein called amyloid is deposited in tissues and organs. Amyloidosis can affect peripheral sensory, motor or autonomic nerves and deposition of amyloid lead to degeneration and dysfunction in these nerves.

Carpal tunnel syndrome – Carpus comes from the Greek word for wrist. The wrist is surrounded by a band of fibrous tissue that normally functions as a support for the joint. The tight space between this fibrous band and the wrist bone is called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel to receive sensations from the thumb, index, and middle fingers of the hand. Any condition that causes swelling or a change in position of the tissue within the carpal tunnel can squeeze and irritate the median nerve. Irritation of the median nerve in this manner causes tingling and numbness of the thumb, index, and the middle fingers, a condition known as “carpal tunnel syndrome.” Thus, it can cause nerve damage.

Charcot Marie-Tooth disease – See Inherited neuropathy

Chemotherapy Treatment – Chemotherapy drugs are poisons that attack fast growing cells (rapidly dividing cells).  The theory behind using these toxins is that it will destroy the fast growing cancer cells before it does much damage to normal cells.  Chemotherapy is hardest on the nervous system due to the fact that nerve cells are more sensitive than other cells.

Chronic kidney failure – Chronic kidney or renal failure (uremia) occurs when the kidneys gradually fail to function properly. When the kidneys are impaired, fluids and waste products accumulate in the body. In some cases, kidney failure can cause peripheral neuropathy. Many conditions can cause kidney failure; the most common are diabetes and high blood pressure.

Compression neuropathy – pressure on an area. It is an inability to transmit nerve impulses because compression has damaged nerve fibers either directly, or indirectly by restricting their supply of oxygen. Compression can come from herniated discs in the spine, osteoarthritis can cause bone spurs that can compress a nerve, severe muscle injuries can compress nerves, and even prolonged use of tight clothing such as shoes. It all depends on the nerve compressed.

Connective tissue disease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sarcoidosis) Connective tissue disorders and chronic inflammation can cause direct and indirect nerve damage. When the multiple layers of protective tissue surrounding nerves become inflamed, the inflammation can spread directly into nerve fibers. Chronic inflammation also leads to the progressive destruction of connective tissue, making nerve fibers more vulnerable to compression injuries and infections. Joints can become inflamed and swollen and entrap nerves, causing pain.

Diabetes mellitus – the higher than normal sugar levels create nerve damage. Chronic neuropathy can start when the nerves are deprived of oxygen or anoxia.

Diphtheria – See Bacterial Diseases

Drugs – Certain anticancer drugs, anticonvulsants, antiviral agents, and antibiotics have side effects that can include peripheral nerve damage, thus limiting their long-term use. Metformin is a drug associated with B12 deficiency and thus nerve damage.   To check on any medications and if they cause nerve damage, go to or   Note: neuropathy can be defined as nerve pain, parenthesia, tingling and numbness..etc.

Epstein-Barr virus – See Infections

Foods that are toxic – Some foods and food additives have a direct toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Food allergies and intolerance can create nerve pain – neuropathy. MSG is known to cause nerve damage.

Herniated disc – most compressed nerves will cause inflammation but will get better. This is more likely to cause problems when the nerve is squashed between the disc and an adjacent bone.

Herpes – see Infections

HIV/AIDS – The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, also causes extensive damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems. The virus can cause several different forms of neuropathy, each strongly associated with a specific stage of active immunodeficiency disease. A rapidly progressive, painful polyneuropathy affecting the feet and hands is often the first clinically apparent sign of HIV infection.

Hormonal imbalances – can disturb normal metabolic processes and cause neuropathies. For example, an underproduction of thyroid hormones slows metabolism, leading to fluid retention and swollen tissues that can exert pressure on peripheral nerves. Overproduction of growth hormone can lead to acromegaly, a condition characterized by the abnormal enlargement of many parts of the skeleton, including the joints. Nerves running through these affected joints often become entrapped.

Idiopathic – when doctors cannot find a specific cause

Immune System – See Inflammation

Inflammation – Chronic inflammation also leads to the progressive destruction of connective tissue, making nerve fibers more vulnerable to compression injuries and infections. Joints can become inflamed and swollen and entrap nerves, causing pain.

Some neuropathies are caused by inflammation resulting from immune system activities rather than from direct damage by infectious organisms. Inflammatory neuropathies can develop quickly or slowly, and chronic forms can exhibit a pattern of alternating remission and relapse. Acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy, better known as Guillain-Barré syndrome, can damage motor, sensory, and autonomic nerve fibers. Most people recover from this syndrome although severe cases can be life threatening. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), generally less dangerous, usually damages sensory and motor nerves, leaving autonomic nerves intact. Multifocal motor neuropathy is a form of inflammatory neuropathy that affects motor nerves exclusively; it may be chronic or acute.

And many more diseases!

what is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, has been called by some experts “the most common disease that no one has ever heard of.” It’s estimated that in America alone upwards of 20 million people suffer from the illness, with varying degrees of affliction, pain and suffering accompanying the malady. Neuropathy is certainly one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States. But what exactly IS neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves – the autonomic, sensory and motor nerves that connect the spinal cord to muscles, skin and the internal organs. It normally affects the feet and hands of the afflicted person – with varying results such as weakness, tingling, pain and/or numbness in these extremities. Neuropathy is “nerve damage” that can be compared to the body’s own electrical wiring system breaking down – it disrupts the body’s ability to communicate with the skin, joints, muscles or internal organs.

The disease causes varying degrees of debilitation in those who are suffering from it – numbness, pain, weakness or poor coordination that can be depressing and discouraging as well as uncomfortable or very painful in the afflicted members of the body. One of the often-used metaphors for those who are experiencing the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy is that they feel like they are wearing socks when they are in fact bare-footed, or are wearing gloves when they are in fact gloveless.

Interestingly, it is assumed at this point in medical history that peripheral neuropathy has always been around but was either ignored, misdiagnosed, or attributed to another disease as a side effect, such as diabetes, cancer, or kidney failure. A 1999 survey found that 8-9% of Medicare recipients have peripheral neuropathy as their primary or secondary diagnosis.  The annual cost to Medicare exceeds $3.5 billion due to this disease!

There are multiple causes for neuropathy and usually these causes are named in that particular form of neuropathy. Below are some of the most prominent forms:

Compressive neuropathy, also known as entrapment neuropathy – usually caused by some accident or trauma that affects the nerves and compresses them – in the process damaging the nerves so that they do not function correctly.

* Diabetic neuropathy – the most common cause of neuropathy in the western world, and associated with the onset of type 1 and type 2 diabetes* Toxic neuropathy, and drug-induced neuropathy – these neuropathies are caused by chemicals either accidentally affecting humans due to some toxic exposure event or my medications that have the side-effect of neuropathy upon the consumer of the medication.

* Immune-Mediated and CIDP – certain auto-immune disorders may manifest as neuropathy. CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) is an inflammatory auto-immune response that affects the peripheral nerves.#


Help is available for neuropathy and sufferers are encouraged to talk to their doctors as the first step in treatment. Education is also advocated for the disease.