Homeschool Maths Curriculum

Teaching your Child the Wonders of Maths

Ever since home schooling became a phenomenon there has been a surprisingly large number of organizations which have jumped into that niche with their own homeschooling program. At first, the addition of new programs to choose from was quite welcome, but unfortunately the number of interested parties got far too big and caused the market to become over-saturated with homeschool programs.

 One of the biggest complaints many parents have these days about these programs is that their homeschool math curriculum is either too easy, too hard, or too incomplete to even be seriously considered. While there really is no one math curriculum which is going to be perfect for every single child out there, there are some popular programs which have been known to have very good math programs, and here is a brief examination of what they have to offer.

Saxon’s Complete Math Program

Among all the companies out there very few put as much effort as Saxon Publishing has into their math program as they actually have five different books dedicated to the matter: There are two algebra books dedicated to teaching everything from core concepts to advanced theorems, complete with a large number of practice exercises.There is a calculus book, but it should be mentioned that a few people have described it as being a bit too slow and heavy on the exercises without placing enough emphasis on understanding the concepts themselvesUp next is the Saxon geometry book which pretty much teaches every important concept from A to Z.

 In addition to that, each lesson in the book contains an algebra review to go along with it, providing you with everything you need to understand the concepts and do the exercises.In addition, there is the Saxon math book for grades K-8 dedicated to teaching younger children all the basics they will need to understand more complicated mathematical concepts.Finally, there is the book on advanced mathematics which goes somewhat beyond the regular curriculum in order to teach even more advanced concepts for math enthusiasts.

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All things considered, if what you are worried about is finding a good homeschool math curriculum then starting your search with Saxon wouldn’t be a bad idea seeing as how most of their materials are dedicated to it.

Bob Jones University and the Christian Math Program   If you are looking to have a homeschool math curriculum with a bit more of a Christian touch to it then it you may want to look into the Bob Jones University homeschool program. They take somewhat of a biblical approach in teaching their lessons which are provided in the following books:

They have Math Student Workbooks for levels 1 through 8, each one revolving around a certain theme in an attempt to make the lessons funner, and in some cases more informative about life in general. In addition, there is a Fundamentals of Math Student Text which is dedicated to explaining various concepts through a large number of comprehensive step-by-step examples. Finally, there are also two Algebra Student Texts where concepts are presented in the form of scriptures and explained through a multitude of different examples.

If you are looking for a good homeschool math curriculum which is themed around Christianity and includes various teachings from the Bible, then you may want to give Bob Jones University’s program a look; they haven’t achieved their level of popularity for no reason.

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Popular Homeschool programs

A Brief Examination of Popular Homeschool Programs

While the public and private schooling systems happen to work for a majority of the population, there are still those for whom those establishments are not adequate in one way or the other. While for many years those kids simply had to buck down and go through the process, somewhat recently a new method of teaching adapted to those children was developed: homeschooling.

Quickly becoming a phenomenon, the concept of homeschooling spread like wildfire across America prompting a large number of organizations to put out their own curriculum on the market. While from one point of view having all those options to choose from isn’t a bad thing, from another perspective it becomes complicated to actually find the best homeschool curriculum for your child.

While analyzing every single program out there is going to take a lot of time, here is a brief look at a couple of popular homeschooling programs which hopefully will help you make a decision.

Bob Jones University Homeschooling Curriculum

One of the most popular homeschooling programs is made by the Bob Jones University, one of the most renowned institutes of higher learning. Naturally, in order to live up to their reputation the Bob Jones University had to offer a complete program which covers a large list of topics through the following books:

BJU Press Bible Truths, BJU Press Biology, BJU Press Distance Learning Online, BJU Press English / Writing & Grammar, BJU Press Foreign Language, BJU Press Handwriting, BJU Press Heritage Studies, BJU Press Math, BJU Press Reading & Literature, BJU Press Science

One of the things which brought many people to believe that Bob Jones University has the best homeschool curriculum is the fact that apart from providing academic knowledge it also teaches your children how to critically think and act for themselves rather than follow directions blindly. In addition to that, the very extensive teacher’s manual walks you through every single step of the process, providing you with guidance should you ever happen to be in need of some.

Abeka Homeschool Curriculum

Very popular amongst Christians, the Abeka curriculum is a very complete and renowned program with a number of features to boast:

1.) It aims to integrate ideologies, philosophies and teachings found in the bible into all of their academic teachings

2.) The list of topics they cover includes: biology, government, grammar & composition, handwriting, history, literature, math, phonics, science, Spanish, video, vocabulary, spelling and poetry.

3.) It is also worth mentioning that Abeka has a preschool program for three year olds if you feel like getting an early start on the education process.

4.) As the many customer reviews seem to suggest, Abeka is a very likely candidate for having the best homeschool curriculum as their program takes great care in helping parents teach hundreds upon hundreds of pages of materials to their children by providing a very comprehensive guidance through a teacher’s manual.

While Abeka and Bob Jones are quite popular and many believe them to have the best homeschool curriculum, there are many other educational establishments, companies and organizations out there who have their own homeschooling program to offer; before making your choice, make sure to know what your options bring to the table.

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