How to Eat Your Way to Clear Skin, Shiny Hair, and Knock-Out Figure (easier than you think…)

An important message from  Krystalle Keszainn…….

If you have attempted crazy fad diets just to get your body moving in the right direction or you have purchased a multitude of beauty creams, potions, lotions, and gadgets, you’re well aware how frustrating it is to get beautiful hair, skin and nails – and a…….
Knock-Out Figure.

But in order to regain a youthful glow and look great in your skinny jeans – while still enjoying chocolate – there is
something you can do…

(Better yet, it actually works.)leafy-green-vegetables-healthiest-food

See, I was just like you. Testing out diets, lotions, potions, and powders… and falling flat on my face, which left me feeling like a
failure, frustrated and let down every time.

But then I discovered the secret to superfood nutrition and blending for beauty. That’s when I really started seeing results and was able to maintain my slim and trim figure.

I was finally able to get beautiful hair, skin and nails – and
the Knock-Out Figure I always wanted!
And I’m stoked that you’ll

finally get the same results too.

==> Click here to get started right now.

To your new self,
Krystalle Keszainn

Tips to Dining out if You are Gluten Intolerant

One of the biggest problems that gluten sensitive people have is being able to eat outside. This problem affects their social life and they may prefer to avoid social gatherings just so that they don’t seem to be a party pooper. The idea of inconveniencing others just because they are gluten intolerant seems selfish.

Over time, this will take a toll on them mentally and they may become depressed that life has handed them a bad hand, which undoubtedly it has. Nevertheless, this is a problem that can be dealt with relatively easily.

Firstly, the gluten intolerant person needs to find a few good restaurants where the service staff will be amiable to the customer’s requests. Most good restaurants will do their best to please the customer. If you’re gluten sensitive, you must be unequivocal and tell the restaurant about your diet.

It may seem like you’re very demanding. This is not the case. You’re not a pompous ass blowing hot air and making ridiculous demands just to feel self-important. You actually have a health issue that needs a special diet. Do explain this to the waiter or whoever takes your order.

It is always best to scout a few restaurants in your area beforehand and see if they will be able to whip up a gluten-free meal for you. In this way, you will be prepared and so will the restaurant. You should also inform them beforehand if you plan on having a meal there so that they are ready.

You may also Google online for celiac friendly restaurants that are in your area. If there are, well you’re pretty much set. You can go there with your buddies and while they eat gluten foods, you’ll have gluten-free dishes to choose from too. Everybody goes home happy.

It is worth noting that you should always inform the wait staff about the possibilities of cross-contamination. This will reduce any chances of it occurring.

If you’re suddenly caught in a situation where your family or friends suddenly decide to go for a meal at a restaurant that you’re not familiar with, don’t panic.

The same rules apply. Choose a dish that is mostly made up of natural ingredients such as meat, seafood, poultry, fresh vegetables, etc. You can make a special request to season your food naturally using olive or coconut oil, spices, etc. They should leave out the artificial seasonings and sauces.

If they can make you a tasty dish without any artificial flavoring, you will surely be able to have a gluten-free meal. Of course, you won’t be able to eat the fried chicken that has been coated with bread crumbs, but you won’t be sitting there starving either.

Focus on what you can eat instead of what you can’t.

At the end of the day, it’s all about your mindset. There is no doubt that being gluten intolerant is a pain in the neck but are you going to let it dictate your level of happiness?

Of course not. There are thousands of people who lead gluten-free lives and are perfectly happy. Take the inconveniences and little sorrows in your stride. You are bigger than any negative consequence that gluten can cause you.


Why to STOP eating whole wheat bread, vegetable oils, energy bars, or cereal

Often in my Health science classes we will talk about aspects of nutrition that are topical at the moment.

Topics like gluten free, the paleo diet,what is vegan etc etc

Recently we talked about recent research linking obesity  to cancer and everyone is trying to understand all the abundance of information out there on what is good and what is bad.

We are told about the foods we should eat and the foods  that we should not eat  but rarely is it explained the reasons why.

That is why I like this article- it explains just WHY those foods like wholewheat bread, sugar and vegetable are bad for you.

What do these foods do to your cells?read more


Still on the topic of Food…let me ask you

Do you suffer from joint pain?

Poor dietary choices over stimulate the immune system and cause chronic inflammatory responses that deteriorate the body’s overall health, limiting mobility and contributing to painful joints.

There are however, steps you can take today to reduce the likelihood that you’ll suffer from chronic joint inflammation and pain. Getting started is as easy as incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet.

So What are these foods?

Fortunately for you there is a long list here

take care



What are the Pros and Cons of a Gluten-free Diet?

There are two sides to every coin and nothing is perfect for everybody. The same applies for the gluten-free diet. It is extremely beneficial for those who are gluten intolerant. However, there are downsides to it too.

This article will examine both the pros and cons of a gluten-free diet. It goes without saying that if you are gluten intolerant, you really have no choice but to avoid gluten. The weighing of positives and negatives are for the fence sitters who usually tend to think about going on a gluten-free diet for health benefits.

You’re probably able to handle gluten and you’re wondering if you should make the switch to a gluten-free lifestyle. If that is the case, do read on.

It may seem that going gluten-free seems to be all the rage these days just like how the paleo diet’s popularity has skyrocketed. However, the gluten-free diet is the result of Celiac disease. This autoimmune disorder affects millions and has serious health implications. Sufferers really need to avoid gluten foods just to stay healthy.

It’s not a trend but an essential lifestyle change to cope with the negative effects of gluten intolerance.

So, what is gluten?

Basically, it’s a protein found in wheat. This protein is made up of glutenin and gliadin. Most flours contain glutenin and this is one reason it is so difficult to adopt a gluten-free lifestyle. Most commercially sold foods such as breads, pastries, sauces, etc. contain gluten or wheat based additives.

When a gluten intolerant person consumes gluten foods, the villi, which line the small intestine gets destroyed. This hampers and impedes the body from absorbing nutrients into the blood stream via the small intestines. The end result is a sick person who is nutrient deficient.

So the big question is, should you adopt a gluten-free diet?

If you’re gluten sensitive, the answer in a categorical YES!

If you’re not gluten sensitive, then the answer is no. You do not need to adopt a gluten-free lifestyle. It is unnecessary hassle and serves no health benefits. You would be better off with the paleo or Mediterranean diets which are far superior.

The pros of the gluten-free diet only apply to those who are sensitive or intolerant to gluten. They will be able to reduce or make most of their negative health symptoms disappear. Inflammation, headaches, lethargy, etc. all fade and disappear once they go on a gluten-free diet.

The downside to the diet is that it requires immense preparation and you need to be well-informed. You’ll need to find gluten-free substitutes for the usual foods you eat. Gluten also tends to creep in through cross-contamination or it is hidden in certain foods such as sauces, etc.

You will constantly need to be alert and investigate how the food is manufactured. This is really too much work for someone who is not gluten sensitive. Gluten-free foods are not necessarily healthier. They contain fats and calories too. You can gain weight and be unhealthy on a gluten-free diet. Gluten-free foods also tend to be more costly.

The gluten-free lifestyle is a solution for sufferers. It is not a health trend that should be adopted if you’re not affected by gluten. You can be healthy by eating wholesome foods in moderation and incorporating an effective exercise regimen in your life. It’ll be easier and way more fun.

(559 words)

Why you should get bacterial vaginosis checked out

The list of embarrassing illnesses can be quite a long one and for many women bacterial vaginosis can be one of those listed. But despite the unpleasantness of its symptoms, bacterial vaginosis can cause a lot of unnecessary discomfort if pride gets in the way of seeking out medical help.

Although it is easier said than done to go along to the doctors, when it comes to women and their private parts, it can be the hardest thing ever to reveal a rather shameful condition. But isn’t it better to be safe than sorry? And why worry when a solution can be found relatively quickly? The answer to these questions is pretty obvious; however it takes a certain amount of courage to admit you have a problem occurring in the vaginal area.

When something is not quite right it comes as a warning and with this comes a fine dose of worry too. Bacterial vaginosis is a fairly common condition suffered by women, which is characterised by a smelly discharge from the vagina. Generally considered to be a result of a higher level a harmful bacteria in the vagina, bacterial vaginosis really isn’t something to be embarrassed about.

More times than not, women who experience BV tend to be overly clean in their lower region. The frequent use of scented soaps, gels, bath foams and deodorants can trigger of an imbalance in the levels of bacteria already present in the vagina. Over time symptoms such as soreness, inflammation of the vaginal entrance, painful intercourse and a slightly more discoloured discharge that has an unpleasant odour are the tell tale signs that an infection is present.

But it is not always a bacterial imbalance than can cause obvious noticeable changes and for this very reason it is wise to err on the side of caution to eliminate any other possible condition that might be developing. If as a result of a check up bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed, then a course of antibiotics may be all you need to clear things up. However, until the opinion and advice of a medical profession can confirm what the problem is it is imperative that you make the correct steps towards obtaining treatment.

What Can I eat and what can’t I eat if I’m Gluten Sensitive?

The above question can be answered in just line. You can eat foods that don’t contain any traces of gluten. That’s it.

All you need to do is eat non-gluten foods. Isn’t that easy? Of course it is. Conceptually easy. In reality, it’s extremely difficult to execute in practice.

We live in a world where most commercially produced food contains gluten or gluten based additives and ingredients. A bottle of tomato sauce may have gluten based starches in it. A sausage may have gluten based fillers in it. Gluten is everywhere. How do you avoid it?

Very carefully. That’s how. You will need to check and re-check your food. You’ll need to see if there was any cross-contamination from manufacture down to retail. To make matters worse, major food companies lie on their food labels too. This is well within the laws since the FDA rules are a little lax.

Your best bet will be to cook your own food and use healthy wholesome ingredients. The healthiest and natural foods such as meat, eggs, poultry, vegetables, and fruit and many grains and legumes do not contain gluten. You do have a wide variety of choices.

The problem occurs when people wish to eat foods such as cakes, breads, etc. Foods that usually contain gluten. These are the normal comfort foods that they are accustomed too. In order to eat such foods, you will need to find gluten-free substitutes.

All this is troublesome to say the least, but that’s how the cookie crumbles. There is no other way to say it… and the cookie needs to be gluten-free too.
Below is a general list of foods you should and should not eat. Use it as a general guideline.

Foods with Gluten

• Breads, cookies, pizzas, pies, pastas, croutons, cereals, crackers
• Sauces such as soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, teriyaki sauce, marinades, BBQ sauce, salad dressings
• Curry powder, mustard powder, food flavoring
• Brewer’s yeast
• Canned vegetables may contain traces of gluten additives
• Yoghurts, puddings, processed cheese
• Most processed meats such as meatballs, sausages, meat jerky
• Beer that is produced with wheat or barley

Foods without Gluten

• Seafood, poultry, meat
• Eggs
• Vegetables and fruit
• Dairy products and unsweetened yoghurt
• Rice, oats, legumes, gluten-free grains
• Wine
• Corn
• Natural spices

These are just some of the foods. The list is by no means exhaustive and only serves as a general guideline. You will need to do more research so that you are better informed and can make wise food choices. If you’re gluten intolerant, do switch to a gluten-free lifestyle.

Many people know what they need to do but they don’t do it because it takes too much effort. If you’re gluten sensitive, unfortunately you don’t have much choice in the matter. You really do need to switch to a gluten-free lifestyle.

It will keep you healthy and prevent many ailments and health issues from taking root. It will require sacrifice on your part. Just remember that nothing worthwhile was ever achieved easily. You can do it if you take it one day at a tim

How to Deal with Gluten Intolerance in Children

Gluten intolerance is an issue that adults have trouble coming to terms with. It is even more difficult when it happens to a child. Parents will have their hands full just making sure that their kid eats what he or she is supposed to and avoids the gluten based foods. The good thing here is that it is easier to inculcate good eating habits in children.

Adults, who have been eating gluten containing comfort foods for years, often face withdrawal symptoms and irritation at having to give up their favorite foods. In most cases, you will not have such issues with children. If you guide them properly when young and explain the importance of eating the right foods, they will grow up with these habits.

The first step will be to get your child diagnosed by a qualified doctor to see if they are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease.

There are a few common symptoms that are often displayed by children who are gluten sensitive.
• Constipation, cramping and a bloated stomach
• Lethargy, irritability and restlessness
• Unexplained rashes on the elbows and shoulder area
• Abnormal stools that are watery or large
• Delayed growth

If your child is gluten intolerant, it is imperative that you immediately start them on a gluten-free diet. Most children will not understand what gluten sensitivity is. You will need to approach the subject in a manner that does not make them feel different or inferior.

Initially, it would help if the parent preparing the food is able to make two different versions of the same food. One gluten version and one gluten-free one. In this way, it will look like everyone is eating the same food. Over time, your child will grow to understand that their body doesn’t assimilate gluten in the same way that others do.

However, in the transitioning phase, it’s best to keep most things constant and yet maintain a gluten-free diet for the gluten sensitive child.

As the child reaches school going age, it would help if the parents spoke to the teachers and school administrators about the child’s gluten intolerance so that there will be other adults who can keep a discreet yet watchful eye on what the child eats.

It is a wonderful idea to prepare food at home for your child to bring to school. Do explain the importance of eating gluten-free foods to them. They will face many temptations at school. Friends who may eat candy and chocolates, birthday parties that they may get invited to, school camps, etc.

The best way to ensure that your child sticks to the rules is to educate them well on the topic. In some cases, the child may secretly wish to disobey their parents just to fit in with their peers. However, the old saying applies here. A burnt child dreads fire. When your child doesn’t feel too good after what he or she ate, they will automatically avoid consuming gluten based foods.

Ultimately, there is no need to be overly worried. As long as you do your best to cater to your child’s needs, they will grow up understanding their situation and will live a gluten-free

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Why not to be embarrasswd about bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an infection of the vagina caused by too many harmful bacteria. Given that the vaginal area is a breeding ground for bacteria die to its warm moist interior, it is not surprise that women are prone to bacterial infections.

If you notice any changes in the appearance of you lady parts, including any discharge and odour, it is important that you take it seriously. Due to the highly personal area that bacterial vaginosis affects, many women can be tempted to sit back and do nothing. But doing nothing is the wrong this to do. There is no need to be embarrassed as the longer you leave the condition untreated the worse it could be in the long run.

The sooner you are prepared to accept you have a vaginal infection then the quicker you will relieve yourself of any shame that may be building up. Women’s problems can be highly sensitive but it is far better to be safe than sorry and avoid any serious problems from occurring by burying your head in the sand.

Once diagnosed, bacterial vaginosis is relatively easy to cure and for most ladies treatment involves a simple course of antibiotics or medical gel. For those women who are unfortunate enough to get it time and time again, it is advisable to see a specialised gynaecologist as it may be that something else needs investigating and treating. Regular checks and screening can prevent a whole host of problems so rather than allow the feeling of embarrassment to take over, be brave and seek help. Bacterial vaginosis does not have to take over your life.

How to recognise Bacterial Vaginosis

Being a woman means looking good and taking care of our appearance. Each year women spend millions on beauty products in a bid to keep themselves not only looking and feeling good but also smelling good. So, when an unpleasant smell begins to make itself known and in the most private of lady parts, it is no wonder than many women are overwhelmed with embarrassment.

In many cases, when bacterial vaginosis rears its ugly head the symptoms can be rather alarming. No woman likes to have a lingering smell in her vagina, especially when it resembles that of fish. The obvious symptoms that indicate something is not quite right down below are those of a greyish looking discharge accompanied by a foul smell, generally referred to as that of a fish market. But bacterial vaginosis does not always have the obvious symptoms and in this instance the odds that it is a mild infection are high.

Therefore, knowing how to recognise bacterial vaginosis is important because once detected it can be swiftly treated and all feeling of shame can be wiped out. Caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina, BV can cause a certain amount of discomfort if left untreated. So if you notice a sudden increase in tenderness and a change in the appearance of colour of any discharge then do seek medical advice. This will not only help relieve any unpleasantness and embarrassment but also prevent any other problems from progressing any further.

For younger women, it is crucial that we do not try to live with the problem rather than deal with it. Bacterial vaginosis is fairly common and it is estimated that about a third of the female population may experience it at some point in their life.

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