How to choose the Correct Insomnia Treatment

When normal sleeping medication is no longer a viable solution for coping with sleep disorders, one may always look for an alternative insomnia treatment completely free of side effects. This is the case of herbal cures that can be safely used to ensure a good night’s rest.

Among the many herbs that contribute to inducing sleepiness, let’s have a look at jasmine, lavender and passionflower; they are available either as supplements, tea herbs or essential oils, and they should be administered only after previous consultations with a herbalist. Keep in mind the fact that such an insomnia treatment is just a welcome support for the relaxation of the central nervous system, and it doesn’t treat the underlying cause of the sleep problem.

Jasmine insomnia treatment involves the use of herbal infusions before going to bed; jasmine tea is very flavored and tasty, so that it is a true pleasure to drink it. Growing particularly in the Eastern Asian countries, jasmine has become increasingly popular all over the world due to its unique relaxation properties.

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Prepare a jasmine infusion and drink it warm, half an hour before going to bed; this is a traditional Asian insomnia treatment that will soothe nerves and induce a state of well-being. Tea can be easily associated with aromatherapy that uses jasmine essential oils; a few drops put in a jar with hot water or in the bath tub can do miracles for your sleeping problems.

Lavender is another favorite herb when it comes to choosing a natural insomnia treatment; available as tea, volatile oil and even oral supplements, lavender has great therapeutic properties for many nervous health problems.

Anxiety, stress, mental disorders, depression are frequently overcome with the help of lavender supplements; without having any side effects at all, this herb is considered an efficient insomnia treatment due to its impact on the central nervous system.

Last but not least, passionflower is another top herbal remedy for anxiety, stress and insomnia treatment. It has a relaxing effect and it is a major compound of herbal supplements designed for dealing with sleeping disorders. Completely free of adverse reactions, the passionflower eliminates the negative impact of intense emotions that drastically affect sleep quality.

If you are already taking some form of medication, it is good to inform the health care provider on the intention to use any alternative insomnia treatment, and vice versa, before starting drug administration, make sure you let the doctor know about the herbal supplements you’re using.

Choosing From Multiple Sleep Remedies

What is the best solution for someone who suffers from sleep disorders? Besides the regular treatment prescribed by a health care provider, many people also turn to alternative therapies that provide other sleep remedies that go to the real source of the problem. The nature of the chosen remedy depends on the causes that create sleep disorders: anxiety, depression, overeating, Parkinson’s disease and many others are well known to cause alterations of the sleep-wake pattern. Hence, adjusting sleep remedies to the causes of the issue is absolutely essential for an improvement of the condition, particularly since otherwise the person is exposed to recurrent episodes.

Though you may start with the very common sleeping pills, you’ll soon have to drop such sleep remedies since they are ineffectual and highly dangerous when administered for a longer period of time. For those who suffer from a chronic type of sleep disorder, alleviation of the health problem may be achieved by all sorts of alternative therapies: hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, color and music therapy and so on. Such practices combine physical and spiritual knowledge in order to achieve a balance between body and mind where the sleep problem is generally rooted, and thus, they make viable sleep remedies people enjoy all over the world.

Hydrotherapy and massage are used to stimulate muscular tissues and free the negative energies blocked inside the body; stress of whatever nature triggers the secretion of body chemicals that little by little come to poison the entire system. Consequently, by massage and water jets applied to the tissues the natural body purging is stimulated; this is why after a massage or hydrotherapy session one feels so relieved as if a huge burden may have been lifted from one’s shoulders. A general state of well-being is afterwards reflected in the night rest quality, and the efficiency of such sleep remedies is confirmed once more.

A combination of sleep remedies is also possible and even highly advisable. Unlike drug treatments that may often affect one another’s efficiency, alternative therapies don’t raise such problems since they usually have a complementary action. If one is not sure about which sleep remedies to turn to, there are plenty of informative Internet sites on alternative therapies, and a lot of tips for helping one deal with sleep disorders. Keep in mind the fact that the inability to rest well at night affects the way the entire system operates, and therefore, you should never let the problem untreated.

Facts about Insomnia

Magazines, Internet web pages and TV health shows often present facts about insomnia and the best way to put an end to sleeping disorders, but individual cases are characterized by particular elements that are also an important part of the general picture. Here are some of the most important facts about insomnia that may help you make a change in your life. First and foremost, in case you’ve been prescribed some sleeping pills: don’t take them for more than three weeks because they cause addiction, while also worsening the insomnia. Such drugs are only a temporary solution for the problem: they don’t eliminate the cause of your insomnia, their mere function is to induce sleep by means of chemical modifications.

Further facts about insomnia include the discussion of the body chemicals responsible for good or bad sleep. First of all we should mention the human growth hormone that is secreted late in the night ensuring high quality sleep; owing to the decrease in the levels of this chemical specific to old age, insomnia cases are more frequent with elderly people. Chronic insomnia has also been associated with low levels of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland. In what the stress hormones are concerned, there are all sorts of contradictory facts about insomnia as being influenced or not by their excessive secretion.

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Sleep is absolutely necessary for the recovery of the organs and the proper functioning of the body; unfortunately, medical facts about insomnia prove that sleeping disorders prevent the proper function of the immune system. In other words, when you don’t get enough sleep, exhaustion, fatigue and the inability to fight diseases appears; therefore, people who suffer from chronic insomnia are more exposed to infections than those who have a normal sleep-wake cycle. The existent facts about insomnia prove that there is a connection between the high stress levels and the dysfunctions of the immune system triggered by sleeping disorders; solving one problem would definitely imply the improvement of the other.

There are certain foods and beverages that may cause insomnia: it goes without saying that caffeine is the first one to blame for sleepless nights. Facts about insomnia indicate that many people who develop sleeping disorders over-use products that contain caffeine: tea, coffee, coke or energy drinks. Furthermore, the combination of such beverages with alcohol is even more detrimental to the system, inducing a state of hyper-agitation and anxiety that is incompatible with a tranquil sleep disposition. Consequently, it is highly important to actually identify the behavioral patterns that trigger insomnia and thus eliminate them.


Sleep Apnea Symptom – Snoring – Snorting – Chocking


The first sleep apnea symptom you may become aware of is snoring. Snoring is not always indicative of sleep apnea but if the snoring is loud or is more of a snort or choking sound, the culprit may be sleep apnea. Mainly caused by a blockage of the airway, sleep apnea can be successfully treated with a number of options available.

Your body needs to sleep to rejuvenate itself to keep functioning day to day. If you have sleep apnea, your body cannot stay in REM sleep because of the decrease in oxygen signal your brain to wake you up. You eventually have what is referred to as a chronic sleep deficiency and this leads to another sleep apnea symptom of excessive day time sleepiness.

OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea, affects approximately 4% of men and 2% of women in the US although the figures may be much worse than previously though due to the increasing number of Americans becoming obese. Obesity is not a symptom, it is a cause. Of the 18 million people estimated to have sleep apnea it is further estimated that only 10% of them are receiving treatment for their problem.

Men over the age of 40 are more likely to have sleep apnea than women of the same age. After the age of 50 the risk evens out between men and women. Obesity makes sleep apnea worse. About 70% of obese people in the US have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is not discriminatory and affects men and women of all walks of life including people with heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, NFL Football players, Whites, African-Americans, Asian and people from India.

So what happens when one is diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea? Well, first, the airway becomes obstructed by the tongue and soft palate. Next, trying to take a breath is not successful even though the muscle motion is made. Then, the oxygen level drops signaling the brain to wake you up so you will continue breathing. This is when you will gasp for air, snort, or snore very loudly.

Other types of obstruction that can affect breathing when sleeping are a deviated septum that has narrowed the air passages, or the filters in the nose called turbinates that obstruct breathing if they become swollen and the side walls of the throat collapse to close the airway. Sometimes the airway is obstructed while attempting to breathe when the tissues of the airway get sucked together by the negative pressure.

If you have a deviated septum you can try using the strips on your nose made for holding the nasal passages open. This may be enough to alleviate your symptoms and let you get the sleep you so desperately need and deserve each night. Before you try anything though you need to discuss all of your options with your doctor to see which is the best for you.

In order for you to take a breath several things have to happen all at once. The muscles of the chest expand and lower the diaphragm and create a negative pressure allowing you to take in a breath. The negative pressure created is what sucks the air into the lungs. Sometimes the airway is just narrower than normal and plain and simple anatomy is the obstructive sleep apnea symptom responsible for your sleep disorder.

What Causes Insomnia?

Have you found that you’re having trouble getting to sleep no matter how tired your body actually feels? Or maybe you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep for hours? Insomnia is a very common and increasingly growing problem that can affect people of all ages. It can take a toll on your overall mood, health, and abilities to function throughout the day. In some chronic scenarios it becomes imperative to seek medical attention. Some of the factors that could attribute to this condition are listed below.
Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Of all the common factors that could contribute to insomnia at the top of the list is stress, anxiety, and depression. Stress is among the most common as dealing with events such as death, illness in the family, divorce, job loss, and other major life events could cause you to stress. Feeling anxious as a result of an upcoming event, or an event that has already passed (post traumatic stress) could also disrupt your sleeping patterns along with bouts of depression. If you are suffering from mental health issues it may be necessary to get a sleeping aide.
Medical Conditions
If you have preexisting medical conditions such as difficulty breathing, chronic pains, constant urination, and others you could develop insomnia over time. Some medical conditions that have insomnia as a potential side effect includes arthritis, cancer, heart failure, lung disease, and Parkinson’s disease to name a few.
Change in Environment Or Work Schedule
If you’re traveling to a country that is on a different time zone or you’ve switched from the morning shift to the graveyard shift at work it makes getting to sleep a lot more difficult. They throw off your body’s circadian rhythms that would typically act as your internal alarm clock.
Bad Sleeping Habits
If you’ve typically had a bad sleeping pattern this could eventually turn into insomnia. This might include irregular sleeping patterns where you don’t always get a full night’s rest, conducting stimulating activities right before bed, and/or sleeping on uncomfortable bedding.
Certain Medications
There are a lot of prescription medications that can interfere with your sleep including medications such as antidepressants, medications for heart and blood pressure, allergy medications, and corticosteroids. There are also some over the counter medications such as pain pills that have caffeine and stimulants in them that could keep you up.
Overuse of Caffeine Nicotine and Alcohol
Drinking things such as coffee, tea, and other caffeine drinks can really keep you up when you don’t want to be. Drinking these beverages later in the day can really keep you from getting to sleep at night. Another stimulant is found in tobacco products is nicotine which can also cause insomnia. Another known fact that many are unaware of is that alcohol is a sedative that helps you to fall asleep; however, it can prevent deep stages of sleep which of course could ruin your sleeping patterns.
Eating too Late
Last but certainly not least, another factor contributing to insomnia is eating way too much in the evening. While it is ok to have a light snack before bed eating too much at this time could cause you to feel really uncomfortable as you lay down which makes it much harder to sleep. Bouts of heartburn and backflow of acid from the food into the stomach keeps you awake for longer.

What Can I Do About Insomnia?

Not being able to get a good night’s rest on the daily basis can really become aggravating and dangerous to say the least. If you are currently suffering from insomnia that has lasted more than a few days, it may be necessary to start looking into solutions to treating it so that you can get the rest you need at night. Some of the more common approaches to treating insomnia include behavioral therapy, herbal remedies, prescribed medications, and lifestyle changes.

Behavioral Therapies
Depending upon the severity of your insomnia your doctor may recommend you take behavioral therapy. This might include sleep hygiene education, relaxation, stimulus control, and cognitive therapy to name a few.
Sleep Hygiene Therapy
This therapy option will teach you how to sleep only the required amount each night, to maintain a regular sleeping schedule, to avoid caffeinated beverages, avoid smoking, relieving anxieties before going to bed, exercising regularly, and learning to eat small snacks to prevent hunger from waking you up.
Relaxation therapies involve the process of relaxing your muscles from head to toe. They will teach you exercise that you can do at home to get your muscles to relax providing a better environment to sleep.
Often coupled with relaxation therapy is the biofeedback process. This is when sensors are placed on your body to determine muscle tensions as they relate to brain rhythms. By reviewing your level of tension activity you can learn to reduce those tensions to get more effective sleep.
Cognitive Therapy
The thoughts in your head at night when stressing about the days ahead could prevent you from falling asleep. Cognitive therapies will work to evaluate your thoughts and retrain your brain to not stress but rationalize them to prevent poor sleeping habits. You will work with a therapist to discuss your anxieties, fears, and stress to learn a new method of thinking to help you get more sleep at night.
Medications for Insomnia
In cases in which therapies are not an effective solution there may be medications that are prescribed to help you sleep. It is important before taking medications that you are aware of the side effects and that you’ve talked with your doctor about the benefits of using the medication. Typically you are given a certain type of medication and if it does not work within a few days your regimen may be altered. Some medicine types that are often prescribed to those suffering from insomnia include sedative hypnotic medicines, benzodiazepines, nonbenzodiazepines, antidepressants, and other medications.
Alternative Solutions
If you’re not sure about therapy options or the adverse affects of medications there are other options that you could try for treating insomnia. Some studies have shown that there have been benefits for those who participate in tai chi, yoga, and or acupressure. There are also herbal medications that can be taken such as valerian that are completely natural sleep aids. Other options might include increasing your exercise and fitness levels, reducing stress, and practicing better sleeping habits. Talk to your doctor about all of your options and weigh them carefully to discern which method is right for you.

What Are Some Home Remedies for Insomnia?

Everyone at some point or another will experience a night or two where they simply can’t get to sleep. This could be the result of a stressful day, medical aches and pains, or a continued result of bad sleeping habits. Insomnia is a very real concern for many and if untreated it could lead to serious health conditions, prevent you from functioning appropriately throughout the day, and leave you feeling sleep deprived. If you’re not quite ready to take your concerns to your doctor, there are some things you could try at home to remedy the situation.

Watch Your Eating Right Before Bed

Try to avoid eating anything heavy, high in sugar, or high in caffeine right before you go to bed. Experts recommend not eating at least three to four hours before turning in for the night. If you’re going to have a snack before bed make sure that it is portion controlled and that you eat foods that might encourage sleep. For instance eating a banana which has tryptophan and amino acids are ideal as they can create serotonin which is a natural chemical in the brain to promote sleep.

Be More Mindful of Your Sleeping Schedule

Sometimes insomnia comes down to a person not having enough sleep each day. In order to kick this naturally all you have to do is create a new sleeping routine that will give you the 6-8 hours you need every night. Some ideas might include waking up at the same time each day, cut back on day time naps even when you feel tired, and try to get to sleep at the same time every night. Once your body is used to a natural routine you will find that your inner alarm clocks will kick in and you will feel tired at the same times and will also wake up around the same time without the need for an alarm.

Remove the Stresses from Your Life

If your insomnia has to do with stressing out over a particular person or event in your life it is time to remove that from your brain. Begin by writing down everything that has you stressed out at the moment and sort it into groups of things that you can fix and things that are beyond your control. Make a plan to fix the stresses in your life that you can do on your own and rationalize the things that are out of your control. If stress has to do with too many responsibilities you might consider shortening your daily schedule, asking for help, and learning when to say no.

Prep Your Bedroom

Another idea for treating insomnia at home is to prep your bedroom. Let’s say for instance you work at night and need to get sleep during the day. Purchase some dark curtains, shades, or blinds to deflect the light, use aroma therapy candles such as lavender to soothe your mind, and maybe put on some soothing instrumental music to really set the tone.

If these remedies do not assist you with getting over your insomnia it is wise to see a medical professional. It is possible that the causes are related to a preexisting medical condition or the medications that you are currently taking. Getting a doctor’s advice before stopping medications is always a must.

How Do I Prevent Insomnia?

Temporary insomnia is a condition in which affects a person’s ability to sleep from a period of a night to a few weeks. This condition can be recurring episodes or one single one spanning over a long period of time. While there is no traditional method for diagnosing insomnia and plenty of factors as to how it can be triggered there are methods for which you can prevent this from happening to you. Below are a few suggestions that can help you to decrease your chances of developing insomnia or to overcome it once it happens.
Remove Distractions from the Bedroom
It can be really easy to fall asleep on a couch, and then when you get up to sleep in your room there are so many distractions that you end up not being able to get back to sleep. Make sure that your room is free from clutter and unnecessary distractions such as the television being on. Also make sure that you have a good mattress to sleep on as a bad one could leave you with musculoskeletal problems which cause more sleeping disturbances.
Limit Caffeine Consumption
Yes, the days can drag on and on and it may seem like you need just a shot of coffee to make it through the rest of the day. However, your caffeine intake could be the very thing that is keeping you up at night. To prevent insomnia, it is best that you limit the amount of coffee and caffeine filled products that you drink particularly during the latter half of the day.
Create a Wind Down Ritual
Sometimes our adrenaline is so pumped up that it is difficult to calm down right before bed. One method for preventing insomnia would be to create a wind down ritual. This might include things such as turning off the television, taking a nice warm shower, drinking a cup of warm milk, and finally reading a book before you head off to bed. Keep the activities really low key before bed to relax both the mind and the body.
Stick to Small Meals
Having dinner even an hour before bed could keep you up for a better part of the night. In order to prevent insomnia it is imperative that you have a meal schedule that stops about three hours before you’re scheduled to go to bed. Eating smaller portions and lighter food choices can also make a difference in how you sleep at night.
Believe it or not exercising just thirty minutes each day can give you the energy you need to make it through a work day while still allowing you to easily fall asleep at night. Get into the habit of exercising whether it’s in the morning or a few hours before bed to burn off some of that steam.
Unfortunately, since there are so many different reasons why insomnia starts in the first place there is no “cure all” solution out there. Consider trying a few of these solutions to preventing the condition by adapting them in your life. If after a few days your episodes don’t stop then you should probably reach out to your doctor for advice.

Does Depression Cause Insomnia?

The link between depression and insomnia is becoming more prominent in patients. In fact statistics have shown that about 30% of all Americans will at some point experience some form of depression and 40% of those patients will complain that they’re unable to get sleep. Knowing whether or not depression causes insomnia, or insomnia causes depression is still a debatable topic, that is still being argued today.
Sleeplessness One of the Main Symptoms of Depression
You will find that most people who have been diagnosed as being clinically depressed often complain of the inability to get sleep. Insomnia is a serious symptom which if not treated could cause your depression to worsen. While using sleeping pills might seem like the most effective solution in depressed patients it is found to be only a temporary resolve. The reason is because without fully treating the depression the sleeplessness will continue to return. It is also common for sleep medications to stop working altogether. However, because depression has also been linked to oversleeping or prolonged sleeping patterns, it is still undetermined which disease causes the other to occur.
Forced Insomnia for Treating Depression
There are some studies out there now stating that keeping up normal, healthy individuals for the night could create a transient euphoria, whereas keeping up a depressed individual for the night could cause them to feel in a better mood. However, this good mood tends to disappear as they get ready to go to sleep which is why many find it difficult. While this is still in research phase, many medical professionals disagree with depriving a depressed patient of sleep with the hopes of treating their mental health.
Insomnia Has Been Proven to Lead to Depression
Now on the other end of the spectrum there are the studies that state that insomnia can lead to depression. A study conducted by a professor by the name of Jules Angst showed that the longer the citizens of Zurich were sleep deprived the more depressed they became. As insomnia transformed from temporary to chronic levels of depression deepened and become prolonged as well. There have been backup studies that support these findings in showing that those who had difficulty sleeping each night were far more likely to develop depression. Studies are being generated across the globe supporting that any level of sleeplessness can potentially lead to higher levels of depression.
The Verdict: What Causes What?
So now that you have a better understanding of insomnia and depression you can see how medical professionals are having a hard time discerning which causes which to occur. There have been studies that support that insomnia causes depression and other studies supporting that depression causes insomnia. What you can conclude however is that they are most certainly directly related to one another. If you happen to be an insomniac the lack of rest giving your body what it needs to be ready for the next day could most certainly lead to bouts of depression. Since both can make the other condition worse, it is always best to never self diagnose yourself but instead speak with your doctor or therapist about your issues so that you can be properly treated for one condition or both.

What Are Some Home Remedies for Insomnia?


Everyone at some point or another will experience a night or two where they simply can’t get to sleep. This could be the result of a stressful day, medical aches and pains, or a continued result of bad sleeping habits. Insomnia is a very real concern for many and if untreated it could lead to serious health conditions, prevent you from functioning appropriately throughout the day, and leave you feeling sleep deprived. If you’re not quite ready to take your concerns to your doctor, there are some things you could try at home to remedy the situation.


Watch Your Eating Right Before Bed


Try to avoid eating anything heavy, high in sugar, or high in caffeine right before you go to bed. Experts recommend not eating at least three to four hours before turning in for the night. If you’re going to have a snack before bed make sure that it is portion controlled and that you eat foods that might encourage sleep. For instance eating a banana which has tryptophan and amino acids are ideal as they can create serotonin which is a natural chemical in the brain to promote sleep.


Be More Mindful of Your Sleeping Schedule


Sometimes insomnia comes down to a person not having enough sleep each day. In order to kick this naturally all you have to do is create a new sleeping routine that will give you the 6-8 hours you need every night. Some ideas might include waking up at the same time each day, cut back on day time naps even when you feel tired, and try to get to sleep at the same time every night. Once your body is used to a natural routine you will find that your inner alarm clocks will kick in and you will feel tired at the same times and will also wake up around the same time without the need for an alarm.


Remove the Stresses from Your Life


If your insomnia has to do with stressing out over a particular person or event in your life it is time to remove that from your brain. Begin by writing down everything that has you stressed out at the moment and sort it into groups of things that you can fix and things that are beyond your control. Make a plan to fix the stresses in your life that you can do on your own and rationalize the things that are out of your control. If stress has to do with too many responsibilities you might consider shortening your daily schedule, asking for help, and learning when to say no.


Prep Your Bedroom


Another idea for treating insomnia at home is to prep your bedroom. Let’s say for instance you work at night and need to get sleep during the day. Purchase some dark curtains, shades, or blinds to deflect the light, use aroma therapy candles such as lavender to soothe your mind, and maybe put on some soothing instrumental music to really set the tone.


If these remedies do not assist you with getting over your insomnia it is wise to see a medical professional. It is possible that the causes are related to a pre-existing medical condition or the medications that you are currently taking. Getting a doctor’s advice before stopping medications is always a must. 

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